@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ PIP_OPTS := --no-use-pep517 --disable-pip-version-check
WEBPACK := NODE_ENV=production ./bin/yarn webpack
WEBPACK := NODE_ENV=production ./bin/yarn webpack
YARN := ./bin/yarn
YARN := ./bin/yarn
-bootstrap: install-system-pkgs develop init-config run-dependent-services create-db apply-migrations
+bootstrap: develop init-config run-dependent-services create-db apply-migrations
develop: ensure-venv setup-git develop-only
develop: ensure-venv setup-git develop-only
@@ -81,10 +81,6 @@ update-submodules:
@test "$$(node -v)" = v"$$(cat .nvmrc)" || (echo 'node version does not match .nvmrc. Recommended to use https://github.com/creationix/nvm'; exit 1)
@test "$$(node -v)" = v"$$(cat .nvmrc)" || (echo 'node version does not match .nvmrc. Recommended to use https://github.com/creationix/nvm'; exit 1)
-install-system-pkgs: node-version-check
- @echo "--> Installing system packages (from Brewfile)"
- @command -v brew 2>&1 > /dev/null && brew bundle || (echo 'WARNING: homebrew not found or brew bundle failed - skipping system dependencies.')
@echo "--> Installing Yarn packages (for development)"
@echo "--> Installing Yarn packages (for development)"
@command -v $(YARN) 2>&1 > /dev/null || (echo 'yarn not found. Please install it before proceeding.'; exit 1)
@command -v $(YARN) 2>&1 > /dev/null || (echo 'yarn not found. Please install it before proceeding.'; exit 1)
@@ -212,7 +208,7 @@ publish:
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel upload
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel upload
-.PHONY: develop develop-only test build test reset-db clean setup-git update-submodules node-version-check install-system-pkgs install-yarn-pkgs install-sentry-dev build-js-po locale update-transifex build-platform-assets test-cli test-js test-styleguide test-python test-snuba test-symbolicator test-acceptance lint lint-python lint-js publish
+.PHONY: develop develop-only test build test reset-db clean setup-git update-submodules node-version-check install-yarn-pkgs install-sentry-dev build-js-po locale update-transifex build-platform-assets test-cli test-js test-styleguide test-python test-snuba test-symbolicator test-acceptance lint lint-python lint-js publish