@@ -205,15 +205,14 @@ class OrganizationEventsV2Test(AcceptanceTestCase, SnubaTestCase):
# This test is flakey in that we sometimes load this page before the event is processed
# depend on pytest-retry to reload the page
- self.browser.wait_until_not(
- '[data-test-id="grid-editable"] [data-test-id="empty-state"]', timeout=2
- )
+ self.browser.wait_until('[data-test-id="grid-editable"] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2)')
self.browser.snapshot("events-v2 - all events query - list")
with self.feature(FEATURE_NAMES):
# expect table to expand to the right when no tags are provided
self.browser.get(self.result_path + "?" + all_events_query(tag=[]))
+ self.browser.wait_until('[data-test-id="grid-editable"] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2)')
self.browser.snapshot("events-v2 - all events query - list - no tags")
def test_errors_query_empty_state(self):