@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import {type BaseButtonProps, Button} from 'sentry/components/button';
import {IconCheckmark} from 'sentry/icons';
import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
+import usePrevious from 'sentry/utils/usePrevious';
type GuidedStepsProps = {
children: React.ReactElement<StepProps> | React.ReactElement<StepProps>[];
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ type GuidedStepsProps = {
interface GuidedStepsContextState {
+ advanceToNextIncompleteStep: () => void;
currentStep: number;
getStepNumber: (stepKey: string) => number;
registerStep: (step: RegisterStepInfo) => void;
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ type RegisterStepInfo = Pick<StepProps, 'stepKey' | 'isCompleted'>;
type RegisteredSteps = {[key: string]: {stepNumber: number; isCompleted?: boolean}};
const GuidedStepsContext = createContext<GuidedStepsContextState>({
+ advanceToNextIncompleteStep: () => {},
currentStep: 0,
setCurrentStep: () => {},
totalSteps: 0,
@@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ function useGuidedStepsContentValue({
// render and that step order does not change.
const registerStep = useCallback((props: RegisterStepInfo) => {
if (registeredStepsRef.current[props.stepKey]) {
+ registeredStepsRef.current[props.stepKey].isCompleted = props.isCompleted;
const numRegisteredSteps = Object.keys(registeredStepsRef.current).length + 1;
@@ -77,15 +81,24 @@ function useGuidedStepsContentValue({
return registeredStepsRef.current[stepKey]?.stepNumber ?? 1;
}, []);
+ const getFirstIncompleteStep = useCallback(() => {
+ return orderBy(Object.values(registeredStepsRef.current), 'stepNumber').find(
+ step => step.isCompleted !== true
+ );
+ }, []);
+ const advanceToNextIncompleteStep = useCallback(() => {
+ const firstIncompleteStep = getFirstIncompleteStep();
+ if (firstIncompleteStep) {
+ setCurrentStep(firstIncompleteStep.stepNumber);
+ }
+ }, [getFirstIncompleteStep]);
// On initial load, set the current step to the first incomplete step
useEffect(() => {
- const firstIncompleteStep = orderBy(
- Object.values(registeredStepsRef.current),
- 'stepNumber'
- ).find(step => step.isCompleted !== true);
+ const firstIncompleteStep = getFirstIncompleteStep();
setCurrentStep(firstIncompleteStep?.stepNumber ?? 1);
- }, []);
+ }, [getFirstIncompleteStep]);
const handleSetCurrentStep = useCallback(
(step: number) => {
@@ -102,21 +115,37 @@ function useGuidedStepsContentValue({
+ advanceToNextIncompleteStep,
- [currentStep, getStepNumber, handleSetCurrentStep, registerStep, totalSteps]
+ [
+ advanceToNextIncompleteStep,
+ currentStep,
+ getStepNumber,
+ handleSetCurrentStep,
+ registerStep,
+ totalSteps,
+ ]
function Step(props: StepProps) {
- const {currentStep, registerStep, getStepNumber} = useGuidedStepsContext();
+ const {advanceToNextIncompleteStep, currentStep, registerStep, getStepNumber} =
+ useGuidedStepsContext();
const stepNumber = getStepNumber(props.stepKey);
const isActive = currentStep === stepNumber;
const isCompleted = props.isCompleted ?? currentStep > stepNumber;
+ const previousIsCompleted = usePrevious(isCompleted);
useEffect(() => {
registerStep({isCompleted: props.isCompleted, stepKey: props.stepKey});
}, [props.isCompleted, props.stepKey, registerStep]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!previousIsCompleted && isCompleted && isActive) {
+ advanceToNextIncompleteStep();
+ }
+ }, [advanceToNextIncompleteStep, isActive, isCompleted, previousIsCompleted]);
return (
<StepWrapper data-test-id={`guided-step-${stepNumber}`}>
<StepNumber isActive={isActive}>{stepNumber}</StepNumber>