@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+from django.urls import reverse
+from sentry.models.apitoken import ApiToken
+from sentry.sentry_metrics.extraction_rules import MetricsExtractionRuleState
+from sentry.silo.base import SiloMode
+from sentry.testutils.cases import APITestCase
+from sentry.testutils.helpers import with_feature
+from sentry.testutils.silo import assume_test_silo_mode
+from sentry.utils import json
+class ProjectMetricsExtractionEndpointTestCase(APITestCase):
+ endpoint = "sentry-api-0-project-metrics-extraction-rules"
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.login_as(user=self.user)
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def send_put_request(self, token, endpoint):
+ url = reverse(endpoint, args=(self.project.organization.slug, self.project.slug))
+ return self.client.put(url, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=f"Bearer {token.token}", format="json")
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_permissions(self):
+ with assume_test_silo_mode(SiloMode.CONTROL):
+ token = ApiToken.objects.create(user=self.user, scope_list=[])
+ response = self.send_put_request(token, self.endpoint)
+ assert response.status_code == 403
+ with assume_test_silo_mode(SiloMode.CONTROL):
+ token = ApiToken.objects.create(user=self.user, scope_list=["project:write"])
+ response = self.send_put_request(token, self.endpoint)
+ assert response.status_code != 403
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_create_new_extraction_rule(self):
+ new_rule_json_1 = [
+ {
+ "spanAttribute": "count_clicks",
+ "type": "c",
+ "unit": "none",
+ "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
+ "conditions": ["foo:bar", "baz:faz"],
+ }
+ ]
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=json.dumps(new_rule_json_1),
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ data = response.data
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["spanAttribute"] == "count_clicks"
+ assert data[0]["type"] == "c"
+ assert data[0]["unit"] == "none"
+ assert set(data[0]["tags"]) == {"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}
+ new_rule_json_2 = [
+ {
+ "spanAttribute": "process_latency",
+ "type": "d",
+ "unit": "ms",
+ "tags": ["tag3"],
+ "conditions": ["hello:world", "baz:faz"],
+ }
+ ]
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=json.dumps(new_rule_json_2),
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ data = response.data
+ assert len(data) == 2
+ assert data[1]["spanAttribute"] == "process_latency"
+ assert data[1]["type"] == "d"
+ assert data[1]["unit"] == "none"
+ assert data[1]["conditions"] == ["hello:world", "baz:faz"]
+ assert set(data[1]["tags"]) == {"tag3"}
+ project_state = MetricsExtractionRuleState.load_from_project(self.project)
+ project_rules = project_state.get_rules()
+ assert len(project_rules) == 2
+ assert ["count_clicks", "process_latency"] == sorted(
+ r.span_attribute for r in project_rules
+ )
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_create_new_extraction_rule_hardcoded_units(self):
+ new_rule_json_1 = [
+ {
+ "spanAttribute": "span.duration",
+ "type": "d",
+ "unit": "none",
+ "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
+ "conditions": ["foo:bar", "baz:faz"],
+ }
+ ]
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=json.dumps(new_rule_json_1),
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ data = response.data
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["spanAttribute"] == "span.duration"
+ assert data[0]["type"] == "d"
+ assert data[0]["unit"] == "millisecond"
+ assert set(data[0]["tags"]) == {"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_update_existing_extraction_rule(self):
+ original_rule_json = [
+ {"spanAttribute": "process_latency", "type": "d", "unit": "ms", "tags": ["tag3"]}
+ ]
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="put",
+ metricsExtractionRules=json.dumps(original_rule_json),
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ updated_rule_json = """[{"spanAttribute": "process_latency", "type": "d","unit": "ms","tags": ["tag3", "new_tag"]}]"""
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="put",
+ metricsExtractionRules=updated_rule_json,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ data = response.data
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["spanAttribute"] == "process_latency"
+ assert data[0]["type"] == "d"
+ assert data[0]["unit"] == "none"
+ assert set(data[0]["tags"]) == {"tag3", "new_tag"}
+ project_state = MetricsExtractionRuleState.load_from_project(self.project)
+ project_rules = project_state.get_rules()
+ assert len(project_rules) == 1
+ assert ["process_latency"] == sorted(r.span_attribute for r in project_rules)
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_delete_existing_extraction_rule(self):
+ new_rule_json_1 = """[{"spanAttribute": "count_clicks", "type": "c","unit": "none","tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]}]"""
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=new_rule_json_1,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ data = response.data
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["spanAttribute"] == "count_clicks"
+ assert data[0]["type"] == "c"
+ assert data[0]["unit"] == "none"
+ assert set(data[0]["tags"]) == {"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}
+ new_rule_json_2 = (
+ """[{"spanAttribute": "process_latency", "type": "d","unit": "ms","tags": ["tag3"]}]"""
+ )
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=new_rule_json_2,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ data = response.data
