@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ function RelatedIssuesSection({
// project=-1 allows ensuring that the query will show issues from any projects for the org
// This is important for traces since issues can be for any project in the org
const baseUrl = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/issues/?project=-1`;
- let title;
- let linkToTrace;
- let openIssuesButton;
+ let title: React.ReactNode = null;
+ let linkToTrace: React.ReactNode = null;
+ let openIssuesButton: React.ReactNode = null;
if (relationType === 'trace_connected' && traceMeta) {
title = t('Issues in the same trace');
linkToTrace = (
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ function RelatedIssuesSection({
) : issues.length > 0 ? (
- {linkToTrace ?? null}
- {openIssuesButton ?? null}
+ {linkToTrace}
+ {openIssuesButton}