@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
-import logging
-from datetime import timedelta
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.utils import timezone
+# TODO: delete this whole file once confirming no more of these tasks are floating around anywhere
from sentry.silo.base import SiloMode
from sentry.tasks.base import instrumented_task
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -26,44 +20,4 @@ def reprocess_events(project_id, **kwargs):
def clear_expired_raw_events():
- from sentry.models.processingissue import ProcessingIssue
- from sentry.models.rawevent import RawEvent
- from sentry.models.reprocessingreport import ReprocessingReport
- # Max number of times to attempt to query each model
- # Number of rows to fetch/delete for each query
- def batched_delete(model_cls, **filter):
- # Django 1.6's `Queryset.delete` runs in this order:
- #
- # 1. Fetch all models
- # 2. Call all `on_delete`s
- # 3. Delete from DB (batched `DELETE WHERE id in (...)`)
- #
- # Since we attempt to unpickle `NodeField`s in Step 2, we might time
- # out at that point and never do the delete.
- #
- # Better to delete a few rows than none.
- for _ in range(MAX_BATCHES_PER_MODEL):
- # Django already loads this into memory, might as well do it
- # explicitly. Makes check for result emptiness cheaper.
- result = set(
- model_cls.objects.filter(**filter)[:LIMIT_PER_QUERY].values_list("pk", flat=True)
- )
- if not result:
- break
- # Django ORM can't do delete with limit
- model_cls.objects.filter(pk__in=result).delete()
- cutoff = timezone.now() - timedelta(days=settings.SENTRY_RAW_EVENT_MAX_AGE_DAYS)
- # Clear old raw events and reprocessing reports
- batched_delete(RawEvent, datetime__lt=cutoff)
- batched_delete(ReprocessingReport, datetime__lt=cutoff)
- # Processing issues get a bit of extra time before we delete them
- cutoff = timezone.now() - timedelta(days=int(settings.SENTRY_RAW_EVENT_MAX_AGE_DAYS * 1.3))
- batched_delete(ProcessingIssue, datetime__lt=cutoff)
+ pass