@@ -1,416 +1,132 @@
-import {Component, Fragment} from 'react';
-import {createPortal} from 'react-dom';
-import {Manager, Popper, Reference} from 'react-popper';
+import {useCallback, useMemo} from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
-import MenuHeader from 'sentry/components/actions/menuHeader';
-import Checkbox from 'sentry/components/checkbox';
-import {GetActorPropsFn} from 'sentry/components/deprecatedDropdownMenu';
-import MenuItem from 'sentry/components/menuItem';
+import TeamAvatar from 'sentry/components/avatar/teamAvatar';
+import {CompactSelect, MultipleSelectProps} from 'sentry/components/compactSelect';
import {TeamSelection} from 'sentry/components/performance/teamKeyTransactionsManager';
import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
-import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
import {Organization, Project, Team} from 'sentry/types';
-import {defined} from 'sentry/utils';
import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics';
import {MAX_TEAM_KEY_TRANSACTIONS} from 'sentry/utils/performance/constants';
-export type TitleProps = Partial<ReturnType<GetActorPropsFn>> & {
- isOpen: boolean;
- keyedTeams: Team[] | null;
- disabled?: boolean;
- initialValue?: number;
-type Props = {
+type TeamKeyTransactionProps = Omit<
+ MultipleSelectProps<string>,
+ 'multiple' | 'options' | 'value' | 'defaultValue' | 'onChange' | 'title'
+> & {
counts: Map<string, number> | null;
- error: string | null;
handleToggleKeyTransaction: (selection: TeamSelection) => void;
- isLoading: boolean;
keyedTeams: Set<string> | null;
organization: Organization;
project: Project;
teams: Team[];
- title: React.ComponentType<TitleProps>;
transactionName: string;
- initialValue?: number;
-type State = {
- isOpen: boolean;
-class TeamKeyTransaction extends Component<Props, State> {
- state: State = {
- isOpen: false,
- };
- componentDidUpdate(_props: Props, prevState: State) {
- if (this.state.isOpen && prevState.isOpen === false) {
- document.addEventListener('click', this.handleClickOutside, true);
- }
- if (this.state.isOpen === false && prevState.isOpen) {
- document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClickOutside, true);
- }
- }
- componentWillUnmount() {
- document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClickOutside, true);
- }
- private menuEl: Element | null = null;
- handleClickOutside = (event: MouseEvent) => {
- if (!this.menuEl) {
- return;
- }
- if (!(event.target instanceof Element)) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.menuEl.contains(event.target)) {
- return;
- }
- this.setState({isOpen: false});
- };
- toggleOpen = () => {
- this.setState(({isOpen}) => ({isOpen: !isOpen}));
- };
- toggleSelection = (enabled: boolean, selection: TeamSelection) => () => {
- const {handleToggleKeyTransaction, organization} = this.props;
- const {action} = selection;
- trackAnalytics('performance_views.team_key_transaction.set', {
- organization,
- action,
- });
- return enabled ? handleToggleKeyTransaction(selection) : undefined;
- };
- partitionTeams(counts: Map<string, number>, keyedTeams: Set<string>) {
- const {teams, project} = this.props;
+function TeamKeyTransaction({
+ keyedTeams,
+ teams,
+ project,
+ counts,
+ handleToggleKeyTransaction,
+ transactionName,
+ organization,
+ ...props
+}: TeamKeyTransactionProps) {
+ const projectTeams = useMemo(() => new Set(project.teams.map(({id}) => id)), [project]);
+ const value = useMemo(
+ () => (keyedTeams ? [...projectTeams].filter(teamId => keyedTeams.has(teamId)) : []),
+ [keyedTeams, projectTeams]
+ );
+ const options = useMemo<MultipleSelectProps<string>['options']>(() => {
const enabledTeams: Team[] = [];
const disabledTeams: Team[] = [];
- const noAccessTeams: Team[] = [];
- const projectTeams = new Set(project.teams.map(({id}) => id));
for (const team of teams) {
if (!projectTeams.has(team.id)) {
- noAccessTeams.push(team);
- } else if (
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (
