@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+import {useMemo} from 'react';
+import {css} from '@emotion/react';
+import ActorAvatar from 'sentry/components/avatar/actorAvatar';
+import ProjectBadge from 'sentry/components/idBadge/projectBadge';
+import Placeholder from 'sentry/components/placeholder';
+import TextOverflow from 'sentry/components/textOverflow';
+import TimeSince from 'sentry/components/timeSince';
+import {IconAdd, IconChat, IconFatal, IconImage, IconPlay} from 'sentry/icons';
+import useReplayCount from 'sentry/utils/replayCount/useReplayCount';
+import useConfiguration from '../../hooks/useConfiguration';
+import useCurrentTransactionName from '../../hooks/useCurrentTransactionName';
+import {useSDKFeedbackButton} from '../../hooks/useSDKFeedbackButton';
+import {
+ badgeWithLabelCss,
+ gridFlexEndCss,
+ listItemGridCss,
+ listItemPlaceholderWrapperCss,
+} from '../../styles/listItem';
+import {
+ panelHeadingRightCss,
+ panelInsetContentCss,
+ panelSectionCss,
+} from '../../styles/panel';
+import {resetButtonCss, resetFlexColumnCss} from '../../styles/reset';
+import {smallCss, textOverflowTwoLinesCss, xSmallCss} from '../../styles/typography';
+import type {FeedbackIssueListItem} from '../../types';
+import InfiniteListItems from '../infiniteListItems';
+import InfiniteListState from '../infiniteListState';
+import PanelLayout from '../panelLayout';
+import SentryAppLink from '../sentryAppLink';
+import useInfiniteFeedbackList from './useInfiniteFeedbackList';
+export default function FeedbackPanel() {
+ const buttonRef = useSDKFeedbackButton();
+ const transactionName = useCurrentTransactionName();
+ const queryResult = useInfiniteFeedbackList({
+ query: `url:*${transactionName}`,
+ });
+ const estimateSize = 108;
+ const placeholderHeight = `${estimateSize - 8}px`; // The real height of the items, minus the padding-block value
+ return (
+ <PanelLayout
+ title="User Feedback"
+ titleRight={
+ buttonRef ? (
+ <button
+ aria-label="Submit Feedback"
+ css={[resetButtonCss, panelHeadingRightCss]}
+ ref={buttonRef}
+ title="Submit Feedback"
+ >
+ <IconAdd size="xs" />
+ </button>
+ ) : null
+ }
+ >
+ <div css={[smallCss, panelSectionCss, panelInsetContentCss]}>
+ <span>
+ Unresolved feedback related to <code>{transactionName}</code>
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ <div css={resetFlexColumnCss}>
+ <InfiniteListState
+ queryResult={queryResult}
+ backgroundUpdatingMessage={() => null}
+ loadingMessage={() => (
+ <div
+ css={[
+ resetFlexColumnCss,
+ panelSectionCss,
+ panelInsetContentCss,
+ listItemPlaceholderWrapperCss,
+ ]}
+ >
+ <Placeholder height={placeholderHeight} />
+ <Placeholder height={placeholderHeight} />
+ <Placeholder height={placeholderHeight} />
+ <Placeholder height={placeholderHeight} />
+ </div>
+ )}
+ >
+ <InfiniteListItems
+ estimateSize={() => estimateSize}
+ queryResult={queryResult}
+ itemRenderer={props => <FeedbackListItem {...props} />}
+ emptyMessage={() => <p css={panelInsetContentCss}>No items to show</p>}
+ />
+ </InfiniteListState>
+ </div>
+ </PanelLayout>
+ );
+function FeedbackListItem({item}: {item: FeedbackIssueListItem}) {
+ const {projectSlug, projectId, trackAnalytics} = useConfiguration();
+ const {feedbackHasReplay} = useReplayCountForFeedbacks();
+ const hasReplayId = feedbackHasReplay(item.id);
+ const isFatal = ['crash_report_embed_form', 'user_report_envelope'].includes(
+ item.metadata.source ?? ''
+ );
+ const hasAttachments = item.latestEventHasAttachments;
+ const hasComments = item.numComments > 0;
+ return (
+ <div css={listItemGridCss}>
+ <TextOverflow css={smallCss} style={{gridArea: 'name'}}>
+ <SentryAppLink
+ to={{
+ url: '/feedback/',
+ query: {project: projectId, feedbackSlug: `${projectSlug}:${item.id}`},
+ }}
+ onClick={() => {
+ trackAnalytics?.({
+ eventKey: `devtoolbar.feedback-list.item.click`,
+ eventName: `devtoolbar: Click feedback-list item`,
+ });
+ }}
+ >
+ <strong>
+ {item.metadata.name ?? item.metadata.contact_email ?? 'Anonymous User'}
+ </strong>
+ </SentryAppLink>
+ </TextOverflow>
+ <div
+ css={[gridFlexEndCss, xSmallCss]}
+ style={{gridArea: 'time', color: 'var(--gray300)'}}
+ >
+ <TimeSince date={item.firstSeen} unitStyle="extraShort" />
+ </div>
+ <div style={{gridArea: 'message'}}>
+ <TextOverflow css={[smallCss, textOverflowTwoLinesCss]}>
+ {item.metadata.message}
+ </TextOverflow>
+ </div>
+ <div css={[badgeWithLabelCss, xSmallCss]} style={{gridArea: 'project'}}>
+ <ProjectBadge
+ css={css({'&& img': {boxShadow: 'none'}})}
+ project={item.project}
+ avatarSize={16}
+ hideName
+ avatarProps={{hasTooltip: false}}
+ />
+ <TextOverflow>{item.shortId}</TextOverflow>
+ </div>
+ <div css={gridFlexEndCss} style={{gridArea: 'icons'}}>
+ {/* IssueTrackingSignals could have some refactoring so it doesn't
+ depend on useOrganization, and so the filenames match up better with
+ the exported functions */}
+ {/* <IssueTrackingSignals group={item as unknown as Group} /> */}
+ {hasComments ? <IconChat size="sm" /> : null}
+ {isFatal ? <IconFatal size="xs" color="red400" /> : null}
+ {hasReplayId ? <IconPlay size="xs" /> : null}
+ {hasAttachments ? <IconImage size="xs" /> : null}
+ {item.assignedTo ? (
+ <ActorAvatar
+ actor={item.assignedTo}
+ size={16}
+ tooltipOptions={{containerDisplayMode: 'flex'}}
+ />
+ ) : null}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ );
+// Copied from sentry, but we're passing in a fake `organization` object here.
+// TODO: refactor useReplayCountForFeedbacks to accept an org param
+function useReplayCountForFeedbacks() {
+ const {organizationSlug} = useConfiguration();
+ const {hasOne, hasMany} = useReplayCount({
+ bufferLimit: 25,
+ dataSource: 'search_issues',
+ fieldName: 'issue.id',
+ organization: {slug: organizationSlug} as any,
+ statsPeriod: '90d',
+ });
+ return useMemo(
+ () => ({
+ feedbackHasReplay: hasOne,
+ feedbacksHaveReplay: hasMany,
+ }),
+ [hasMany, hasOne]
+ );