@@ -1,2257 +0,0 @@
-import itertools
-import logging
-from collections import defaultdict
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from operator import itemgetter
-from typing import (
- Any,
- Callable,
- DefaultDict,
- Dict,
- List,
- Mapping,
- MutableMapping,
- Optional,
- Sequence,
- Set,
- Tuple,
- TypeVar,
- Union,
-import pytz
-from snuba_sdk import Column, Condition, Direction, Entity, Function, Op, OrderBy, Query, Request
-from snuba_sdk.expressions import Expression, Granularity, Limit, Offset
-from snuba_sdk.query import SelectableExpression
-from sentry.models import Environment
-from sentry.models.organization import Organization
-from sentry.models.project import Project
-from sentry.release_health.base import (
- CrashFreeBreakdown,
- CurrentAndPreviousCrashFreeRates,
- DurationPercentiles,
- EnvironmentName,
- OrganizationId,
- OverviewStat,
- ProjectId,
- ProjectOrRelease,
- ProjectRelease,
- ProjectReleaseSessionStats,
- ProjectReleaseUserStats,
- ProjectWithCount,
- ReleaseAdoption,
- ReleaseHealthBackend,
- ReleaseHealthOverview,
- ReleaseName,
- ReleasesAdoption,
- ReleaseSessionsTimeBounds,
- SessionCounts,
- SessionsQueryConfig,
- SessionsQueryResult,
- SnubaAppID,
- StatsPeriod,
- UserCounts,
-from sentry.release_health.metrics_sessions_v2 import run_sessions_query
-from sentry.sentry_metrics import indexer
-from sentry.sentry_metrics.configuration import UseCaseKey
-from sentry.sentry_metrics.utils import (
- MetricIndexNotFound,
- resolve,
- resolve_many_weak,
- resolve_tag_key,
- resolve_weak,
- reverse_resolve,
-from sentry.snuba.dataset import Dataset, EntityKey
-from sentry.snuba.metrics.naming_layer.mri import SessionMRI
-from sentry.snuba.sessions import _make_stats, get_rollup_starts_and_buckets, parse_snuba_datetime
-from sentry.snuba.sessions_v2 import AllowedResolution, QueryDefinition
-from sentry.utils.dates import to_datetime, to_timestamp
-from sentry.utils.snuba import QueryOutsideRetentionError, raw_snql_query
-# Whenever a snuba query agains the old sessions table is done without both 1)
-# an explicit rollup 2) a groupby some timestamp/bucket, Snuba will pick a
-# default rollup of 3600 and pick sessions_hourly_dist over sessions_raw_dist,
-# regardless of the timerange chosen.
-# In order to make functional comparison easier, the metrics implementation
-# (explicitly) chooses the same rollup in the equivalent queries, and uses this
-# constant to denote that case.
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-_K1 = TypeVar("_K1")
-_K2 = TypeVar("_K2")
-_V = TypeVar("_V")
-def filter_projects_by_project_release(project_releases: Sequence[ProjectRelease]) -> Condition:
- return Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, list(x for x, _ in project_releases))
-def filter_releases_by_project_release(
- org_id: int, project_releases: Sequence[ProjectRelease]
-) -> Condition:
- return Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")),
- Op.IN,
- resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, [x for _, x in project_releases]),
- )
-def _model_environment_ids_to_environment_names(
- environment_ids: Sequence[int],
-) -> Mapping[int, Optional[str]]:
- """
- Maps Environment Model ids to the environment name
- Note: this does a Db lookup
- """
- empty_string_to_none: Callable[[Any], Optional[Any]] = lambda v: None if v == "" else v
- id_to_name: Mapping[int, Optional[str]] = {
- k: empty_string_to_none(v)
- for k, v in Environment.objects.filter(id__in=environment_ids).values_list("id", "name")
- }
- return defaultdict(lambda: None, id_to_name)
-class MetricsReleaseHealthLegacyBackend(ReleaseHealthBackend):
- """Gets release health results from the metrics dataset"""
- def is_metrics_based(self) -> bool:
- return True
- def get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates(
- self,
- project_ids: Sequence[int],
- current_start: datetime,
- current_end: datetime,
- previous_start: datetime,
- previous_end: datetime,
- rollup: int,
- org_id: Optional[int] = None,
- ) -> CurrentAndPreviousCrashFreeRates:
- if org_id is None:
- org_id = self._get_org_id(project_ids)
- projects_crash_free_rate_dict: CurrentAndPreviousCrashFreeRates = {
- prj: {"currentCrashFreeRate": None, "previousCrashFreeRate": None}
- for prj in project_ids
- }
- previous = self._get_crash_free_rate_data(
- org_id,
- project_ids,
- previous_start,
- previous_end,
- rollup,
- )
- for project_id, project_data in previous.items():
- projects_crash_free_rate_dict[project_id][
- "previousCrashFreeRate"
- ] = self._compute_crash_free_rate(project_data)
- current = self._get_crash_free_rate_data(
- org_id,
- project_ids,
- current_start,
- current_end,
- rollup,
- )
- for project_id, project_data in current.items():
- projects_crash_free_rate_dict[project_id][
- "currentCrashFreeRate"
- ] = self._compute_crash_free_rate(project_data)
- return projects_crash_free_rate_dict
- @staticmethod
- def _get_org_id(project_ids: Sequence[int]) -> int:
- projects = Project.objects.get_many_from_cache(project_ids)
- org_ids: Set[int] = {project.organization_id for project in projects}
- if len(org_ids) != 1:
- raise ValueError("Expected projects to be from the same organization")
- return org_ids.pop()
- @staticmethod
- def _get_crash_free_rate_data(
- org_id: int,
- project_ids: Sequence[int],
- start: datetime,
- end: datetime,
- rollup: int,
- ) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, float]]:
- data: Dict[int, Dict[str, float]] = {}
- session_status = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")
- count_query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=[Function("sum", [Column("value")], "value")],
- where=[
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- ),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, end),
- ],
- groupby=[
- Column("project_id"),
- Column(session_status),
- ],
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=count_query)
- count_data = raw_snql_query(
- request, referrer="release_health.metrics.get_crash_free_data", use_cache=False
- )["data"]
- for row in count_data:
- project_data = data.setdefault(row["project_id"], {})
- tag_value = reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row[session_status])
- project_data[tag_value] = row["value"]
- return data
- @staticmethod
- def _compute_crash_free_rate(data: Dict[str, float]) -> Optional[float]:
- total_session_count = data.get("init", 0)
- crash_count = data.get("crashed", 0)
- if total_session_count == 0:
- return None
- crash_free_rate = 1.0 - (crash_count / total_session_count)
- # If crash count is larger than total session count for some reason
- crash_free_rate = 100 * max(0.0, crash_free_rate)
- return crash_free_rate
- def get_release_adoption(
- self,
- project_releases: Sequence[ProjectRelease],
- environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
- now: Optional[datetime] = None,
- org_id: Optional[OrganizationId] = None,
- ) -> ReleasesAdoption:
- project_ids = list({x[0] for x in project_releases})
- if org_id is None:
- org_id = self._get_org_id(project_ids)
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
- return self._get_release_adoption_impl(now, org_id, project_releases, environments)
- @staticmethod
- def _get_release_adoption_impl(
- now: datetime,
- org_id: int,
- project_releases: Sequence[ProjectRelease],
- environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
- ) -> ReleasesAdoption:
- start = now - timedelta(days=1)
- def _get_common_where(total: bool) -> List[Condition]:
- where_common: List[Condition] = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- filter_projects_by_project_release(project_releases),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, now),
- ]
- if environments is not None:
- where_common.append(
- Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "environment")),
- Op.IN,
- resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, environments),
- )
- )
- if not total:
- where_common.append(filter_releases_by_project_release(org_id, project_releases))
- return where_common
- def _get_common_groupby(total: bool) -> List[SelectableExpression]:
- if total:
- return [Column("project_id")]
- else:
- return [
- Column("project_id"),
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")),
- ]
- def _convert_results(data: Any, total: bool) -> Dict[Any, int]:
- if total:
- return {x["project_id"]: x["value"] for x in data}
- else:
- release_tag = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- return {(x["project_id"], x[release_tag]): x["value"] for x in data}
- def _count_sessions(total: bool, referrer: str) -> Dict[Any, int]:
- query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=[Function("sum", [Column("value")], "value")],
- where=_get_common_where(total)
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- ),
- Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "init"),
- ),
- ],
- groupby=_get_common_groupby(total),
- granularity=Granularity(LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP),
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- return _convert_results(
- raw_snql_query(
- request,
- referrer=referrer,
- use_cache=False,
- )["data"],
- total=total,
- )
- def _count_users(total: bool, referrer: str) -> Dict[Any, int]:
- query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsSets.value),
- select=[Function("uniq", [Column("value")], "value")],
- where=_get_common_where(total)
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.USER.value),
- ),
- ],
- groupby=_get_common_groupby(total),
- granularity=Granularity(LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP),
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- return _convert_results(
- raw_snql_query(
- request,
- referrer=referrer,
- use_cache=False,
- )["data"],
- total=total,
- )
- # XXX(markus): Four queries are quite horrible for this... the old code
- # sufficed with two. From what I understand, ClickHouse would have to
- # gain a function uniqCombined64MergeIf, i.e. a conditional variant of
- # what we already use.
- #
- # Alternatively we may want to use a threadpool here to send the
- # queries in parallel.
- # NOTE: referrers are spelled out as single static string literal so
- # S&S folks can search for it more easily. No string formatting
- # business please!
- # Count of sessions/users for given list of environments and timerange, per-project
- sessions_per_project: Dict[int, int] = _count_sessions(
- total=True, referrer="release_health.metrics.get_release_adoption.total_sessions"
- )
- users_per_project: Dict[int, int] = _count_users(
- total=True, referrer="release_health.metrics.get_release_adoption.total_users"
- )
- # Count of sessions/users for given list of environments and timerange AND GIVEN RELEASES, per-project
- sessions_per_release: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int] = _count_sessions(
- total=False, referrer="release_health.metrics.get_release_adoption.releases_sessions"
- )
- users_per_release: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int] = _count_users(
- total=False, referrer="release_health.metrics.get_release_adoption.releases_users"
- )
- rv = {}
- for project_id, release in project_releases:
- release_tag_value = indexer.resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, release)
- if release_tag_value is None:
- # Don't emit empty releases -- for exact compatibility with
- # sessions table backend.
- continue
- release_sessions = sessions_per_release.get((project_id, release_tag_value))
- release_users = users_per_release.get((project_id, release_tag_value))
- total_sessions = sessions_per_project.get(project_id)
- total_users = users_per_project.get(project_id)
- adoption: ReleaseAdoption = {
- "adoption": float(release_users) / total_users * 100
- if release_users and total_users
- else None,
- "sessions_adoption": float(release_sessions) / total_sessions * 100
- if release_sessions and total_sessions
- else None,
- "users_24h": release_users,
- "sessions_24h": release_sessions,
- "project_users_24h": total_users,
- "project_sessions_24h": total_sessions,
- }
- rv[project_id, release] = adoption
- return rv
- def sessions_query_config(
- self, organization: Organization, start: datetime
- ) -> SessionsQueryConfig:
- return SessionsQueryConfig(
- allowed_resolution=AllowedResolution.ten_seconds,
- allow_session_status_query=True,
- restrict_date_range=False,
- )
- def run_sessions_query(
- self,
- org_id: int,
- query: QueryDefinition,
- span_op: str,
- ) -> SessionsQueryResult:
- return run_sessions_query(org_id, query, span_op)
- def get_release_sessions_time_bounds(
- self,
- project_id: ProjectId,
- release: ReleaseName,
- org_id: OrganizationId,
- environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
- ) -> ReleaseSessionsTimeBounds:
- select: List[SelectableExpression] = [
- Function("min", [Column("timestamp")], "min"),
- Function("max", [Column("timestamp")], "max"),
- ]
- try:
- where: List[Condition] = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, project_id),
- Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, release),
- ),
- Condition(
- Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, datetime(2008, 5, 8)
- ), # Date of sentry's first commit
- Condition(
- Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, datetime.now(pytz.utc) + timedelta(seconds=10)
- ),
- ]
- if environments is not None:
- env_filter = resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, environments)
- if not env_filter:
- raise MetricIndexNotFound()
- where.append(
- Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "environment")),
- Op.IN,
- env_filter,
- )
- )
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- # Some filter condition can't be constructed and therefore can't be
- # satisfied.
- #
- # Ignore return type because of https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/8533
- return {"sessions_lower_bound": None, "sessions_upper_bound": None} # type: ignore
- # XXX(markus): We know that this combination of queries is not fully
- # equivalent to the sessions-table based backend. Example:
- #
- # 1. Session sid=x is started with timestamp started=n
- # 2. Same sid=x is updated with new payload with timestamp started=n - 1
- #
- # Old sessions backend would return [n - 1 ; n - 1] as range.
- # New metrics backend would return [n ; n - 1] as range.
- #
- # We don't yet know if this case is relevant. Session's started
- # timestamp shouldn't really change as session status is updated
- # though.
- try:
- # Take care of initial values for session.started by querying the
- # init counter. This should take care of most cases on its own.