+ !keyedTeams ||
keyedTeams.has(team.id) ||
+ !counts ||
(counts.get(team.id) ?? 0) < MAX_TEAM_KEY_TRANSACTIONS
) {
- } else {
- disabledTeams.push(team);
+ continue;
- }
- return {
- enabledTeams,
- disabledTeams,
- noAccessTeams,
- };
- }
- renderMenuContent(counts: Map<string, number>, keyedTeams: Set<string>) {
- const {teams, project, transactionName} = this.props;
- const {enabledTeams, disabledTeams, noAccessTeams} = this.partitionTeams(
- counts,
- keyedTeams
- );
- const isMyTeamsEnabled = enabledTeams.length > 0;
- const myTeamsHandler = this.toggleSelection(isMyTeamsEnabled, {
- action: enabledTeams.length === keyedTeams.size ? 'unkey' : 'key',
- teamIds: enabledTeams.map(({id}) => id),
- project,
- transactionName,
- });
- const hasTeamsWithAccess = enabledTeams.length + disabledTeams.length > 0;
- return (
- <DropdownContent>
- {hasTeamsWithAccess && (
- <Fragment>
- <DropdownMenuHeader first>
- {t('My Teams with Access')}
- <ActionItem>
- <Checkbox
- aria-label={t('My Teams with Access')}
- disabled={!isMyTeamsEnabled}
- checked={
- teams.length > keyedTeams.size && keyedTeams.size > 0
- ? 'indeterminate'
- : teams.length === keyedTeams.size
- }
- onChange={myTeamsHandler}
- />
- </ActionItem>
- </DropdownMenuHeader>
- {enabledTeams.map(team => (
- <TeamKeyTransactionItem
- key={team.slug}
- team={team}
- isKeyed={keyedTeams.has(team.id)}
- disabled={false}
- onSelect={this.toggleSelection(true, {
- action: keyedTeams.has(team.id) ? 'unkey' : 'key',
- teamIds: [team.id],
- project,
- transactionName,
- })}
- />
- ))}
- {disabledTeams.map(team => (
- <TeamKeyTransactionItem
- key={team.slug}
- team={team}
- isKeyed={keyedTeams.has(team.id)}
- disabled
- onSelect={this.toggleSelection(true, {
- action: keyedTeams.has(team.id) ? 'unkey' : 'key',
- teamIds: [team.id],
- project,
- transactionName,
- })}
- />
- ))}
- </Fragment>
- )}
- {noAccessTeams.length > 0 && (
- <Fragment>
- <DropdownMenuHeader first={!hasTeamsWithAccess}>
- {t('My Teams without Access')}
- </DropdownMenuHeader>
- {noAccessTeams.map(team => (
- <TeamKeyTransactionItem key={team.slug} team={team} disabled />
- ))}
- </Fragment>
- )}
- </DropdownContent>
- );
- }
- renderMenu(): React.ReactPortal | null {
- const {isLoading, counts, keyedTeams} = this.props;
- if (isLoading || !defined(counts) || !defined(keyedTeams)) {
- return null;
+ disabledTeams.push(team);
- const modifiers = [
+ return [
- name: 'hide',
- enabled: false,
- },
- {
- name: 'preventOverflow',
- enabled: true,
- options: {padding: 10},
+ label: t('My Teams'),
+ showToggleAllButton: enabledTeams.length > 1,
+ options: [
+ ...enabledTeams.map(team => ({
+ value: team.id,
+ label: `#${team.slug}`,
+ leadingItems: <TeamAvatar size={18} team={team} />,
+ })),
+ ...disabledTeams.map(team => ({
+ value: team.id,
+ label: `#${team.slug}`,
+ disabled: true,
+ leadingItems: <TeamAvatar size={18} team={team} />,
+ trailingItems: t('Max %s', MAX_TEAM_KEY_TRANSACTIONS),
+ })),
+ ],
- return createPortal(
- <Popper placement="top" modifiers={modifiers}>
- {({ref: popperRef, style, placement}) => (
- <DropdownWrapper
- ref={ref => {
- (popperRef as Function)(ref);
- this.menuEl = ref;
- }}
- style={style}
- data-placement={placement}
- >
- {this.renderMenuContent(counts, keyedTeams)}
- </DropdownWrapper>
- )}
- </Popper>,
- document.body
- );
- }
- render() {
- const {isLoading, error, title: Title, keyedTeams, initialValue, teams} = this.props;
- const {isOpen} = this.state;
- const menu: React.ReactPortal | null = isOpen ? this.renderMenu() : null;
- return (
- <Manager>
- <Reference>
- {({ref}) => (
- <StarWrapper ref={ref}>
- <Title
- isOpen={isOpen}
- disabled={isLoading || Boolean(error)}
- keyedTeams={
- keyedTeams ? teams.filter(({id}) => keyedTeams.has(id)) : null
- }
- initialValue={initialValue}
- onClick={this.toggleOpen}
- />
- </StarWrapper>
- )}
- </Reference>
- {menu}
- </Manager>
- );
- }
-type ItemProps = {
- disabled: boolean;
