@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-import {Fragment, useEffect, useState} from 'react';
-import styled from '@emotion/styled';
-import type {Location, LocationDescriptorObject} from 'history';
-import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';
-import omit from 'lodash/omit';
-import * as qs from 'query-string';
-import GuideAnchor from 'sentry/components/assistant/guideAnchor';
-import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button';
-import Checkbox from 'sentry/components/checkbox';
-import type {GridColumn, GridColumnHeader} from 'sentry/components/gridEditable';
-import GridEditable, {COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED} from 'sentry/components/gridEditable';
-import type {Alignments} from 'sentry/components/gridEditable/sortLink';
-import SortLink from 'sentry/components/gridEditable/sortLink';
-import Link from 'sentry/components/links/link';
-import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator';
-import Pagination from 'sentry/components/pagination';
-import BaseSearchBar from 'sentry/components/searchBar';
-import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip';
-import {IconIssues} from 'sentry/icons';
-import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
-import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
-import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization';
-import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics';
-import type {TableData, TableDataRow} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery';
-import DiscoverQuery from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery';
-import type {MetaType} from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView';
-import type EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView';
-import {isFieldSortable} from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView';
-import {getFieldRenderer} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fieldRenderers';
-import {getAggregateAlias, RateUnit} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields';
-import {normalizeUrl} from 'sentry/utils/withDomainRequired';
-import TopResultsIndicator from 'sentry/views/discover/table/topResultsIndicator';
-import type {TableColumn} from 'sentry/views/discover/table/types';
-import {ThroughputCell} from 'sentry/views/starfish/components/tableCells/throughputCell';
-import {TimeSpentCell} from 'sentry/views/starfish/components/tableCells/timeSpentCell';
-import type {IssueCounts} from 'sentry/views/starfish/queries/useIssueCounts';
-import {useIssueCounts} from 'sentry/views/starfish/queries/useIssueCounts';
-import {TIME_SPENT_IN_SERVICE} from 'sentry/views/starfish/utils/generatePerformanceEventView';
-import {DataTitles} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/types';
-const COLUMN_TITLES = [
- t('Endpoint'),
- DataTitles.throughput,
- DataTitles.avg,
- DataTitles.errorCount,
- DataTitles.timeSpent,
- t('Issues'),
-type Props = {
- eventView: EventView;
- inactiveTransactions: string[];
- location: Location;
- organization: Organization;
- setError: (msg: string | undefined) => void;
- setInactiveTransactions: (endpoints: string[]) => void;
- setTransactionsList: (endpoints: string[]) => void;
- transactionsList: string[];
-export type TableColumnHeader = GridColumnHeader<keyof TableDataRow> & {
- column?: TableColumn<keyof TableDataRow>['column']; // TODO - remove this once gridEditable is properly typed
-function QueryIssueCounts({
- setTransactionsList,
- transactionsList,
- eventView,
- tableData,
- children,
-}) {
- const transactions: Map<string, string> = new Map();
- const newTransactionsList: string[] = [];
- transactions.set('is:unresolved', '');
- if (tableData) {
- tableData.data.forEach(row => {
- transactions.set(`transaction:${row.transaction} is:unresolved`, row.transaction);
- newTransactionsList.push(row.transaction);
- });
- }
- useEffect(() => {
- if (!isEqual(transactionsList, newTransactionsList)) {
- setTransactionsList(newTransactionsList);
- }
- });
- const {data, isLoading} = useIssueCounts(eventView, Array.from(transactions.keys()));
- const result: Map<string, IssueCounts> = new Map();
- for (const [query, count] of data ? Object.entries(data) : []) {
- if (transactions.has(query)) {
- result.set(transactions.get(query)!, count);
- }
- }
- return children({issueCounts: result, isIssueLoading: isLoading});
-function EndpointList({
- eventView,
- location,
- organization,
- setError,
- setTransactionsList,
- transactionsList,
- inactiveTransactions,
- setInactiveTransactions,
-}: Props) {
- const [widths, setWidths] = useState<number[]>([]);
- const [_eventView, setEventView] = useState<EventView>(eventView);
- const overallEventView = _eventView.clone();
- overallEventView.query = '';
- const overallFields = overallEventView.fields;
- overallEventView.fields = overallFields.filter(
- field => field.field !== 'transaction' && field.field !== 'http.method'
- );
- // Effect to keep the parent eventView in sync with the child, so that chart zoom and time period can be accounted for.
