@@ -83,48 +83,50 @@ def translate(pat):
event_search_grammar = Grammar(r"""
-search = search_term*
-search_term = key_val_term / quoted_raw_search / raw_search
-key_val_term = space? (time_filter / rel_time_filter / specific_time_filter
- / numeric_filter / has_filter / is_filter / basic_filter)
- space?
-raw_search = (!key_val_term ~r"\ *([^\ ^\n]+)\ *" )*
-quoted_raw_search = spaces quoted_value spaces
+search = (boolean_term / search_term)*
+boolean_term = search_term (boolean_operator search_term)+
+search_term = key_val_term / quoted_raw_search / raw_search
+key_val_term = space? (time_filter / rel_time_filter / specific_time_filter
+ / numeric_filter / has_filter / is_filter / basic_filter)
+ space?
+raw_search = (!key_val_term ~r"\ *([^\ ^\n]+)\ *" )*
+quoted_raw_search = spaces quoted_value spaces
# standard key:val filter
-basic_filter = negation? search_key sep search_value
+basic_filter = negation? search_key sep search_value
# filter for dates
-time_filter = search_key sep? operator date_format
+time_filter = search_key sep? operator date_format
# filter for relative dates
-rel_time_filter = search_key sep rel_date_format
+rel_time_filter = search_key sep rel_date_format
# exact time filter for dates
specific_time_filter = search_key sep date_format
# Numeric comparison filter
-numeric_filter = search_key sep operator? ~r"[0-9]+(?=\s|$)"
+numeric_filter = search_key sep operator? ~r"[0-9]+(?=\s|$)"
# has filter for not null type checks
-has_filter = negation? "has" sep (search_key / search_value)
-is_filter = negation? "is" sep search_value
-search_key = key / quoted_key
-search_value = quoted_value / value
-value = ~r"\S*"
-quoted_value = ~r"\"((?:[^\"]|(?<=\\)[\"])*)?\""s
-key = ~r"[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+"
+has_filter = negation? "has" sep (search_key / search_value)
+is_filter = negation? "is" sep search_value
+search_key = key / quoted_key
+search_value = quoted_value / value
+value = ~r"\S*"
+quoted_value = ~r"\"((?:[^\"]|(?<=\\)[\"])*)?\""s
+key = ~r"[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+"
# only allow colons in quoted keys
-quoted_key = ~r"\"([a-zA-Z0-9_\.:-]+)\""
+quoted_key = ~r"\"([a-zA-Z0-9_\.:-]+)\""
-date_format = ~r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d{1,6})?)?Z?(?=\s|$)"
-rel_date_format = ~r"[\+\-][0-9]+[wdhm](?=\s|$)"
+date_format = ~r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d{1,6})?)?Z?(?=\s|$)"
+rel_date_format = ~r"[\+\-][0-9]+[wdhm](?=\s|$)"
# NOTE: the order in which these operators are listed matters
# because for example, if < comes before <= it will match that
# even if the operator is <=
-operator = ">=" / "<=" / ">" / "<" / "=" / "!="
-sep = ":"
-space = " "
-negation = "!"
-spaces = ~r"\ *"
+boolean_operator = "OR" / "AND"
+operator = ">=" / "<=" / ">" / "<" / "=" / "!="
+sep = ":"
+space = " "
+negation = "!"
+spaces = ~r"\ *"
@@ -144,6 +146,18 @@ class InvalidSearchQuery(Exception):
+def has_boolean_search_terms(search_terms):
+ for term in search_terms:
+ if isinstance(term, SearchBoolean):
+ return True
+ return False
+class SearchBoolean(namedtuple('SearchBoolean', 'left_term operator right_term')):
class SearchFilter(namedtuple('SearchFilter', 'key operator value')):
def __str__(self):
@@ -215,21 +229,28 @@ class SearchVisitor(NodeVisitor):
lookup[source_field] = target_field
return lookup
- def visit_search(self, node, children):
- # there is a list from search_term and one from raw_search, so flatten them.
- # Flatten each group in the list, since nodes can return multiple items
+ def flatten(self, children):
def _flatten(seq):
+ # there is a list from search_term and one from raw_search, so flatten them.
+ # Flatten each group in the list, since nodes can return multiple items
for item in seq:
if isinstance(item, list):
for sub in _flatten(item):
yield sub
yield item
+ if not (children and isinstance(children, list) and isinstance(children[0], list)):
+ return children
children = [child for group in children for child in _flatten(group)]
children = filter(None, _flatten(children))
return children
+ def visit_search(self, node, children):
+ return self.flatten(children)
def visit_key_val_term(self, node, children):
_, key_val_term, _ = children
# key_val_term is a list because of group
@@ -253,6 +274,34 @@ class SearchVisitor(NodeVisitor):
return None
return SearchFilter(SearchKey('message'), "=", SearchValue(value))
+ def visit_boolean_term(self, node, children):
+ def find_next_operator(children, start, end, operator):
+ for index in range(start, end):
+ if children[index] == operator:
+ return index
+ return None
+ def build_boolean_tree_branch(children, start, end, operator):
+ index = find_next_operator(children, start, end, operator)
+ if index is None:
+ return None
+ left = build_boolean_tree(children, start, index)
+ right = build_boolean_tree(children, index + 1, end)
+ return SearchBoolean(left, children[index], right)
+ def build_boolean_tree(children, start, end):
+ if end - start == 1:
+ return children[start]
+ result = build_boolean_tree_branch(children, start, end, SearchBoolean.BOOLEAN_OR)
+ if result is None:
+ result = build_boolean_tree_branch(children, start, end, SearchBoolean.BOOLEAN_AND)
+ return result
+ children = self.flatten(children)
+ return [build_boolean_tree(children, 0, len(children))]
def visit_numeric_filter(self, node, children):
(search_key, _, operator, search_value) = children
operator = operator[0] if not isinstance(operator, Node) else '='
@@ -387,6 +436,9 @@ class SearchVisitor(NodeVisitor):
def visit_search_value(self, node, children):
return SearchValue(children[0])
+ def visit_boolean_operator(self, node, children):
+ return node.text
def visit_value(self, node, children):
return node.text
@@ -515,7 +567,16 @@ def get_snuba_query_args(query=None, params=None):
'conditions': [],
'filter_keys': {},
+ # TODO(lb): remove when boolean terms fully functional
+ if has_boolean_search_terms(parsed_filters):
+ kwargs['has_boolean_terms'] = True
for _filter in parsed_filters:
+ # TODO(lb): remove when boolean terms fully functional
+ if isinstance(_filter, SearchBoolean):
+ continue
snuba_name = _filter.key.snuba_name
if snuba_name in ('start', 'end'):