- init_sessions_query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=select,
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- ),
- Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "init"),
- ),
- ],
- granularity=Granularity(LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP),
- )
- request = Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=init_sessions_query
- )
- rows = raw_snql_query(
- request,
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_release_sessions_time_bounds.init_sessions",
- use_cache=False,
- )["data"]
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- rows = []
- try:
- # Take care of potential timestamp updates by looking at the metric
- # for session duration, which is emitted once a session is closed ("terminal state")
- #
- # There is a testcase checked in that tests specifically for a
- # session update that lowers session.started. We don't know if that
- # testcase matters particularly.
- terminal_sessions_query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsDistributions.value),
- select=select,
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.RAW_DURATION.value),
- ),
- ],
- granularity=Granularity(LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP),
- )
- request = Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=terminal_sessions_query
- )
- rows.extend(
- raw_snql_query(
- request,
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_release_sessions_time_bounds.terminal_sessions",
- use_cache=False,
- )["data"]
- )
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- pass
- # This check is added because if there are no sessions found, then the
- # aggregations query return both the sessions_lower_bound and the
- # sessions_upper_bound as `0` timestamp and we do not want that behaviour
- # by default
- # P.S. To avoid confusion the `0` timestamp which is '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
- # is rendered as '0000-00-00 00:00:00' in clickhouse shell
- formatted_unix_start_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00")
- lower_bound: Optional[str] = None
- upper_bound: Optional[str] = None
- for row in rows:
- if set(row.values()) == {formatted_unix_start_time}:
- continue
- if lower_bound is None or row["min"] < lower_bound:
- lower_bound = row["min"]
- if upper_bound is None or row["max"] > upper_bound:
- upper_bound = row["max"]
- if lower_bound is None or upper_bound is None:
- return {"sessions_lower_bound": None, "sessions_upper_bound": None} # type: ignore
- def iso_format_snuba_datetime(date: str) -> str:
- return datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00").isoformat()[:19] + "Z"
- return { # type: ignore
- "sessions_lower_bound": iso_format_snuba_datetime(lower_bound),
- "sessions_upper_bound": iso_format_snuba_datetime(upper_bound),
- }
- def check_has_health_data(
- self,
- projects_list: Sequence[ProjectOrRelease],
- now: Optional[datetime] = None,
- ) -> Set[ProjectOrRelease]:
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
- start = now - timedelta(days=90)
- projects_list = list(projects_list)
- if len(projects_list) == 0:
- return set()
- includes_releases = isinstance(projects_list[0], tuple)
- if includes_releases:
- project_ids: List[ProjectId] = [x[0] for x in projects_list] # type: ignore
- else:
- project_ids = projects_list # type: ignore
- org_id = self._get_org_id(project_ids)
- where_clause = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- ),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, now),
- ]
- if includes_releases:
- releases = [x[1] for x in projects_list] # type: ignore
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- releases_ids = resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, releases)
- where_clause.append(Condition(Column(release_column_name), Op.IN, releases_ids))
- column_names = ["project_id", release_column_name]
- else:
- column_names = ["project_id"]
- def extract_row_info_func(
- include_releases: bool,
- ) -> Callable[[Mapping[str, Union[int, str]]], ProjectOrRelease]:
- def f(row: Mapping[str, Union[int, str]]) -> ProjectOrRelease:
- if include_releases:
- return row["project_id"], reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row.get(release_column_name)) # type: ignore
- else:
- return row["project_id"] # type: ignore
- return f
- extract_row_info = extract_row_info_func(includes_releases)
- query_cols = [Column(column_name) for column_name in column_names]
- group_by_clause = query_cols
- query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=query_cols,
- where=where_clause,
- groupby=group_by_clause,
- granularity=Granularity(24 * 60 * 60), # daily
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- result = raw_snql_query(
- request, referrer="release_health.metrics.check_has_health_data", use_cache=False
- )
- return {extract_row_info(row) for row in result["data"]}
- def check_releases_have_health_data(
- self,
- organization_id: OrganizationId,
- project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
- release_versions: Sequence[ReleaseName],
- start: datetime,
- end: datetime,
- ) -> Set[ReleaseName]:
- try:
- metric_id_session = resolve(USE_CASE_ID, organization_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value)
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, organization_id, "release")
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- return set()
- releases_ids = resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, organization_id, release_versions)
- query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=[Column(release_column_name)],
- where=[
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, organization_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- Condition(Column("metric_id"), Op.EQ, metric_id_session),
- Condition(Column(release_column_name), Op.IN, releases_ids),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, end),
- ],
- groupby=[Column(release_column_name)],
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- result = raw_snql_query(
- request,
- referrer="release_health.metrics.check_releases_have_health_data",
- use_cache=False,
- )
- def extract_row_info(row: Mapping[str, Union[OrganizationId, str]]) -> ReleaseName:
- return reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, organization_id, row.get(release_column_name)) # type: ignore
- return {extract_row_info(row) for row in result["data"]}
- @staticmethod
- def _get_session_duration_data_for_overview(
- where: List[Condition],
- org_id: int,
- rollup: int,
- ) -> Mapping[Tuple[int, str], Any]:
- """
- Percentiles of session duration
- """
- rv_durations: Dict[Tuple[int, str], Any] = {}
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- aggregates: List[SelectableExpression] = [
- Column(release_column_name),
- Column("project_id"),
- ]
- for row in raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsDistributions.value),
- select=aggregates
- + [
- Function(
- alias="percentiles",
- function="quantiles(0.5,0.9)",
- parameters=[Column("value")],
- )
- ],
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.RAW_DURATION.value),
- ),
- Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "exited"),
- ),
- ],
- groupby=aggregates,
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_session_duration_data_for_overview",
- )["data"]:
- # See https://github.com/getsentry/snuba/blob/8680523617e06979427bfa18c6b4b4e8bf86130f/snuba/datasets/entities/metrics.py#L184 for quantiles
- key = (
- row["project_id"],
- reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row[release_column_name]),
- )
- rv_durations[key] = {
- "duration_p50": row["percentiles"][0],
- "duration_p90": row["percentiles"][1],
- }
- return rv_durations
- @staticmethod
- def _get_errored_sessions_for_overview(
- where: List[Condition],
- org_id: int,
- rollup: int,
- ) -> Mapping[Tuple[int, str], int]:
- """
- Count of errored sessions, incl fatal (abnormal, crashed) sessions,
- excl errored *preaggregated* sessions
- """
- rv_errored_sessions: Dict[Tuple[int, str], int] = {}
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- aggregates: List[SelectableExpression] = [
- Column(release_column_name),
- Column("project_id"),
- ]
- for row in raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsSets.value),