- useEffect(() => {
- setEventView(prevEventView => {
- const cloned = eventView.clone();
- cloned.query = prevEventView.query;
- return cloned;
- });
- }, [eventView]);
- function renderBodyCell(
- tableData: TableData | null,
- column: TableColumnHeader,
- dataRow: TableDataRow,
- _deltaColumnMap: Record<string, string>,
- issueCounts: Map<string, null | number>
- ): React.ReactNode {
- if (!tableData || !tableData.meta) {
- return dataRow[column.key];
- }
- const tableMeta = tableData.meta;
- const field = String(column.key);
- const fieldRenderer = getFieldRenderer(field, tableMeta, false);
- const rendered = fieldRenderer(dataRow, {organization, location});
- const index = tableData.data.indexOf(dataRow);
- function toggleCheckbox(transaction: string) {
- let newInactiveTransactions = inactiveTransactions.slice();
- if (inactiveTransactions.indexOf(transaction) === -1) {
- newInactiveTransactions.push(transaction);
- } else {
- newInactiveTransactions = inactiveTransactions.filter(
- name => name !== transaction
- );
- }
- setInactiveTransactions(newInactiveTransactions);
- }
- if (field === 'transaction') {
- const method = dataRow['http.method'];
- if (method === undefined && dataRow.transaction === 'Overall') {
- return (
- <span>
- <TopResultsIndicator count={tableData.data.length + 2} index={6} />
- <TransactionColumn>
- <TransactionCheckbox
- checked={
- inactiveTransactions.indexOf(dataRow.transaction as string) === -1
- }
- onChange={() => toggleCheckbox(dataRow.transaction as string)}
- />
- <TransactionText>{dataRow.transaction}</TransactionText>
- </TransactionColumn>
- </span>
- );
- }
- const endpointName =
- method && !dataRow.transaction.toString().startsWith(method.toString())
- ? `${method} ${dataRow.transaction}`
- : dataRow.transaction;
- return (
- <TransactionColumn>
- <TransactionCheckbox
- checked={inactiveTransactions.indexOf(dataRow.transaction as string) === -1}
- onChange={() => toggleCheckbox(dataRow.transaction as string)}
- />
- <Link
- to={normalizeUrl(
- `/organizations/${
- organization.slug
- }/starfish/endpoint-overview/?${qs.stringify({
- endpoint: dataRow.transaction,
- 'http.method': dataRow['http.method'],
- statsPeriod: eventView.statsPeriod,
- project: eventView.project,
- start: eventView.start,
- end: eventView.end,
- })}`
- )}
- style={{display: `block`, width: `100%`}}
- onClick={() => {
- trackAnalytics('starfish.web_service_view.endpoint_list.endpoint.clicked', {
- organization,
- endpoint: dataRow.transaction,
- });
- }}
- >
- <TopResultsIndicator count={tableData.data.length + 2} index={index} />
- <TransactionText>{endpointName}</TransactionText>
- </Link>
- </TransactionColumn>
- );
- }
- if (field === TIME_SPENT_IN_SERVICE) {
- const cumulativeTime = Number(dataRow['sum(transaction.duration)']);
- const cumulativeTimePercentage = Number(dataRow[TIME_SPENT_IN_SERVICE]);
- return (
- <TimeSpentCell percentage={cumulativeTimePercentage} total={cumulativeTime} />
- );
- }
- // TODO: This can be removed if/when the backend returns this field's type
- // as `"rate"` and its unit as `"1/second"
- if (field === 'tps()') {
- return (
- <ThroughputCell rate={dataRow[field] as number} unit={RateUnit.PER_SECOND} />
- );
- }
- if (field === 'project') {
- return null;
- }
- if (field === 'issues') {
- const transactionName = dataRow.transaction as string;
- const method = dataRow['http.method'];
- let issueCount = issueCounts.has(transactionName)
- ? issueCounts.get(transactionName)
- : undefined;
