@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import six
+from symbolic import FrameInfoMap, FrameTrust, ObjectLookup
+from sentry.attachments import attachment_cache
+from sentry.coreapi import cache_key_for_event
+from sentry.lang.native.minidump import process_minidump, frames_from_minidump_thread, \
+from sentry.lang.native.utils import rebase_addr
+from sentry.models import Project, ProjectDebugFile
+from sentry.utils.cache import cache
+from sentry.utils.hashlib import hash_values
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Frame trust values achieved through the use of CFI
+CFI_TRUSTS = ('cfi', 'cfi-scan')
+# Minimum frame trust value that we require to omit CFI reprocessing
+MIN_TRUST = FrameTrust.fp
+# Placeholder used to indicate that no CFI could be used to stackwalk a thread
+NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER = '__no_cfi__'
+class ThreadRef(object):
+ """Cacheable and mutable reference to stack frames of an event thread."""
+ def __init__(self, frames, modules):
+ self.raw_frames = frames
+ self.modules = modules
+ self.resolved_frames = None
+ def _get_frame_key(self, frame):
+ module = self.modules.find_object(frame['instruction_addr'])
+ # If we cannot resolve a module for this frame, this means we're dealing
+ # with an absolute address here. Since this address changes with every
+ # crash and would poison our cache, we skip it for the key calculation.
+ if not module:
+ return None
+ return (
+ module.id,
+ rebase_addr(frame['instruction_addr'], module)
+ )
+ @property
+ def _cache_key(self):
+ values = [self._get_frame_key(f) for f in self.raw_frames]
+ # XXX: The seed is hard coded for a future refactor
+ return 'st:%s' % hash_values(values, seed='MinidumpCfiProcessor')
+ def _frame_from_cache(self, entry):
+ debug_id, offset, trust = entry[:3]
+ module = self.modules.get_object(debug_id)
+ # The debug_id can be None or refer to a missing module. If the module
+ # was missing, the stored offset was absolute as well. Otherwise, we
+ # have no choice but to assume an absolute address. In practice, the
+ # latter hopefully never happens.
+ addr = module.addr + offset if module else offset
+ return module, {
+ 'instruction_addr': '0x%x' % addr,
+ 'function': '<unknown>', # Required by interface
+ 'module': module.name if module else None,
+ 'trust': trust,
+ }
+ def load_from_cache(self):
+ """Attempts to load the reprocessed stack trace from the cache. The
+ return value is ``True`` for a cache hit, and ``False`` for a miss.
+ The loaded addresses are rebased to the provided code modules.
+ """
+ cached = cache.get(self._cache_key)
+ if cached is None:
+ return False
+ if cached == NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER:
+ self.resolved_frames = NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER
+ else:
+ self.resolved_frames = [self._frame_from_cache(c) for c in cached]
+ return True
+ def save_to_cache(self):
+ """Stores the reprocessed stack trace to the cache. For frames with
+ known code modules only relative offsets are stored, otherwise the
+ absolute address as fallback."""
+ if self.resolved_frames is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('save_to_cache called before resolving frames')
+ if self.resolved_frames == NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER:
+ cache.set(self._cache_key, NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER)
+ return
+ values = []
+ for module, frame in self.resolved_frames:
+ module_id = module and module.id
+ addr = frame['instruction_addr']
+ if module:
+ addr = '0x%x' % rebase_addr(addr, module)
+ values.append((module_id, addr, frame['trust']))
+ cache.set(self._cache_key, values)
+ def load_from_minidump(self, thread):
+ """Loads the stack trace from a minidump process state thread."""
+ # Convert the entire thread into frames conforming to the `Frame`
+ # interface. Note that this is done with the same function as the
+ # initial ingestion to avoid normalization conflicts.
+ frames = frames_from_minidump_thread(thread)
+ # Filter out stack traces that did not improve during reprocessing. For
+ # these cases we only store a marker. This also prevents us from
+ # destroying absolute addresses when restoring from the cache. Stack
+ # traces containing CFI frames are mapped to their modules and stored.
+ if any(frame['trust'] in CFI_TRUSTS for frame in frames):
+ self.resolved_frames = [(self.modules.find_object(f['instruction_addr']), f)
+ for f in frames]
+ else:
+ self.resolved_frames = NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER
+ def apply_to_event(self):
+ """Writes the loaded stack trace back to the event's payload. Returns
+ ``True`` if the payload was changed, otherwise ``False``."""
