@@ -0,0 +1,3113 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from datetime import timedelta
+import pytest
+from django.utils import timezone
+from sentry.discover.arithmetic import ArithmeticValidationError
+from sentry.discover.models import TeamKeyTransaction
+from sentry.exceptions import InvalidSearchQuery
+from sentry.models.projectteam import ProjectTeam
+from sentry.models.releaseprojectenvironment import ReleaseStages
+from sentry.models.transaction_threshold import (
+ ProjectTransactionThreshold,
+ ProjectTransactionThresholdOverride,
+ TransactionMetric,
+from sentry.search.events.constants import (
+from sentry.snuba import discover, transactions
+from sentry.testutils.cases import SnubaTestCase, TestCase
+from sentry.testutils.helpers.datetime import before_now, iso_format
+from sentry.utils.samples import load_data
+ARRAY_COLUMNS = ["measurements", "span_op_breakdowns"]
+class TransactionQueryIntegrationTest(SnubaTestCase, TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super().setUp()
+ self.environment = self.create_environment(self.project, name="prod")
+ self.release = self.create_release(self.project, version="first-release")
+ self.now = before_now()
+ self.one_min_ago = before_now(minutes=1)
+ self.two_min_ago = before_now(minutes=2)
+ self.event_time = self.one_min_ago
+ # error event
+ data = load_data("javascript")
+ data["timestamp"] = iso_format(before_now(minutes=10))
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ # transaction event
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=self.event_time)
+ data["transaction"] = "a" * 32
+ data["user"] = {"id": "99", "email": "bruce@example.com", "username": "brucew"}
+ data["release"] = "first-release"
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ data["tags"] = [["key1", "value1"]]
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ self.params = {
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": before_now(days=1),
+ "end": self.now,
+ }
+ def test_transaction_query(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="test_transactions_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0] == {"transaction": "a" * 32}
+ def test_error_query(self):
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery):
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query="event.type:error",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="test_transactions_query",
+ )
+ def test_any_function(self):
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["count()", "any(transaction)", "any(user.id)"],
+ query="event.type:transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=5),
+ "end": before_now(seconds=1),
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ },
+ referrer="discover",
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ )
+ data = results["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["any_transaction"] == "a" * 32
+ assert data[0]["any_user_id"] == "99"
+ assert data[0]["count"] == 1
+ def test_auto_fields_aggregates(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["count_unique(user.email)"],
+ referrer="discover",
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ auto_fields=True,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["count_unique_user_email"] == 1
+ def test_auto_fields_simple_fields(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["user.email", "release"],
+ referrer="discover",
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ auto_fields=True,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["id"] == self.event.event_id
+ assert data[0]["user.email"] == "bruce@example.com"
+ assert data[0]["release"] == "first-release"
+ assert data[0]["project.name"] == self.project.slug
+ assert len(result["meta"]["fields"]) == 4
+ assert result["meta"]["fields"] == {
+ "user.email": "string",
+ "release": "string",
+ "id": "string",
+ "project.name": "string",
+ }
+ def test_conditional_filter(self):
+ project2 = self.create_project(organization=self.organization)
+ project3 = self.create_project(organization=self.organization)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "b" * 32
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=project2.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "c" * 32
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=project3.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project", "transaction"],
+ query=f"project:{self.project.slug} OR project:{project2.slug}",
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id, project2.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ orderby="transaction",
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 2
+ assert data[0]["project"] == self.project.slug
+ assert data[1]["project"] == project2.slug
+ def test_nested_conditional_filter(self):
+ project2 = self.create_project(organization=self.organization)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["release"] = "a" * 32
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["release"] = "b" * 32
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["release"] = "c" * 32
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["release"] = "a" * 32
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=project2.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["release"],
+ query="(release:{} OR release:{}) AND project:{}".format(
+ "a" * 32, "b" * 32, self.project.slug
+ ),
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id, project2.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ orderby="release",
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 2
+ assert data[0]["release"] == "a" * 32
+ assert data[1]["release"] == "b" * 32
+ def test_environment_condition(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id", "message"],
+ query=f"environment:{self.create_environment(self.project).name}",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(result["data"]) == 0
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id", "message"],
+ query=f"environment:{self.environment.name}",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(result["data"]) == 1
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert data[0]["id"] == self.event.event_id
+ assert data[0]["message"] == "a" * 32
+ def test_field_alias_with_component(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project.id", "user", "user.email"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["project.id"] == self.project.id
+ assert data[0]["user"] == "id:99"
+ assert data[0]["user.email"] == "bruce@example.com"
+ assert len(result["meta"]["fields"]) == 3
+ assert result["meta"]["fields"] == {
+ "project.id": "integer",
+ "user": "string",
+ "user.email": "string",
+ }
+ def test_field_aliasing_in_aggregate_functions_and_groupby(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project.id", "count_unique(user.email)"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ auto_fields=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["project.id"] == self.project.id
+ assert data[0]["count_unique_user_email"] == 1
+ def test_field_aliasing_in_conditions(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project.id", "user.email"],
+ query="user.email:bruce@example.com",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ auto_fields=True,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["project.id"] == self.project.id
+ assert data[0]["user.email"] == "bruce@example.com"
+ def test_field_aliasing_in_selected_columns(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project.id", "user", "release", "timestamp.to_hour"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["project.id"] == self.project.id
+ assert data[0]["user"] == "id:99"
+ assert data[0]["release"] == "first-release"
+ event_hour = self.event_time.replace(minute=0, second=0)
+ assert data[0]["timestamp.to_hour"] == iso_format(event_hour) + "+00:00"
+ assert len(result["meta"]["fields"]) == 4
+ assert result["meta"]["fields"] == {
+ "project.id": "integer",
+ "user": "string",
+ "release": "string",
+ "timestamp.to_hour": "date",
+ }
+ def test_latest_release_condition(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id", "message"],
+ query="release:latest",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(result["data"]) == 1
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert data[0]["id"] == self.event.event_id
+ assert data[0]["message"] == self.event.transaction
+ assert "event_id" not in data[0]
+ def test_message_filter(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "oh yeah"
+ self.event = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "oh no"
+ self.event = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ tests: list[tuple[str, list[str]]] = [
+ ('message:"oh no"', ["oh no"]),
+ ('message:"oh yeah"', ["oh yeah"]),
+ ('message:""', []),
+ ("has:message", ["a" * 32, "oh no", "oh yeah"]),
+ ("!has:message", []),
+ ("message:oh*", ["oh no", "oh yeah"]),
+ ('message:"oh *"', ["oh no", "oh yeah"]),
+ ('message:["oh meh"]', []),
+ ('message:["oh yeah"]', ["oh yeah"]),
+ ('message:["oh yeah", "oh no"]', ["oh no", "oh yeah"]),
+ ]
+ for query, expected in tests:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["message"],
+ query=query,
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby="message",
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected)
+ assert [item["message"] for item in data] == expected
+ def test_release_condition(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id", "message"],
+ query=f"release:{self.create_release(self.project).version}",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(result["data"]) == 0
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id", "message"],
+ query=f"release:{self.release.version}",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(result["data"]) == 1
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert data[0]["id"] == self.event.event_id
+ assert data[0]["message"] == self.event.transaction