- if (issueCount === null) {
- issueCount = 0;
- }
- if (method === undefined && transactionName === 'Overall') {
- issueCount = issueCounts.get('');
- }
- return (
- <IssueButton
- to={`/issues/?${qs.stringify({
- project: eventView.project,
- query: `is:unresolved transaction:"${dataRow.transaction}"`,
- statsPeriod: eventView.statsPeriod,
- start: eventView.start,
- end: eventView.end,
- })}`}
- >
- <IconIssues size="sm" />
- <IssueLabel>
- {issueCount !== undefined ? issueCount : <LoadingIndicator size={20} mini />}
- {issueCount === 100 && '+'}
- </IssueLabel>
- </IssueButton>
- );
- }
- const fieldName = getAggregateAlias(field);
- const value = dataRow[fieldName];
- if (tableMeta[fieldName] === 'integer' && typeof value === 'number' && value > 999) {
- return (
- <Tooltip
- title={value.toLocaleString()}
- containerDisplayMode="block"
- position="right"
- >
- {rendered}
- </Tooltip>
- );
- }
- return rendered;
- }
- function combineTableDataWithOverall(
- tableData: TableData | null,
- overallTableData: TableData | null
- ): TableData {
- const overallRow = overallTableData?.data?.[0];
- const combinedData = Object.assign({}, tableData);
- if (overallRow && tableData?.data) {
- overallRow.transaction = 'Overall';
- combinedData.data = [overallRow, ...tableData.data];
- }
- return combinedData;
- }
- function renderBodyCellWithData(
- tableData: TableData | null,
- issueCounts: Map<string, null | number>
- ) {
- const deltaColumnMap: Record<string, string> = {};
- if (tableData?.data?.[0]) {
- Object.keys(tableData.data[0]).forEach(col => {
- if (
- col.startsWith(
- 'equation|(percentile_range(transaction.duration,0.95,lessOrEquals'
- )
- ) {
- deltaColumnMap['avg()'] = col;
- }
- });
- }
- return (column: TableColumnHeader, dataRow: TableDataRow): React.ReactNode =>
- renderBodyCell(tableData, column, dataRow, deltaColumnMap, issueCounts);
- }
- function renderHeadCell(
- tableMeta: TableData['meta'],
- column: TableColumnHeader,
- title: React.ReactNode
- ): React.ReactNode {
- let align: Alignments = 'right';
- if (title === 'Endpoint') {
- align = 'left';
- }
- const field = {
- field: column.column?.kind === 'equation' ? (column.key as string) : column.name,
- width: column.width,
- };
- const aggregateAliasTableMeta: MetaType = {};
- if (tableMeta) {
- Object.keys(tableMeta).forEach(key => {
- aggregateAliasTableMeta[getAggregateAlias(key)] = tableMeta[key];
- });
- }
- function generateSortLink(): LocationDescriptorObject | undefined {
- if (!tableMeta) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const nextEventView = eventView.sortOnField(field, aggregateAliasTableMeta);
- const queryStringObject = nextEventView.generateQueryStringObject();
- return {
- ...location,
- query: {...location.query, sort: queryStringObject.sort},
- };
- }
- const currentSort = eventView.sortForField(field, aggregateAliasTableMeta);
- const canSort = isFieldSortable(field, aggregateAliasTableMeta);
- const currentSortKind = currentSort ? currentSort.kind : undefined;
- const sortLink = (
- <SortLink
- align={align}
- title={title || field.field}
- direction={currentSortKind}
- canSort={canSort}
- generateSortLink={generateSortLink}
- onClick={() => {
- trackAnalytics('starfish.web_service_view.endpoint_list.header.clicked', {
- organization,
- direction: currentSortKind === 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc',
- header: title || field.field,
- });
- }}
- />
- );
- return sortLink;
- }
