@@ -32,7 +32,12 @@ from sentry_protos.snuba.v1.trace_item_filter_pb2 import (
from sentry.api import event_search
from sentry.exceptions import InvalidSearchQuery
from sentry.search.eap import constants
-from sentry.search.eap.columns import ColumnDefinitions, ResolvedColumn, ResolvedFunction
+from sentry.search.eap.columns import (
+ ColumnDefinitions,
+ ResolvedColumn,
+ ResolvedFunction,
+ VirtualColumnDefinition,
from sentry.search.eap.types import SearchResolverConfig
from sentry.search.events import constants as qb_constants
from sentry.search.events import fields
@@ -50,10 +55,10 @@ class SearchResolver:
params: SnubaParams
config: SearchResolverConfig
definitions: ColumnDefinitions
- _resolved_attribute_cache: dict[str, tuple[ResolvedColumn, VirtualColumnContext | None]] = (
+ _resolved_attribute_cache: dict[str, tuple[ResolvedColumn, VirtualColumnDefinition | None]] = (
- _resolved_function_cache: dict[str, tuple[ResolvedFunction, VirtualColumnContext | None]] = (
+ _resolved_function_cache: dict[str, tuple[ResolvedFunction, VirtualColumnDefinition | None]] = (
@@ -76,7 +81,9 @@ class SearchResolver:
def resolve_query(
self, querystring: str | None
- ) -> tuple[TraceItemFilter | None, AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnContext | None]]:
+ ) -> tuple[
+ TraceItemFilter | None, AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]
+ ]:
"""Given a query string in the public search syntax eg. `span.description:foo` construct the TraceItemFilter"""
environment_query = self.__resolve_environment_query()
where, having, contexts = self.__resolve_query(querystring)
@@ -137,7 +144,9 @@ class SearchResolver:
def __resolve_query(
self, querystring: str | None
- ) -> tuple[TraceItemFilter | None, AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnContext | None]]:
+ ) -> tuple[
+ TraceItemFilter | None, AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]
+ ]:
if querystring is None:
return None, None, []
@@ -164,7 +173,9 @@ class SearchResolver:
def _resolve_boolean_conditions(
self, terms: event_filter.ParsedTerms
- ) -> tuple[TraceItemFilter | None, AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnContext | None]]:
+ ) -> tuple[
+ TraceItemFilter | None, AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]
+ ]:
if len(terms) == 0:
return None, None, []
elif len(terms) == 1:
@@ -256,14 +267,16 @@ class SearchResolver:
def _resolve_terms(
self, terms: event_filter.ParsedTerms
- ) -> tuple[TraceItemFilter | None, AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnContext | None]]:
+ ) -> tuple[
+ TraceItemFilter | None, AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]
+ ]:
where, where_contexts = self._resolve_where(terms)
having, having_contexts = self._resolve_having(terms)
return where, having, where_contexts + having_contexts
def _resolve_where(
self, terms: event_filter.ParsedTerms
- ) -> tuple[TraceItemFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnContext | None]]:
+ ) -> tuple[TraceItemFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]]:
parsed_terms = []
resolved_contexts = []
for item in terms:
@@ -282,7 +295,7 @@ class SearchResolver:
def _resolve_having(
self, terms: event_filter.ParsedTerms
- ) -> tuple[AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnContext | None]]:
+ ) -> tuple[AggregationFilter | None, list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]]:
if not self.config.use_aggregate_conditions:
return None, []
@@ -305,15 +318,87 @@ class SearchResolver:
return parsed_terms[0], resolved_contexts
return None, []
+ def resolve_virtual_context_term(
+ self,
+ term: str,
+ raw_value: str | list[str],
+ resolved_column: ResolvedColumn,
+ context: VirtualColumnDefinition,
+ ) -> list[str] | str:
+ # Convert the term to the expected values
+ final_raw_value: str | list[str] = []
+ resolved_context = context.constructor(self.params)
+ reversed_context = {v: k for k, v in resolved_context.value_map.items()}
+ if isinstance(raw_value, list):
+ new_value = []
+ for raw_iterable in raw_value:
+ if context.default_value and context.default_value == raw_iterable:
+ # Avoiding this for now, while this could work with the Unknown:"" mapping
+ # But that won't work once we use the VirtualColumnContext.default_value
+ raise InvalidSearchQuery(
+ f"Using {raw_iterable} in an IN filter is not currently supported"
+ )
+ elif raw_iterable not in reversed_context:
+ valid_values = list(reversed_context.keys())[:5]
+ if len(valid_values) > 5:
+ valid_values.append("...")
