@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router/lib/Router';
+import React from 'react';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import space from 'app/styles/space';
+import {PanelTable} from 'app/components/panels';
+import {t} from 'app/locale';
+import AsyncView from 'app/views/asyncView';
+import Pagination from 'app/components/pagination';
+import SettingsPageHeader from 'app/views/settings/components/settingsPageHeader';
+import TextBlock from 'app/views/settings/components/text/textBlock';
+import {Organization, Project} from 'app/types';
+import routeTitleGen from 'app/utils/routeTitle';
+import Checkbox from 'app/components/checkbox';
+import SearchBar from 'app/components/searchBar';
+// TODO(android-mappings): use own components once we decide how this should look like
+import DebugFileRow from 'app/views/settings/projectDebugFiles/debugFileRow';
+import {DebugFile} from 'app/views/settings/projectDebugFiles/types';
+type Props = RouteComponentProps<{orgId: string; projectId: string}, {}> & {
+ organization: Organization;
+ project: Project;
+type State = AsyncView['state'] & {
+ mappings: DebugFile[];
+ showDetails: boolean;
+class ProjectAndroidMappings extends AsyncView<Props, State> {
+ getTitle() {
+ const {projectId} = this.props.params;
+ return routeTitleGen(t('Android Mappings'), projectId, false);
+ }
+ getDefaultState(): State {
+ return {
+ ...super.getDefaultState(),
+ mappings: [],
+ showDetails: false,
+ };
+ }
+ getEndpoints() {
+ const {params, location} = this.props;
+ const {orgId, projectId} = params;
+ const endpoints: ReturnType<AsyncView['getEndpoints']> = [
+ [
+ 'mappings',
+ `/projects/${orgId}/${projectId}/files/dsyms/`,
+ {query: {query: location.query.query, file_formats: 'proguard'}},
+ ],
+ ];
+ return endpoints;
+ }
+ handleDelete = (id: string) => {
+ const {orgId, projectId} = this.props.params;
+ this.setState({
+ loading: true,
+ });
+ this.api.request(
+ `/projects/${orgId}/${projectId}/files/dsyms/?id=${encodeURIComponent(id)}`,
+ {
+ method: 'DELETE',
+ complete: () => this.fetchData(),
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ handleSearch = (query: string) => {
+ const {location, router} = this.props;
+ router.push({
+ ...location,
+ query: {...location.query, cursor: undefined, query},
+ });
+ };
+ getQuery() {
+ const {query} = this.props.location.query;
+ return typeof query === 'string' ? query : undefined;
+ }
+ getEmptyMessage() {
+ if (this.getQuery()) {
+ return t('There are no mappings that match your search.');
+ }
+ return t('There are no mappings for this project.');
+ }
+ renderLoading() {
+ return this.renderBody();
+ }
+ renderMappings() {
+ const {mappings, showDetails} = this.state;
+ const {orgId, projectId} = this.props.params;
+ if (!mappings?.length) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return mappings.map(mapping => {
+ const downloadUrl = `${
+ this.api.baseUrl
+ }/projects/${orgId}/${projectId}/files/dsyms/?id=${encodeURIComponent(mapping.id)}`;
+ return (
+ <DebugFileRow
+ debugFile={mapping}
+ showDetails={showDetails}
+ downloadUrl={downloadUrl}
+ onDelete={this.handleDelete}
+ key={mapping.id}
+ />
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ renderBody() {
+ const {loading, showDetails, mappings, mappingsPageLinks} = this.state;
+ return (
+ <React.Fragment>
+ <SettingsPageHeader title={t('Android Mappings')} />
+ <TextBlock>
+ {t(
+ `Android mapping files are used to convert minified classes, methods and field names into a human readable format.`
+ )}
+ </TextBlock>
+ <Wrapper>
+ <TextBlock noMargin>{t('Uploaded mappings')}:</TextBlock>
+ <Filters>
+ <Label>
+ <Checkbox
+ checked={showDetails}
+ onChange={e => {
+ this.setState({showDetails: (e.target as HTMLInputElement).checked});
+ }}
+ />
+ {t('show details')}
+ </Label>
+ <SearchBar
+ placeholder={t('Search mappings')}
+ onSearch={this.handleSearch}
+ query={this.getQuery()}
+ />
+ </Filters>
+ </Wrapper>
+ <StyledPanelTable
+ headers={[
+ t('Debug ID'),
+ t('Information'),
+ <TextRight key="actions">{t('Actions')}</TextRight>,
+ ]}
+ emptyMessage={this.getEmptyMessage()}
+ isEmpty={mappings?.length === 0}
+ isLoading={loading}
+ >
+ {this.renderMappings()}
+ </StyledPanelTable>
+ <Pagination pageLinks={mappingsPageLinks} />
+ </React.Fragment>
+ );
+ }
+const StyledPanelTable = styled(PanelTable)`
+ grid-template-columns: 37% 1fr auto;
+const TextRight = styled('div')`
+ text-align: right;
+const Wrapper = styled('div')`
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
+ grid-gap: ${space(4)};
+ align-items: center;
+ margin-top: ${space(4)};
+ margin-bottom: ${space(1)};
+ @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints[0]}) {
+ display: block;
+ }
+const Filters = styled('div')`
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: min-content minmax(200px, 400px);
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: flex-end;
+ grid-gap: ${space(2)};
+ @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints[0]}) {
+ grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr;
+ }
+const Label = styled('label')`
+ font-weight: normal;
+ display: flex;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ input {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-right: ${space(1)};
+ }
+export default ProjectAndroidMappings;