- function renderHeadCellWithMeta(tableMeta: TableData['meta']) {
- const newColumnTitles = COLUMN_TITLES;
- return (column: TableColumnHeader, index: number): React.ReactNode =>
- renderHeadCell(tableMeta, column, newColumnTitles[index]);
- }
- function handleResizeColumn(columnIndex: number, nextColumn: GridColumn) {
- setWidths(prevWidths =>
- prevWidths.map((width, index) =>
- index === columnIndex ? Number(nextColumn.width ?? COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED) : width
- )
- );
- }
- function handleSearch(query: string) {
- const clonedEventView = eventView.clone();
- // Default to fuzzy finding for now
- clonedEventView.query += `transaction:*${query}*`;
- setEventView(clonedEventView);
- trackAnalytics('starfish.web_service_view.endpoint_list.search', {
- organization,
- query,
- });
- }
- const eventViewColumns = eventView.getColumns();
- eventViewColumns.push({
- key: 'issues',
- name: 'Issues',
- type: 'number',
- width: -1,
- } as TableColumn<React.ReactText>);
- const columnOrder = eventViewColumns
- .filter(
- (col: TableColumn<React.ReactText>) =>
- col.name !== 'project' &&
- col.name !== 'http.method' &&
- col.name !== 'total.transaction_duration' &&
- col.name !== 'sum(transaction.duration)'
- )
- .map((col: TableColumn<React.ReactText>, i: number) => {
- if (typeof widths[i] === 'number') {
- return {...col, width: widths[i]};
- }
- return col;
- });
- const columnSortBy = eventView.getSorts();
- return (
- <GuideAnchor target="performance_table" position="top-start">
- <StyledSearchBar placeholder={t('Search for endpoints')} onSearch={handleSearch} />
- <DiscoverQuery
- eventView={overallEventView}
- orgSlug={organization.slug}
- location={omit(location, 'cursor')}
- setError={error => setError(error?.message)}
- referrer="api.starfish.web-service-overall"
- queryExtras={{dataset: 'metrics', cursor: ''}}
- limit={1}
- >
- {({tableData: overallTableData}) => (
- <DiscoverQuery
- eventView={_eventView}
- orgSlug={organization.slug}
- location={location}
- setError={error => setError(error?.message)}
- referrer="api.starfish.endpoint-list"
- queryExtras={{dataset: 'metrics'}}
- limit={5}
- >
- {({pageLinks, isLoading, tableData}) => (
- <Fragment>
- <QueryIssueCounts
- setTransactionsList={setTransactionsList}
- transactionsList={transactionsList}
- eventView={eventView}
- tableData={tableData}
- >
- {({issueCounts, isIssueLoading}) => (
- <GridEditable
- isLoading={isLoading && isIssueLoading}
- data={
- tableData && overallTableData
- ? combineTableDataWithOverall(tableData, overallTableData).data
- : []
- }
- columnOrder={columnOrder}
- columnSortBy={columnSortBy}
- grid={{
- onResizeColumn: handleResizeColumn,
- renderHeadCell: renderHeadCellWithMeta(tableData?.meta),
- renderBodyCell: renderBodyCellWithData(tableData, issueCounts),
- }}
- location={location}
- />
- )}
- </QueryIssueCounts>
- <Pagination pageLinks={pageLinks} />
- </Fragment>
- )}
- </DiscoverQuery>
- )}
- </DiscoverQuery>
- </GuideAnchor>
- );
-export default EndpointList;
-const StyledSearchBar = styled(BaseSearchBar)`
- margin-bottom: ${space(2)};
-const TransactionColumn = styled('div')`
- display: flex;
-const TransactionText = styled('div')`
- margin-top: ${space(0.5)};
-const TransactionCheckbox = styled(Checkbox)`
- top: ${space(0.5)};
- margin-right: ${space(1)};
-const IssueButton = styled(Button)`
- width: 100%;
- margin-left: auto;
-const IssueLabel = styled('div')`
- padding-left: ${space(1)};
- margin-left: auto;
- position: relative;