+ assert "event_id" not in data[0]
+ def test_semver_condition(self):
+ release_1 = self.create_release(version="test@1.2.3")
+ release_2 = self.create_release(version="test@1.2.4")
+ release_3 = self.create_release(version="test@1.2.5")
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_1.version
+ release_1_e_1 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_1.version
+ release_1_e_2 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_2.version
+ release_2_e_1 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_2.version
+ release_2_e_2 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_3.version
+ release_3_e_1 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_3.version
+ release_3_e_2 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"{SEMVER_ALIAS}:>1.2.3",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ release_2_e_1,
+ release_2_e_2,
+ release_3_e_1,
+ release_3_e_2,
+ }
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"{SEMVER_ALIAS}:>=1.2.3",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ release_1_e_1,
+ release_1_e_2,
+ release_2_e_1,
+ release_2_e_2,
+ release_3_e_1,
+ release_3_e_2,
+ }
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"{SEMVER_ALIAS}:<1.2.4",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {release_1_e_1, release_1_e_2}
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"!{SEMVER_ALIAS}:1.2.3",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ self.event.event_id,
+ release_2_e_1,
+ release_2_e_2,
+ release_3_e_1,
+ release_3_e_2,
+ }
+ def test_release_stage_condition(self):
+ replaced_release = self.create_release(
+ version="replaced_release",
+ environments=[self.environment],
+ adopted=timezone.now(),
+ unadopted=timezone.now(),
+ )
+ adopted_release = self.create_release(
+ version="adopted_release",
+ environments=[self.environment],
+ adopted=timezone.now(),
+ )
+ self.create_release(version="not_adopted_release", environments=[self.environment])
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = adopted_release.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ adopted_release_e_1 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = adopted_release.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ adopted_release_e_2 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = replaced_release.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ replaced_release_e_1 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = replaced_release.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ replaced_release_e_2 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ self.params["environment"] = [self.environment.name]
+ self.params["environment_objects"] = [self.environment]
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"{RELEASE_STAGE_ALIAS}:{ReleaseStages.ADOPTED.value}",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ adopted_release_e_1,
+ adopted_release_e_2,
+ }
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"!{RELEASE_STAGE_ALIAS}:{ReleaseStages.LOW_ADOPTION.value}",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ adopted_release_e_1,
+ adopted_release_e_2,
+ replaced_release_e_1,
+ replaced_release_e_2,
+ }
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"{RELEASE_STAGE_ALIAS}:[{ReleaseStages.ADOPTED.value}, {ReleaseStages.REPLACED.value}]",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ adopted_release_e_1,
+ adopted_release_e_2,
+ replaced_release_e_1,
+ replaced_release_e_2,
+ }
+ def test_semver_package_condition(self):
+ release_1 = self.create_release(version="test@1.2.3")
+ release_2 = self.create_release(version="test2@1.2.4")
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_1.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ release_1_e_1 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_1.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ release_1_e_2 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_2.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ release_2_e_1 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ referrer="discover",
+ query=f"{SEMVER_PACKAGE_ALIAS}:test",
+ params=self.params,
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ release_1_e_1,
+ release_1_e_2,
+ }
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"{SEMVER_PACKAGE_ALIAS}:test2",
+ referrer="discover",
+ params=self.params,
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ release_2_e_1,
+ }
+ def test_semver_build_condition(self):
+ release_1 = self.create_release(version="test@1.2.3+123")
+ release_2 = self.create_release(version="test2@1.2.4+124")
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_1.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ release_1_e_1 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_1.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ release_1_e_2 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["release"] = release_2.version
+ data["environment"] = self.environment.name
+ release_2_e_1 = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id).event_id
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"{SEMVER_BUILD_ALIAS}:123",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ release_1_e_1,
+ release_1_e_2,
+ }
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"{SEMVER_BUILD_ALIAS}:124",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {
+ release_2_e_1,
+ }
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["id"],
+ query=f"{SEMVER_BUILD_ALIAS}:>=123",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {r["id"] for r in result["data"]} == {release_1_e_1, release_1_e_2, release_2_e_1}
+ def test_message_orderby(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "oh yeah"
+ self.event = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "oh no"
+ self.event = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ tests = [
+ ("message", ["a" * 32, "oh no", "oh yeah"]),
+ (
+ "-message",
+ [
+ "oh yeah",
+ "oh no",
+ "a" * 32,
+ ],
+ ),
+ ]
+ for orderby, expected in tests:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["message"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby=orderby,
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 3
+ assert [item["message"] for item in data] == expected
+ def test_missing_project(self):
+ project_ids = []
+ other_project = None
+ for project_name in ["a" * 32, "z" * 32, "m" * 32]:
+ other_project = self.create_project(organization=self.organization, slug=project_name)
+ project_ids.append(other_project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "ohh no"
+ self.event = self.store_event(data, project_id=other_project.id)
+ self.params["project_id"] = project_ids
+ # delete the last project so its missing
+ if other_project is not None:
+ other_project.delete()
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["message", "project"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby="project",
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 2
+ assert [item["project"] for item in data] == ["a" * 32, "z" * 32]
+ def test_offsets(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "hello1"
+ self.event = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "hello2"
+ self.event = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["message"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby="message",
+ limit=1,
+ offset=2,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ # because we're ording by `message`, and offset by 2, the message should be `hello2`
+ # order would be a * 32, hello1, hello2
+ assert data[0]["message"] == "hello2"
+ def test_orderby_field_alias(self):
+ events = (
+ ("a" * 32, "ok", False),
+ ("b" * 32, "already_exists", True),
+ ("c" * 32, "aborted", None),
+ )
+ for event in events:
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=10))
+ data["event_id"] = event[0]
+ data["transaction"] = event[0]
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = event[1]
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ queries = [
+ (["transaction.status"], [0, 6, 10]),
+ ("transaction.status", [0, 6, 10]),
+ (["-transaction.status"], [10, 6, 0]),
+ ("-transaction.status", [10, 6, 0]),
+ ]
+ for orderby, expected in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "transaction.status"],
+ query="",
+ orderby=orderby,
+ params={
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": before_now(minutes=12),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=8),
+ },
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert [x["transaction.status"] for x in data] == expected
+ def test_transaction_status(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["transaction"] = "/test_transaction/success"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "ok"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["transaction"] = "/test_transaction/aborted"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "aborted"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["transaction"] = "/test_transaction/already_exists"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "already_exists"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction.status"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 4
+ assert {
+ data[0]["transaction.status"],
+ data[1]["transaction.status"],
+ data[2]["transaction.status"],
+ data[3]["transaction.status"],
+ } == {0, 10, 6}
+ def test_project_in_condition_with_or(self):
+ project2 = self.create_project(organization=self.organization)
+ event_data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ self.store_event(data=event_data, project_id=project2.id)
+ expected = sorted([self.project.slug])
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project"],
+ query=f"project:{self.project.slug} or event.type:transaction",
+ params={
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ "project_id": [self.project.id, project2.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ orderby="project",
