@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+from datetime import timedelta
+from unittest import mock
+from unittest.mock import call
+from django.utils import timezone
+from sentry.locks import locks
+from sentry.models.project import Project
+from sentry.testutils.cases import TestCase
+from sentry.testutils.helpers.datetime import freeze_time
+from sentry.uptime.detectors.ranking import (
+ _get_cluster,
+ add_base_url_to_rank,
+ get_project_bucket,
+from sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks import (
+ is_failed_url,
+ process_candidate_url,
+ process_detection_bucket,
+ process_project_url_ranking,
+ schedule_detections,
+ set_failed_url,
+from sentry.uptime.models import ProjectUptimeSubscription
+class ScheduleDetectionsTest(TestCase):
+ def test_no_last_processed(self):
+ # The first time this runs we don't expect much to happen,
+ # just that it'll update the last processed date in redis
+ cluster = _get_cluster()
+ assert not cluster.get(LAST_PROCESSED_KEY)
+ with mock.patch(
+ "sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks.process_detection_bucket"
+ ) as mock_process_detection_bucket:
+ schedule_detections()
+ mock_process_detection_bucket.delay.assert_not_called()
+ last_processed = cluster.get(LAST_PROCESSED_KEY)
+ assert last_processed is not None
+ assert int(last_processed) == int(
+ timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0).timestamp()
+ )
+ def test_processes(self):
+ cluster = _get_cluster()
+ current_bucket = timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ last_processed_bucket = current_bucket - timedelta(minutes=10)
+ cluster.set(LAST_PROCESSED_KEY, int(last_processed_bucket.timestamp()))
+ with mock.patch(
+ "sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks.process_detection_bucket"
+ ) as mock_process_detection_bucket:
+ schedule_detections()
+ mock_process_detection_bucket.delay.assert_has_calls(
+ [call(last_processed_bucket + timedelta(minutes=i)) for i in range(1, 11)]
+ )
+ last_processed = cluster.get(LAST_PROCESSED_KEY)
+ assert last_processed is not None
+ assert int(last_processed) == int(
+ timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0).timestamp()
+ )
+ def test_lock(self):
+ lock = locks.get(
+ duration=60,
+ name="uptime.detection.schedule_detections",
+ )
+ with lock.acquire(), mock.patch("sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks.metrics") as metrics:
+ schedule_detections()
+ metrics.incr.assert_called_once_with(
+ "uptime.detectors.scheduler.unable_to_acquire_lock"
+ )
+class ProcessDetectionBucketTest(TestCase):
+ def test_empty_bucket(self):
+ with mock.patch(
+ "sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks.process_project_url_ranking"
+ ) as mock_process_project_url_ranking:
+ process_detection_bucket(timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0))
+ mock_process_project_url_ranking.delay.assert_not_called()
+ def test_bucket(self):
+ bucket = timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ dummy_project_id = int(bucket.timestamp() % NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS)
+ self.project.id = dummy_project_id
+ other_project = Project(dummy_project_id + NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS)
+ add_base_url_to_rank(self.project, "https://sentry.io")
+ add_base_url_to_rank(other_project, "https://sentry.io")
+ with mock.patch(
+ "sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks.process_project_url_ranking"
+ ) as mock_process_project_url_ranking:
+ process_detection_bucket(bucket)
+ mock_process_project_url_ranking.delay.assert_has_calls(
+ [call(self.project.id, 1), call(other_project.id, 1)], any_order=True
+ )
+ assert get_project_bucket(bucket) == {}
+class ProcessProjectUrlRankingTest(TestCase):
+ def test(self):
+ # TODO: Better testing for this function when we implement things that happen on success
+ url_1 = "https://sentry.io"
+ url_2 = "https://sentry.sentry.io"
+ add_base_url_to_rank(self.project, url_2)
+ add_base_url_to_rank(self.project, url_1)
+ add_base_url_to_rank(self.project, url_1)
+ with mock.patch(
+ "sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks.process_candidate_url",
+ return_value=False,
+ ) as mock_process_candidate_url:
+ process_project_url_ranking(self.project.id, 5)
+ mock_process_candidate_url.assert_has_calls(
+ [
+ call(self.project, 5, url_1, 2),
+ call(self.project, 5, url_2, 1),
+ ]
+ )
+ def test_should_not_detect(self):
+ with mock.patch(
+ # TODO: Replace this mock with real tests when we implement this function properly
+ "sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks.should_detect_for_project",
+ return_value=False,
+ ), mock.patch(
+ "sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks.get_candidate_urls_for_project"
+ ) as mock_get_candidate_urls_for_project:
+ process_project_url_ranking(self.project.id, 5)
+ mock_get_candidate_urls_for_project.assert_not_called()
+class ProcessCandidateUrlTest(TestCase):
+ def test_succeeds_new(self):
+ assert process_candidate_url(self.project, 100, "https://sentry.io", 50)
+ def test_succeeds_existing_subscription_other_project(self):
+ other_project = self.create_project()
+ url = "https://sentry.io"
+ uptime_subscription = self.create_uptime_subscription(url=url, interval_seconds=300)
+ self.create_project_uptime_subscription(
+ project=other_project, uptime_subscription=uptime_subscription
+ )
+ assert (
+ ProjectUptimeSubscription.objects.filter(
+ project=self.project, uptime_subscription=uptime_subscription
+ ).count()
+ == 0
+ )
+ assert process_candidate_url(self.project, 100, url, 50)
+ assert (
+ ProjectUptimeSubscription.objects.filter(
+ project=self.project, uptime_subscription=uptime_subscription
+ ).count()
+ == 1
+ )
+ def test_succeeds_existing_subscription_this_project(self):
+ url = "https://sentry.io"
+ uptime_subscription = self.create_uptime_subscription(url=url, interval_seconds=300)
+ self.create_project_uptime_subscription(
+ project=self.project, uptime_subscription=uptime_subscription
+ )
+ assert process_candidate_url(self.project, 100, url, 50)
+ assert (
+ ProjectUptimeSubscription.objects.filter(
+ project=self.project, uptime_subscription=uptime_subscription
+ ).count()
+ == 1
+ )
+ # TODO: Check no other subscriptions or anything made once we finish the rest of this func
+ def test_below_thresholds(self):
+ assert not process_candidate_url(self.project, 500, "https://sentry.io", 1)
+ assert not process_candidate_url(self.project, 500, "https://sentry.io", 10)
+ def test_failed_url(self):
+ url = "https://sentry.io"
+ set_failed_url(url)
+ assert not process_candidate_url(self.project, 100, url, 50)
+ def test_failed_robots_txt(self):
+ url = "https://sentry.io"
+ with mock.patch(
+ # TODO: Replace this mock with real tests when we implement this function properly
+ "sentry.uptime.detectors.tasks.check_url_robots_txt",
+ return_value=False,
+ ):
+ assert not process_candidate_url(self.project, 100, url, 50)
+ assert is_failed_url(url)
+class TestFailedUrl(TestCase):
+ def test(self):
+ url = "https://sentry.io"
+ assert not is_failed_url(url)
+ set_failed_url(url)
+ assert is_failed_url(url)
+ assert not is_failed_url("https://sentry.sentry.io")