@@ -4,16 +4,21 @@ import type {Location} from 'history';
import {CommitRow} from 'sentry/components/commitRow';
import * as Layout from 'sentry/components/layouts/thirds';
+import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError';
import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator';
import Pagination from 'sentry/components/pagination';
import Panel from 'sentry/components/panels/panel';
import PanelBody from 'sentry/components/panels/panelBody';
import PanelHeader from 'sentry/components/panels/panelHeader';
+import SentryDocumentTitle from 'sentry/components/sentryDocumentTitle';
import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
-import type {Commit, Organization, Project, Repository} from 'sentry/types';
+import type {Commit, Project, Repository} from 'sentry/types';
import {formatVersion} from 'sentry/utils/formatters';
+import {useApiQuery} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient';
import routeTitleGen from 'sentry/utils/routeTitle';
-import DeprecatedAsyncView from 'sentry/views/deprecatedAsyncView';
+import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation';
+import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization';
+import {useParams} from 'sentry/utils/useParams';
import {getCommitsByRepository, getQuery, getReposToRender} from '../utils';
@@ -21,136 +26,87 @@ import EmptyState from './emptyState';
import RepositorySwitcher from './repositorySwitcher';
import withReleaseRepos from './withReleaseRepos';
-type Props = RouteComponentProps<{release: string}, {}> & {
+interface CommitsProps extends RouteComponentProps<{release: string}, {}> {
location: Location;
- orgSlug: Organization['slug'];
projectSlug: Project['slug'];
- release: string;
releaseRepos: Repository[];
activeReleaseRepo?: Repository;
-} & DeprecatedAsyncView['props'];
-type State = {
- commits: Commit[];
-} & DeprecatedAsyncView['state'];
-class Commits extends DeprecatedAsyncView<Props, State> {
- getTitle() {
- const {params, orgSlug, projectSlug} = this.props;
- return routeTitleGen(
- t('Commits - Release %s', formatVersion(params.release)),
- orgSlug,
- false,
- projectSlug
- );
- }
- getDefaultState(): State {
- return {
- ...super.getDefaultState(),
- commits: [],
- };
- }
- componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) {
- if (prevProps.activeReleaseRepo?.name !== this.props.activeReleaseRepo?.name) {
- this.remountComponent();
- return;
- }
- super.componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState);
- }
- getEndpoints(): ReturnType<DeprecatedAsyncView['getEndpoints']> {
- const {
- projectSlug,
- activeReleaseRepo: activeRepository,
- location,
- orgSlug,
- release,
- } = this.props;
- const query = getQuery({location, activeRepository});
- return [
- [
- 'commits',
- `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/releases/${encodeURIComponent(
- release
- )}/commits/`,
- {query},
- ],
- ];
- }
- renderLoading() {
- return this.renderBody();
- }
- renderContent() {
- const {commits, commitsPageLinks, loading} = this.state;
- const {activeReleaseRepo} = this.props;
- if (loading) {
- return <LoadingIndicator />;
- }
- if (!commits.length) {
- return (
- <EmptyState>
- {!activeReleaseRepo
- ? t('There are no commits associated with this release.')
- : t(
- 'There are no commits associated with this release in the %s repository.',
- activeReleaseRepo.name
- )}
- </EmptyState>
- );
+function Commits({activeReleaseRepo, releaseRepos, projectSlug}: CommitsProps) {
+ const location = useLocation();
+ const params = useParams<{release: string}>();
+ const organization = useOrganization();
+ const query = getQuery({location, activeRepository: activeReleaseRepo});
+ const {
+ data: commitList = [],
+ isLoading: isLoadingCommitList,
+ error: commitListError,
+ refetch,
+ getResponseHeader,
+ } = useApiQuery<Commit[]>(
+ [
+ `/organizations/${organization.slug}/releases/${encodeURIComponent(
+ params.release
+ )}/commits/`,
+ {query},
+ ],
+ {
+ staleTime: Infinity,
- const commitsByRepository = getCommitsByRepository(commits);
- const reposToRender = getReposToRender(Object.keys(commitsByRepository));
- return (
- <Fragment>
- {reposToRender.map(repoName => (
- <Panel key={repoName}>
- <PanelHeader>{repoName}</PanelHeader>
- <PanelBody>
- {commitsByRepository[repoName]?.map(commit => (
- <CommitRow key={commit.id} commit={commit} />
- ))}
- </PanelBody>
- </Panel>
- ))}
- <Pagination pageLinks={commitsPageLinks} />
- </Fragment>
- );
- }
- renderBody() {
- const {activeReleaseRepo, releaseRepos} = this.props;
- return (
- <Fragment>
+ );
+ const commitsByRepository = getCommitsByRepository(commitList);
+ const reposToRender = getReposToRender(Object.keys(commitsByRepository));
+ return (
+ <Layout.Body>
+ <Layout.Main fullWidth>
+ <SentryDocumentTitle
+ title={routeTitleGen(
+ t('Commits - Release %s', formatVersion(params.release)),
+ organization.slug,
+ false,
+ projectSlug
+ )}
+ />
{releaseRepos.length > 1 && (
- {this.renderContent()}
- </Fragment>
- );
- }
- renderComponent() {
- return (
- <Layout.Body>
- <Layout.Main fullWidth>{super.renderComponent()}</Layout.Main>
- </Layout.Body>
- );
- }
+ {commitListError && <LoadingError onRetry={refetch} />}
+ {isLoadingCommitList ? (
+ <LoadingIndicator />
+ ) : commitList.length ? (
+ <Fragment>
+ {reposToRender.map(repoName => (
+ <Panel key={repoName}>
+ <PanelHeader>{repoName}</PanelHeader>
+ <PanelBody>
+ {commitsByRepository[repoName]?.map(commit => (
+ <CommitRow key={commit.id} commit={commit} />
+ ))}
+ </PanelBody>
+ </Panel>
+ ))}
+ <Pagination pageLinks={getResponseHeader?.('Link')} />
+ </Fragment>
+ ) : (
+ <EmptyState>
+ {activeReleaseRepo
+ ? t(
+ 'There are no commits associated with this release in the %s repository.',
+ activeReleaseRepo.name
+ )
+ : t('There are no commits associated with this release.')}
+ </EmptyState>
+ )}
+ </Layout.Main>
+ </Layout.Body>
+ );
export default withReleaseRepos(Commits);