@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {css} from '@emotion/react';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import {motion} from 'framer-motion';
+import Text from 'app/components/text';
+import space from 'app/styles/space';
+import testableTransition from 'app/utils/testableTransition';
+ * The default wrapper for the detail text.
+ *
+ * This can be overridden using the `customWrapper` prop for when the overlay
+ * needs some special sizing due to background illustration constraints.
+ */
+const DefaultWrapper = styled('div')`
+ width: 500px;
+const subItemAnimation = {
+ initial: {
+ opacity: 0,
+ x: 60,
+ },
+ animate: {
+ opacity: 1,
+ x: 0,
+ transition: testableTransition({
+ type: 'spring',
+ duration: 0.4,
+ }),
+ },
+const Header = styled(motion.h2)`
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ margin-bottom: ${space(1)};
+Header.defaultProps = {
+ variants: subItemAnimation,
+ transition: testableTransition(),
+const Body = styled(motion.div)`
+ margin-bottom: ${space(2)};
+Body.defaultProps = {
+ variants: subItemAnimation,
+ transition: testableTransition(),
+type ContentOpts = {
+ Body: typeof Body;
+ Header: typeof Header;
+type PositioningStrategyOpts = {
+ /**
+ * The main container component rect.
+ */
+ mainRect: DOMRect;
+ /**
+ * The anchor reference component in the backgrounds rect.
+ */
+ anchorRect: DOMRect;
+ /**
+ * The wrapper being positioned Rect.
+ */
+ wrapperRect: DOMRect;
+type Props = {
+ text: (opts: ContentOpts) => React.ReactNode;
+ animateDelay?: number;
+ /**
+ * If special sizing of the details block is required you can use a custom
+ * wrapper passed in here.
+ *
+ * This must forward its ref if you are using a background that provides an
+ * anchor
+ */
+ customWrapper?: React.ComponentType;
+ /**
+ * Instead of rendering children with an animated gradient fly-in, render a
+ * background component.
+ *
+ * Optionally the background may accept an `anchorRef` prop, which when available will anchor
+ *
+ * Instead of rendering children, render a background and disable the
+ * gradient effect.
+ */
+ background?:
+ | React.ComponentType
+ | React.ComponentType<{anchorRef: React.Ref<SVGForeignObjectElement>}>;
+ /**
+ * When a background with an anchorRef is provided, you can customize the
+ * positioning strategy for the wrapper by passing in a custom function here
+ * that resolves the X and Y position.
+ */
+ positioningStrategy: (opts: PositioningStrategyOpts) => {x: number; y: number};
+type DefaultProps = Pick<Props, 'positioningStrategy'>;
+ * When a background with a anchor is used and no positioningStrategy is
+ * provided, by default we'll align the top left of the container to the anchor
+ */
+const defaultPositioning = ({mainRect, anchorRect}: PositioningStrategyOpts) => ({
+ x: anchorRect.x - mainRect.x,
+ y: anchorRect.y - mainRect.y,
+ * Wrapper component that will render the wrapped content with an animated
+ * overlay.
+ *
+ * If children are given they will be placed behind the overlay and hidden from
+ * pointer events.
+ *
+ * If a background is given, the background will be rendered _above_ any
+ * children (and will receive framer-motion variant changes for animations).
+ * The background may also provide a `anchorRef` to aid in alignment of the
+ * wrapper to a safe space in the background to aid in alignment of the wrapper
+ * to a safe space in the background.
+ */
+class PageOverlay extends React.Component<Props> {
+ static defaultProps: DefaultProps = {
+ positioningStrategy: defaultPositioning,
+ };
+ componentDidMount() {
+ if (this.contentRef.current === null || this.anchorRef.current === null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.anchorWrapper();
+ // Observe changes to the upsell container to reanchor if available
+ if (window.ResizeObserver) {
+ this.bgResizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(this.anchorWrapper);
+ this.bgResizeObserver.observe(this.contentRef.current);
+ }
+ }
+ componentWillUnmount() {
+ this.bgResizeObserver?.disconnect();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Used to re-anchor the text wrapper to the anchor point in the background when
+ * the size of the page changes.
+ */
+ bgResizeObserver: ResizeObserver | null = null;
+ contentRef = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+ wrapperRef = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+ anchorRef = React.createRef<SVGForeignObjectElement>();
+ /**
+ * Align the wrapper component to the anchor by computing x/y values using
+ * the passed function. By default if no function is specified it will align
+ * to the top left of the anchor.
+ */
+ anchorWrapper = () => {
+ if (
+ this.contentRef.current === null ||
+ this.wrapperRef.current === null ||
+ this.anchorRef.current === null
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Absolute position the container, this avoids the browser having to reflow
+ // the component
+ this.wrapperRef.current.style.position = 'absolute';
+ this.wrapperRef.current.style.left = `0px`;
+ this.wrapperRef.current.style.top = `0px`;
+ const mainRect = this.contentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
+ const anchorRect = this.anchorRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
+ const wrapperRect = this.wrapperRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
+ // Compute the position of the wrapper
+ const {x, y} = this.props.positioningStrategy({mainRect, anchorRect, wrapperRect});
+ const transform = `translate(${Math.round(x)}px, ${Math.round(y)}px)`;
+ this.wrapperRef.current.style.transform = transform;
+ };
+ render() {
+ const {
+ text,
+ children,
+ animateDelay,
+ background: BackgroundComponent,
+ customWrapper,
+ ...props
+ } = this.props;
+ const Wrapper = customWrapper ?? DefaultWrapper;
+ const transition = testableTransition({
+ delay: 1,
+ duration: 1.2,
+ ease: 'easeInOut',
+ delayChildren: animateDelay ?? (BackgroundComponent ? 0.5 : 1.5),
+ staggerChildren: 0.15,
+ });
+ return (
+ <MaskedContent {...props}>
+ {children}
+ <ContentWrapper
+ ref={this.contentRef}
+ transition={transition}
+ variants={{animate: {}}}
+ >
+ {BackgroundComponent && (
+ <Background>
+ <BackgroundComponent anchorRef={this.anchorRef} />
+ </Background>
+ )}
+ <Wrapper ref={this.wrapperRef}>
+ <Text>{text({Body, Header})}</Text>
+ </Wrapper>
+ </ContentWrapper>
+ </MaskedContent>
+ );
+ }
+const absoluteFull = css`
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+const ContentWrapper = styled(motion.div)`
+ ${absoluteFull}
+ padding: 10%;
+ z-index: 900;
+ContentWrapper.defaultProps = {
+ initial: 'initial',
+ animate: 'animate',
+const Background = styled('div')`
+ ${absoluteFull}
+ z-index: -1;
+ padding: 60px;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ > * {
+ width: 100%;
+ min-height: 600px;
+ height: 100%;
+ }
+const MaskedContent = styled('div')`
+ position: relative;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ flex-basis: 0;
+ /* Specify bottom margin specifically to offset the margin of the footer, so
+ * the hidden content flows directly to the border of the footer
+ */
+ margin-bottom: -20px;
+export default PageOverlay;