@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+"""Integration of native symbolication with Apple App Store Connect.
+Sentry can download dSYMs directly from App Store Connect, this is the support code for
+import dataclasses
+import enum
+import io
+import logging
+import pathlib
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Any, Dict, List
+import dateutil
+import jsonschema
+import requests
+from django.db import transaction
+from sentry.lang.native.symbolicator import APP_STORE_CONNECT_SCHEMA
+from sentry.models import Project
+from sentry.utils import json
+from sentry.utils.appleconnect import appstore_connect, itunes_connect
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# The key in the project options under which all symbol sources are stored.
+SYMBOL_SOURCES_PROP_NAME = "sentry:symbol_sources"
+# The symbol source type for an App Store Connect symbol source.
+SYMBOL_SOURCE_TYPE_NAME = "appStoreConnect"
+class InvalidCredentialsError(Exception):
+ """Invalid credentials for the App Store Connect API."""
+ pass
+class InvalidConfigError(Exception):
+ """Invalid configuration for the appStoreConnect symbol source."""
+ pass
+class NoDsymsError(Exception):
+ """No dSYMs were found."""
+ pass
+class AppStoreConnectConfig:
+ """The symbol source configuration for an App Store Connect source.
+ This is stored as a symbol source inside symbolSources project option.
+ """
+ # The type of symbol source, can only be `appStoreConnect`.
+ type: str
+ # The ID which identifies this symbol source for this project.
+ #
+ # Currently we only allow one appStoreConnect source per project, but we already
+ # identify them using an ID anyway for future safety.
+ id: str
+ # The name of the symbol source.
+ #
+ # Currently users can not chose this name, but it has a name anyway.
+ name: str
+ # Issuer ID for the API credentials.
+ appconnectIssuer: str
+ # Key ID for the API credentials.
+ appconnectKey: str
+ # Private key for the API credentials.
+ appconnectPrivateKey: str
+ # Username for the iTunes credentials.
+ itunesUser: str
+ # Password for the iTunes credentials.
+ itunesPassword: str
+ # Person ID of the iTunes user.
+ #
+ # This is an internal field that some iTunes calls need, but it is also relatively
+ # easily to retrieve via an HTTP request to iTunes.
+ itunesPersonId: str
+ # The iTuness session cookie.
+ #
+ # Loading this cookie into ``requests.Session`` (see
+ # ``sentry.utils.appleconnect.itunes_connect.load_session_cookie``) will allow this
+ # session to make API iTunes requests as the user.
+ itunesSession: str
+ # The time the ``itunesSession`` cookie was created.
+ #
+ # The cookie only has a valid session for a limited time and needs user-interaction to
+ # create it. So we keep track of when it was created.
+ itunesCreated: datetime
+ # The name of the application, as supplied by the App Store Connect API.
+ appName: str
+ # The ID of the application in the App Store Connect API.
+ #
+ # We presume this is stable until proven otherwise.
+ appId: str
+ # The bundleID, e.g. io.sentry.sample.iOS-Swift.
+ #
+ # This is guaranteed to be unique and should map 1:1 to ``appId``.
+ bundleId: str
+ # The organisation ID according to iTunes.
+ #
+ # An iTunes session can have multiple organisations and needs this ID to be able to
+ # select the correct organisation to operate on.
+ orgId: int
+ # The name of an organisation, as supplied by iTunes.
+ orgName: str
+ def __post_init__(self) -> None:
+ # All fields are required.
+ for field in dataclasses.fields(self):
+ if not getattr(self, field.name, None):
+ raise ValueError(f"Missing field: {field.name}")
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "AppStoreConnectConfig":
+ """Creates a new instance from **deserialised** JSON data.
+ This will include the JSON schema validation. It accepts both a str or a datetime
+ for the ``itunesCreated``. Thus you can safely use this to create and validate the
+ config as desrialised by both plain JSON deserialiser or by Django Rest Framework's
+ deserialiser.
+ :raises InvalidConfigError: if the data does not contain a valid App Store Connect
+ symbol source configuration.
