@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ class GroupSnoozeTest(
class GroupSnoozeWCacheTest(GroupSnoozeTest):
Test the cached version of the snooze.
@@ -367,3 +368,82 @@ class GroupSnoozeWCacheTest(GroupSnoozeTest):
assert not snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
assert mocked_count_users_seen.call_count == 3
assert cache_spy.set.called_with(cache_key, 100, 300)
+ def test_test_frequency_rates_w_cache(self):
+ snooze = GroupSnooze.objects.create(group=self.group, count=100, window=60)
+ cache_key = f"groupsnooze:v1:{snooze.id}:test_frequency_rate:events_seen_counter"
+ with (
+ mock.patch("sentry.models.groupsnooze.tsdb.backend.get_sums") as mocked_get_sums,
+ mock.patch.object(
+ sentry.models.groupsnooze, "cache", wraps=sentry.models.groupsnooze.cache # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ ) as cache_spy,
+ ):
+ mocked_get_sums.side_effect = [{snooze.group_id: c} for c in [95, 98, 100]]
+ cache_spy.set = mock.Mock(side_effect=cache_spy.set)
+ cache_spy.incr = mock.Mock(side_effect=cache_spy.incr)
+ assert snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert mocked_get_sums.call_count == 1
+ assert cache_spy.set.called_with(cache_key, 95, 3600)
+ assert snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert mocked_get_sums.call_count == 1
+ assert cache_spy.incr.called_with(cache_key)
+ assert cache_spy.get(cache_key) == 96
+ assert snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert cache_spy.get(cache_key) == 97
+ assert snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert cache_spy.get(cache_key) == 98
+ assert snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert cache_spy.get(cache_key) == 99
+ # cache counter reaches 100, but gets 98 from get_distinct_counts_totals
+ assert snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert mocked_get_sums.call_count == 2
+ assert cache_spy.set.called_with(cache_key, 98, 3600)
+ assert cache_spy.get(cache_key) == 98
+ assert snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert cache_spy.get(cache_key) == 99
+ # with this call counter reaches 100, gets 100 from get_distinct_counts_totals, so is_valid returns False
+ assert not snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert mocked_get_sums.call_count == 3
+ def test_test_frequency_rates_w_cache_expired(self):
+ snooze = GroupSnooze.objects.create(group=self.group, count=100, window=60)
+ cache_key = f"groupsnooze:v1:{snooze.id}:test_frequency_rate:events_seen_counter"
+ with (
+ mock.patch("sentry.models.groupsnooze.tsdb.backend.get_sums") as mocked_get_sums,
+ mock.patch.object(
+ sentry.models.groupsnooze, "cache", wraps=sentry.models.groupsnooze.cache # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ ) as cache_spy,
+ ):
+ mocked_get_sums.side_effect = [{snooze.group_id: c} for c in [98, 99, 100]]
+ cache_spy.set = mock.Mock(side_effect=cache_spy.set)
+ cache_spy.incr = mock.Mock(side_effect=cache_spy.incr)
+ assert snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert mocked_get_sums.call_count == 1
+ assert cache_spy.set.called_with(cache_key, 98, 3600)
+ # simulate cache expiration
+ cache_spy.delete(cache_key)
+ assert snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert mocked_get_sums.call_count == 2
+ assert cache_spy.set.called_with(cache_key, 99, 3600)
+ # simulate cache expiration
+ cache_spy.delete(cache_key)
+ assert not snooze.is_valid(test_rates=True)
+ assert mocked_get_sums.call_count == 3
+ assert cache_spy.set.called_with(cache_key, 100, 3600)