+ raise InvalidSearchQuery(
+ constants.REVERSE_CONTEXT_ERROR.format(
+ raw_value, term, ", ".join(valid_values)
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ new_value.append(reversed_context[raw_iterable])
+ final_raw_value = new_value
+ elif raw_value in reversed_context:
+ final_raw_value = reversed_context[raw_value]
+ elif context.default_value and context.default_value == raw_value:
+ # Avoiding this for now, while this could work with the Unknown:"" mapping
+ # But that won't work once we use the VirtualColumnContext.default_value
+ raise InvalidSearchQuery(f"Using {raw_value} is not currently supported")
+ else:
+ valid_values = list(reversed_context.keys())[:5]
+ if len(valid_values) > 5:
+ valid_values.append("...")
+ raise InvalidSearchQuery(
+ constants.REVERSE_CONTEXT_ERROR.format(
+ raw_value, term, ", ".join(list(reversed_context.keys())[:5])
+ )
+ )
+ return final_raw_value
def resolve_term(
self, term: event_search.SearchFilter
- ) -> tuple[TraceItemFilter, VirtualColumnContext | None]:
- resolved_column, context = self.resolve_column(term.key.name)
+ ) -> tuple[TraceItemFilter, VirtualColumnDefinition | None]:
+ resolved_column, context_definition = self.resolve_column(term.key.name)
if not isinstance(resolved_column.proto_definition, AttributeKey):
raise ValueError(f"{term.key.name} is not valid search term")
raw_value = term.value.raw_value
+ if context_definition:
+ if term.value.is_wildcard():
+ # Avoiding this for now, but we could theoretically do a wildcard search on the resolved contexts
+ raise InvalidSearchQuery(f"Cannot use wildcards with {term.key.name}")
+ if (
+ isinstance(raw_value, str)
+ or isinstance(raw_value, list)
+ and all(isinstance(value, str) for value in raw_value)
+ ):
+ raw_value = self.resolve_virtual_context_term(
+ term.key.name,
+ raw_value,
+ resolved_column,
+ context_definition,
+ )
+ else:
+ raise InvalidSearchQuery(f"{raw_value} not a valid term for {term.key.name}")
+ if context_definition.term_resolver:
+ raw_value = context_definition.term_resolver(raw_value)
+ if context_definition.filter_column is not None:
+ resolved_column, _ = self.resolve_attribute(context_definition.filter_column)
if term.value.is_wildcard():
if term.operator == "=":
operator = ComparisonFilter.OP_LIKE
@@ -343,12 +428,12 @@ class SearchResolver:
value=self._resolve_search_value(resolved_column, term.operator, raw_value),
- context,
+ context_definition,
def resolve_aggregate_term(
self, term: event_search.AggregateFilter
- ) -> tuple[AggregationFilter, VirtualColumnContext | None]:
+ ) -> tuple[AggregationFilter, VirtualColumnDefinition | None]:
resolved_column, context = self.resolve_column(term.key.name)
if not isinstance(resolved_column.proto_definition, AttributeAggregation):
@@ -431,18 +516,21 @@ class SearchResolver:
bool_value = lowered_value in constants.TRUTHY_VALUES
return AttributeValue(val_bool=bool_value)
raise InvalidSearchQuery(
- f"{value} is not a valid filter value for {column.public_alias}"
+ f"{value} is not a valid filter value for {column.public_alias}, expecting {constants.TYPE_TO_STRING_MAP[column_type]}, but got a {type(value)}"
raise NotImplementedError("Aggregate Queries not implemented yet")
- def clean_contexts(
- self, resolved_contexts: list[VirtualColumnContext | None]
+ def resolve_contexts(
+ self, context_definitions: list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]
