@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+import dataclasses
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError
+from rest_framework.request import Request
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from snuba_sdk.column import Column
+from snuba_sdk.conditions import Condition, Op
+from snuba_sdk.function import Function
+from snuba_sdk.orderby import LimitBy
+from sentry import eventstore, features
+from sentry.api.bases import NoProjects, OrganizationEventsEndpointBase
+from sentry.api.paginator import GenericOffsetPaginator
+from sentry.models import Organization
+from sentry.search.events.builder import QueryBuilder
+from sentry.search.events.fields import get_function_alias
+from sentry.search.events.types import ParamsType
+from sentry.utils.snuba import Dataset, raw_snql_query
+from sentry.utils.time_window import TimeWindow, remove_time_windows, union_time_windows
+class SpanPerformanceColumn:
+ suspect_op_group_column: str
+ suspect_example_column: str
+SPAN_PERFORMANCE_COLUMNS: Dict[str, SpanPerformanceColumn] = {
+ "count": SpanPerformanceColumn("count()", "count()"),
+ "sumExclusiveTime": SpanPerformanceColumn(
+ "sumArray(spans_exclusive_time)", "sumArray(spans_exclusive_time)"
+ ),
+ "p50ExclusiveTime": SpanPerformanceColumn(
+ "percentileArray(spans_exclusive_time, 0.50)", "maxArray(spans_exclusive_time)"
+ ),
+ "p75ExclusiveTime": SpanPerformanceColumn(
+ "percentileArray(spans_exclusive_time, 0.75)", "maxArray(spans_exclusive_time)"
+ ),
+ "p95ExclusiveTime": SpanPerformanceColumn(
+ "percentileArray(spans_exclusive_time, 0.95)", "maxArray(spans_exclusive_time)"
+ ),
+ "p99ExclusiveTime": SpanPerformanceColumn(
+ "percentileArray(spans_exclusive_time, 0.99)", "maxArray(spans_exclusive_time)"
+ ),
+class OrganizationEventsSpansPerformanceEndpoint(OrganizationEventsEndpointBase): # type: ignore
+ def has_feature(self, request: Request, organization: Organization) -> bool:
+ return bool(
+ features.has(
+ "organizations:performance-suspect-spans-view",
+ organization,
+ actor=request.user,
+ )
+ )
+ def get(self, request: Request, organization: Organization) -> Response:
+ if not self.has_feature(request, organization):
+ return Response(status=404)
+ try:
+ params = self.get_snuba_params(request, organization)
+ except NoProjects:
+ return Response(status=404)
+ query = request.GET.get("query")
+ direction, orderby_column = self.get_orderby_column(request)
+ def data_fn(offset: int, limit: int) -> Any:
+ alias = get_function_alias(
+ SPAN_PERFORMANCE_COLUMNS[orderby_column].suspect_op_group_column
+ )
+ orderby = direction + alias
+ suspects = query_suspect_span_groups(params, query, orderby, limit, offset)
+ alias = get_function_alias(
+ SPAN_PERFORMANCE_COLUMNS[orderby_column].suspect_example_column
+ )
+ orderby = direction + alias
+ # Because we want to support pagination, the limit is 1 more than will be
+ # returned and displayed. Since this extra result is only used for
+ # pagination, we do not need to get any example transactions for it.
+ suspects_requiring_examples = suspects[: limit - 1]
+ transaction_ids = query_example_transactions(
+ params, query, orderby, suspects_requiring_examples
+ )
+ return [
+ SuspectSpanWithExamples(
+ examples=[
+ get_example_transaction(
+ suspect.project_id,
+ transaction_id,
+ suspect.op,
+ suspect.group,
+ )
+ for transaction_id in transaction_ids.get((suspect.op, suspect.group), [])
+ ],
+ **dataclasses.asdict(suspect),
+ ).serialize()
+ for suspect in suspects
+ ]
+ with self.handle_query_errors():
+ return self.paginate(
+ request,
+ paginator=GenericOffsetPaginator(data_fn=data_fn),
+ default_per_page=4,
+ max_per_page=4,
+ )
+ return Response(status=200)
+ def get_orderby_column(self, request: Request) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+ orderbys = super().get_orderby(request)
+ if orderbys is None:
+ direction = "-"
+ orderby = "sumExclusiveTime"
+ elif len(orderbys) != 1:
+ raise ParseError(detail="Can only order by one column.")