- team: Team;
- isKeyed?: boolean;
- onSelect?: () => void;
-function TeamKeyTransactionItem({team, isKeyed, disabled, onSelect}: ItemProps) {
- const id = `team_key_transaction_${team.slug}`;
+ }, [teams, counts, projectTeams, keyedTeams]);
+ const handleChange = useCallback<NonNullable<MultipleSelectProps<string>['onChange']>>(
+ opts => {
+ const selection = opts.map(opt => opt.value);
+ const keyed = selection.filter(id => !keyedTeams?.has(id));
+ const unkeyed = keyedTeams
+ ? [...keyedTeams].filter(id => !selection.includes(id))
+ : selection;
+ const action = keyed.length > 0 ? 'key' : 'unkey';
+ trackAnalytics('performance_views.team_key_transaction.set', {
+ organization,
+ action,
+ });
+ handleToggleKeyTransaction({
+ action,
+ teamIds: keyed.length > 0 ? keyed : unkeyed,
+ project,
+ transactionName,
+ });
+ },
+ [handleToggleKeyTransaction, keyedTeams, transactionName, organization, project]
+ );
return (
- <DropdownMenuItem
- key={team.slug}
- disabled={disabled}
- onSelect={onSelect}
- stopPropagation
- >
- <MenuItemContent id={id}>
- {team.slug}
- <ActionItem>
- {!defined(isKeyed) ? null : disabled ? (
- ) : (
- <Checkbox
- onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()}
- aria-labelledby={id}
- checked={isKeyed}
- onChange={onSelect}
- />
- )}
- </ActionItem>
- </MenuItemContent>
- </DropdownMenuItem>
+ <Wrapper>
+ <CompactSelect
+ multiple
+ value={value}
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ options={options}
+ searchable={options.length > 8}
+ {...props}
+ />
+ </Wrapper>
-const StarWrapper = styled('div')`
- display: flex;
- /* Fixes Star when it’s filled and is wrapped around Tooltip */
- & > span {
- display: flex;
- }
-const DropdownWrapper = styled('div')`
- /* Adapted from the dropdown-menu class */
- border: none;
- border-radius: 2px;
- box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(52, 60, 69, 0.2), 0 1px 3px rgba(70, 82, 98, 0.25);
- background-clip: padding-box;
- background-color: ${p => p.theme.background};
- width: 220px;
- overflow: visible;
- z-index: ${p => p.theme.zIndex.tooltip};
- &:before,
- &:after {
- width: 0;
- height: 0;
- content: '';
- display: block;
- position: absolute;
- right: auto;
- }
- &:before {
- border-left: 9px solid transparent;
- border-right: 9px solid transparent;
- left: calc(50% - 9px);
- z-index: -2;
- }
- &:after {
- border-left: 8px solid transparent;
- border-right: 8px solid transparent;
- left: calc(50% - 8px);
- z-index: -1;
- }
- &[data-placement*='bottom'] {
- margin-top: 9px;
- &:before {
- border-bottom: 9px solid ${p => p.theme.border};
- top: -9px;
- }
- &:after {
- border-bottom: 8px solid ${p => p.theme.background};
- top: -8px;
- }
+const Wrapper = styled('div')`
+ position: relative;
+ ul,
+ p {
+ margin: 0;
- &[data-placement*='top'] {
- margin-bottom: 9px;
- &:before {
- border-top: 9px solid ${p => p.theme.border};
- bottom: -9px;
- }
- &:after {
- border-top: 8px solid ${p => p.theme.background};
- bottom: -8px;
- }
- }
-const DropdownContent = styled('div')`
- max-height: 250px;
- pointer-events: auto;
- overflow-y: auto;
-const DropdownMenuHeader = styled(MenuHeader)<{first?: boolean}>`
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- justify-content: space-between;
- align-items: center;
- padding: ${space(1)} ${space(2)};
- background: ${p => p.theme.backgroundSecondary};
- ${p => p.first && 'border-radius: 2px'};
-const DropdownMenuItem = styled(MenuItem)`
- font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeMedium};
- &:not(:last-child) {
- border-bottom: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.innerBorder};
- }
-const MenuItemContent = styled('div')`
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- justify-content: space-between;
- align-items: center;
- width: 100%;
-const ActionItem = styled('span')`
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- min-width: ${space(2)};
- margin-left: ${space(1)};
export default TeamKeyTransaction;