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected)
+ assert [item["project"] for item in data] == expected
+ def test_project_mapping(self):
+ other_project = self.create_project(organization=self.organization)
+ self.params["project_id"] = [other_project.id]
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["transaction"] = "hello"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=other_project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project", "message"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby="project",
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["project"] == other_project.slug
+ def test_sorting_and_reverse_sorting_project_name(self):
+ project_ids = []
+ for project_name in ["a" * 32, "z" * 32, "m" * 32]:
+ other_project = self.create_project(organization=self.organization, slug=project_name)
+ project_ids.append(other_project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=other_project.id)
+ self.params["project_id"] = project_ids
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project", "message"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby="-project",
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 3
+ assert [item["project"] for item in data] == ["z" * 32, "m" * 32, "a" * 32]
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project", "message"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby="project",
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 3
+ assert [item["project"] for item in data] == ["a" * 32, "m" * 32, "z" * 32]
+ def test_tags_colliding_with_fields(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["tags"] = [["id", "new"]]
+ event = self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ tests = [
+ ("id", "", sorted([self.event.event_id, event.event_id])),
+ ("id", f"id:{event.event_id}", [event.event_id]),
+ ("tags[id]", "", ["", "new"]),
+ ("tags[id]", "tags[id]:new", ["new"]),
+ ]
+ for column, query, expected in tests:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[column],
+ query=query,
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby=column,
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected), (query, expected)
+ assert [item[column] for item in data] == expected
+ def test_tags_orderby(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["tags"] = [["key1", "value2"]]
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ tests = [
+ ("key1", "key1", ["value1", "value2"]),
+ ("key1", "-key1", ["value2", "value1"]),
+ ("tags[key1]", "tags[key1]", ["value1", "value2"]),
+ ("tags[key1]", "-tags[key1]", ["value2", "value1"]),
+ ]
+ for column, orderby, expected in tests:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[column],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby=orderby,
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected)
+ assert [item[column] for item in data] == expected
+ def test_tags_filter(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["tags"] = [["key1", "value2"]]
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ tests: list[tuple[str, str, list[str]]] = [
+ ("key1", "", ["value1", "value2"]),
+ ("key1", "has:key1", ["value1", "value2"]),
+ ("key1", "!has:key1", []),
+ ("key1", "key1:value1", ["value1"]),
+ ("key1", "key1:value2", ["value2"]),
+ ("key1", 'key1:""', []),
+ ("key1", "key1:value*", ["value1", "value2"]),
+ ("key1", 'key1:["value1"]', ["value1"]),
+ ("key1", 'key1:["value1", "value2"]', ["value1", "value2"]),
+ ("tags[key1]", "", ["value1", "value2"]),
+ # has does not work with tags[...] syntax
+ # ("tags[key1]", 'has:"tags[key1]"', ["value1", "value2"]),
+ # ("tags[key1]", '!has:"tags[key1]"', []),
+ ("tags[key1]", "tags[key1]:value1", ["value1"]),
+ ("tags[key1]", "tags[key1]:value2", ["value2"]),
+ ("tags[key1]", 'tags[key1]:""', []),
+ ("tags[key1]", "tags[key1]:value*", ["value1", "value2"]),
+ ("tags[key1]", 'tags[key1]:["value1"]', ["value1"]),
+ ("tags[key1]", 'tags[key1]:["value1", "value2"]', ["value1", "value2"]),
+ ]
+ for column, query, expected in tests:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[column],
+ query=query,
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby=column,
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected), (column, query, expected)
+ assert [item[column] for item in data] == expected
+ def test_team_key_transactions(self):
+ team1 = self.create_team(organization=self.organization, name="Team A")
+ self.project.add_team(team1)
+ team2 = self.create_team(organization=self.organization, name="Team B")
+ self.project.add_team(team2)
+ txns = ["/blah_transaction/"]
+ key_txns = [
+ (team1, "/foo_transaction/"),
+ (team2, "/zoo_transaction/"),
+ ]
+ for transaction in txns:
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=(5)),
+ )
+ data["transaction"] = transaction
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ for team, transaction in key_txns:
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=(5)),
+ )
+ data["transaction"] = transaction
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ TeamKeyTransaction.objects.create(
+ organization=self.organization,
+ transaction=transaction,
+ project_team=ProjectTeam.objects.get(project=self.project, team=team),
+ )
+ queries = [
+ ("", [("/blah_transaction/", 0), ("/foo_transaction/", 1), ("/zoo_transaction/", 1)]),
+ ("has:team_key_transaction", [("/foo_transaction/", 1), ("/zoo_transaction/", 1)]),
+ ("!has:team_key_transaction", [("/blah_transaction/", 0)]),
+ ("team_key_transaction:true", [("/foo_transaction/", 1), ("/zoo_transaction/", 1)]),
+ ("team_key_transaction:false", [("/blah_transaction/", 0)]),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_results in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "team_key_transaction"],
+ query=query,
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ "team_id": [team1.id, team2.id],
+ },
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected_results)
+ assert [
+ (x["transaction"], x["team_key_transaction"])
+ for x in sorted(data, key=lambda k: k["transaction"])
+ ] == expected_results
+ def test_timestamp_rounding_fields(self):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["timestamp.to_hour", "timestamp.to_day"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ hour = self.event_time.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
+ day = hour.replace(hour=0)
+ assert [item["timestamp.to_hour"] for item in data] == [f"{iso_format(hour)}+00:00"]
+ assert [item["timestamp.to_day"] for item in data] == [f"{iso_format(day)}+00:00"]
+ def test_timestamp_rounding_filters(self):
+ one_day_ago = before_now(days=1)
+ two_day_ago = before_now(days=2)
+ three_day_ago = before_now(days=3)
+ self.params["start"] = three_day_ago
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=two_day_ago)
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["timestamp.to_hour", "timestamp.to_day"],
+ query=f"timestamp.to_hour:<{iso_format(one_day_ago)} timestamp.to_day:<{iso_format(one_day_ago)}",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ hour = two_day_ago.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
+ day = hour.replace(hour=0)
+ assert [item["timestamp.to_hour"] for item in data] == [f"{iso_format(hour)}+00:00"]
+ assert [item["timestamp.to_day"] for item in data] == [f"{iso_format(day)}+00:00"]
+ def test_user_display(self):
+ # `user.display` should give `username`
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=self.event_time)
+ data["transaction"] = "a" * 32
+ data["user"] = {"username": "brucew", "id": "1234", "ip": ""}
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ # `user.display` should give `id`
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=self.event_time)
+ data["transaction"] = "a" * 32
+ data["user"] = {"id": "1234", "ip": ""}
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ # `user.display` should give `ip`
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=self.event_time)
+ data["transaction"] = "a" * 32
+ data["user"] = {"ip_address": ""}
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["user.display"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 4
+ assert {item["user.display"] for item in data} == {
+ "bruce@example.com",
+ "brucew",
+ "1234",
+ "",
+ }
+ def test_user_display_filter(self):
+ # `user.display` should give `username`
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=self.event_time)
+ data["transaction"] = "a" * 32
+ data["user"] = {"username": "brucew", "ip": ""}
+ self.event = self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["user.display"],
+ query="has:user.display user.display:bruce@example.com",
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert [item["user.display"] for item in data] == ["bruce@example.com"]
+ def test_using_project_and_project_name(self):
+ project_ids = []
+ for project_name in ["a" * 32, "z" * 32, "m" * 32]:
+ other_project = self.create_project(organization=self.organization, slug=project_name)
+ project_ids.append(other_project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=self.event_time)
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=other_project.id)
+ self.params["project_id"] = project_ids
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project.name", "message", "project"],
+ query="",
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby="project.name",
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 3
+ assert [item["project.name"] for item in data] == [
+ "a" * 32,
+ "m" * 32,
+ "z" * 32,
+ ]
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Started failing on ClickHouse 21.8")
+ def test_snql_wip_project_threshold_config(self):
+ ProjectTransactionThreshold.objects.create(
+ project=self.project,
+ organization=self.project.organization,
+ threshold=100,
+ metric=TransactionMetric.DURATION.value,
+ )
+ project2 = self.create_project()
+ ProjectTransactionThreshold.objects.create(
+ project=project2,