+ if self.resolved_frames is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('apply_to_event called before resolving frames')
+ if self.resolved_frames == NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER:
+ return False
+ self.raw_frames[:] = [frame for module, frame in self.resolved_frames]
+ return True
+ @property
+ def needs_cfi(self):
+ """Indicates whether this thread requires reprocessing with CFI due to
+ scanned stack frames."""
+ return any(
+ getattr(FrameTrust, f.get('trust', ''), 0) < MIN_TRUST
+ for f in self.raw_frames
+ )
+class ThreadProcessingHandle(object):
+ """Helper object for processing all event threads.
+ This class offers a view on all threads in the given event payload,
+ including the crashing exception thread. Use ``iter_threads`` to iterate
+ pointers to the original threads' stack traces. Likewise, ``iter_modules``
+ returns references to all modules (images) loaded into the process.
+ The handle keeps track of changes to the original data. To signal mutation,
+ call ``indicate_change``. Finally, ``result`` returns the changed data or
+ None if it was not changed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ self.data = data
+ self.modules = self._get_modules()
+ self.changed = False
+ def _get_modules(self):
+ modules = self.data.get('debug_meta', {}).get('images', [])
+ return ObjectLookup(modules)
+ def iter_modules(self):
+ """Returns an iterator over all code modules (images) loaded by the
+ process at the time of the crash. The values are of type ``ObjectRef``.
+ """
+ return self.modules.iter_objects()
+ def iter_threads(self):
+ """Returns an iterator over all threads of the process at the time of
+ the crash, including the crashing thread. The values are of type
+ ``ThreadRef``."""
+ for thread in self.data.get('threads', {}).get('values', []):
+ if thread.get('crashed'):
+ # XXX: Assumes that the full list of threads is present in the
+ # original crash report. This is guaranteed by KSCrash and our
+ # minidump utility.
+ exceptions = self.data.get('exception', {}).get('values', [])
+ exception = exceptions[0] if exceptions else {}
+ frames = exception.get('stacktrace', {}).get('frames')
+ else:
+ frames = thread.get('stacktrace', {}).get('frames')
+ tid = thread.get('id')
+ if tid and frames:
+ yield tid, ThreadRef(frames, self.modules)
+ def indicate_change(self):
+ """Signals mutation of the data."""
+ self.changed = True
+ def result(self):
+ """Returns ``data`` if ``indicate_change`` was called, otherwise None.
+ """
+ if self.changed:
+ return self.data
+def reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data):
+ """Reprocesses a minidump event if CFI(call frame information) is available
+ and viable. The event is only processed if there are stack traces that
+ contain scanned frames.
+ """
+ handle = ThreadProcessingHandle(data)
+ # Check stacktrace caches first and skip all that do not need CFI. This is
+ # either if a thread is trusted (i.e. it does not contain scanned frames) or
+ # since it can be fetched from the cache.
+ threads = {}
+ for tid, thread in handle.iter_threads():
+ if not thread.needs_cfi:
+ continue
+ if thread.load_from_cache():
+ if thread.apply_to_event():
+ handle.indicate_change()
+ continue
+ threads[tid] = thread
+ if not threads:
+ return handle.result()
+ # Check if we have a minidump to reprocess
+ cache_key = cache_key_for_event(data)
+ attachments = attachment_cache.get(cache_key) or []
+ minidump = next((a for a in attachments if a.type == MINIDUMP_ATTACHMENT_TYPE), None)
+ if not minidump:
+ return handle.result()
+ # Determine modules loaded into the process during the crash
+ debug_ids = [module.id for module in handle.iter_modules()]
+ if not debug_ids:
+ return handle.result()
+ # Load CFI caches for all loaded modules (even unreferenced ones)
+ project = Project.objects.get_from_cache(id=data['project'])
+ cficaches = ProjectDebugFile.difcache.get_cficaches(project, debug_ids)
+ if not cficaches:
+ return handle.result()
+ # Reprocess the minidump with CFI
+ cfi_map = FrameInfoMap.new()
+ for debug_id, cficache in six.iteritems(cficaches):
+ cfi_map.add(debug_id, cficache)
+ state = process_minidump(minidump.data, cfi=cfi_map)
+ # Merge existing stack traces with new ones from the minidump
+ for minidump_thread in state.threads():
+ thread = threads.get(minidump_thread.thread_id)
+ if thread:
+ thread.load_from_minidump(minidump_thread)
+ thread.save_to_cache()
+ if thread.apply_to_event():
+ handle.indicate_change()
+ return handle.result()