+ assert len(data) == 2
+ assert data[1]["spanAttribute"] == "process_latency"
+ assert data[1]["type"] == "d"
+ assert data[1]["unit"] == "none"
+ assert set(data[1]["tags"]) == {"tag3"}
+ project_state = MetricsExtractionRuleState.load_from_project(self.project)
+ project_rules = project_state.get_rules()
+ assert len(project_rules) == 2
+ assert ["count_clicks", "process_latency"] == sorted(
+ r.span_attribute for r in project_rules
+ )
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="delete",
+ metricsExtractionRules=new_rule_json_2,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 204
+ project_state = MetricsExtractionRuleState.load_from_project(self.project)
+ project_rules = project_state.get_rules()
+ assert len(project_rules) == 1
+ assert ["count_clicks"] == [r.span_attribute for r in project_rules]
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_idempotent_update(self):
+ rule_json = (
+ """[{"spanAttribute": "process_latency", "type": "d","unit": "ms","tags": ["tag3"]}]"""
+ )
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=rule_json,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="put",
+ metricsExtractionRules=rule_json,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ data = response.data
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["spanAttribute"] == "process_latency"
+ assert data[0]["type"] == "d"
+ assert data[0]["unit"] == "none"
+ assert set(data[0]["tags"]) == {"tag3"}
+ project_state = MetricsExtractionRuleState.load_from_project(self.project)
+ project_rules = project_state.get_rules()
+ assert len(project_rules) == 1
+ assert ["process_latency"] == sorted(r.span_attribute for r in project_rules)
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_delete_non_existing_extraction_rule(self):
+ non_existing_rule = (
+ """[{"spanAttribute": "process_latency", "type": "d","unit": "ms","tags": ["tag3"]}]"""
+ )
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="delete",
+ metricsExtractionRules=non_existing_rule,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 204
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_malformed_json(self):
+ malformed_json = (
+ """[{"spanAttribute": "process_latency", "type": "d","unit": "ms","tags": ["tag3"],}]"""
+ )
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="delete",
+ metricsExtractionRules=malformed_json,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 500
+ def test_option_hides_endpoints(self):
+ rule_json = (
+ """[{"spanAttribute": "process_latency", "type": "d","unit": "ms","tags": ["tag3"]}]"""
+ )
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="put",
+ metricsExtractionRules=rule_json,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 404
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="delete",
+ metricsExtractionRules=rule_json,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 404
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=rule_json,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 404
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="get",
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 404
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_get_extraction_rules(self):
+ new_rule_json_1 = """[{"spanAttribute": "count_clicks", "type": "c","unit": "none","tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]}]"""
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=new_rule_json_1,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ new_rule_json_2 = (
+ """[{"spanAttribute": "process_latency", "type": "d","unit": "ms","tags": ["tag3"]}]"""
+ )
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=new_rule_json_2,
+ )
+ response = self.get_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="get",
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ data = response.data
+ assert len(data) == 2
+ assert data[0]["spanAttribute"] == "count_clicks"
+ assert data[1]["spanAttribute"] == "process_latency"
+ @with_feature("organizations:custom-metrics-extraction-rule")
+ def test_get_pagination(self):
+ for i in range(0, 60):
+ new_rule = f"""[{{"spanAttribute": "count_clicks_{i:02d}", "type": "c","unit": "none","tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]}}]"""
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug,
+ self.project.slug,
+ method="post",
+ metricsExtractionRules=new_rule,
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug, self.project.slug, method="get"
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ span_attributes = [x["spanAttribute"] for x in response.data]
+ assert len(span_attributes) == 25
+ assert min(span_attributes) == "count_clicks_00"
+ assert max(span_attributes) == "count_clicks_24"
+ assert len(set(span_attributes)) == len(span_attributes)
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug, self.project.slug, method="get", cursor="25:1:0"
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ span_attributes = [x["spanAttribute"] for x in response.data]
+ assert len(span_attributes) == 25
+ assert min(span_attributes) == "count_clicks_25"
+ assert max(span_attributes) == "count_clicks_49"
+ assert len(set(span_attributes)) == len(span_attributes)
+ response = self.get_success_response(
+ self.organization.slug, self.project.slug, method="get", cursor="25:2:0"
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ span_attributes = [x["spanAttribute"] for x in response.data]
+ assert len(span_attributes) == 10
+ assert min(span_attributes) == "count_clicks_50"
+ assert max(span_attributes) == "count_clicks_59"
+ assert len(set(span_attributes)) == len(span_attributes)