@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import tempfile
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
+from uuid import uuid4
from django.apps import apps
from django.core.management import call_command
from django.db import connections, router, transaction
+from django.utils import timezone
+from sentry_relay.auth import generate_key_pair
from sentry.backup.comparators import ComparatorMap
from sentry.backup.dependencies import sorted_dependencies
@@ -13,8 +17,59 @@ from sentry.backup.exports import OldExportConfig, exports
from sentry.backup.findings import ComparatorFindings
from sentry.backup.imports import OldImportConfig, imports
from sentry.backup.validate import validate
+from sentry.incidents.models import (
+ IncidentActivity,
+ IncidentSnapshot,
+ IncidentSubscription,
+ IncidentTrigger,
+ PendingIncidentSnapshot,
+ TimeSeriesSnapshot,
+from sentry.models.apiauthorization import ApiAuthorization
+from sentry.models.apikey import ApiKey
+from sentry.models.apitoken import ApiToken
+from sentry.models.authenticator import Authenticator
+from sentry.models.authidentity import AuthIdentity
+from sentry.models.authprovider import AuthProvider
+from sentry.models.counter import Counter
+from sentry.models.dashboard import Dashboard, DashboardTombstone
+from sentry.models.dashboard_widget import (
+ DashboardWidget,
+ DashboardWidgetQuery,
+ DashboardWidgetTypes,
+from sentry.models.environment import EnvironmentProject
from sentry.models.integrations.sentry_app import SentryApp
+from sentry.models.options.option import ControlOption, Option
+from sentry.models.options.organization_option import OrganizationOption
+from sentry.models.options.user_option import UserOption
+from sentry.models.organization import Organization
+from sentry.models.organizationaccessrequest import OrganizationAccessRequest
+from sentry.models.orgauthtoken import OrgAuthToken
+from sentry.models.project import Project
+from sentry.models.projectownership import ProjectOwnership
+from sentry.models.projectredirect import ProjectRedirect
+from sentry.models.recentsearch import RecentSearch
+from sentry.models.relay import Relay, RelayUsage
+from sentry.models.repository import Repository
+from sentry.models.rule import RuleActivity, RuleActivityType
+from sentry.models.savedsearch import SavedSearch, Visibility
+from sentry.models.search_common import SearchType
+from sentry.models.user import User
+from sentry.models.userip import UserIP
+from sentry.models.userrole import UserRole, UserRoleUser
+from sentry.monitors.models import (
+ CheckInStatus,
+ Monitor,
+ MonitorCheckIn,
+ MonitorEnvironment,
+ MonitorLocation,
+ MonitorType,
+ ScheduleType,
+from sentry.sentry_apps.apps import SentryAppUpdater
from sentry.silo import unguarded_write
+from sentry.testutils.cases import TransactionTestCase
from sentry.testutils.factories import get_fixture_path
from sentry.utils import json
from sentry.utils.json import JSONData
@@ -99,6 +154,22 @@ def import_export_then_validate(method_name: str, *, reset_pks: bool = True) ->
if res.findings:
raise ValidationError(res)
+ # Ensure that the "reset" behavior was tested in the manner we expect.
+ for i, expect_entry in enumerate(expect):
+ model_name = expect_entry["model"]
+ expect_pk = expect_entry["pk"]
+ actual_pk = actual[i]["pk"]
+ if reset_pks and expect_pk != actual_pk:
+ expect_pk
+ AssertionError(
+ f"At model `{model_name}`, the expected `pk` of `{expect_pk}` was not equal to the actual `pk` of `{actual_pk}`, even though `reset_pks = True`"
+ )
+ elif not reset_pks and expect_pk == actual_pk:
+ expect_pk
+ AssertionError(
+ f"At model `{model_name}`, the expected `pk` of `{expect_pk}` was equal to the actual `pk` of `{actual_pk}`, even though `reset_pks = False`"
+ )
return actual
@@ -124,3 +195,236 @@ def import_export_from_fixture_then_validate(
res = validate(expect, export_to_file(tmp_path.joinpath("tmp_test_file.json")), map)
if res.findings:
raise ValidationError(res)
+class BackupTestCase(TransactionTestCase):
+ """Instruments a database state that includes an instance of every Sentry model with every field
+ set to a non-default, non-null value. This is useful for exhaustive conformance testing."""