+ organization=project2.organization,
+ threshold=600,
+ metric=TransactionMetric.LCP.value,
+ )
+ events = [
+ ("a" * 10, 300),
+ ("b" * 10, 300),
+ ("c" * 10, 3000),
+ ("d" * 10, 3000),
+ ]
+ for idx, event in enumerate(events):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=(3 + idx)),
+ start_timestamp=before_now(minutes=(3 + idx), milliseconds=event[1]),
+ )
+ data["event_id"] = f"{idx}" * 32
+ data["transaction"] = event[0]
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ if idx % 2:
+ ProjectTransactionThresholdOverride.objects.create(
+ transaction=event[0],
+ project=self.project,
+ organization=self.organization,
+ threshold=1000,
+ metric=TransactionMetric.DURATION.value,
+ )
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=3), start_timestamp=before_now(minutes=4)
+ )
+ data["transaction"] = "e" * 10
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project2.id)
+ expected_transaction = ["a" * 10, "b" * 10, "c" * 10, "d" * 10, "e" * 10]
+ expected_project_threshold_config = [
+ ["duration", 100],
+ ["duration", 1000],
+ ["duration", 100],
+ ["duration", 1000],
+ ["lcp", 600],
+ ]
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project", "transaction", "project_threshold_config"],
+ query="",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [self.project.id, project2.id],
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ },
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ assert len(result["data"]) == 5
+ sorted_data = sorted(result["data"], key=lambda k: k["transaction"])
+ assert [row["transaction"] for row in sorted_data] == expected_transaction
+ assert [row["project_threshold_config"][0] for row in sorted_data] == [
+ r[0] for r in expected_project_threshold_config
+ ]
+ assert [row["project_threshold_config"][1] for row in sorted_data] == [
+ r[1] for r in expected_project_threshold_config
+ ]
+ ProjectTransactionThreshold.objects.filter(
+ project=project2,
+ organization=project2.organization,
+ ).delete()
+ expected_transaction = ["e" * 10]
+ expected_project_threshold_config = [["duration", 300]]
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project", "transaction", "project_threshold_config"],
+ query="",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project2.id],
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ },
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ assert len(result["data"]) == 1
+ sorted_data = sorted(result["data"], key=lambda k: k["transaction"])
+ assert [row["transaction"] for row in sorted_data] == expected_transaction
+ assert [row["project_threshold_config"][0] for row in sorted_data] == [
+ r[0] for r in expected_project_threshold_config
+ ]
+ assert [row["project_threshold_config"][1] for row in sorted_data] == [
+ r[1] for r in expected_project_threshold_config
+ ]
+ def test_to_other_function(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ for i in range(3):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = f"/to_other/{i}"
+ data["release"] = "aaaa"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/to_other/y"
+ data["release"] = "yyyy"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/to_other/z"
+ data["release"] = "zzzz"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ columns1 = ["transaction", 'to_other(release,"aaaa")']
+ columns2 = ["transaction", 'to_other(release,"aaaa",old,new)']
+ test_cases = [
+ (columns1, "", ["this", "this", "this", "that", "that"], "to_other_release__aaaa"),
+ (columns2, "", ["new", "new", "new", "old", "old"], "to_other_release__aaaa__old_new"),
+ ]
+ for cols, query, expected, alias in test_cases:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=cols,
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected)
+ assert [x[alias] for x in data] == expected
+ def test_count_if_function(self):
+ for i in range(3):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["release"] = "aaaa"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["release"] = "bbbb"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["release"] = "cccc"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ columns1 = ["count()", "count_if(release,equals,aaaa)", "count_if(release,notEquals,aaaa)"]
+ columns2 = ["count()", "count_if(release,less,bbbb)", "count_if(release,lessOrEquals,bbbb)"]
+ test_cases = [
+ (
+ columns1,
+ "",
+ {
+ "count": 5,
+ "count_if_release_equals_aaaa": 3,
+ "count_if_release_notEquals_aaaa": 2,
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ columns2,
+ "",
+ {
+ "count": 5,
+ "count_if_release_less_bbbb": 3,
+ "count_if_release_lessOrEquals_bbbb": 4,
+ },
+ ),
+ ]
+ for cols, query, expected in test_cases:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=cols,
+ query=query,
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ },
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0] == expected
+ def test_count_if_function_with_unicode(self):
+ unicode_phrase1 = "\u716e\u6211\u66f4\u591a\u7684\u98df\u7269\uff0c\u6211\u9913\u4e86"
+ unicode_phrase2 = "\u53cd\u6b63\u611b\u60c5\u4e0d\u5c31\u90a3\u6837"
+ for i in range(3):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["release"] = unicode_phrase1
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["release"] = unicode_phrase2
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ columns1 = [
+ "count()",
+ f"count_if(release,equals,{unicode_phrase1})",
+ f"count_if(release,notEquals,{unicode_phrase1})",
+ ]
+ test_cases = [
+ (
+ columns1,
+ "",
+ {
+ "count": 4,
+ "count_if_release_equals__u716e_u6211_u66f4_u591a_u7684_u98df_u7269_uff0c_u6211_u9913_u4e86": 3,
+ "count_if_release_notEquals__u716e_u6211_u66f4_u591a_u7684_u98df_u7269_uff0c_u6211_u9913_u4e86": 1,
+ },
+ ),
+ ]
+ for cols, query, expected in test_cases:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=cols,
+ query=query,
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ },
+ referrer="test_discover_query",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0] == expected
+ def test_failure_count_function(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_count/success"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_count/unknown"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "unknown_error"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ for i in range(6):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = f"/failure_count/{i}"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "unauthenticated"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_count/0"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "unauthenticated"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 8, True),
+ ("failure_count():>0", 6, True),
+ ("failure_count():>0", 8, False),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "failure_count()"],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ assert data[0]["failure_count"] == 2
+ assert data[1]["failure_count"] == 1
+ def test_apdex_function(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ ProjectTransactionThreshold.objects.create(
+ project=project,
+ organization=project.organization,
+ threshold=400,
+ metric=TransactionMetric.DURATION.value,
+ )
+ ProjectTransactionThresholdOverride.objects.create(
+ project=project,
+ transaction="/apdex/ace",
+ organization=project.organization,
+ threshold=400,
+ metric=TransactionMetric.LCP.value,
+ )
+ project2 = self.create_project()
+ events = [
+ ("ace", 400),
+ ("ace", 400),
+ ("one", 400),
+ ("one", 400),
+ ("two", 3000),
+ ("two", 3000),
+ ("three", 300),
+ ("three", 3000),
+ ("zorp", 300),
+ ("zorp", 3000),
+ ]
+ for idx, event in enumerate(events):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=(5 + idx)),
+ start_timestamp=before_now(minutes=(5 + idx), milliseconds=event[1]),
+ )
+ data["measurements"]["lcp"]["value"] = 3000
+ data["event_id"] = f"{idx}" * 32
+ data["transaction"] = f"/apdex/{event[0]}"
+ data["user"] = {"email": f"{idx}@example.com"}
+ if event[0] == "zorp":
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project2.id) # No custom thresholds for project2
+ else:
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("", [0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0, 0.25], ["apdex(100)"], "apdex_100"),
+ ("", [0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5], ["apdex()"], "apdex"),
+ ("apdex(100):<0.5", [0.25, 0.0, 0.25], ["apdex(100)"], "apdex_100"),
+ ("apdex():>0", [1.0, 0.5, 0.5], ["apdex()"], "apdex"),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_apdex, col, alias in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction"] + col,
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ referrer="discover",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=30),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id, project2.id],
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected_apdex)
+ assert [
+ x[alias] for x in sorted(data, key=lambda k: k["transaction"])
+ ] == expected_apdex
+ def test_count_miserable_function(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ ProjectTransactionThreshold.objects.create(
+ project=project,
+ organization=project.organization,
+ threshold=400,
+ metric=TransactionMetric.DURATION.value,
+ )
+ ProjectTransactionThresholdOverride.objects.create(
+ project=project,
+ transaction="/count_miserable/ace",
+ organization=project.organization,
+ threshold=400,
+ metric=TransactionMetric.LCP.value,
+ )
+ project2 = self.create_project()
+ events = [
+ ("ace", 400),
+ ("ace", 400),
+ ("one", 400),
+ ("one", 400),
+ ("two", 3000),
+ ("two", 3000),
+ ("three", 300),
+ ("three", 3000),
+ ("zorp", 300),
+ ("zorp", 3000),
+ ]
+ for idx, event in enumerate(events):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=(5 + idx)),
+ start_timestamp=before_now(minutes=(5 + idx), milliseconds=event[1]),
+ )
+ data["measurements"]["lcp"]["value"] = 3000
+ data["event_id"] = f"{idx}" * 32
+ data["transaction"] = f"/count_miserable/{event[0]}"
+ data["user"] = {"email": f"{idx}@example.com"}
