@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
import {Fragment} from 'react';
import {css} from '@emotion/react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
-import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';
import round from 'lodash/round';
-import AsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/asyncComponent';
import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button';
import MiniBarChart from 'sentry/components/charts/miniBarChart';
-import SessionsRequest from 'sentry/components/charts/sessionsRequest';
import {DateTimeObject} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils';
+import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError';
import {normalizeDateTimeParams} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/parse';
import PanelTable from 'sentry/components/panels/panelTable';
import Placeholder from 'sentry/components/placeholder';
@@ -23,6 +21,7 @@ import {
} from 'sentry/types';
import {formatFloat} from 'sentry/utils/formatters';
+import {useApiQuery} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient';
import {getCountSeries, getCrashFreeRate, getSeriesSum} from 'sentry/utils/sessions';
import {ColorOrAlias} from 'sentry/utils/theme';
import {displayCrashFreePercent} from 'sentry/views/releases/utils';
@@ -30,90 +29,80 @@ import {displayCrashFreePercent} from 'sentry/views/releases/utils';
import {ProjectBadge, ProjectBadgeContainer} from './styles';
import {groupByTrend} from './utils';
-type Props = AsyncComponent['props'] & {
+interface TeamStabilityProps extends DateTimeObject {
organization: Organization;
projects: Project[];
period?: string | null;
-} & DateTimeObject;
-type State = AsyncComponent['state'] & {
- /** weekly selected date range */
- periodSessions: SessionApiResponse | null;
- /** Locked to last 7 days */
- weekSessions: SessionApiResponse | null;
-class TeamStability extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
- shouldRenderBadRequests = true;
- getDefaultState(): State {
- return {
- ...super.getDefaultState(),
- weekSessions: null,
- periodSessions: null,
- };
- }
- getEndpoints() {
- const {organization, start, end, period, utc, projects} = this.props;
- const projectsWithSessions = projects.filter(project => project.hasSessions);
- if (projectsWithSessions.length === 0) {
- return [];
- }
- const datetime = {start, end, period, utc};
- const commonQuery = {
- environment: [],
- project: projectsWithSessions.map(p => p.id),
- field: 'sum(session)',
- groupBy: ['session.status', 'project'],
- interval: '1d',
- };
- const endpoints: ReturnType<AsyncComponent['getEndpoints']> = [
- [
- 'periodSessions',
- `/organizations/${organization.slug}/sessions/`,
- {
- query: {
- ...commonQuery,
- ...normalizeDateTimeParams(datetime),
- },
+function TeamStability({
+ organization,
+ projects,
+ period,
+ start,
+ end,
+ utc,
+}: TeamStabilityProps) {
+ const projectsWithSessions = projects.filter(project => project.hasSessions);
+ const datetime = {start, end, period, utc};
+ const commonQuery = {
+ environment: [],
+ project: projectsWithSessions.map(p => p.id),
+ field: 'sum(session)',
+ groupBy: ['session.status', 'project'],
+ interval: '1d',
+ };
+ const {
+ data: periodSessions,
+ isLoading: isPeriodSessionsLoading,
+ isError: isPeriodSessionsError,
+ refetch: refetchPeriodSessions,
+ } = useApiQuery<SessionApiResponse>(
+ [
+ `/organizations/${organization.slug}/sessions/`,
+ {
+ query: {
+ ...commonQuery,
+ ...normalizeDateTimeParams(datetime),
- ],
- [
- 'weekSessions',
- `/organizations/${organization.slug}/sessions/`,
- {
- query: {
- ...commonQuery,
- statsPeriod: '7d',
- },
+ },
+ ],
+ {staleTime: 5000}
+ );
+ const {
+ data: weekSessions,
+ isLoading: isWeekSessionsLoading,
+ isError: isWeekSessionsError,
+ refetch: refetchWeekSessions,
+ } = useApiQuery<SessionApiResponse>(
+ [
+ `/organizations/${organization.slug}/sessions/`,
+ {
+ query: {
+ ...commonQuery,
+ statsPeriod: '7d',
- ],
- ];
+ },
+ ],
+ {staleTime: 5000}
+ );
- return endpoints;
- }
+ const isLoading = isPeriodSessionsLoading || isWeekSessionsLoading;
- componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) {
- const {projects, start, end, period, utc} = this.props;
- if (
- prevProps.start !== start ||
- prevProps.end !== end ||
- prevProps.period !== period ||
- prevProps.utc !== utc ||
- !isEqual(prevProps.projects, projects)
- ) {
- this.remountComponent();
- }
+ if (isPeriodSessionsError || isWeekSessionsError) {
+ return (
+ <LoadingError
+ onRetry={() => {
+ refetchPeriodSessions();
+ refetchWeekSessions();
+ }}
+ />
+ );
- getScore(projectId: number, dataset: 'week' | 'period'): number | null {
- const {periodSessions, weekSessions} = this.state;
+ function getScore(projectId: number, dataset: 'week' | 'period'): number | null {
const sessions = dataset === 'week' ? weekSessions : periodSessions;
const projectGroups = sessions?.groups.filter(
group => group.by.project === projectId
@@ -122,9 +111,9 @@ class TeamStability extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
return getCrashFreeRate(projectGroups, SessionFieldWithOperation.SESSIONS);
- getTrend(projectId: number): number | null {
- const periodScore = this.getScore(projectId, 'period');
- const weekScore = this.getScore(projectId, 'week');
+ function getTrend(projectId: number): number | null {
+ const periodScore = getScore(projectId, 'period');
