@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import pytest
+from sentry.models import (
+ Organization,
+ OrganizationStatus,
+ OutboxCategory,
+ OutboxScope,
+ RegionOutbox,
+from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.organization_actions.impl import (
+ create_organization_with_outbox_message,
+ update_organization_with_outbox_message,
+ upsert_organization_by_org_id_with_outbox_message,
+from sentry.testutils import TestCase
+from sentry.testutils.cases import BaseTestCase
+from sentry.testutils.outbox import outbox_runner
+from sentry.testutils.silo import region_silo_test
+def assert_outbox_update_message_exists(org: Organization, expected_count: int):
+ outbox_messages = RegionOutbox.objects.filter()
+ # TODO(HC): Remove this once we can ensure an expected count of 1 for every message
+ # It's not essential since these messages will coallesce, but there's no reason we
+ # should be queueing 2 outbox messages per create/update
+ assert outbox_messages.count() == expected_count
+ for org_update_outbox in outbox_messages:
+ assert org_update_outbox.shard_identifier == org.id
+ assert org_update_outbox.shard_scope == OutboxScope.ORGANIZATION_SCOPE
+ assert org_update_outbox.category == OutboxCategory.ORGANIZATION_UPDATE
+class OrganizationUpdateTest(TestCase, BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.org: Organization = self.create_organization(slug="sluggy", name="barfoo")
+ with outbox_runner():
+ pass
+ def test_create_organization_with_outbox_message(self):
+ with outbox_runner():
+ pass
+ org: Organization = create_organization_with_outbox_message(
+ create_options={"slug": "santry", "name": "santry", "status": OrganizationStatus.ACTIVE}
+ )
+ assert org.id
+ assert org.slug == "santry"
+ assert org.name == "santry"
+ assert_outbox_update_message_exists(org=org, expected_count=2)
+class OrganizationUpdateWithOutboxTest(TestCase, BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.org: Organization = self.create_organization(slug="sluggy", name="barfoo")
+ with outbox_runner():
+ pass
+ def test_update_organization_with_outbox_message(self):
+ update_organization_with_outbox_message(org_id=self.org.id, update_data={"name": "foobar"})
+ self.org.refresh_from_db()
+ assert self.org.name == "foobar"
+ assert self.org.slug == "sluggy"
+ assert_outbox_update_message_exists(org=self.org, expected_count=1)
+ def test_update_with_missing_org_id(self):
+ with pytest.raises(Organization.DoesNotExist):
+ update_organization_with_outbox_message(org_id=1234, update_data={"name": "foobar"})
+class OrganizationUpsertWithOutboxTest(TestCase, BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.org: Organization = self.create_organization(slug="sluggy", name="barfoo")
+ with outbox_runner():
+ pass
+ def test_upsert_queues_outbox_message_and_updates_org(self):
+ # The test fixture creates at least 1 org so comparing count before
+ # and after the upsert is the safest way to assert we haven't created
+ # a new entry.
+ previous_org_count = Organization.objects.count()
+ org_before_modification = Organization.objects.get(id=self.org.id)
+ updated_org: Organization = upsert_organization_by_org_id_with_outbox_message(
+ org_id=self.org.id,
+ upsert_data={
+ "slug": "foobar",
+ "status": OrganizationStatus.DELETION_IN_PROGRESS,
+ },
+ )
+ assert Organization.objects.count() == previous_org_count
+ self.org.refresh_from_db()
+ assert updated_org.slug == self.org.slug == "foobar"
+ assert updated_org.name == self.org.name == "barfoo"
+ assert updated_org.status == self.org.status == OrganizationStatus.DELETION_IN_PROGRESS
+ assert (
+ updated_org.default_role
+ == self.org.default_role
+ == org_before_modification.default_role
+ )
+ assert_outbox_update_message_exists(org=self.org, expected_count=2)
+ def test_upsert_creates_organization_with_desired_id(self):
+ previous_org_count = Organization.objects.count()
+ org_before_modification = Organization.objects.get(id=self.org.id)
+ desired_org_id = 1234
+ created_org: Organization = upsert_organization_by_org_id_with_outbox_message(
+ org_id=desired_org_id,
+ upsert_data={"slug": "random", "name": "rando", "status": OrganizationStatus.ACTIVE},
+ )
+ assert Organization.objects.count() == previous_org_count + 1
+ db_created_org = Organization.objects.get(id=desired_org_id)
+ assert db_created_org.slug == created_org.slug == "random"
+ assert db_created_org.status == created_org.status == OrganizationStatus.ACTIVE
+ assert db_created_org.name == created_org.name == "rando"
+ # Probably overly cautious, but assert that previous org has not been modified
+ self.org.refresh_from_db()
+ assert org_before_modification.slug == self.org.slug
+ assert org_before_modification.name == self.org.name
+ assert org_before_modification.status == self.org.status
+ assert_outbox_update_message_exists(org=db_created_org, expected_count=2)