+ if event[0] == "zorp":
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project2.id) # No custom thresholds for project2
+ else:
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ (
+ "",
+ [0, 0, 1, 2, 1],
+ ["count_miserable(user,100)"],
+ "count_miserable_user_100",
+ ),
+ ("", [2, 0, 1, 2, 1], ["count_miserable(user)"], "count_miserable_user"),
+ (
+ "count_miserable(user,100):<2",
+ [0, 0, 1, 1],
+ ["count_miserable(user,100)"],
+ "count_miserable_user_100",
+ ),
+ (
+ "count_miserable(user):>0",
+ [2, 1, 2, 1],
+ ["count_miserable(user)"],
+ "count_miserable_user",
+ ),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_count_miserable, col, alias in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction"] + col,
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ referrer="discover",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=30),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id, project2.id],
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected_count_miserable)
+ assert [
+ x[alias] for x in sorted(data, key=lambda k: k["transaction"])
+ ] == expected_count_miserable
+ def test_user_misery_function(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ ProjectTransactionThreshold.objects.create(
+ project=project,
+ organization=project.organization,
+ threshold=400,
+ metric=TransactionMetric.DURATION.value,
+ )
+ ProjectTransactionThresholdOverride.objects.create(
+ project=project,
+ transaction="/user_misery/ace",
+ organization=project.organization,
+ threshold=400,
+ metric=TransactionMetric.LCP.value,
+ )
+ project2 = self.create_project()
+ events = [
+ ("ace", 400),
+ ("ace", 400),
+ ("one", 400),
+ ("one", 400),
+ ("two", 3000),
+ ("two", 3000),
+ ("three", 300),
+ ("three", 3000),
+ ("zorp", 300),
+ ("zorp", 3000),
+ ]
+ for idx, event in enumerate(events):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=(5 + idx)),
+ start_timestamp=before_now(minutes=(5 + idx), milliseconds=event[1]),
+ )
+ data["measurements"]["lcp"]["value"] = 3000
+ data["event_id"] = f"{idx}" * 32
+ data["transaction"] = f"/user_misery/{event[0]}"
+ data["user"] = {"email": f"{idx}@example.com"}
+ if event[0] == "zorp":
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project2.id) # No custom thresholds for project2
+ else:
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ (
+ "",
+ [0.0492, 0.0492, 0.0575, 0.0659, 0.0575],
+ ["user_misery(100)"],
+ "user_misery_100",
+ ),
+ ("", [0.0659, 0.0492, 0.0575, 0.0659, 0.0575], ["user_misery()"], "user_misery"),
+ (
+ "user_misery(100):<0.06",
+ [0.0492, 0.0492, 0.0575, 0.0575],
+ ["user_misery(100)"],
+ "user_misery_100",
+ ),
+ (
+ "user_misery():>0.05",
+ [0.0659, 0.0575, 0.0659, 0.0575],
+ ["user_misery()"],
+ "user_misery",
+ ),
+ ]
+ similar = lambda a, b: abs(a - b) < 0.001
+ for query, expected_user_misery, col, alias in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction"] + col,
+ referrer="discover",
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=30),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id, project2.id],
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected_user_misery)
+ for i, misery in enumerate(sorted(data, key=lambda k: k["transaction"])):
+ assert similar(misery[alias], expected_user_misery[i])
+ def test_count(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ for i in range(6):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/count/6"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ for i in range(8):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/count/8"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 2, (6, 8), True),
+ ("count():>6", 2, (6, 8), False),
+ ("count():>6", 1, (8,), True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, expected_counts, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "count()"],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ referrer="discover",
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ for index, count in enumerate(data):
+ assert count["count"] == expected_counts[index]
+ def test_compare_numeric_aggregate_function(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ for i in range(6):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=3),
+ start_timestamp=before_now(minutes=4 + i),
+ )
+ data["transaction"] = "/percentile"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ fields = [
+ (
+ [
+ "transaction",
+ "p50(measurements.lcp)",
+ "compare_numeric_aggregate(p50_measurements_lcp,greater,2000)",
+ ],
+ "",
+ ),
+ (
+ [
+ "transaction",
+ "p50(measurements.lcp)",
+ "compare_numeric_aggregate(p50_measurements_lcp,less,2000)",
+ ],
+ "",
+ ),
+ ]
+ expected_results = [
+ ("compare_numeric_aggregate_p50_measurements_lcp_greater_2000", 1),
+ ("compare_numeric_aggregate_p50_measurements_lcp_less_2000", 0),
+ ]
+ for i, test_case in enumerate(fields):
+ selected, query = test_case
+ result = transactions.query(
+ referrer="discover",
+ selected_columns=selected,
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ )
+ alias, expected_value = expected_results[i]
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert data[0][alias] == expected_value
+ def test_last_seen(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ expected_timestamp = before_now(minutes=3)
+ string_condition_timestamp = before_now(minutes=4).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00")
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=expected_timestamp)
+ data["transaction"] = "/last_seen"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ for i in range(6):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=i + 4))
+ data["transaction"] = "/last_seen"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ (f"last_seen():>{string_condition_timestamp}", 1, True),
+ ("last_seen():>0", 1, False),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "last_seen()"],
+ query=query,
+ referrer="discover",
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ assert data[0]["last_seen"] == expected_timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00")
+ def test_latest_event(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ expected_timestamp = before_now(minutes=3)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=expected_timestamp)
+ data["transaction"] = "/latest_event"
+ stored_event = self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ for i in range(6):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=i + 4))
+ data["transaction"] = "/latest_event"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "latest_event()"],
+ query="",
+ orderby="transaction",
+ referrer="discover",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=False,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["latest_event"] == stored_event.event_id
+ def test_failure_rate(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ for i in range(6):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_rate/over"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "unauthenticated"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ for i in range(4):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_rate/over"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ for i in range(7):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_rate/under"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ for i in range(3):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_rate/under"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "unauthenticated"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 2, True),
+ ("failure_rate():>0.5", 1, True),
+ ("failure_rate():>0.5", 2, False),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "failure_rate()"],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ assert data[0]["failure_rate"] == 0.6
+ if expected_length > 1:
+ assert data[1]["failure_rate"] == 0.3
+ def _create_percentile_events(self, project):
+ for i in range(6):
+ start = before_now(minutes=3)
+ end = start - timedelta(minutes=1 + i)
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=start,
+ start_timestamp=end,
+ )
+ data["transaction"] = "/p50"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ def test_percentile(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ self._create_percentile_events(project)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ ("percentile(transaction.duration, 0.7):>0", 1, False),
+ ("percentile(transaction.duration, 0.7):>500000", 0, True),
+ ("percentile(transaction.duration, 0.7):>100000", 1, True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ referrer="discover",
+ selected_columns=[
+ "transaction",
+ "percentile(transaction.duration, 0.7)",
+ "percentile(transaction.duration, 0.5)",
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=20),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ if expected_length > 0:
+ assert data[0]["percentile_transaction_duration_0_7"] == 270000
+ assert data[0]["percentile_transaction_duration_0_5"] == 210000
+ def test_p50(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ self._create_percentile_events(project)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ ("p50(transaction.duration):>0", 1, False),
+ ("p50(transaction.duration):>500000", 0, True),
+ ("p50(transaction.duration):>100000", 1, True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ referrer="discover",
+ selected_columns=[
+ "transaction",
+ "p50(transaction.duration)",
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=20),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ if expected_length > 0:
+ assert data[0]["p50_transaction_duration"] == 210000
+ def test_p75(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ self._create_percentile_events(project)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ ("p75(transaction.duration):>0", 1, False),
+ ("p75(transaction.duration):>500000", 0, True),
+ ("p75(transaction.duration):>100000", 1, True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "transaction",
