@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+import {Fragment} from 'react';
+import {Location} from 'history';
+import {Organization} from 'sentry/types';
+import DiscoverQuery, {TableData} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery';
+import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView';
+import {GenericChildrenProps} from 'sentry/utils/discover/genericDiscoverQuery';
+import {canUseMetricsData} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/metricsEnhancedSetting';
+import {getMetricOnlyQueryParams} from './widgets/utils';
+export interface MetricDataSwitcherChildrenProps {
+ forceTransactionsOnly: boolean;
+ compatibleProjects?: number[];
+ shouldNotifyUnnamedTransactions?: boolean;
+ shouldWarnIncompatibleSDK?: boolean;
+interface MetricDataSwitchProps {
+ children: (props: MetricDataSwitcherChildrenProps) => React.ReactNode;
+ eventView: EventView;
+ location: Location;
+ organization: Organization;
+export enum LandingPageMEPDecision {
+ fallbackToTransactions = 'fallbackToTransactions',
+interface DataCounts {
+ metricsCountData: GenericChildrenProps<TableData>;
+ nullData: GenericChildrenProps<TableData>;
+ transactionCountData: GenericChildrenProps<TableData>;
+ unparamData: GenericChildrenProps<TableData>;
+ * This component decides based on some stats about current projects whether to show certain views of the landing page.
+ * It is primarily needed for the rollout during which time users, despite having the flag enabled,
+ * may or may not have sampling rules, compatible sdk's etc. This can be simplified post rollout.
+ */
+export function MetricsDataSwitcher(props: MetricDataSwitchProps) {
+ const isUsingMetrics = canUseMetricsData(props.organization);
+ if (!isUsingMetrics) {
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ {props.children({
+ forceTransactionsOnly: true,
+ })}
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ }
+ const countView = props.eventView.withColumns([{kind: 'field', field: 'count()'}]);
+ countView.statsPeriod = '15m';
+ countView.start = undefined;
+ countView.end = undefined;
+ const unparamView = countView.clone();
+ unparamView.additionalConditions.setFilterValues('transaction', [
+ '<< unparameterized >>',
+ ]);
+ const nullView = countView.clone();
+ nullView.additionalConditions.setFilterValues('transaction', ['']);
+ const projectCompatibleView = countView.withColumns([
+ {kind: 'field', field: 'project.id'},
+ {kind: 'field', field: 'count()'},
+ ]);
+ const projectIncompatibleView = projectCompatibleView.clone();
+ projectIncompatibleView.additionalConditions.setFilterValues('transaction', ['']);
+ const baseDiscoverProps = {
+ location: props.location,
+ orgSlug: props.organization.slug,
+ };
+ const metricsDiscoverProps = {
+ ...baseDiscoverProps,
+ queryExtras: getMetricOnlyQueryParams(),
+ };
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ <DiscoverQuery eventView={countView} {...baseDiscoverProps}>
+ {transactionCountData => (
+ <DiscoverQuery eventView={countView} {...metricsDiscoverProps}>
+ {metricsCountData => (
+ <DiscoverQuery eventView={nullView} {...metricsDiscoverProps}>
+ {nullData => (
+ <DiscoverQuery eventView={unparamView} {...metricsDiscoverProps}>
+ {unparamData => (
+ <DiscoverQuery
+ eventView={projectCompatibleView}
+ {...metricsDiscoverProps}
+ >
+ {projectsCompatData => (
+ <DiscoverQuery
+ eventView={projectIncompatibleView}
+ {...metricsDiscoverProps}
+ >
+ {projectsIncompatData => {
+ if (
+ transactionCountData.isLoading ||
+ unparamData.isLoading ||
+ metricsCountData.isLoading ||
+ projectsIncompatData.isLoading ||
+ nullData.isLoading ||
+ projectsCompatData.isLoading
+ ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ const dataCounts: DataCounts = {
+ transactionCountData,
+ metricsCountData,
+ nullData,
+ unparamData,
+ };
+ const compatibleProjects = getCompatibleProjects({
+ projectsCompatData,
+ projectsIncompatData,
+ });
+ if (checkIfNotEffectivelySampling(dataCounts)) {