+ """
+ if isinstance(data["itunesCreated"], datetime):
+ data["itunesCreated"] = data["itunesCreated"].isoformat()
+ try:
+ jsonschema.validate(data, APP_STORE_CONNECT_SCHEMA)
+ except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e:
+ raise InvalidConfigError from e
+ data["itunesCreated"] = dateutil.parser.isoparse(data["itunesCreated"])
+ return cls(**data)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_project_config(cls, project: Project, config_id: str) -> "AppStoreConnectConfig":
+ """Creates a new instance from the symbol source configured in the project.
+ :raises KeyError: if the config is not found.
+ :raises InvalidConfigError if the stored config is somehow invalid.
+ """
+ raw = project.get_option(SYMBOL_SOURCES_PROP_NAME, default="[]")
+ all_sources = json.loads(raw)
+ for source in all_sources:
+ if source.get("type") == SYMBOL_SOURCE_TYPE_NAME and source.get("id") == config_id:
+ return cls.from_json(source)
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(f"No {SYMBOL_SOURCE_TYPE_NAME} symbol source found with id {config_id}")
+ def to_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Creates a dict which can be serialised to JSON.
+ The generated dict will validate according to the schema.
+ :raises InvalidConfigError: if somehow the data in the class is not valid, this
+ should only occur if the class was created in a weird way.
+ """
+ data = dict()
+ for field in dataclasses.fields(self):
+ value = getattr(self, field.name)
+ if field.name == "itunesCreated":
+ value = value.isoformat()
+ data[field.name] = value
+ try:
+ jsonschema.validate(data, APP_STORE_CONNECT_SCHEMA)
+ except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as e:
+ raise InvalidConfigError from e
+ return data
+ def update_project_symbol_source(self, project: Project) -> json.JSONData:
+ """Updates this configuration in the Project's symbol sources.
+ If a symbol source of type ``appStoreConnect`` already exists the ID must match and it
+ will be updated. If not ``appStoreConnect`` source exists yet it is added.
+ :returns: The new value of the sources. Use this in a call to
+ `ProjectEndpoint.create_audit_entry()` to create an audit log.
+ :raises ValueError: if an ``appStoreConnect`` source already exists but the ID does not
+ match.
+ """
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ all_sources_raw = project.get_option(SYMBOL_SOURCES_PROP_NAME, default="[]")
+ all_sources = json.loads(all_sources_raw)
+ for i, source in enumerate(all_sources):
+ if source.get("type") == SYMBOL_SOURCE_TYPE_NAME:
+ if source.get("id") != self.id:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Existing appStoreConnect symbolSource config does not match id"
+ )
+ all_sources[i] = self.to_json()
+ break
+ else:
+ # No existing appStoreConnect symbol source, simply append it.
+ all_sources.append(self.to_json())
+ project.update_option(SYMBOL_SOURCES_PROP_NAME, json.dumps(all_sources))
+ return all_sources
+class BuildKind(enum.Enum):
+ ALL = 1
+class BuildInfo:
+ """Information about an App Store Connect build.
+ A build is identified by the tuple of (app_id, platform, version, build_number), though
+ Apple mostly names these differently.
+ """
+ # The kind of build, either PRE_RELEASE or RELEASE
+ kind: BuildKind
+ # The app ID
+ app_id: str
+ # A platform identifying e.g. iOS, TvOS etc.
+ #
+ # These are not always human readable but some opaque string supplied by apple.
+ platform: str
+ # The human-readable version, e.g. "7.2.0".
+ #
+ # Each version can have multiple builds, Apple naming is a little confusing and calls
+ # this "bundle_short_version".
+ version: str
+ # The build number, typically just a monotonically increasing number.
+ #
+ # Apple naming calls this the "bundle_version".
+ build_number: str
+class ITunesClient:
+ """A client for the legacy iTunes API.
+ Create this by calling :class:`AppConnectClient.itunes_client()`.