+ "p75(transaction.duration)",
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=20),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ if expected_length > 0:
+ assert data[0]["p75_transaction_duration"] == 285000
+ def test_p95(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ self._create_percentile_events(project)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ ("p95(transaction.duration):>0", 1, False),
+ ("p95(transaction.duration):>500000", 0, True),
+ ("p95(transaction.duration):>100000", 1, True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "transaction",
+ "p95(transaction.duration)",
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=20),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ if expected_length > 0:
+ assert data[0]["p95_transaction_duration"] == 345000
+ def test_p99(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ self._create_percentile_events(project)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ ("p99(transaction.duration):>0", 1, False),
+ ("p99(transaction.duration):>500000", 0, True),
+ ("p99(transaction.duration):>100000", 1, True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "transaction",
+ "p99(transaction.duration)",
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=20),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ if expected_length > 0:
+ assert data[0]["p99_transaction_duration"] == 357000
+ def test_p100(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ self._create_percentile_events(project)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ ("p100(transaction.duration):>0", 1, False),
+ ("p100(transaction.duration):>500000", 0, True),
+ ("p100(transaction.duration):>100000", 1, True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "transaction",
+ "p100(transaction.duration)",
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=20),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ if expected_length > 0:
+ assert data[0]["p100_transaction_duration"] == 360000
+ def test_p100_with_measurement(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ for i in range(6):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=3),
+ start_timestamp=before_now(minutes=4 + i),
+ )
+ data["transaction"] = "/p100"
+ data["measurements"]["frames_total"] = {"value": 100 * i}
+ data["measurements"]["frames_slow"] = {"value": 50 * i}
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ ("p100(measurements.frames_slow_rate):>0", 1, False),
+ ("p100(measurements.frames_slow_rate):>0.6", 0, True),
+ ("p100(measurements.frames_slow_rate):>0.4", 1, True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "transaction",
+ "p100(measurements.frames_slow_rate)",
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=20),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ if expected_length > 0:
+ assert data[0]["p100_measurements_frames_slow_rate"] == 0.5
+ def test_count_unique(self):
+ for idx in range(3):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=3),
+ )
+ data["user"] = {"email": f"{idx}@example.com"}
+ data["tags"] = {"foo": "bar" if idx < 1 else "baz"}
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["count_unique(user.display)", "count_unique(foo)"],
+ query="",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=4),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["count_unique_user_display"] == 3
+ assert data[0]["count_unique_foo"] == 2
+ def test_min_max(self):
+ """Testing both min and max since they're so similar"""
+ for idx in range(3):
+ start = before_now(minutes=3)
+ end = start - timedelta(minutes=1 + idx)
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=start,
+ start_timestamp=end,
+ )
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "min(transaction.duration)",
+ "max(transaction.duration)",
+ ],
+ query="",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=4),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["min_transaction_duration"] == 60000
+ assert data[0]["max_transaction_duration"] == 180000
+ def test_stats_functions(self):
+ for idx in range(3):
+ start = before_now(minutes=3)
+ end = start - timedelta(minutes=1 + idx)
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=start,
+ start_timestamp=end,
+ )
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("var(transaction.duration)", "var_transaction_duration", 3600000000),
+ ("stddev(transaction.duration)", "stddev_transaction_duration", 60000),
+ # This is a nonsense cov&corr column, but gives us a consistent result for tests
+ (
+ "cov(transaction.duration,transaction.duration)",
+ "cov_transaction_duration_transaction_duration",
+ 3600000000,
+ ),
+ (
+ "corr(transaction.duration,transaction.duration)",
+ "corr_transaction_duration_transaction_duration",
+ 1,
+ ),
+ ]
+ for column, alias, expected in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[column],
+ query="",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=4),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1, column
+ assert data[0][alias] == expected, column
+ def test_count_at_least(self):
+ end = before_now(minutes=3)
+ start_one_minute = end - timedelta(minutes=1)
+ start_two_minute = end - timedelta(minutes=2)
+ for idx in range(3):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=end,
+ start_timestamp=start_one_minute if idx < 1 else start_two_minute,
+ )
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "count_at_least(transaction.duration,60000)",
+ "count_at_least(transaction.duration,120000)",
+ ],
+ query="",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=4),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["count_at_least_transaction_duration_60000"] == 3
+ assert data[0]["count_at_least_transaction_duration_120000"] == 2
+ def test_eps(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ for _ in range(6):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=3),
+ )
+ data["transaction"] = "/eps"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ ("eps():>1", 0, True),
+ ("eps():>1", 1, False),
+ ("eps(10):>0.5", 1, True),
+ ("tps():>1", 0, True),
+ ("tps():>1", 1, False),
+ ("tps(10):>0.5", 1, True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "transaction",
+ "eps()",
+ "eps(10)",
+ "eps(60)",
+ "tps()",
+ "tps(10)",
+ "tps(60)",
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=4),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ if expected_length > 0:
+ assert data[0]["eps"] == 0.05
+ assert data[0]["eps_10"] == 0.6
+ assert data[0]["eps_60"] == 0.1
+ assert data[0]["tps"] == 0.05
+ assert data[0]["tps_10"] == 0.6
+ assert data[0]["tps_60"] == 0.1
+ def test_epm(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ for _ in range(6):
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction",
+ timestamp=before_now(minutes=3),
+ )
+ data["transaction"] = "/epm"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("", 1, True),
+ ("epm():>3", 0, True),
+ ("epm():>3", 1, False),
+ ("epm(10):>3", 1, True),
+ ("tpm():>3", 0, True),
+ ("tpm():>3", 1, False),
+ ("tpm(10):>3", 1, True),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_length, use_aggregate_conditions in queries:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "transaction",
+ "epm()",
+ "epm(10)",
+ "epm(60)",
+ "tpm()",
+ "tpm(10)",
+ "tpm(60)",
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=4),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=use_aggregate_conditions,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_length
+ if expected_length > 0:
+ assert data[0]["epm"] == 3
+ assert data[0]["epm_10"] == 36.0
+ assert data[0]["epm_60"] == 6
+ assert data[0]["tpm"] == 3
+ assert data[0]["tpm_10"] == 36.0
+ assert data[0]["tpm_60"] == 6
+ def test_transaction_status_filter(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["transaction"] = "/test_transaction/success"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "ok"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=1))
+ data["transaction"] = "/test_transaction/already_exists"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "already_exists"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ def run_query(query, expected_statuses, message):
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction.status"],
+ query=query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == len(expected_statuses), message
+ assert sorted(item["transaction.status"] for item in data) == sorted(
+ expected_statuses
+ ), message
+ run_query("has:transaction.status transaction.status:ok", [0, 0, 0], "status 'ok'")
+ run_query(
+ "has:transaction.status transaction.status:[ok,already_exists]",
+ [0, 0, 0, 6],
+ "status 'ok' or 'already_exists'",
+ )
+ run_query("has:transaction.status !transaction.status:ok", [6], "status not 'ok'")
+ run_query(
+ "has:transaction.status !transaction.status:already_exists",
+ [0, 0, 0],
+ "status not 'already_exists'",
+ )
+ run_query(
+ "has:transaction.status !transaction.status:[ok,already_exists]",
+ [],
+ "status not 'ok' and not 'already_exists'",
+ )
+ run_query("!has:transaction.status", [], "status nonexistant")
+ def test_orderby_aggregate_function(self):
+ project = self.create_project()
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_count/success"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_count/unknown"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "unknown_error"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ for i in range(6):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = f"/failure_count/{i}"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "unauthenticated"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=5))
+ data["transaction"] = "/failure_count/0"
+ data["contexts"]["trace"]["status"] = "unauthenticated"
+ self.store_event(data, project_id=project.id)
+ orderbys = [
+ (["failure_count()"], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]),
+ ("failure_count()", [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]),