+ def create_exhaustive_user(
+ self,
+ username: str,
+ *,
+ is_admin: bool = False,
+ is_staff: bool = False,
+ is_superuser: bool = False,
+ ) -> User:
+ user = self.create_user(username, is_staff=is_staff, is_superuser=is_superuser)
+ UserOption.objects.create(user=user, key="timezone", value="Europe/Vienna")
+ UserIP.objects.create(
+ user=user,
+ ip_address="",
+ first_seen=datetime(2012, 4, 5, 3, 29, 45, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
+ last_seen=datetime(2012, 4, 5, 3, 29, 45, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
+ )
+ if is_admin:
+ self.add_user_permission(user, "users.admin")
+ role = UserRole.objects.create(name="test-admin-role")
+ UserRoleUser.objects.create(user=user, role=role)
+ return user
+ def create_exhaustive_organization(self, slug: str, owner: User, invitee: User) -> Organization:
+ org = self.create_organization(name=f"test_org_for_{slug}", owner=owner)
+ membership = self.create_member(organization=org, user=invitee, role="member")
+ OrganizationOption.objects.create(
+ organization=org, key="sentry:account-rate-limit", value=0
+ )
+ # Auth*
+ OrgAuthToken.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ name=f"token 1 for {slug}",
+ token_hashed=f"ABCDEF{slug}",
+ token_last_characters="xyz1",
+ scope_list=["org:ci"],
+ date_last_used=None,
+ )
+ ApiKey.objects.create(key=uuid4().hex, organization_id=org.id)
+ auth_provider = AuthProvider.objects.create(organization_id=org.id, provider="sentry")
+ Authenticator.objects.create(user=owner, type=1)
+ AuthIdentity.objects.create(
+ user=owner,
+ auth_provider=auth_provider,
+ ident=f"123456789{slug}",
+ data={
+ "key1": "value1",
+ "key2": 42,
+ "key3": [1, 2, 3],
+ "key4": {"nested_key": "nested_value"},
+ },
+ )
+ # Project*
+ project = self.create_project()
+ self.create_project_key(project)
+ self.create_project_bookmark(project=project, user=owner)
+ project = self.create_project()
+ ProjectOwnership.objects.create(
+ project=project, raw='{"hello":"hello"}', schema={"hello": "hello"}
+ )
+ ProjectRedirect.record(project, f"project_slug_in_{slug}")
+ # Team
+ team = self.create_team(name=f"test_team_in_{slug}", organization=org)
+ self.create_team_membership(user=owner, team=team)
+ OrganizationAccessRequest.objects.create(member=membership, team=team)
+ # Rule*
+ rule = self.create_project_rule(project=project)
+ RuleActivity.objects.create(rule=rule, type=RuleActivityType.CREATED.value)
+ self.snooze_rule(user_id=owner.id, owner_id=owner.id, rule=rule)
+ # Environment*
+ env = self.create_environment()
+ EnvironmentProject.objects.create(project=project, environment=env, is_hidden=False)
+ # Monitor*
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=project.organization.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={"schedule": "* * * * *", "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB},
+ )
+ mon_env = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment=env,
+ )
+ location = MonitorLocation.objects.create(guid=uuid4(), name=f"test_location_in_{slug}")
+ MonitorCheckIn.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ monitor_environment=mon_env,
+ location=location,
+ project_id=monitor.project_id,
+ status=CheckInStatus.IN_PROGRESS,
+ )
+ # AlertRule*
+ alert = self.create_alert_rule(include_all_projects=True, excluded_projects=[project])
+ trigger = self.create_alert_rule_trigger(alert_rule=alert, excluded_projects=[self.project])
+ self.create_alert_rule_trigger_action(alert_rule_trigger=trigger)
+ # Incident*
+ incident = self.create_incident()
+ IncidentActivity.objects.create(
+ incident=incident,
+ type=1,
+ comment=f"hello {slug}",
+ )
+ IncidentSnapshot.objects.create(
+ incident=incident,
