@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+import {Fragment} from 'react';
+import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink';
+import {Layout, LayoutProps} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/layout';
+import {ModuleProps} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/sdkDocumentation';
+import {StepType} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/step';
+import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale';
+// Configuration Start
+const introduction = tct(
+ "There are two variants of Sentry available for Spring. If you're using Spring 5, use [sentrySpringLink:sentry-spring]. If you're using Spring 6, use [sentrySpringJakartaLink:sentry-spring-jakarta] instead. Sentry's integration with Spring supports Spring Framework 5.1.2 and above to report unhandled exceptions and optional user information. If you're on an older version, use [legacyIntegrationLink:our legacy integration].",
+ {
+ sentrySpringLink: (
+ <ExternalLink href="https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-java/tree/master/sentry-spring" />
+ ),
+ sentrySpringJakartaLink: (
+ <ExternalLink href="https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-java/tree/master/sentry-spring-jakarta" />
+ ),
+ legacyIntegrationLink: (
+ <ExternalLink href="https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/java/guides/spring/legacy/" />
+ ),
+ }
+export const steps = ({
+ dsn,
+}: {
+ dsn?: string;
+} = {}): LayoutProps['steps'] => [
+ {
+ type: StepType.INSTALL,
+ description: t(
+ "Install Sentry's integration with Spring using either Maven or Gradle:"
+ ),
+ configurations: [
+ {
+ description: <h5>{t('Maven')}</h5>,
+ configurations: [
+ {
+ language: 'xml',
+ description: <strong>{t('Spring 5')}</strong>,
+ code: `
+ <groupId>io.sentry</groupId>
+ <artifactId>sentry-spring</artifactId>
+ <version>6.25.2</version>
+ `,
+ },
+ {
+ language: 'xml',
+ description: <strong>{t('Spring 6')}</strong>,
+ code: `
+ <groupId>io.sentry</groupId>
+ <artifactId>sentry-spring-jakarta</artifactId>
+ <version>6.25.2</version>
+ `,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ type: StepType.CONFIGURE,
+ description: (
+ <Fragment>
+ {t("Configure Sentry as soon as possible in your application's lifecycle:")}
+ <p>
+ {tct(
+ 'The [codeSentrySpring:sentry-spring] and [codeSentrySpringJakarta:sentry-spring-jakarta] libraries provide an [codeEnableSentry:@EnableSentry] annotation that registers all required Spring beans. [codeEnableSentry:@EnableSentry] can be placed on any class annotated with [configurationLink:@Configuration] including the main entry class in Spring Boot applications annotated with [springBootApplicationLink:@SpringBootApplication].',
+ {
+ codeSentrySpring: <code />,
+ codeSentrySpringJakarta: <code />,
+ codeEnableSentry: <code />,
+ configurationLink: (
+ <ExternalLink href="https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/context/annotation/Configuration.html" />
+ ),
+ springBootApplicationLink: (
+ <ExternalLink href="https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/api/org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/SpringBootApplication.html" />
+ ),
+ }
+ )}
+ </p>
+ </Fragment>
+ ),
+ configurations: [
+ {
+ description: <h5>{t('Java')}</h5>,
+ configurations: [
+ {
+ language: 'java',
+ description: <strong>{t('Spring 5')}</strong>,
+ code: `
+import io.sentry.spring.EnableSentry;
+@EnableSentry(dsn = "${dsn}")
+class SentryConfiguration {
+ `,
+ },
+ {
+ language: 'java',
+ description: <strong>{t('Spring 6')}</strong>,
+ code: `
+import io.sentry.spring.jakarta.EnableSentry;
+@EnableSentry(dsn = "${dsn}")
+class SentryConfiguration {
+ `,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ description: <h5>{t('Kotlin')}</h5>,
+ configurations: [
+ {
+ language: 'java',
+ description: <strong>{t('Spring 5')}</strong>,
+ code: `
+import io.sentry.spring.EnableSentry
+import org.springframework.core.Ordered
+ dsn = "${dsn}",
+ exceptionResolverOrder = Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE
+ `,
+ },
+ {
+ language: 'java',
+ description: <strong>{t('Spring 6')}</strong>,
+ code: `
+import io.sentry.spring.jakarta.EnableSentry
+import org.springframework.core.Ordered
+ dsn = "${dsn}",
+ exceptionResolverOrder = Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE
+ `,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ description: <h5>{t('Source Context')}</h5>,
+ configurations: [
+ {
+ language: 'xml',
+ description: t(
+ 'To upload your source code to Sentry so it can be shown in stack traces, use our Maven plugin.'
