@@ -433,3 +433,31 @@ class OrganizationEventsSpansPerformanceEndpointBase(APITestCase, SnubaTestCase)
assert "sort=-sumExclusiveTime" in link
# last page does not have a next page, only previous
assert info["results"] == ("true" if info["rel"] == "previous" else "false")
+ @pytest.mark.skip("setting snuba config is too slow")
+ def test_span_group_prefixed_with_zeros(self):
+ self.update_snuba_config_ensure({"write_span_columns_projects": f"[{self.project.id}]"})
+ trace_context = {
+ "op": "http.server",
+ "hash": "00" + "ab" * 7,
+ "exclusive_time": 4.0,
+ }
+ event = self.create_event(trace_context=trace_context)
+ with self.feature(self.FEATURES):
+ response = self.client.get(
+ self.url,
+ data={
+ "project": self.project.id,
+ "sort": "-p99ExclusiveTime",
+ "per_page": 1,
+ },
+ format="json",
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200, response.content
+ results = self.suspect_span_results("percentiles", event)
+ results["group"] = "00" + "ab" * 7
+ self.assert_suspect_span(response.data, [results])