- select=aggregates + [Function("uniq", [Column("value")], "value")],
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.ERROR.value),
- ),
- ],
- groupby=aggregates,
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_errored_sessions_for_overview",
- )["data"]:
- key = row["project_id"], reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row[release_column_name])
- rv_errored_sessions[key] = row["value"]
- return rv_errored_sessions
- @staticmethod
- def _get_session_by_status_for_overview(
- where: List[Condition], org_id: int, rollup: int
- ) -> Mapping[Tuple[int, str, str], int]:
- """
- Counts of init, abnormal and crashed sessions, purpose-built for overview
- """
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- session_status_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")
- aggregates: List[SelectableExpression] = [
- Column(release_column_name),
- Column("project_id"),
- Column(session_status_column_name),
- ]
- rv_sessions: Dict[Tuple[int, str, str], int] = {}
- for row in raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=aggregates + [Function("sum", [Column("value")], "value")],
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- ),
- Condition(
- Column(session_status_column_name),
- Op.IN,
- resolve_many_weak(
- org_id,
- ["abnormal", "crashed", "init", "errored_preaggr"],
- ),
- ),
- ],
- groupby=aggregates,
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_abnormal_and_crashed_sessions_for_overview",
- )["data"]:
- key = (
- row["project_id"],
- reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row[release_column_name]),
- reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row[session_status_column_name]),
- )
- rv_sessions[key] = row["value"]
- return rv_sessions
- @staticmethod
- def _get_users_and_crashed_users_for_overview(
- where: List[Condition], org_id: int, rollup: int
- ) -> Mapping[Tuple[int, str, str], int]:
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- session_status_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")
- aggregates: List[SelectableExpression] = [
- Column(release_column_name),
- Column("project_id"),
- ]
- # Count of users and crashed users
- rv_users: Dict[Tuple[int, str, str], int] = {}
- # Avoid mutating input parameters here
- select = aggregates + [
- Function(
- "uniqIf",
- [
- Column("value"),
- Function(
- "equals",
- [
- Column(session_status_column_name),
- resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "crashed"),
- ],
- ),
- ],
- alias="crashed_users",
- ),
- Function("uniq", [Column("value")], alias="all_users"),
- ]
- where = where + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.USER.value),
- ),
- ]
- for row in raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsSets.value),
- select=select,
- where=where,
- groupby=aggregates,
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_users_and_crashed_users_for_overview",
- )["data"]:
- release = reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row[release_column_name])
- for subkey in ("crashed_users", "all_users"):
- key = (
- row["project_id"],
- release,
- subkey,
- )
- rv_users[key] = row[subkey]
- return rv_users
- @staticmethod
- def _get_health_stats_for_overview(
- where: List[Condition],
- org_id: int,
- health_stats_period: StatsPeriod,
- stat: OverviewStat,
- now: datetime,
- ) -> Mapping[ProjectRelease, List[List[int]]]:
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- session_status_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")
- session_init_tag_value = resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "init")
- stats_rollup, stats_start, stats_buckets = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(
- health_stats_period, now=now
- )
- aggregates: List[SelectableExpression] = [
- Column(release_column_name),
- Column("project_id"),
- Column("bucketed_time"),
- ]
- rv: Dict[ProjectRelease, List[List[int]]] = defaultdict(lambda: _make_stats(stats_start, stats_rollup, stats_buckets)) # type: ignore
- entity = {
- "users": EntityKey.MetricsSets.value,
- "sessions": EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value,
- }[stat]
- value_column = {
- "users": Function("uniq", [Column("value")], "value"),
- "sessions": Function("sum", [Column("value")], "value"),
- }[stat]
- metric_name = resolve(
- org_id,
- {"sessions": SessionMRI.SESSION, "users": SessionMRI.USER}[stat].value,
- )
- where = where + [
- Condition(Column("metric_id"), Op.EQ, metric_name),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, stats_start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, now),
- ]
- if stat == "sessions":
- # For sessions, only count init. For users, count all distinct.
- where.append(
- Condition(
- Column(session_status_column_name),
- Op.EQ,
- session_init_tag_value,
- ),
- )
- for row in raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- match=Entity(entity),
- select=aggregates + [value_column],
- where=where,
- granularity=Granularity(stats_rollup),
- groupby=aggregates,
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_health_stats_for_overview",
- )["data"]:
- time_bucket = int(
- (parse_snuba_datetime(row["bucketed_time"]) - stats_start).total_seconds()
- / stats_rollup
- )
- key = row["project_id"], reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row[release_column_name])
- timeseries = rv[key]
- if time_bucket < len(timeseries):
- timeseries[time_bucket][1] = row["value"]
- return rv
- def get_release_health_data_overview(
- self,
- project_releases: Sequence[ProjectRelease],
- environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
- summary_stats_period: Optional[StatsPeriod] = None,
- health_stats_period: Optional[StatsPeriod] = None,
- stat: Optional[OverviewStat] = None,
- now: Optional[datetime] = None,
- ) -> Mapping[ProjectRelease, ReleaseHealthOverview]:
- if stat is None:
- stat = "sessions"
- assert stat in ("sessions", "users")
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
- _, summary_start, _ = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(summary_stats_period or "24h", now=now)
- org_id = self._get_org_id([x for x, _ in project_releases])
- where: List[Condition] = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- filter_projects_by_project_release(project_releases),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, summary_start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, now),
- ]
- if environments is not None:
- where.append(
- Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "environment")),
- Op.IN,
- resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, environments),
- )
- )
- if health_stats_period:
- health_stats_data = self._get_health_stats_for_overview(
- where, org_id, health_stats_period, stat, now
- )
- else:
- health_stats_data = {}
- rv_durations = self._get_session_duration_data_for_overview(where, org_id, rollup)
- rv_errored_sessions = self._get_errored_sessions_for_overview(where, org_id, rollup)
- rv_sessions = self._get_session_by_status_for_overview(where, org_id, rollup)
- rv_users = self._get_users_and_crashed_users_for_overview(where, org_id, rollup)
- # XXX: In order to be able to dual-read and compare results from both
- # old and new backend, this should really go back through the
- # release_health service instead of directly calling `self`. For now
- # that makes the entire backend too hard to test though.
- release_adoption = self.get_release_adoption(project_releases, environments)
- rv: Dict[ProjectRelease, ReleaseHealthOverview] = {}
- fetch_has_health_data_releases = set()
- default_adoption_info: ReleaseAdoption = {
- "adoption": None,
- "sessions_adoption": None,
- "users_24h": None,
- "project_users_24h": None,
- "sessions_24h": None,
- "project_sessions_24h": None,
- }
- for project_id, release in project_releases:
- adoption_info: ReleaseAdoption = (
- release_adoption.get((project_id, release)) or default_adoption_info
- )
- total_sessions = rv_sessions.get((project_id, release, "init"))
- total_users = rv_users.get((project_id, release, "all_users"))
- has_health_data = bool(total_sessions)
- # has_health_data is supposed to be irrespective of the currently
- # selected rollup window. Therefore we need to run another query
- # over 90d just to see if health data is available to compute
- # has_health_data correctly.