+ On creation this will contact iTunes and will fail if it does not have a valid iTunes
+ session.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, itunes_cookie: str, itunes_org: int):
+ self._session = requests.Session()
+ itunes_connect.load_session_cookie(self._session, itunes_cookie)
+ # itunes_connect.set_provider(self._session, itunes_org)
+ def download_dsyms(self, build: BuildInfo, path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
+ url = itunes_connect.get_dsym_url(
+ self._session, build.app_id, build.version, build.build_number, build.platform
+ )
+ if not url:
+ raise NoDsymsError
+ logger.debug("Fetching dSYM from: %s", url)
+ with requests.get(url, stream=True) as req:
+ req.raise_for_status()
+ with open(path, "wb") as fp:
+ for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
+ fp.write(chunk)
+class AppConnectClient:
+ """Client to interact with a single app from App Store Connect.
+ Note that on creating this instance it will already connect to iTunes to set the
+ provider for this session. You also don't want to use the same iTunes cookie in
+ multiple connections, so only make one client for a project.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ api_credentials: appstore_connect.AppConnectCredentials,
+ itunes_cookie: str,
+ itunes_org: int,
+ app_id: str,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Internal init, use one of the classmethods instead."""
+ self._api_credentials = api_credentials
+ self._session = requests.Session()
+ self._itunes_cookie = itunes_cookie
+ self._itunes_org = itunes_org
+ self._app_id = app_id
+ @classmethod
+ def from_project(cls, project: Project, config_id: str) -> "AppConnectClient":
+ """Creates a new client for the project's appStoreConnect symbol source.
+ This will load the configuration from the symbol sources for the project if a symbol
+ source of the ``appStoreConnect`` type can be found which also has matching
+ ``credentials_id``.
+ """
+ config = AppStoreConnectConfig.from_project_config(project, config_id)
+ return cls.from_config(config)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_config(cls, config: AppStoreConnectConfig) -> "AppConnectClient":
+ """Creates a new client from an appStoreConnect symbol source config.
+ This config is normally stored as a symbol source of type ``appStoreConnect`` in a
+ project's ``sentry:symbol_sources`` property.
+ """
+ api_credentials = appstore_connect.AppConnectCredentials(
+ key_id=config.appconnectKey,
+ key=config.appconnectPrivateKey,
+ issuer_id=config.appconnectIssuer,
+ )
+ return cls(
+ api_credentials=api_credentials,
+ itunes_cookie=config.itunesSession,
+ itunes_org=config.orgId,
+ app_id=config.appId,
+ )
+ def itunes_client(self) -> ITunesClient:
+ """Returns an iTunes client capable of downloading dSYMs.
+ This will raise an exception if the session cookie is expired.
+ """
+ return ITunesClient(itunes_cookie=self._itunes_cookie, itunes_org=self._itunes_org)
+ def list_builds(self, kind: BuildKind = BuildKind.ALL) -> List[BuildInfo]:
+ """Returns the available builds, grouped by release.
+ :param kind: Whether to only query pre-releases or only releases or all.
+ :param bundle: The bundle ID, e.g. ``io.sentry.sample.iOS-Swift``.
+ """
+ if kind == BuildKind.PRE_RELEASE:
+ ret = appstore_connect.get_pre_release_version_info(
+ self._session, self._api_credentials, self._app_id
+ )
+ all_results = {"pre_releases": ret}
+ elif kind == BuildKind.RELEASE:
+ ret = appstore_connect.get_release_version_info(
+ self._session, self._api_credentials, self._app_id
+ )
+ all_results = {"releases": ret}
+ else:
+ all_results = appstore_connect.get_build_info(
+ self._session, self._api_credentials, self._app_id
+ )
+ builds = []
+ for kind_name, results in all_results.items():
+ if kind_name == "pre_releases":
+ kind = BuildKind.PRE_RELEASE
+ else:
+ kind = BuildKind.RELEASE
+ for release in results:
+ for build in release["versions"]:
+ build = BuildInfo(
+ kind=kind,
+ app_id=self._app_id,
+ platform=release["platform"],
+ version=release["short_version"],
+ build_number=build["version"],
+ )
+ builds.append(build)
+ return builds