+ (["-failure_count()"], [2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]),
+ ("-failure_count()", [2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]),
+ ("failure_count", [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]),
+ ("-failure_count", [2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]),
+ ]
+ for orderby, expected in orderbys:
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "failure_count()"],
+ query="",
+ orderby=orderby,
+ params={
+ "start": before_now(minutes=10),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=2),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ },
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert [x["failure_count"] for x in data] == expected
+ @pytest.mark.skip("setting snuba config is too slow")
+ def test_spans_op_array_field(self):
+ trace_context = {
+ "parent_span_id": "8988cec7cc0779c1",
+ "type": "trace",
+ "op": "http.server",
+ "trace_id": "a7d67cf796774551a95be6543cacd459",
+ "span_id": "babaae0d4b7512d9",
+ "status": "ok",
+ "hash": "a" * 16,
+ "exclusive_time": 1.2345,
+ }
+ data = load_data(
+ "transaction", timestamp=before_now(minutes=10), trace_context=trace_context, spans=[]
+ )
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ queries = [
+ ("has:spans_op", 1),
+ ("!has:spans_op", 0),
+ ]
+ for query, expected_len in queries:
+ result = discover.query(
+ selected_columns=["spans_op"],
+ query=query,
+ params={
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": before_now(minutes=12),
+ "end": before_now(minutes=8),
+ },
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == expected_len
+ def test_reflective_types(self):
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "p50(measurements.lcp)",
+ "p50(measurements.foo)",
+ "p50(spans.foo)",
+ ],
+ query="event.type:transaction",
+ params=self.params,
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert results["meta"]["fields"] == {
+ "p50_measurements_lcp": "duration",
+ "p50_measurements_foo": "number",
+ "p50_spans_foo": "duration",
+ }
+ def test_measurements(self):
+ event_data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ self.store_event(data=event_data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "measurements.fp",
+ "measurements.fcp",
+ "measurements.lcp",
+ "measurements.fid",
+ "measurements.cls",
+ "measurements.does_not_exist",
+ ],
+ query="event.type:transaction !transaction:{}".format("a" * 32),
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = results["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["measurements.fp"] == event_data["measurements"]["fp"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["measurements.fcp"] == event_data["measurements"]["fcp"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["measurements.lcp"] == event_data["measurements"]["lcp"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["measurements.fid"] == event_data["measurements"]["fid"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["measurements.cls"] == event_data["measurements"]["cls"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["measurements.does_not_exist"] is None
+ def test_conditions_with_special_columns(self):
+ for val in ["b", "c", "d"]:
+ data = load_data("transaction")
+ data["timestamp"] = iso_format(self.one_min_ago)
+ data["transaction"] = val * 32
+ data["logentry"] = {"formatted": val * 32}
+ data["tags"] = {"sub_customer.is-Enterprise-42": val * 32}
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["title", "message"],
+ query="event.type:transaction (title:{} OR message:{})".format("b" * 32, "c" * 32),
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ orderby="title",
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 2
+ assert data[0]["title"] == "b" * 32
+ assert data[1]["title"] == "c" * 32
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["title", "sub_customer.is-Enterprise-42"],
+ query="event.type:transaction (title:{} AND sub_customer.is-Enterprise-42:{})".format(
+ "b" * 32, "b" * 32
+ ),
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ orderby="title",
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["title"] == "b" * 32
+ assert data[0]["sub_customer.is-Enterprise-42"] == "b" * 32
+ def test_conditions_with_aggregates(self):
+ events = [("a", 2), ("b", 3), ("c", 4)]
+ for ev in events:
+ val = ev[0] * 32
+ for i in range(ev[1]):
+ data = load_data("transaction")
+ data["timestamp"] = iso_format(self.one_min_ago)
+ data["transaction"] = f"{val}-{i}"
+ data["logentry"] = {"formatted": val}
+ data["tags"] = {"trek": val}
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["trek", "count()"],
+ query="event.type:transaction (trek:{} OR trek:{}) AND count():>2".format(
+ "a" * 32, "b" * 32
+ ),
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ orderby="trek",
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["trek"] == "b" * 32
+ assert data[0]["count"] == 3
+ def test_conditions_with_nested_aggregates(self):
+ events = [("a", 2), ("b", 3), ("c", 4)]
+ for ev in events:
+ val = ev[0] * 32
+ for i in range(ev[1]):
+ data = load_data("transaction")
+ data["timestamp"] = iso_format(self.one_min_ago)
+ data["transaction"] = f"{val}-{i}"
+ data["logentry"] = {"formatted": val}
+ data["tags"] = {"trek": val}
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["trek", "count()"],
+ query="(event.type:transaction AND (trek:{} AND (transaction:*{}* AND count():>2)))".format(
+ "b" * 32, "b" * 32
+ ),
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ orderby="trek",
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["trek"] == "b" * 32
+ assert data[0]["count"] == 3
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery) as err:
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["trek", "transaction"],
+ query="(event.type:transaction AND (trek:{} AND (transaction:*{}* AND count():>2)))".format(
+ "b" * 32, "b" * 32
+ ),
+ referrer="discover",
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ orderby="trek",
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ )
+ assert "used in a condition but is not a selected column" in str(err)
+ def test_conditions_with_timestamps(self):
+ events = [("b", 1), ("c", 2), ("d", 3)]
+ for t, ev in enumerate(events):
+ val = ev[0] * 32
+ for i in range(ev[1]):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=self.now - timedelta(seconds=3 * t + 1))
+ data["transaction"] = f"{val}"
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "count()"],
+ query="event.type:transaction AND (timestamp:<{} OR timestamp:>{})".format(
+ iso_format(self.now - timedelta(seconds=5)),
+ iso_format(self.now - timedelta(seconds=3)),
+ ),
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ orderby="transaction",
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = results["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 3
+ assert data[0]["transaction"] == "a" * 32
+ assert data[0]["count"] == 1
+ assert data[1]["transaction"] == "b" * 32
+ assert data[1]["count"] == 1
+ assert data[2]["transaction"] == "d" * 32
+ assert data[2]["count"] == 3
+ def test_timestamp_rollup_filter(self):
+ event_hour = self.event_time.replace(minute=0, second=0)
+ result = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["project.id", "user", "release"],
+ query="timestamp.to_hour:" + iso_format(event_hour),
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = result["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["project.id"] == self.project.id
+ assert data[0]["user"] == "id:99"
+ assert data[0]["release"] == "first-release"
+ assert len(result["meta"]["fields"]) == 3
+ assert result["meta"]["fields"] == {
+ "project.id": "integer",
+ "user": "string",
+ "release": "string",
+ }
+ def test_count_with_or(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["transaction"] = "a" * 32
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["transaction", "count()"],
+ query="event.type:transaction AND (count():<1 OR count():>0)",
+ params=self.params,
+ orderby="transaction",
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = results["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data[0]["transaction"] == "a" * 32
+ assert data[0]["count"] == 2
+ def test_array_join(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=90))
+ data["transaction"] = "foo"
+ data["measurements"] = {
+ "fp": {"value": 1000},
+ "fcp": {"value": 1000},
+ "lcp": {"value": 1000},
+ }
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["array_join(measurements_key)"],
+ query="transaction:foo",
+ params=self.params,
+ functions_acl=["array_join"],
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert {"fcp", "fp", "lcp"} == {
+ row["array_join_measurements_key"] for row in results["data"]
+ }
+ def test_access_to_private_functions(self):
+ # using private functions directly without access should error
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery, match="array_join: no access to private function"):
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["array_join(tags.key)"],
+ query="",
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ # using private functions in an aggregation without access should error
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery, match="histogram: no access to private function"):
+ for array_column in ARRAY_COLUMNS:
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[f"histogram({array_column}_value, 1,0,1)"],
+ query=f"histogram({array_column}_value, 1,0,1):>0",
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ # using private functions in an aggregation without access should error
+ # with auto aggregation on
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery, match="histogram: no access to private function"):
+ for array_column in ARRAY_COLUMNS:
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["count()"],
+ query=f"histogram({array_column}_value, 1,0,1):>0",
+ params={
+ "project_id": [self.project.id],
+ "start": self.two_min_ago,