- if not has_health_data and summary_stats_period != "90d":
- fetch_has_health_data_releases.add((project_id, release))
- sessions_crashed = rv_sessions.get((project_id, release, "crashed"), 0)
- users_crashed = rv_users.get((project_id, release, "crashed_users"), 0)
- rv_row = rv[project_id, release] = {
- "adoption": adoption_info.get("adoption"),
- "sessions_adoption": adoption_info.get("sessions_adoption"),
- "total_users_24h": adoption_info.get("users_24h"),
- "total_project_users_24h": adoption_info.get("project_users_24h"),
- "total_sessions_24h": adoption_info.get("sessions_24h"),
- "total_project_sessions_24h": adoption_info.get("project_sessions_24h"),
- "total_sessions": total_sessions,
- "total_users": total_users,
- "has_health_data": has_health_data,
- "sessions_crashed": sessions_crashed,
- "crash_free_users": (
- 100 - users_crashed / total_users * 100 if total_users else None
- ),
- "crash_free_sessions": (
- 100 - sessions_crashed / float(total_sessions) * 100 if total_sessions else None
- ),
- "sessions_errored": max(
- 0,
- rv_errored_sessions.get((project_id, release), 0)
- + rv_sessions.get((project_id, release, "errored_preaggr"), 0)
- - sessions_crashed
- - rv_sessions.get((project_id, release, "abnormal"), 0),
- ),
- "duration_p50": None,
- "duration_p90": None,
- }
- durations = rv_durations.get((project_id, release))
- if durations:
- rv_row.update(durations)
- if health_stats_period:
- rv_row["stats"] = {health_stats_period: health_stats_data[project_id, release]}
- if fetch_has_health_data_releases:
- has_health_data = self.check_has_health_data(fetch_has_health_data_releases) # type: ignore
- for key in fetch_has_health_data_releases:
- rv[key]["has_health_data"] = key in has_health_data # type: ignore
- return rv
- def _get_crash_free_breakdown_fn(
- self,
- org_id: int,
- project_id: ProjectId,
- release: ReleaseName,
- start: datetime,
- environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
- ) -> Callable[[datetime], CrashFreeBreakdown]:
- def generate_defaults(end: datetime) -> CrashFreeBreakdown:
- """Function to use if querying snuba is not necessary"""
- return {
- "crash_free_sessions": None,
- "crash_free_users": None,
- "date": end,
- "total_sessions": 0,
- "total_users": 0,
- }
- # 1) Get required string indexes
- try:
- release_key = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- release_value = resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, release)
- environment_key = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "environment")
- status_key = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- # No need to query snuba if any of these is missing
- return generate_defaults
- environment_values = None
- if environments is not None:
- environment_values = resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, environments)
- if environment_values == []:
- # No need to query snuba with an empty list
- return generate_defaults
- conditions = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, project_id),
- Condition(Column(release_key), Op.EQ, release_value),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- ]
- if environment_values is not None:
- conditions.append(Condition(Column(environment_key), Op.IN, environment_values))
- def query_stats(end: datetime) -> CrashFreeBreakdown:
- def _get_data(
- entity_key: EntityKey, metric_key: SessionMRI, referrer: str
- ) -> Tuple[int, int]:
- total = 0
- crashed = 0
- metric_id = indexer.resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, metric_key.value)
- if metric_id is not None:
- where = conditions + [
- Condition(Column("metric_id"), Op.EQ, metric_id),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, end),
- ]
- if entity_key == EntityKey.MetricsCounters:
- columns = [
- Function(
- "sumIf",
- [
- Column("value"),
- Function(
- "equals",
- [
- Column(status_key),
- resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "crashed"),
- ],
- ),
- ],
- alias="crashed",
- ),
- Function(
- "sumIf",
- [
- Column("value"),
- Function(
- "equals",
- [
- Column(status_key),
- resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "init"),
- ],
- ),
- ],
- alias="total",
- ),
- ]
- elif entity_key == EntityKey.MetricsSets:
- columns = [
- Function(
- "uniqIf",
- [
- Column("value"),
- Function(
- "equals",
- [
- Column(status_key),
- resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "crashed"),
- ],
- ),
- ],
- alias="crashed",
- ),
- Function("uniq", [Column("value")], alias="total"),
- ]
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(f"No support for entity: {entity_key}")
- data = raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- match=Entity(entity_key.value),
- select=columns,
- where=where,
- granularity=Granularity(LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP),
- ),
- ),
- referrer=referrer,
- )["data"]
- assert len(data) == 1
- row = data[0]
- total = int(row["total"])
- crashed = int(row["crashed"])
- return total, crashed
- sessions_total, sessions_crashed = _get_data(
- EntityKey.MetricsCounters,
- referrer="release_health.metrics.crash-free-breakdown.session",
- )
- users_total, users_crashed = _get_data(
- EntityKey.MetricsSets,
- SessionMRI.USER,
- referrer="release_health.metrics.crash-free-breakdown.users",
- )
- return {
- "date": end,
- "total_users": users_total,
- "crash_free_users": 100 - users_crashed / float(users_total) * 100
- if users_total
- else None,
- "total_sessions": sessions_total,
- "crash_free_sessions": 100 - sessions_crashed / float(sessions_total) * 100
- if sessions_total
- else None,
- }
- return query_stats
- def get_crash_free_breakdown(
- self,
- project_id: ProjectId,
- release: ReleaseName,
- start: datetime,
- environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
- now: Optional[datetime] = None,
- ) -> Sequence[CrashFreeBreakdown]:
- org_id = self._get_org_id([project_id])
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
- query_fn = self._get_crash_free_breakdown_fn(
- org_id, project_id, release, start, environments
- )
- last: Optional[datetime] = None
- rv = []
- for offset in (
- timedelta(days=1),
- timedelta(days=2),
- timedelta(days=7),
- timedelta(days=14),
- timedelta(days=30),
- ):
- try:
- end = start + offset
- if end > now:
- if last is None or (end - last).days > 1:
- rv.append(query_fn(now))
- break
- rv.append(query_fn(end))
- last = end
- except QueryOutsideRetentionError:
- # cannot query for these
- pass
- return rv
- def get_changed_project_release_model_adoptions(
- self,
- project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
- now: Optional[datetime] = None,
- ) -> Sequence[ProjectRelease]:
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
- start = now - timedelta(days=3)
- project_ids = list(project_ids)
- if len(project_ids) == 0:
- return []
- org_id = self._get_org_id(project_ids)
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- query_cols = [Column("project_id"), Column(release_column_name)]
- where_clause = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- ),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, now),
- ]
- query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=query_cols,
- where=where_clause,
- groupby=query_cols,
- granularity=Granularity(LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP),
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- result = raw_snql_query(
- request,
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_changed_project_release_model_adoptions",
- use_cache=False,
- )
- def extract_row_info(row: Mapping[str, Union[OrganizationId, str]]) -> ProjectRelease:
- return row.get("project_id"), reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row.get(release_column_name)) # type: ignore
- return [extract_row_info(row) for row in result["data"]]
- def get_oldest_health_data_for_releases(
- self,
- project_releases: Sequence[ProjectRelease],
- now: Optional[datetime] = None,
- ) -> Mapping[ProjectRelease, str]:
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
- # TODO: assumption about retention?
