@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import {Fragment} from 'react';
-import {RouteComponentProps, WithRouterProps} from 'react-router';
+import {Fragment, useEffect} from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import {useFetchIssueTag, useFetchIssueTagValues} from 'sentry/actionCreators/group';
+import {addMessage} from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator';
import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button';
import ButtonBar from 'sentry/components/buttonBar';
import DataExport, {ExportQueryType} from 'sentry/components/dataExport';
-import DeprecatedAsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/deprecatedAsyncComponent';
import {DeviceName} from 'sentry/components/deviceName';
import {DropdownMenu} from 'sentry/components/dropdownMenu';
import GlobalSelectionLink from 'sentry/components/globalSelectionLink';
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import UserBadge from 'sentry/components/idBadge/userBadge';
import * as Layout from 'sentry/components/layouts/thirds';
import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink';
import Link from 'sentry/components/links/link';
+import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError';
import {extractSelectionParameters} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/utils';
import Pagination from 'sentry/components/pagination';
import PanelTable from 'sentry/components/panels/panelTable';
@@ -20,19 +21,12 @@ import TimeSince from 'sentry/components/timeSince';
import {IconArrow, IconEllipsis, IconMail, IconOpen} from 'sentry/icons';
import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
-import {
- Group,
- Organization,
- Project,
- SavedQueryVersions,
- Tag,
- TagValue,
-} from 'sentry/types';
+import {Group, Project, SavedQueryVersions} from 'sentry/types';
import {isUrl, percent} from 'sentry/utils';
import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView';
-import withOrganization from 'sentry/utils/withOrganization';
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports
-import withSentryRouter from 'sentry/utils/withSentryRouter';
+import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation';
+import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization';
+import {useParams} from 'sentry/utils/useParams';
type RouteParams = {
groupId: string;
@@ -43,55 +37,110 @@ type RouteParams = {
type Props = {
baseUrl: string;
group: Group;
- organization: Organization;
environments?: string[];
project?: Project;
-} & RouteComponentProps<RouteParams, {}>;
-type State = {
- tag: Tag | null;
- tagValueList: TagValue[] | null;
- tagValueListPageLinks: string;
const DEFAULT_SORT = 'count';
-class GroupTagValues extends DeprecatedAsyncComponent<
- Props & DeprecatedAsyncComponent['props'] & WithRouterProps,
- State & DeprecatedAsyncComponent['state']
-> {
- getEndpoints(): ReturnType<DeprecatedAsyncComponent['getEndpoints']> {
- const {environments: environment, organization} = this.props;
- const {groupId, tagKey} = this.props.params;
- return [
- ['tag', `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/${groupId}/tags/${tagKey}/`],
- [
- 'tagValueList',
- `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/${groupId}/tags/${tagKey}/values/`,
- {query: {environment, sort: this.getSort()}},
- ],
- ];
- }
- getSort(): string {
- return this.props.location.query.sort || DEFAULT_SORT;
- }
+function useTagQueries({
+ group,
+ tagKey,
+ environments,
+ sort,
+}: {
+ group: Group;
+ sort: string | string[];
+ tagKey: string;
+ environments?: string[];
+}) {
+ const organization = useOrganization();
+ const {
+ data: tagValueList,
+ isLoading: tagValueListIsLoading,
+ isError: tagValueListIsError,
+ getResponseHeader,
+ } = useFetchIssueTagValues({
+ orgSlug: organization.slug,
+ groupId: group.id,
+ tagKey,
+ environment: environments,
+ sort,
+ });
+ const {data: tag, isError: tagIsError} = useFetchIssueTag({
+ orgSlug: organization.slug,
+ groupId: group.id,
+ tagKey,
+ });
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (tagIsError) {
+ addMessage(t('Failed to fetch total tag values'), 'error');
+ }
+ }, [tagIsError]);
+ return {
+ tagValueList,
+ tag,
+ isLoading: tagValueListIsLoading,
+ isError: tagValueListIsError,
+ pageLinks: getResponseHeader?.('pageLinks'),
+ };
- renderLoading() {
- return this.renderBody();
- }
+function GroupTagValues({baseUrl, project, group, environments}: Props) {
+ const organization = useOrganization();
+ const location = useLocation();
+ const {orgId, tagKey = ''} = useParams<RouteParams>();
+ const {cursor: _cursor, page: _page, ...currentQuery} = location.query;
+ const title = tagKey === 'user' ? t('Affected Users') : tagKey;
+ const sort = location.query.sort || DEFAULT_SORT;
+ const sortArrow = <IconArrow color="gray300" size="xs" direction="down" />;
+ const {tagValueList, tag, isLoading, isError, pageLinks} = useTagQueries({
+ group,
+ sort,
+ tagKey,
+ environments,
+ });
+ const lastSeenColumnHeader = (