+ ),
+ code: `
+ <plugins>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>io.sentry</groupId>
+ <artifactId>sentry-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+ <version>0.0.2</version>
+ <configuration>
+ <!-- for showing output of sentry-cli -->
+ <debugSentryCli>true</debugSentryCli>
+ <!-- download the latest sentry-cli and provide path to it here -->
+ <!-- download it here: https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-cli/releases -->
+ <!-- minimum required version is 2.17.3 -->
+ <sentryCliExecutablePath>/path/to/sentry-cli</sentryCliExecutablePath>
+ <org>___ORG_SLUG___</org>
+ <project>___PROJECT_SLUG___</project>
+ <!-- in case you're self hosting, provide the URL here -->
+ <!--<url>http://localhost:8000/</url>-->
+ <!-- provide your auth token via SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable -->
+ <!-- you can find it in Sentry UI: Settings > Account > API > Auth Tokens -->
+ <authToken>env.SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN</authToken>
+ </configuration>
+ <executions>
+ <execution>
+ <phase>generate-resources</phase>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>uploadSourceBundle</goal>
+ </goals>
+ </execution>
+ </executions>
+ </plugin>
+ `,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ description: <h5>{t('Graddle')}</h5>,
+ configurations: [
+ {
+ description: <strong>{t('Spring 5')}</strong>,
+ language: 'groovy',
+ code: `implementation 'io.sentry:sentry-spring:6.25.2'`,
+ },
+ {
+ description: <strong>{t('Spring 6')}</strong>,
+ language: 'groovy',
+ code: `implementation 'io.sentry:sentry-spring-jakarta:6.25.2'`,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ type: StepType.VERIFY,
+ description: t(
+ 'Last, create an intentional error, so you can test that everything is working:'
+ ),
+ configurations: [
+ {
+ description: <h5>Java</h5>,
+ language: 'java',
+ code: `
+import java.lang.Exception;
+import io.sentry.Sentry;
+try {
+ throw new Exception("This is a test.");
+} catch (Exception e) {
+ Sentry.captureException(e);
+ `,
+ },
+ {
+ description: <h5>Kotlin</h5>,
+ language: 'java',
+ code: `
+import java.lang.Exception
+import io.sentry.Sentry
+try {
+ throw Exception("This is a test.")
+} catch (e: Exception) {
+ Sentry.captureException(e)
+ `,
+ },
+ ],
+ additionalInfo: (
+ <Fragment>
+ <p>
+ {t(
+ "If you're new to Sentry, use the email alert to access your account and complete a product tour."
+ )}
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ {t(
+ "If you're an existing user and have disabled alerts, you won't receive this email."
+ )}
+ </p>
+ </Fragment>
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ title: t('Source Context'),
+ configurations: [
+ {
+ language: 'groovy',
+ description: t(
+ 'To upload your source code to Sentry so it can be shown in stack traces, use our Gradle plugin.'
+ ),
+ code: `
+buildscript {
+repositories {
+ mavenCentral()
+plugins {
+id "io.sentry.jvm.gradle" version "3.11.1"
+sentry {
+// Generates a JVM (Java, Kotlin, etc.) source bundle and uploads your source code to Sentry.
+// This enables source context, allowing you to see your source
+// code as part of your stack traces in Sentry.
+includeSourceContext = true
+org = "___ORG_SLUG___"
+projectName = "___PROJECT_SLUG___"
+authToken = "your-sentry-auth-token"
+ `,
+ },
+ ],
+ additionalInfo: (
+ <p>
+ {tct(
+ 'For other dependency managers see the [mavenRepositorySpring5Link:central Maven repository (Spring 5)] and [mavenRepositorySpring6Link:central Maven repository (Spring 6)].',
+ {
+ mavenRepositorySpring5Link: (
+ <ExternalLink href="https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/io.sentry/sentry-spring/6.26.0" />
+ ),
+ mavenRepositorySpring6Link: (
+ <ExternalLink href="https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/io.sentry/sentry-spring-jakarta/6.26.0" />
+ ),
+ }
+ )}
+ </p>
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ title: t('Measure Performance'),
+ description: (
+ <p>
+ {tct(
+ 'Check out [link:the documentation] to learn how to configure and use Sentry Performance Monitoring with Spring.',
+ {
+ link: (
+ <ExternalLink href="https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/java/guides/spring/performance/" />
+ ),
+ }
+ )}
+ </p>
+ ),
+ },
+// Configuration End
+export function GettingStartedWithSpring({dsn, ...props}: ModuleProps) {
+ return <Layout steps={steps({dsn})} introduction={introduction} {...props} />;
+export default GettingStartedWithSpring;