- start = now - timedelta(days=90)
- project_ids: List[ProjectId] = [x[0] for x in project_releases]
- org_id = self._get_org_id(project_ids)
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- releases = [x[1] for x in project_releases]
- releases_ids = resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, releases)
- query_cols = [
- Column("project_id"),
- Column(release_column_name),
- Function("min", [Column("bucketed_time")], "oldest"),
- ]
- group_by = [
- Column("project_id"),
- Column(release_column_name),
- ]
- where_clause = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- ),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, now),
- Condition(Column(release_column_name), Op.IN, releases_ids),
- ]
- query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=query_cols,
- where=where_clause,
- groupby=group_by,
- granularity=Granularity(LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP),
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- rows = raw_snql_query(
- request,
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_oldest_health_data_for_releases",
- use_cache=False,
- )["data"]
- result = {}
- for row in rows:
- result[
- row["project_id"],
- reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row[release_column_name]),
- ] = row["oldest"]
- return result
- def get_project_releases_count(
- self,
- organization_id: OrganizationId,
- project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
- scope: str,
- stats_period: Optional[str] = None,
- environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
- now: Optional[datetime] = None,
- ) -> int:
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
- if stats_period is None:
- stats_period = "24h"
- # Special rule that we support sorting by the last 24h only.
- if scope.endswith("_24h"):
- stats_period = "24h"
- granularity, stats_start, _ = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(stats_period, now=now)
- where = [
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, stats_start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, now),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, organization_id),
- ]
- try:
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, organization_id, "release")
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- return 0
- if environments is not None:
- try:
- environment_column_name = resolve_tag_key(
- USE_CASE_ID, organization_id, "environment"
- )
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- return 0
- environment_values = resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, organization_id, environments)
- where.append(Condition(Column(environment_column_name), Op.IN, environment_values))
- having = []
- # Filter out releases with zero users when sorting by either `users` or `crash_free_users`
- if scope in ["users", "crash_free_users"]:
- having.append(Condition(Function("uniq", [Column("value")], "value"), Op.GT, 0))
- match = Entity(EntityKey.MetricsSets.value)
- mri = SessionMRI.USER
- else:
- match = Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value)
- mri = SessionMRI.SESSION
- metric_id = resolve(USE_CASE_ID, organization_id, mri.value)
- where.append(Condition(Column("metric_id"), Op.EQ, metric_id))
- query_columns = [
- Function(
- "uniqExact", [Column(release_column_name), Column("project_id")], alias="count"
- )
- ]
- query = Query(
- match=match,
- select=query_columns,
- where=where,
- having=having,
- granularity=Granularity(granularity),
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- rows = raw_snql_query(
- request, referrer="release_health.metrics.get_project_releases_count"
- )["data"]
- ret_val: int = rows[0]["count"] if rows else 0
- return ret_val
- @staticmethod
- def _sort_by_timestamp(series: Mapping[datetime, _V]) -> Sequence[Tuple[int, _V]]:
- """Transform a datetime -> X mapping to a sorted list of (ts, X) tuples
- This is needed to match the output format of get_project_release_stats
- """
- rv = [(int(to_timestamp(dt)), data) for dt, data in series.items()]
- rv.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
- return rv
- def _get_project_release_stats_durations(
- self,
- org_id: OrganizationId,
- where: List[Expression],
- session_status_key: str,
- rollup: int,
- ) -> Mapping[datetime, DurationPercentiles]:
- series: MutableMapping[datetime, DurationPercentiles] = {}
- session_status_healthy = indexer.resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "exited")
- if session_status_healthy is not None:
- duration_series_data = raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.RAW_DURATION.value),
- ),
- Condition(Column(session_status_key), Op.EQ, session_status_healthy),
- ],
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsDistributions.value),
- select=[
- Function("quantiles(0.5, 0.90)", [Column("value")], alias="quantiles"),
- ],
- groupby=[Column("bucketed_time")],
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_project_release_stats_durations",
- )["data"]
- for row in duration_series_data:
- dt = parse_snuba_datetime(row["bucketed_time"])
- quantiles: Sequence[float] = row["quantiles"]
- p50, p90 = quantiles
- series[dt] = {"duration_p50": p50, "duration_p90": p90}
- return series
- @staticmethod
- def _default_session_counts() -> SessionCounts:
- return {
- "sessions": 0,
- "sessions_healthy": 0,
- "sessions_crashed": 0,
- "sessions_abnormal": 0,
- "sessions_errored": 0,
- }
- def _get_project_release_stats_sessions(
- self,
- org_id: OrganizationId,
- where: List[Expression],
- session_status_key: str,
- rollup: int,
- ) -> Tuple[Mapping[datetime, SessionCounts], SessionCounts]:
- session_series_data = raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- )
- ],
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=[
- Function("sum", [Column("value")], alias="value"),
- ],
- groupby=[Column("bucketed_time"), Column(session_status_key)],
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_project_release_stats_sessions_series",
- )["data"]
- series: DefaultDict[datetime, SessionCounts] = defaultdict(self._default_session_counts)
- for row in session_series_data:
- dt = parse_snuba_datetime(row["bucketed_time"])
- target = series[dt]
- status = reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row[session_status_key])
- value = int(row["value"])
- if status == "init":
- target["sessions"] = value
- # Set same value for 'healthy', this will later be subtracted by errors
- target["sessions_healthy"] = value
- elif status == "abnormal":
- target["sessions_abnormal"] = value
- # This is an error state, so subtract from total error count
- target["sessions_errored"] -= value
- elif status == "crashed":
- target["sessions_crashed"] = value
- # This is an error state, so subtract from total error count
- target["sessions_errored"] -= value
- elif status == "errored_preaggr":
- target["sessions_errored"] += value
- target["sessions_healthy"] -= value
- else:
- logger.warning("Unexpected session.status '%s'", status)
- session_error_series_data = raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.ERROR.value),
- )
- ],
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsSets.value),
- select=[
- Function("uniq", [Column("value")], alias="value"),
- ],
- groupby=[Column("bucketed_time")],
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_project_release_stats_sessions_error_series",
- )["data"]
- for row in session_error_series_data:
- dt = parse_snuba_datetime(row["bucketed_time"])
- target = series[dt]
- value = int(row["value"])
- # Add to errored:
- target["sessions_errored"] = max(0, target["sessions_errored"] + value)
- # Subtract from healthy:
- target["sessions_healthy"] = max(0, target["sessions_healthy"] - value)
