@@ -29,11 +29,6 @@ export default function TimelineGaps({durationMs, startTimestampMs, frames}: Pro
let end = -1;
for (const currFrame of frames) {
- // only considered start of gap if background frame hasn't been found yet
- if (start === -1 && isBackgroundFrame(currFrame)) {
- start = currFrame.timestampMs - startTimestampMs;
- }
// add metrics for frame coming after a background frame to see how often we have bad data
if (start !== -1) {
trackAnalytics('replay.frame-after-background', {
@@ -42,6 +37,11 @@ export default function TimelineGaps({durationMs, startTimestampMs, frames}: Pro
+ // only considered start of gap if background frame hasn't been found yet
+ if (start === -1 && isBackgroundFrame(currFrame)) {
+ start = currFrame.timestampMs - startTimestampMs;
+ }
// gap only ends if a frame that's not a background frame or error frame has been found
if (start !== -1 && !isBackgroundFrame(currFrame) && !isErrorFrame(currFrame)) {
end = currFrame.timestampMs - startTimestampMs;