+ event_stats_snapshot=TimeSeriesSnapshot.objects.create(
+ start=datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=24),
+ end=datetime.utcnow(),
+ values=[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.5, 2.5, 3.5]],
+ period=1,
+ ),
+ unique_users=1,
+ total_events=1,
+ )
+ IncidentSubscription.objects.create(incident=incident, user_id=owner.id)
+ IncidentTrigger.objects.create(
+ incident=incident,
+ alert_rule_trigger=trigger,
+ status=1,
+ )
+ # *Snapshot
+ PendingIncidentSnapshot.objects.create(
+ incident=incident, target_run_date=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=4)
+ )
+ # Dashboard
+ dashboard = Dashboard.objects.create(
+ title=f"Dashboard 1 for {slug}", created_by_id=owner.id, organization=org
+ )
+ widget = DashboardWidget.objects.create(
+ dashboard=dashboard,
+ order=1,
+ title=f"Test Widget for {slug}",
+ display_type=0,
+ widget_type=DashboardWidgetTypes.DISCOVER,
+ )
+ DashboardWidgetQuery.objects.create(widget=widget, order=1, name=f"Test Query for {slug}")
+ DashboardTombstone.objects.create(organization=org, slug=f"test-tombstone-in-{slug}")
+ # *Search
+ RecentSearch.objects.create(
+ organization=org,
+ user_id=owner.id,
+ type=SearchType.ISSUE.value,
+ query=f"some query for {slug}",
+ )
+ SavedSearch.objects.create(
+ organization=org,
+ name=f"Saved query for {slug}",
+ query=f"saved query for {slug}",
+ visibility=Visibility.ORGANIZATION,
+ )
+ # misc
+ Counter.increment(project, 1)
+ Repository.objects.create(
+ name=f"test_repo_for_{slug}",
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ integration_id=self.integration.id,
+ )
+ return org
+ def create_exhaustive_sentry_app(self, name: str, owner: User, org: Organization) -> SentryApp:
+ # SentryApp*
+ app = self.create_sentry_app(name=name, organization=org)
+ install = self.create_sentry_app_installation(slug=app.slug, organization=org, user=owner)
+ updater = SentryAppUpdater(sentry_app=app)
+ updater.schema = {"elements": [self.create_alert_rule_action_schema()]}
+ updater.run(owner)
+ # Api*
+ ApiAuthorization.objects.create(application=app.application, user=owner)
+ ApiToken.objects.create(
+ application=app.application, user=owner, token=uuid4().hex, expires_at=None
+ )
+ # ServiceHook
+ self.create_service_hook(
+ application_id=app.application.id,
+ actor_id=app.proxy_user.id,
+ installation_id=install.id,
+ org=org,
+ )
+ # NotificationAction
+ project = Project.objects.filter(organization=org).first()
+ self.create_notification_action(organization=org, sentry_app_id=app.id, projects=[project])
+ return app
+ def create_exhaustive_globals(self):
+ # *Options
+ Option.objects.create(key="foo", value="a")
+ ControlOption.objects.create(key="bar", value="b")
+ # Relay*
+ _, public_key = generate_key_pair()
+ relay = str(uuid4())
+ Relay.objects.create(relay_id=relay, public_key=str(public_key), is_internal=True)
+ RelayUsage.objects.create(relay_id=relay, version="0.0.1", public_key=public_key)
+ def create_exhaustive_instance(self, *, is_superadmin: bool = False):
+ """
+ Takes an empty Sentry instance's database, and populates it with an "exhaustive" version of every model. The end result is two users, in one organization, with one full set of extensions, and all global flags set.
+ """
+ owner = self.create_exhaustive_user(
+ "owner", is_admin=is_superadmin, is_superuser=is_superadmin, is_staff=is_superadmin
+ )
+ invitee = self.create_exhaustive_user("invitee")
+ org = self.create_exhaustive_organization("test-org", owner, invitee)
+ self.create_exhaustive_sentry_app("test app", owner, org)
+ self.create_exhaustive_globals()
+ def import_export_then_validate(self, out_name, *, reset_pks: bool = True) -> JSONData:
+ return import_export_then_validate(out_name, reset_pks=reset_pks)