- totals: SessionCounts = {
- # Thank mypy for the code duplication
- "sessions": sum(data["sessions"] for data in series.values()),
- "sessions_healthy": sum(data["sessions_healthy"] for data in series.values()),
- "sessions_crashed": sum(data["sessions_crashed"] for data in series.values()),
- "sessions_abnormal": sum(data["sessions_abnormal"] for data in series.values()),
- "sessions_errored": sum(data["sessions_errored"] for data in series.values()),
- }
- return series, totals
- @staticmethod
- def _default_user_counts() -> UserCounts:
- return {
- "users": 0,
- "users_abnormal": 0,
- "users_crashed": 0,
- "users_errored": 0,
- "users_healthy": 0,
- }
- def _get_project_release_stats_users(
- self,
- org_id: OrganizationId,
- where: List[Expression],
- session_status_key: str,
- rollup: int,
- ) -> Tuple[Mapping[datetime, UserCounts], UserCounts]:
- def user_count(status: str) -> Function:
- return Function(
- "uniqIf",
- [
- Column("value"),
- Function(
- "equals",
- [
- Column(session_status_key),
- resolve(
- USE_CASE_ID, org_id, status
- ), # all statuses are shared strings, so this should not throw
- ],
- ),
- ],
- alias=status,
- )
- user_series_data = raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.USER.value),
- )
- ],
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsSets.value),
- select=[
- Function("uniq", [Column("value")], alias="all"),
- user_count("abnormal"),
- user_count("crashed"),
- user_count("errored"),
- ],
- groupby=[Column("bucketed_time")],
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_project_release_stats_user_series",
- )["data"]
- user_totals_data = raw_snql_query(
- Request(
- dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value,
- app_id=SnubaAppID,
- query=Query(
- where=where
- + [
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.USER.value),
- )
- ],
- granularity=Granularity(LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP),
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsSets.value),
- select=[
- Function("uniq", [Column("value")], alias="all"),
- user_count("abnormal"),
- user_count("crashed"),
- user_count("errored"),
- ],
- groupby=[],
- ),
- ),
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_project_release_stats_user_totals",
- )["data"]
- series: DefaultDict[datetime, UserCounts] = defaultdict(self._default_user_counts)
- totals: UserCounts = self._default_user_counts()
- for is_totals, data in [(False, user_series_data), (True, user_totals_data)]:
- for row in data:
- if is_totals:
- target = totals
- else:
- dt = parse_snuba_datetime(row.pop("bucketed_time"))
- target = series[dt]
- # Map everything to integers
- for key in list(row.keys()):
- row[key] = int(row[key])
- # 1:1 fields:
- target["users"] = row["all"]
- target["users_abnormal"] = row["abnormal"]
- target["users_crashed"] = row["crashed"]
- # Derived fields:
- target["users_healthy"] = row["all"] - row["errored"]
- # NOTE: This is not valid set arithmetic, because abnormal and crashed could be overlapping sets
- # Keeping it for now to get the same results as the sessions impl at https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/blob/b8a692fdc31256b4374c58791d463fdd672e885b/src/sentry/snuba/sessions.py#L624
- target["users_errored"] = row["errored"] - row["abnormal"] - row["crashed"]
- # Replace negative values
- for item in itertools.chain(series.values(), [totals]):
- item["users_healthy"] = max(0, item["users_healthy"])
- item["users_errored"] = max(0, item["users_errored"])
- return series, totals
- @staticmethod
- def _merge_dict_values(
- *dicts: Mapping[_K1, Mapping[_K2, _V]]
- ) -> Mapping[_K1, Mapping[_K2, _V]]:
- rv: MutableMapping[_K1, MutableMapping[_K2, _V]] = {}
- for dct in dicts:
- for key, value in dct.items():
- rv.setdefault(key, {}).update(value)
- return rv
- def get_project_release_stats(
- self,
- project_id: ProjectId,
- release: ReleaseName,
- stat: OverviewStat,
- rollup: int,
- start: datetime,
- end: datetime,
- environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
- ) -> Union[ProjectReleaseUserStats, ProjectReleaseSessionStats]:
- assert stat in ("users", "sessions")
- org_id = self._get_org_id([project_id])
- start = to_datetime((to_timestamp(start) // rollup + 1) * rollup)
- # since snuba end queries are exclusive of the time and we're bucketing to
- # 10 seconds, we need to round to the next 10 seconds since snuba is
- # exclusive on the end.
- end = to_datetime(
- )
- times: List[datetime] = []
- time = start
- delta = timedelta(seconds=rollup)
- while time < end:
- times.append(time)
- time += delta
- # Generate skeleton for the returned data:
- base_series = {
- time: {
- "duration_p50": None,
- "duration_p90": None,
- f"{stat}": 0,
- f"{stat}_abnormal": 0,
- f"{stat}_crashed": 0,
- f"{stat}_errored": 0,
- f"{stat}_healthy": 0,
- }
- for time in times
- }
- base_totals = {
- f"{stat}": 0,
- f"{stat}_abnormal": 0,
- f"{stat}_crashed": 0,
- f"{stat}_errored": 0,
- f"{stat}_healthy": 0,
- }
- try:
- release_value = resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, release)
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- # No data for this release
- return self._sort_by_timestamp(base_series), base_totals # type: ignore
- where = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, project_id),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, end),
- Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")),
- Op.EQ,
- release_value,
- ),
- ]
- if environments is not None:
- where.append(
- Condition(
- Column(resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "environment")),
- Op.IN,
- resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, environments),
- )
- )
- session_status_key = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")
- duration_series = self._get_project_release_stats_durations(
- org_id, where, session_status_key, rollup
- )
- series: Mapping[datetime, Union[UserCounts, SessionCounts]]
- totals: Union[UserCounts, SessionCounts]
- if stat == "users":
- series, totals = self._get_project_release_stats_users(
- org_id, where, session_status_key, rollup
- )
- else:
- series, totals = self._get_project_release_stats_sessions(
- org_id, where, session_status_key, rollup
- )
- # Merge data:
- merged_series = self._merge_dict_values(base_series, duration_series, series)
- merged_totals = dict(base_totals, **totals)
- # Convert series to desired output format:
- sorted_series = self._sort_by_timestamp(merged_series)
- return sorted_series, merged_totals # type: ignore
- def get_project_sessions_count(
- self,
- project_id: ProjectId,
- rollup: int, # rollup in seconds
- start: datetime,
- end: datetime,
- environment_id: Optional[int] = None,
- ) -> int:
- org_id = self._get_org_id([project_id])
- columns = [Function("sum", [Column("value")], "value")]
- try:
- status_key = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")
- status_init = resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "init")
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- return 0
- where_clause = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, project_id),
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- ),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, end),
- Condition(Column(status_key), Op.EQ, status_init),
- ]
- if environment_id is not None:
- # convert the PosgreSQL environmentID into the clickhouse string index
- # for the environment name
- env_names = _model_environment_ids_to_environment_names([environment_id])
- env_name = env_names[environment_id]
- if env_name is None:
- return 0 # could not find the requested environment
- try:
- snuba_env_id = resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, env_name)
