@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from django import forms
+from django.utils.encoding import force_text
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
+from onelogin.saml2.idp_metadata_parser import OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser
+from django.forms.utils import ErrorList
+from sentry.http import safe_urlopen
+def extract_idp_data_from_parsed_data(data):
+ """
+ Transform data returned by the OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser into the
+ expected IdP dict shape.
+ """
+ idp = data.get("idp", {})
+ # In some scenarios the IDP sticks the x509cert in the x509certMulti
+ # parameter
+ cert = idp.get("x509cert", idp.get("x509certMulti", {}).get("signing", [None])[0])
+ return {
+ "entity_id": idp.get("entityId"),
+ "sso_url": idp.get("singleSignOnService", {}).get("url"),
+ "slo_url": idp.get("singleLogoutService", {}).get("url"),
+ "x509cert": cert,
+ }
+def process_url(form):
+ url = form.cleaned_data["metadata_url"]
+ response = safe_urlopen(url)
+ data = OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser.parse(response.content)
+ return extract_idp_data_from_parsed_data(data)
+def process_xml(form):
+ # cast unicode xml to byte string so lxml won't complain when trying to
+ # parse a xml document with a type declaration.
+ xml = form.cleaned_data["metadata_xml"].encode("utf8")
+ data = OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser.parse(xml)
+ return extract_idp_data_from_parsed_data(data)
+class URLMetadataForm(forms.Form):
+ metadata_url = forms.URLField(label="Metadata URL")
+ processor = process_url
+class XMLMetadataForm(forms.Form):
+ metadata_xml = forms.CharField(label="Metadata XML", widget=forms.Textarea)
+ processor = process_xml
+class SAMLForm(forms.Form):
+ entity_id = forms.CharField(label="Entity ID")
+ sso_url = forms.URLField(label="Single Sign On URL")
+ slo_url = forms.URLField(label="Single Log Out URL", required=False)
+ x509cert = forms.CharField(label="x509 public certificate", widget=forms.Textarea)
+ processor = lambda d: d.cleaned_data
+def process_metadata(form_cls, request, helper):
+ form = form_cls()
+ if "action_save" not in request.POST:
+ return form
+ form = form_cls(request.POST)
+ if not form.is_valid():
+ return form
+ try:
+ data = form_cls.processor(form)
+ except Exception:
+ errors = form._errors.setdefault("__all__", ErrorList())
+ errors.append("Failed to parse provided SAML2 metadata")
+ return form
+ saml_form = SAMLForm(data)
+ if not saml_form.is_valid():
+ field_errors = [
+ "%s: %s" % (k, ", ".join([force_text(i) for i in v]))
+ for k, v in saml_form.errors.items()
+ ]
+ error_list = ", ".join(field_errors)
+ errors = form._errors.setdefault("__all__", ErrorList())
+ errors.append(u"Invalid metadata: {}".format(error_list))
+ return form
+ helper.bind_state("idp", data)
+ # Data is bound, do not respond with a form to signal the nexts steps
+ return None
+class AttributeMappingForm(forms.Form):
+ # NOTE: These fields explicitly map to the sentry.auth.saml2.Attributes keys
+ identifier = forms.CharField(
+ label="IdP User ID",
+ widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"placeholder": "eg. user.uniqueID"}),
+ help_text=_(
+ "The IdPs unique ID attribute key for the user. This is "
+ "what Sentry will used to identify the users identity from "
+ "the identity provider."
+ ),
+ )
+ user_email = forms.CharField(
+ label="User Email",
+ widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"placeholder": "eg. user.email"}),
+ help_text=_(
+ "The IdPs email address attribute key for the "
+ "user. Upon initial linking this will be used to identify "
+ "the user in Sentry."
+ ),
+ )
+ first_name = forms.CharField(label="First Name", required=False)
+ last_name = forms.CharField(label="Last Name", required=False)