+ "end": self.now,
+ },
+ referrer="discover",
+ auto_aggregations=True,
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ )
+ def test_sum_array_combinator(self):
+ data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ data["measurements"] = {
+ "fp": {"value": 1000},
+ "fcp": {"value": 1000},
+ "lcp": {"value": 1000},
+ }
+ self.store_event(data=data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=["sumArray(measurements_value)"],
+ query="!transaction:{}".format("a" * 32),
+ params=self.params,
+ # make sure to opt in to gain access to the function
+ functions_acl=["sumArray"],
+ referrer="discover",
+ # -Array combinator is only supported in SnQL
+ )
+ assert results["data"][0]["sumArray_measurements_value"] == 3000.0
+ def test_span_op_breakdowns(self):
+ event_data = load_data("transaction", timestamp=before_now(seconds=3))
+ self.store_event(data=event_data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "spans.http",
+ "spans.db",
+ "spans.resource",
+ "spans.browser",
+ "spans.total.time",
+ "spans.does_not_exist",
+ ],
+ query="event.type:transaction !transaction:{}".format("a" * 32),
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ data = results["data"]
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ span_ops = event_data["breakdowns"]["span_ops"]
+ assert data[0]["spans.http"] == span_ops["ops.http"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["spans.db"] == span_ops["ops.db"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["spans.resource"] == span_ops["ops.resource"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["spans.browser"] == span_ops["ops.browser"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["spans.total.time"] == span_ops["total.time"]["value"]
+ assert data[0]["spans.does_not_exist"] is None
+class TransactionsArithmeticTest(SnubaTestCase, TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super().setUp()
+ self.day_ago = before_now(days=1).replace(hour=10, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
+ self.now = before_now()
+ event_data = load_data("transaction")
+ # Half of duration so we don't get weird rounding differences when comparing the results
+ event_data["breakdowns"]["span_ops"]["ops.http"]["value"] = 1500
+ event_data["start_timestamp"] = iso_format(self.day_ago + timedelta(minutes=30))
+ event_data["timestamp"] = iso_format(self.day_ago + timedelta(minutes=30, seconds=3))
+ self.store_event(data=event_data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ self.params = {"project_id": [self.project.id], "start": self.day_ago, "end": self.now}
+ self.query = "event.type:transaction"
+ def test_simple(self):
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "spans.http",
+ "transaction.duration",
+ ],
+ equations=["spans.http / transaction.duration"],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 1
+ result = results["data"][0]
+ assert result["equation[0]"] == result["spans.http"] / result["transaction.duration"]
+ def test_multiple_equations(self):
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "spans.http",
+ "transaction.duration",
+ ],
+ equations=[
+ "spans.http / transaction.duration",
+ "transaction.duration / spans.http",
+ "1500 + transaction.duration",
+ ],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 1
+ result = results["data"][0]
+ assert result["equation[0]"] == result["spans.http"] / result["transaction.duration"]
+ assert result["equation[1]"] == result["transaction.duration"] / result["spans.http"]
+ assert result["equation[2]"] == 1500 + result["transaction.duration"]
+ def test_invalid_field(self):
+ with pytest.raises(ArithmeticValidationError):
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "spans.http",
+ "transaction.status",
+ ],
+ # while transaction_status is a uint8, there's no reason we should allow arith on it
+ equations=["spans.http / transaction.status"],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ def test_invalid_function(self):
+ with pytest.raises(ArithmeticValidationError):
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "p50(transaction.duration)",
+ "last_seen()",
+ ],
+ equations=["p50(transaction.duration) / last_seen()"],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ def test_unselected_field(self):
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery):
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "spans.http",
+ ],
+ equations=["spans.http / transaction.duration"],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ def test_unselected_function(self):
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery):
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "p50(transaction.duration)",
+ ],
+ equations=["p50(transaction.duration) / p100(transaction.duration)"],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ def test_orderby_equation(self):
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ event_data = load_data("transaction")
+ # Half of duration so we don't get weird rounding differences when comparing the results
+ event_data["breakdowns"]["span_ops"]["ops.http"]["value"] = 300 * i
+ event_data["start_timestamp"] = iso_format(self.day_ago + timedelta(minutes=30))
+ event_data["timestamp"] = iso_format(self.day_ago + timedelta(minutes=30, seconds=3))
+ self.store_event(data=event_data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ query_params = {
+ "selected_columns": [
+ "spans.http",
+ "transaction.duration",
+ ],
+ "equations": [
+ "spans.http / transaction.duration",
+ "transaction.duration / spans.http",
+ "1500 + transaction.duration",
+ ],
+ "orderby": ["equation[0]"],
+ "query": self.query,
+ "params": self.params,
+ "referrer": "discover",
+ }
+ results = transactions.query(**query_params)
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 3
+ assert [result["equation[0]"] for result in results["data"]] == [0.1, 0.2, 0.5]
+ query_params["orderby"] = ["equation[1]"]
+ results = transactions.query(**query_params)
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 3
+ assert [result["equation[1]"] for result in results["data"]] == [2, 5, 10]
+ query_params["orderby"] = ["-equation[0]"]
+ results = transactions.query(**query_params)
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 3
+ assert [result["equation[0]"] for result in results["data"]] == [0.5, 0.2, 0.1]
+ def test_orderby_nonexistent_equation(self):
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery):
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "spans.http",
+ "transaction.duration",
+ ],
+ orderby=["equation[1]"],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ def test_equation_without_field_or_function(self):
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery):
+ transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "spans.http",
+ "transaction.duration",
+ ],
+ equations=[
+ "5 + 5",
+ ],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ def test_aggregate_equation(self):
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "p50(transaction.duration)",
+ ],
+ equations=["p50(transaction.duration) / 2"],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 1
+ result = results["data"][0]
+ assert result["equation[0]"] == result["p50_transaction_duration"] / 2
+ def test_multiple_aggregate_equation(self):
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "p50(transaction.duration)",
+ "count()",
+ ],
+ equations=["p50(transaction.duration) + 2", "p50(transaction.duration) / count()"],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 1
+ result = results["data"][0]
+ assert result["equation[0]"] == result["p50_transaction_duration"] + 2
+ assert result["equation[1]"] == result["p50_transaction_duration"] / result["count"]
+ def test_multiple_operators(self):
+ results = transactions.query(
+ selected_columns=[
+ "p50(transaction.duration)",
+ "p100(transaction.duration)",
+ "count()",
+ ],
+ equations=[
+ "p50(transaction.duration) / p100(transaction.duration) * 100",
+ "100 + count() * 5 - 3 / 5",
+ "count() + count() / count() * count() - count()",
+ ],
+ query=self.query,
+ params=self.params,
+ referrer="discover",
+ )
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 1
+ result = results["data"][0]
+ assert (
+ result["equation[0]"]
+ == result["p50_transaction_duration"] / result["p100_transaction_duration"] * 100
+ )
+ assert result["equation[1]"] == 100 + result["count"] * 5 - 3 / 5
+ assert (
+ result["equation[2]"]
+ == result["count"]
+ + result["count"] / result["count"] * result["count"]
+ - result["count"]
+ )
+ def test_nan_equation_results(self):
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ event_data = load_data("transaction")
+ # Half of duration so we don't get weird rounding differences when comparing the results
+ event_data["breakdowns"]["span_ops"]["ops.http"]["value"] = 0
+ event_data["start_timestamp"] = iso_format(self.day_ago + timedelta(minutes=30))
+ event_data["timestamp"] = iso_format(self.day_ago + timedelta(minutes=30, seconds=3))
+ self.store_event(data=event_data, project_id=self.project.id)
+ query_params = {
+ "selected_columns": [
+ "spans.http",
+ "transaction.duration",
+ ],
+ "equations": [
+ "transaction.duration / spans.http", # inf
+ "spans.http / spans.http", # nan
+ ],
+ "orderby": ["equation[0]"],
+ "query": self.query,
+ "params": self.params,
+ "referrer": "discover",
+ }
+ results = transactions.query(**query_params)
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 3
+ assert [result["equation[0]"] for result in results["data"]] == [2, None, None]
+ query_params["orderby"] = ["equation[1]"]
+ results = transactions.query(**query_params)
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 3
+ assert [result["equation[1]"] for result in results["data"]] == [1, None, None]
+ query_params["orderby"] = ["-equation[0]"]
+ results = transactions.query(**query_params)
+ assert len(results["data"]) == 3
+ assert [result["equation[0]"] for result in results["data"]] == [2, None, None]