) -> list[VirtualColumnContext]:
"""Given a list of contexts that may have None in them, remove the Nones and remove the dupes"""
final_contexts = []
existing_target_columns = set()
- for context in resolved_contexts:
+ for context_definition in context_definitions:
+ if context_definition is None:
+ continue
+ context = context_definition.constructor(self.params)
if context is None or context.to_column_name in existing_target_columns:
@@ -453,7 +541,7 @@ class SearchResolver:
def resolve_columns(
self, selected_columns: list[str]
- ) -> tuple[list[ResolvedColumn | ResolvedFunction], list[VirtualColumnContext | None]]:
+ ) -> tuple[list[ResolvedColumn | ResolvedFunction], list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]]:
"""Given a list of columns resolve them and get their context if applicable
This function will also dedupe the virtual column contexts if necessary
@@ -488,7 +576,7 @@ class SearchResolver:
def resolve_column(
self, column: str, match: Match | None = None
- ) -> tuple[ResolvedColumn | ResolvedFunction, VirtualColumnContext | None]:
+ ) -> tuple[ResolvedColumn | ResolvedFunction, VirtualColumnDefinition | None]:
"""Column is either an attribute or an aggregate, this function will determine which it is and call the relevant
resolve function"""
match = fields.is_function(column)
@@ -504,7 +592,7 @@ class SearchResolver:
def resolve_attributes(
self, columns: list[str]
- ) -> tuple[list[ResolvedColumn], list[VirtualColumnContext | None]]:
+ ) -> tuple[list[ResolvedColumn], list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]]:
"""Helper function to resolve a list of attributes instead of 1 attribute at a time"""
resolved_columns = []
resolved_contexts = []
@@ -514,14 +602,16 @@ class SearchResolver:
return resolved_columns, resolved_contexts
- def resolve_attribute(self, column: str) -> tuple[ResolvedColumn, VirtualColumnContext | None]:
+ def resolve_attribute(
+ self, column: str
+ ) -> tuple[ResolvedColumn, VirtualColumnDefinition | None]:
"""Attributes are columns that aren't 'functions' or 'aggregates', usually this means string or numeric
attributes (aka. tags), but can also refer to fields like span.description"""
# If a virtual context is defined the column definition is always the same
if column in self._resolved_attribute_cache:
return self._resolved_attribute_cache[column]
if column in self.definitions.contexts:
- column_context = self.definitions.contexts[column](self.params)
+ column_context = self.definitions.contexts[column]
column_definition = ResolvedColumn(
public_alias=column, internal_name=column, search_type="string"
@@ -568,7 +658,7 @@ class SearchResolver:
def resolve_aggregates(
self, columns: list[str]
- ) -> tuple[list[ResolvedFunction], list[VirtualColumnContext | None]]:
+ ) -> tuple[list[ResolvedFunction], list[VirtualColumnDefinition | None]]:
"""Helper function to resolve a list of aggregates instead of 1 attribute at a time"""
resolved_aggregates, resolved_contexts = [], []
for column in columns:
@@ -579,7 +669,7 @@ class SearchResolver:
def resolve_aggregate(
self, column: str, match: Match | None = None
- ) -> tuple[ResolvedFunction, VirtualColumnContext | None]:
+ ) -> tuple[ResolvedFunction, VirtualColumnDefinition | None]:
if column in self._resolved_function_cache:
return self._resolved_function_cache[column]
# Check if this is a valid function, parse the function name and args out