- env_id = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "environment")
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- return 0
- where_clause.append(Condition(Column(env_id), Op.EQ, snuba_env_id))
- query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=columns,
- where=where_clause,
- granularity=Granularity(rollup),
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- rows = raw_snql_query(
- request, referrer="release_health.metrics.get_project_sessions_count"
- )["data"]
- ret_val: int = int(rows[0]["value"]) if rows else 0
- return ret_val
- def get_num_sessions_per_project(
- self,
- project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
- start: datetime,
- end: datetime,
- environment_ids: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
- rollup: Optional[int] = None, # rollup in seconds
- ) -> Sequence[ProjectWithCount]:
- org_id = self._get_org_id(project_ids)
- columns = [Function("sum", [Column("value")], alias="value"), Column("project_id")]
- try:
- status_key = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")
- status_init = resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "init")
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- return []
- where_clause = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- ),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, end),
- Condition(Column(status_key), Op.EQ, status_init),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- ]
- if environment_ids:
- # convert the PosgreSQL environmentID into the clickhouse string index
- # for the environment name
- env_names_dict = _model_environment_ids_to_environment_names(environment_ids)
- env_names = [value for value in env_names_dict.values() if value is not None]
- try:
- env_id = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "environment")
- snuba_env_ids = resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, env_names)
- except MetricIndexNotFound:
- return []
- where_clause.append(Condition(Column(env_id), Op.IN, snuba_env_ids))
- group_by = [Column("project_id")]
- query = Query(
- match=Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value),
- select=columns,
- where=where_clause,
- groupby=group_by,
- granularity=Granularity(
- rollup if rollup is not None else LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP
- ),
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- rows = raw_snql_query(
- request, referrer="release_health.metrics.get_num_sessions_per_project"
- )["data"]
- return [(row["project_id"], int(row["value"])) for row in rows]
- def get_project_releases_by_stability(
- self,
- project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
- offset: Optional[int],
- limit: Optional[int],
- scope: str,
- stats_period: Optional[str] = None,
- environments: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
- now: Optional[datetime] = None,
- ) -> Sequence[ProjectRelease]:
- if len(project_ids) == 0:
- return []
- org_id = self._get_org_id(project_ids)
- environments_ids: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None
- if environments is not None:
- environments_ids = resolve_many_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, environments)
- if not environments_ids:
- return []
- release_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "release")
- if stats_period is None:
- stats_period = "24h"
- # Special rule that we support sorting by the last 24h only.
- if scope.endswith("_24h"):
- scope = scope[:-4]
- stats_period = "24h"
- if now is None:
- now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
- granularity, stats_start, _ = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(stats_period, now=now)
- query_cols = [
- Column("project_id"),
- Column(release_column_name),
- ]
- where_clause = [
- Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.EQ, org_id),
- Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.IN, project_ids),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, stats_start),
- Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, now),
- ]
- if environments_ids is not None:
- environment_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "environment")
- where_clause.append(Condition(Column(environment_column_name), Op.IN, environments_ids))
- having_clause: Optional[List[Condition]] = None
- status_init = resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "init")
- status_crashed = resolve_weak(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "crashed")
- session_status_column_name = resolve_tag_key(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, "session.status")
- order_by_clause = None
- if scope == "crash_free_sessions":
- order_by_clause = [
- OrderBy(
- exp=Function(
- "divide",
- parameters=[
- Function(
- "sumIf",
- parameters=[
- Column("value"),
- Function(
- "equals",
- [Column(session_status_column_name), status_crashed],
- ),
- ],
- ),
- Function(
- "sumIf",
- parameters=[
- Column("value"),
- Function(
- "equals", [Column(session_status_column_name), status_init]
- ),
- ],
- ),
- ],
- ),
- direction=Direction.DESC,
- )
- ]
- where_clause.append(
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- )
- )
- entity = Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value)
- elif scope == "sessions":
- order_by_clause = [
- OrderBy(exp=Function("sum", [Column("value")], "value"), direction=Direction.DESC)
- ]
- where_clause.append(
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.SESSION.value),
- )
- )
- entity = Entity(EntityKey.MetricsCounters.value)
- elif scope == "crash_free_users":
- order_by_clause = [
- OrderBy(
- exp=Function(
- "divide",
- parameters=[
- Function(
- "uniqIf",
- parameters=[
- Column("value"),
- Function(
- "equals",
- [Column(session_status_column_name), status_crashed],
- ),
- ],
- ),
- Function(
- "uniq",
- parameters=[
- Column("value"),
- ],
- ),
- ],
- ),
- direction=Direction.DESC,
- )
- ]
- where_clause.append(
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.USER.value),
- )
- )
- entity = Entity(EntityKey.MetricsSets.value)
- having_clause = [Condition(Function("uniq", [Column("value")], "users"), Op.GT, 0)]
- else: # users
- users_column = Function("uniq", [Column("value")], "users")
- order_by_clause = [OrderBy(exp=users_column, direction=Direction.DESC)]
- where_clause.append(
- Condition(
- Column("metric_id"),
- Op.EQ,
- resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, SessionMRI.USER.value),
- )
- )
- entity = Entity(EntityKey.MetricsSets.value)
- having_clause = [Condition(users_column, Op.GT, 0)]
- # Partial tiebreaker to make comparisons in the release-health duplex
- # backend more likely to succeed. A perfectly stable sorting would need to
- # additionally sort by `release`, however in the metrics backend we can't
- # sort by that the same way as in the sessions backend.
- order_by_clause.append(OrderBy(Column("project_id"), Direction.DESC))
- query = Query(
- match=entity,
- select=query_cols,
- where=where_clause,
- having=having_clause,
- orderby=order_by_clause,
- groupby=query_cols,
- offset=Offset(offset) if offset is not None else None,
- limit=Limit(limit) if limit is not None else None,
- granularity=Granularity(LEGACY_SESSIONS_DEFAULT_ROLLUP),
- )
- request = Request(dataset=Dataset.Metrics.value, app_id=SnubaAppID, query=query)
- rows = raw_snql_query(
- request,
- referrer="release_health.metrics.get_project_releases_by_stability",
- use_cache=False,
- )
- def extract_row_info(row: Mapping[str, Union[OrganizationId, str]]) -> ProjectRelease:
- return row.get("project_id"), reverse_resolve(USE_CASE_ID, org_id, row.get(release_column_name)) # type: ignore
- return [extract_row_info(row) for row in rows["data"]]