+ <StyledSortLink
+ to={{
+ pathname: location.pathname,
+ query: {
+ ...currentQuery,
+ sort: 'date',
+ },
+ }}
+ >
+ {t('Last Seen')} {sort === 'date' && sortArrow}
+ </StyledSortLink>
+ );
+ const countColumnHeader = (
+ <StyledSortLink
+ to={{
+ pathname: location.pathname,
+ query: {
+ ...currentQuery,
+ sort: 'count',
+ },
+ }}
+ >
+ {t('Count')} {sort === 'count' && sortArrow}
+ </StyledSortLink>
+ );
+ const renderResults = () => {
+ if (isError) {
+ return <StyledLoadingError message={t('There was an error loading tag details')} />;
+ }
+ if (isLoading) {
+ return null;
+ }
- renderResults() {
- const {
- baseUrl,
- project,
- environments: environment,
- group,
- location: {query},
- params: {orgId, tagKey},
- organization,
- } = this.props;
- const {tagValueList, tag} = this.state;
const discoverFields = [
@@ -100,8 +149,7 @@ class GroupTagValues extends DeprecatedAsyncComponent<
- const globalSelectionParams = extractSelectionParameters(query);
+ const globalSelectionParams = extractSelectionParameters(location.query);
return tagValueList?.map((tagValue, tagValueIdx) => {
const pct = tag?.totalValues
? `${percent(tagValue.count, tag?.totalValues).toFixed(2)}%`
@@ -118,7 +166,7 @@ class GroupTagValues extends DeprecatedAsyncComponent<
orderby: '-timestamp',
query: `issue:${group.shortId} ${issuesQuery}`,
projects: [Number(project?.id)],
- environment,
+ environment: environments,
version: 2 as SavedQueryVersions,
range: '90d',
@@ -199,101 +247,59 @@ class GroupTagValues extends DeprecatedAsyncComponent<
- }
- renderBody() {
- const {
- group,
- params: {orgId, tagKey},
- location: {query},
- environments,
- } = this.props;
- const {tagValueList, tag, tagValueListPageLinks, loading} = this.state;
- const {cursor: _cursor, page: _page, ...currentQuery} = query;
- const title = tagKey === 'user' ? t('Affected Users') : tagKey;
- const sort = this.getSort();
- const sortArrow = <IconArrow color="gray300" size="xs" direction="down" />;
- const lastSeenColumnHeader = (
- <StyledSortLink
- to={{
- pathname: location.pathname,
- query: {
- ...currentQuery,
- sort: 'date',
- },
- }}
- >
- {t('Last Seen')} {sort === 'date' && sortArrow}
- </StyledSortLink>
- );
- const countColumnHeader = (
- <StyledSortLink
- to={{
- pathname: location.pathname,
- query: {
- ...currentQuery,
- sort: 'count',
- },
- }}
- >
- {t('Count')} {sort === 'count' && sortArrow}
- </StyledSortLink>
- );
- return (
- <Layout.Body>
- <Layout.Main fullWidth>
- <TitleWrapper>
- <Title>{t('Tag Details')}</Title>
- <ButtonBar gap={1}>
- <Button
- size="sm"
- priority="default"
- href={`/${orgId}/${group.project.slug}/issues/${group.id}/tags/${tagKey}/export/`}
- >
- {t('Export Page to CSV')}
- </Button>
- <DataExport
- payload={{
- queryType: ExportQueryType.ISSUES_BY_TAG,
- queryInfo: {
- project: group.project.id,
- group: group.id,
- key: tagKey,
- },
- }}
- />
- </ButtonBar>
- </TitleWrapper>
- <StyledPanelTable
- isLoading={loading}
- isEmpty={tagValueList?.length === 0}
- headers={[
- title,
- <PercentColumnHeader key="percent">{t('Percent')}</PercentColumnHeader>,
- countColumnHeader,
- lastSeenColumnHeader,
- '',
- ]}
- emptyMessage={t('Sorry, the tags for this issue could not be found.')}
- emptyAction={
- environments?.length
- ? t('No tags were found for the currently selected environments')
- : null
- }
- >
- {tagValueList && tag && this.renderResults()}
- </StyledPanelTable>
- <StyledPagination pageLinks={tagValueListPageLinks} />
- </Layout.Main>
- </Layout.Body>
- );
- }
+ };
+ return (
+ <Layout.Body>
+ <Layout.Main fullWidth>
+ <TitleWrapper>
+ <Title>{t('Tag Details')}</Title>
+ <ButtonBar gap={1}>
+ <Button
+ size="sm"
+ priority="default"
+ href={`/${orgId}/${group.project.slug}/issues/${group.id}/tags/${tagKey}/export/`}
+ >
+ {t('Export Page to CSV')}
+ </Button>
+ <DataExport
+ payload={{
+ queryType: ExportQueryType.ISSUES_BY_TAG,
+ queryInfo: {
+ project: group.project.id,
+ group: group.id,
+ key: tagKey,
+ },
+ }}
+ />
+ </ButtonBar>
+ </TitleWrapper>
+ <StyledPanelTable
+ isLoading={isLoading}
+ isEmpty={!isError && tagValueList?.length === 0}
+ headers={[
+ title,
+ <PercentColumnHeader key="percent">{t('Percent')}</PercentColumnHeader>,
+ countColumnHeader,
+ lastSeenColumnHeader,
+ '',
+ ]}
+ emptyMessage={t('Sorry, the tags for this issue could not be found.')}
+ emptyAction={
+ environments?.length
+ ? t('No tags were found for the currently selected environments')
+ : null
+ }
+ >
+ {renderResults()}
+ </StyledPanelTable>
+ <StyledPagination pageLinks={pageLinks} />
+ </Layout.Main>
+ </Layout.Body>
+ );
-export default withSentryRouter(withOrganization(GroupTagValues));
+export default GroupTagValues;
const TitleWrapper = styled('div')`
display: flex;
@@ -322,6 +328,13 @@ const StyledPanelTable = styled(PanelTable)`
+const StyledLoadingError = styled(LoadingError)`
+ grid-column: 1 / -1;
+ margin-bottom: ${space(4)};
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-width: 1px 0;
const PercentColumnHeader = styled('div')`
text-align: right;