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ {props.children({
+ forceTransactionsOnly: true,
+ })}
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ }
+ if (checkNoDataFallback(dataCounts)) {
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ {props.children({
+ forceTransactionsOnly: true,
+ })}
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ }
+ if (checkIncompatibleData(dataCounts)) {
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ {props.children({
+ shouldWarnIncompatibleSDK: true,
+ forceTransactionsOnly: true,
+ compatibleProjects,
+ })}
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ }
+ if (checkIfAllOtherData(dataCounts)) {
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ {props.children({
+ shouldNotifyUnnamedTransactions: true,
+ forceTransactionsOnly: true,
+ compatibleProjects,
+ })}
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ }
+ if (checkIfPartialOtherData(dataCounts)) {
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ {props.children({
+ shouldNotifyUnnamedTransactions: true,
+ compatibleProjects,
+ forceTransactionsOnly: false,
+ })}
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ }
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ {props.children({
+ forceTransactionsOnly: false,
+ })}
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ }}
+ </DiscoverQuery>
+ )}
+ </DiscoverQuery>
+ )}
+ </DiscoverQuery>
+ )}
+ </DiscoverQuery>
+ )}
+ </DiscoverQuery>
+ )}
+ </DiscoverQuery>
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ * Fallback if very similar amounts of metrics and transactions are found.
+ * Only used to rollout sampling before rules are selected. Could be replaced with project dynamic sampling check directly.
+ */
+function checkIfNotEffectivelySampling(dataCounts: DataCounts) {
+ const counts = extractCounts(dataCounts);
+ return (
+ counts.transactionsCount > 0 &&
+ counts.metricsCount > counts.transactionsCount &&
+ counts.transactionsCount >= counts.metricsCount * 0.95
+ );
+ * Fallback if no metrics found.
+ */
+function checkNoDataFallback(dataCounts: DataCounts) {
+ const counts = extractCounts(dataCounts);
+ return !counts.metricsCount;
+ * Fallback and warn if incompatible data found (old specific SDKs).
+ */
+function checkIncompatibleData(dataCounts: DataCounts) {
+ const counts = extractCounts(dataCounts);
+ return counts.nullCount > 0;
+ * Fallback and warn about unnamed transactions (specific SDKs).
+ */
+function checkIfAllOtherData(dataCounts: DataCounts) {
+ const counts = extractCounts(dataCounts);
+ return counts.unparamCount >= counts.metricsCount;
+ * Show metrics but warn about unnamed transactions.
+ */
+function checkIfPartialOtherData(dataCounts: DataCounts) {
+ const counts = extractCounts(dataCounts);
+ return counts.unparamCount > 0;
+ * Temporary function, can be removed after API changes.
+ */
+function extractCounts({
+ metricsCountData,
+ transactionCountData,
+ unparamData,
+ nullData,
+}: DataCounts) {
+ const metricsCount = Number(metricsCountData.tableData?.data?.[0].count);
+ const transactionsCount = Number(transactionCountData.tableData?.data?.[0].count);
+ const unparamCount = Number(unparamData.tableData?.data?.[0].count);
+ const nullCount = Number(nullData.tableData?.data?.[0].count);
+ return {
+ metricsCount,
+ transactionsCount,
+ unparamCount,
+ nullCount,
+ };
+ * Temporary function, can be removed after API changes.
+ */
+function getCompatibleProjects({
+ projectsCompatData,
+ projectsIncompatData,
+}: {
+ projectsCompatData: GenericChildrenProps<TableData>;
+ projectsIncompatData: GenericChildrenProps<TableData>;
+}) {
+ const baseProjectRows = projectsCompatData.tableData?.data || [];
+ const projectIdsPage = baseProjectRows.map(row => Number(row['project.id']));
+ const incompatProjectsRows = projectsIncompatData.tableData?.data || [];
+ const incompatProjectIds = incompatProjectsRows.map(row => Number(row['project.id']));
+ return projectIdsPage.filter(projectId => !incompatProjectIds.includes(projectId));