+ const weekScore = getScore(projectId, 'week');
if (periodScore === null || weekScore === null) {
return null;
@@ -133,7 +122,7 @@ class TeamStability extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
return weekScore - periodScore;
- getMiniBarChartSeries(project: Project, response: SessionApiResponse) {
+ function getMiniBarChartSeries(project: Project, response: SessionApiResponse) {
const sumSessions = getSeriesSum(
response.groups.filter(group => group.by.project === Number(project.id)),
@@ -168,14 +157,8 @@ class TeamStability extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
return [{seriesName: t('Crash Free Sessions'), data}];
- renderLoading() {
- return this.renderBody();
- }
- renderScore(projectId: string, dataset: 'week' | 'period') {
- const {loading} = this.state;
- if (loading) {
+ function renderScore(projectId: string, dataset: 'week' | 'period') {
+ if (isLoading) {
return (
<Placeholder width="80px" height="25px" />
@@ -183,7 +166,7 @@ class TeamStability extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
- const score = this.getScore(Number(projectId), dataset);
+ const score = getScore(Number(projectId), dataset);
if (score === null) {
return '\u2014';
@@ -192,10 +175,8 @@ class TeamStability extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
return displayCrashFreePercent(score);
- renderTrend(projectId: string) {
- const {loading} = this.state;
- if (loading) {
+ function renderTrend(projectId: string) {
+ if (isLoading) {
return (
<Placeholder width="80px" height="25px" />
@@ -203,7 +184,7 @@ class TeamStability extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
- const trend = this.getTrend(Number(projectId));
+ const trend = getTrend(Number(projectId));
if (trend === null) {
return '\u2014';
@@ -217,73 +198,57 @@ class TeamStability extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
- renderBody() {
- const {organization, projects, period} = this.props;
- const sortedProjects = projects
- .map(project => ({project, trend: this.getTrend(Number(project.id)) ?? 0}))
- .sort((a, b) => Math.abs(b.trend) - Math.abs(a.trend));
- const groupedProjects = groupByTrend(sortedProjects);
- return (
- <SessionsRequest
- api={this.api}
- project={projects.map(({id}) => Number(id))}
- organization={organization}
- interval="1d"
- groupBy={['session.status', 'project']}
- field={[SessionFieldWithOperation.SESSIONS]}
- statsPeriod={period}
- >
- {({response, loading}) => (
- <StyledPanelTable
- isEmpty={projects.length === 0}
- emptyMessage={t('No projects with release health enabled')}
- emptyAction={
- <Button
- size="sm"
- external
- href="https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/dotnet/guides/nlog/configuration/releases/#release-health"
- >
- {t('Learn More')}
- </Button>
- }
- headers={[
- t('Project'),
- <RightAligned key="last">{tct('Last [period]', {period})}</RightAligned>,
- <RightAligned key="avg">{tct('[period] Avg', {period})}</RightAligned>,
- <RightAligned key="curr">{t('Last 7 Days')}</RightAligned>,
- <RightAligned key="diff">{t('Difference')}</RightAligned>,
- ]}
- >
- {groupedProjects.map(({project}) => (
- <Fragment key={project.id}>
- <ProjectBadgeContainer>
- <ProjectBadge avatarSize={18} project={project} />
- </ProjectBadgeContainer>
- <div>
- {response && !loading && (
- <MiniBarChart
- isGroupedByDate
- showTimeInTooltip
- series={this.getMiniBarChartSeries(project, response)}
- height={25}
- tooltipFormatter={(value: number) => `${value.toLocaleString()}%`}
- />
- )}
- </div>
- <ScoreWrapper>{this.renderScore(project.id, 'period')}</ScoreWrapper>
- <ScoreWrapper>{this.renderScore(project.id, 'week')}</ScoreWrapper>
- <ScoreWrapper>{this.renderTrend(project.id)}</ScoreWrapper>
- </Fragment>
- ))}
- </StyledPanelTable>
- )}
- </SessionsRequest>
- );
- }
+ const sortedProjects = projects
+ .map(project => ({project, trend: getTrend(Number(project.id)) ?? 0}))
+ .sort((a, b) => Math.abs(b.trend) - Math.abs(a.trend));
+ const groupedProjects = groupByTrend(sortedProjects);
+ return (
+ <StyledPanelTable
+ isEmpty={projects.length === 0}
+ emptyMessage={t('No projects with release health enabled')}
+ emptyAction={
+ <Button
+ size="sm"
+ external
+ href="https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/dotnet/guides/nlog/configuration/releases/#release-health"
+ >
+ {t('Learn More')}
+ </Button>
+ }
+ headers={[
+ t('Project'),
+ <RightAligned key="last">{tct('Last [period]', {period})}</RightAligned>,
+ <RightAligned key="avg">{tct('[period] Avg', {period})}</RightAligned>,
+ <RightAligned key="curr">{t('Last 7 Days')}</RightAligned>,
+ <RightAligned key="diff">{t('Difference')}</RightAligned>,
+ ]}
+ >
+ {groupedProjects.map(({project}) => (
+ <Fragment key={project.id}>
+ <ProjectBadgeContainer>
+ <ProjectBadge avatarSize={18} project={project} />
+ </ProjectBadgeContainer>
+ <div>
+ {periodSessions && weekSessions && !isLoading && (
+ <MiniBarChart
+ isGroupedByDate
+ showTimeInTooltip
+ series={getMiniBarChartSeries(project, periodSessions)}
+ height={25}
+ tooltipFormatter={(value: number) => `${value.toLocaleString()}%`}
+ />
+ )}
+ </div>
+ <ScoreWrapper>{renderScore(project.id, 'period')}</ScoreWrapper>
+ <ScoreWrapper>{renderScore(project.id, 'week')}</ScoreWrapper>
+ <ScoreWrapper>{renderTrend(project.id)}</ScoreWrapper>
+ </Fragment>
+ ))}
+ </StyledPanelTable>
+ );
export default TeamStability;