@@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ function sortSamples(
return stacksWithWeights(profile, profileIds).sort(sortStacks);
-function throwIfMissingFrame(index: number) {
- throw new Error(`Could not resolve frame ${index} in frame index`);
// We should try and remove these as we adopt our own profile format and only rely on the sampled format.
export class SampledProfile extends Profile {
static FromProfile(
sampledProfile: Profiling.SampledProfile,
frameIndex: ReturnType<typeof createFrameIndex>,
- options: {type: 'flamechart' | 'flamegraph'; profileIds?: Readonly<string[]>}
+ options: {
+ type: 'flamechart' | 'flamegraph';
+ frameFilter?: (frame: Frame) => boolean;
+ profileIds?: Readonly<string[]>;
+ }
): Profile {
const profile = new SampledProfile({
duration: sampledProfile.endValue - sampledProfile.startValue,
@@ -101,15 +101,26 @@ export class SampledProfile extends Profile {
// and size of the stack to process. The size indicates how many items from the buffer we want
// to process.
+ function resolveFrame(index) {
+ const resolvedFrame = frameIndex[index];
+ if (!resolvedFrame) {
+ throw new Error(`Could not resolve frame ${index} in frame index`);
+ }
+ if (options.frameFilter && !options.frameFilter(resolvedFrame)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return resolvedFrame;
+ }
const resolvedStack: Frame[] = new Array(256); // stack size limit
+ let size = 0;
+ let frame: Frame | null = null;
for (let i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
const stack = samples[i].stack;
let weight = samples[i].weight;
- let size = samples[i].stack.length;
- let useCurrentStack = true;
- if (
+ const isGCStack =
options.type === 'flamechart' &&
i > 0 &&
// We check for size <= 2 because we have so far only seen node profiles
@@ -118,37 +129,42 @@ export class SampledProfile extends Profile {
// and when that happens, we do not want to enter this case as the GC will already
// be placed at the top of the previous stack and the new stack length will be > 2
stack.length <= 2 &&
- frameIndex[stack[stack.length - 1]]?.name === '(garbage collector) [native code]'
- ) {
- // We have a GC frame, so we will use the previous stack
- useCurrentStack = false;
+ frameIndex[stack[stack.length - 1]]?.name === '(garbage collector) [native code]';
+ if (isGCStack) {
// The next stack we will process will be the previous stack + our new gc frame.
// We write the GC frame on top of the previous stack and set the size to the new stack length.
- resolvedStack[samples[i - 1].stack.length] = frameIndex[stack[stack.length - 1]];
- // Size is not sample[i-1].size + our gc frame
- size = samples[i - 1].stack.length + 1;
- // Now collect all weights of all the consecutive gc frames and skip the samples
- while (
- samples[i + 1] &&
- // We check for size <= 2 because we have so far only seen node profiles
- // where GC is either marked as the root node or is directly under the root node.
- // There is a good chance that this logic will at some point live on the backend
- // and when that happens, we do not want to enter this case as the GC will already
- // be placed at the top of the previous stack and the new stack length will be > 2
- samples[i + 1].stack.length <= 2 &&
- frameIndex[samples[i + 1].stack[samples[i + 1].stack.length - 1]]?.name ===
- '(garbage collector) [native code]'
- ) {
- weight += samples[++i].weight;
+ frame = resolveFrame(stack[stack.length - 1]);
+ if (frame) {
+ resolvedStack[samples[i - 1].stack.length] =
+ frameIndex[stack[stack.length - 1]];
+ size += 1; // size of previous stack + new gc frame
+ // Now collect all weights of all the consecutive gc frames and skip the samples
+ while (
+ samples[i + 1] &&
+ // We check for size <= 2 because we have so far only seen node profiles
+ // where GC is either marked as the root node or is directly under the root node.
+ // There is a good chance that this logic will at some point live on the backend
+ // and when that happens, we do not want to enter this case as the GC will already
+ // be placed at the top of the previous stack and the new stack length will be > 2
+ samples[i + 1].stack.length <= 2 &&
+ frameIndex[samples[i + 1].stack[samples[i + 1].stack.length - 1]]?.name ===
+ '(garbage collector) [native code]'
+ ) {
+ weight += samples[++i].weight;
+ }
- }
- // If we are using the current stack, then we need to resolve the frames,
- // else the processed frames will be the frames that were previously resolved
- if (useCurrentStack) {
+ } else {
+ size = 0;
+ // If we are using the current stack, then we need to resolve the frames,
+ // else the processed frames will be the frames that were previously resolved
for (let j = 0; j < stack.length; j++) {
- resolvedStack[j] = frameIndex[stack[j]] ?? throwIfMissingFrame(stack[j]);
+ frame = resolveFrame(stack[j]);
+ if (!frame) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ resolvedStack[size++] = frame;