@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+import logging
+from datetime import timedelta
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.utils import timezone
+from rest_framework import status
+from urllib3 import BaseHTTPResponse
+from urllib3.exceptions import MaxRetryError, TimeoutError
+from sentry import features
+from sentry.conf.server import SEER_ANOMALY_DETECTION_STORE_DATA_URL
+from sentry.incidents.models.alert_rule import AlertRule, AlertRuleThresholdType
+from sentry.models.user import User
+from sentry.net.http import connection_from_url
+from sentry.seer.anomaly_detection.types import (
+ AlertInSeer,
+ AnomalyDetectionConfig,
+ StoreDataRequest,
+ TimeSeriesPoint,
+from sentry.seer.signed_seer_api import make_signed_seer_api_request
+from sentry.snuba.models import SnubaQuery
+from sentry.snuba.referrer import Referrer
+from sentry.snuba.utils import get_dataset
+from sentry.utils import json
+from sentry.utils.snuba import SnubaTSResult
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+seer_anomaly_detection_connection_pool = connection_from_url(
+def format_historical_data(data: SnubaTSResult) -> list[TimeSeriesPoint]:
+ """
+ Format Snuba data into the format the Seer API expects.
+ If there are no results, it's just the timestamp
+ {'time': 1719012000}, {'time': 1719018000}, {'time': 1719024000}
+ If there are results, the count is added
+ {'time': 1721300400, 'count': 2}
+ """
+ formatted_data = []
+ for datum in data.data.get("data", []):
+ ts_point = TimeSeriesPoint(timestamp=datum.get("time"), value=datum.get("count", 0))
+ formatted_data.append(ts_point)
+ return formatted_data
+def translate_direction(direction: int) -> str:
+ """
+ Temporary translation map to Seer's expected values
+ """
+ direction_map = {
+ AlertRuleThresholdType.ABOVE: "up",
+ AlertRuleThresholdType.BELOW: "down",
+ AlertRuleThresholdType.ABOVE_AND_BELOW: "both",
+ }
+ return direction_map[AlertRuleThresholdType(direction)]
+def send_historical_data_to_seer(alert_rule: AlertRule, user: User) -> BaseHTTPResponse:
+ """
+ Get 28 days of historical data and pass it to Seer to be used for prediction anomalies on the alert
+ """
+ base_error_response = BaseHTTPResponse(
+ status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
+ reason="Something went wrong!",
+ version=0,
+ version_string="HTTP/?",
+ decode_content=True,
+ )
+ if not features.has(
+ "organizations:anomaly-detection-alerts", alert_rule.organization, actor=user
+ ):
+ base_error_response.reason = "You do not have the anomaly detection alerts feature enabled."
+ return base_error_response
+ project = alert_rule.projects.get()
+ if not project:
+ logger.error(
+ "No project associated with alert_rule. Skipping sending historical data to Seer",
+ extra={
+ "rule_id": alert_rule.id,
+ },
+ )
+ base_error_response.reason = (
+ "No project associated with alert_rule. Cannot create alert_rule."
+ )
+ return base_error_response
+ snuba_query = SnubaQuery.objects.get(id=alert_rule.snuba_query_id)
+ window_min = int(snuba_query.time_window / 60)
+ historical_data = fetch_historical_data(alert_rule, snuba_query)
+ if not historical_data:
+ base_error_response.reason = "No historical data available. Cannot create alert_rule."
+ return base_error_response
+ formatted_data = format_historical_data(historical_data)
+ if (
+ not alert_rule.sensitivity
+ or not alert_rule.seasonality
+ or alert_rule.threshold_type is None
+ ):
+ # this won't happen because we've already gone through the serializer, but mypy insists
+ base_error_response.reason = (
+ "Cannot create alert_rule - missing expected configuration for a dynamic alert."
+ )
+ return base_error_response
+ anomaly_detection_config = AnomalyDetectionConfig(
+ time_period=window_min,
+ sensitivity=alert_rule.sensitivity,
+ direction=translate_direction(alert_rule.threshold_type),
+ expected_seasonality=alert_rule.seasonality,
+ )
+ alert = AlertInSeer(id=alert_rule.id)
+ body = StoreDataRequest(
+ organization_id=alert_rule.organization.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ alert=alert,
+ config=anomaly_detection_config,
+ timeseries=formatted_data,
+ )
+ try:
+ resp = make_signed_seer_api_request(
+ connection_pool=seer_anomaly_detection_connection_pool,
+ body=json.dumps(body).encode("utf-8"),
+ )
+ # See SEER_ANOMALY_DETECTION_TIMEOUT in sentry.conf.server.py
+ except (TimeoutError, MaxRetryError):
+ timeout_text = "Timeout error when hitting Seer store data endpoint"
+ logger.warning(
+ timeout_text,
+ extra={
+ "rule_id": alert_rule.id,
+ "project_id": project.id,
+ },
+ )
+ base_error_response.reason = timeout_text
+ base_error_response.status = status.HTTP_408_REQUEST_TIMEOUT
+ return base_error_response
+ # TODO warn if there isn't at least 7 days of data
+ return resp
+def fetch_historical_data(alert_rule: AlertRule, snuba_query: SnubaQuery) -> SnubaTSResult | None:
+ """
+ Fetch 28 days of historical data from Snuba to pass to Seer to build the anomaly detection model
+ """
+ # TODO: if we can pass the existing timeseries data we have on the front end along here, we can shorten
+ # the time period we query and combine the data
+ NUM_DAYS = 28
+ end = timezone.now()
+ start = end - timedelta(days=NUM_DAYS)
+ granularity = snuba_query.time_window
+ dataset_label = snuba_query.dataset
+ if dataset_label == "events":
+ # DATSET_OPTIONS expects the name 'errors'
+ dataset_label = "errors"
+ dataset = get_dataset(dataset_label)
+ project = alert_rule.projects.get()
+ if not project or not dataset:
+ return None
+ historical_data = dataset.timeseries_query(
+ selected_columns=[snuba_query.aggregate],
+ query=snuba_query.query,
+ params={
+ "organization_id": alert_rule.organization.id,
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ "granularity": granularity,
+ "start": start,
+ "end": end,
+ },
+ rollup=granularity,
+ zerofill_results=True,
+ )
+ return historical_data