+ else:
+ direction = "-" if orderbys[0].startswith("-") else ""
+ orderby = orderbys[0].lstrip("-")
+ if orderby not in SPAN_PERFORMANCE_COLUMNS:
+ options = ", ".join(SPAN_PERFORMANCE_COLUMNS.keys())
+ raise ParseError(detail=f"Can only order by one of {options}")
+ return direction, orderby
+class ExampleSpan:
+ id: str
+ start_timestamp: float
+ finish_timestamp: float
+ exclusive_time: float
+ def serialize(self) -> Any:
+ return {
+ "id": self.id,
+ "startTimestamp": self.start_timestamp,
+ "finishTimestamp": self.finish_timestamp,
+ "exclusiveTime": self.exclusive_time,
+ }
+class ExampleTransaction:
+ id: str
+ description: Optional[str]
+ start_timestamp: float
+ finish_timestamp: float
+ non_overlapping_exclusive_time: float
+ spans: List[ExampleSpan]
+ def serialize(self) -> Any:
+ return {
+ "id": self.id,
+ "description": self.description,
+ "startTimestamp": self.start_timestamp,
+ "finishTimestamp": self.finish_timestamp,
+ "nonOverlappingExclusiveTime": self.non_overlapping_exclusive_time,
+ "spans": [span.serialize() for span in self.spans],
+ }
+class SuspectSpan:
+ project_id: int
+ project: str
+ transaction: str
+ op: str
+ group: str
+ frequency: int
+ count: int
+ sum_exclusive_time: float
+ p50_exclusive_time: float
+ p75_exclusive_time: float
+ p95_exclusive_time: float
+ p99_exclusive_time: float
+ def serialize(self) -> Any:
+ return {
+ "projectId": self.project_id,
+ "project": self.project,
+ "transaction": self.transaction,
+ "op": self.op,
+ "group": self.group,
+ "frequency": self.frequency,
+ "count": self.count,
+ "sumExclusiveTime": self.sum_exclusive_time,
+ "p50ExclusiveTime": self.p50_exclusive_time,
+ "p75ExclusiveTime": self.p75_exclusive_time,
+ "p95ExclusiveTime": self.p95_exclusive_time,
+ "p99ExclusiveTime": self.p99_exclusive_time,
+ }
+class SuspectSpanWithExamples(SuspectSpan):
+ examples: Optional[List[ExampleTransaction]] = None
+ def serialize(self) -> Any:
+ serialized = super().serialize()
+ serialized["examples"] = (
+ [] if self.examples is None else [ex.serialize() for ex in self.examples]
+ )
+ return serialized
+def query_suspect_span_groups(
+ params: ParamsType,
+ query: Optional[str],
+ order_column: str,
+ limit: int,
+ offset: int,
+) -> List[SuspectSpan]:
+ builder = QueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Discover,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=[
+ "project.id",
+ "project",
+ "transaction",
+ "array_join(spans_op)",
+ "array_join(spans_group)",
+ "count_unique(id)",
+ *(column.suspect_op_group_column for column in SPAN_PERFORMANCE_COLUMNS.values()),
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby=order_column,
+ auto_aggregations=True,
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ functions_acl=["array_join", "sumArray", "percentileArray", "maxArray"],
+ )
+ snql_query = builder.get_snql_query()
+ results = raw_snql_query(snql_query, "api.organization-events-spans-performance-suspects")
+ return [
+ SuspectSpan(
+ project_id=suspect["project.id"],
+ project=suspect["project"],
+ transaction=suspect["transaction"],
+ op=suspect["array_join_spans_op"],
+ group=suspect["array_join_spans_group"],
+ frequency=suspect["count_unique_id"],
+ count=suspect["count"],
+ sum_exclusive_time=suspect["sumArray_spans_exclusive_time"],
+ p50_exclusive_time=suspect.get("percentileArray_spans_exclusive_time_0_50"),
+ p75_exclusive_time=suspect.get("percentileArray_spans_exclusive_time_0_75"),
+ p95_exclusive_time=suspect.get("percentileArray_spans_exclusive_time_0_95"),
+ p99_exclusive_time=suspect.get("percentileArray_spans_exclusive_time_0_99"),
+ )
+ for suspect in results["data"]
+ ]
+def query_example_transactions(
+ params: ParamsType,
+ query: Optional[str],
+ order_column: str,
+ suspects: List[SuspectSpan],
+ per_suspect: int = 3,
+) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[str]]:
+ # there aren't any suspects, early return to save an empty query
+ if not suspects:
+ return {}
+ builder = QueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Discover,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=[
+ "id",
+ "array_join(spans_op)",
+ "array_join(spans_group)",
+ *(column.suspect_example_column for column in SPAN_PERFORMANCE_COLUMNS.values()),
+ ],
+ query=query,
+ orderby=get_function_alias(order_column),
+ auto_aggregations=True,
+ use_aggregate_conditions=True,
+ # we want only `per_suspect` examples for each suspect
+ limit=len(suspects) * per_suspect,
+ functions_acl=["array_join", "sumArray", "percentileArray", "maxArray"],
+ )
+ # we are only interested in the specific op, group pairs from the suspects
+ builder.add_conditions(
+ [
+ Condition(
+ Function(
+ "tuple",
+ [
+ builder.resolve_function("array_join(spans_op)"),
+ builder.resolve_function("array_join(spans_group)"),
+ ],
+ ),
+ Op.IN,
+ Function(
+ "tuple",
+ [Function("tuple", [suspect.op, suspect.group]) for suspect in suspects],
+ ),
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ # Hack: the limit by clause only allows columns but here we want to
+ # do a limitby on the two array joins. For the time being, directly
+ # do the limitby on the internal snuba name for the span group column
+ # but this should not be relied upon in production, and if two spans
+ # differ only by the span op, this will result in a incorrect query
+ builder.limitby = LimitBy(Column("_snuba_array_join_spans_group"), per_suspect)
+ snql_query = builder.get_snql_query()
+ results = raw_snql_query(snql_query, "api.organization-events-spans-performance-examples")
+ examples: Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[str]] = {
+ (suspect.op, suspect.group): [] for suspect in suspects
+ }
+ for example in results["data"]:
+ key = example["array_join_spans_op"], example["array_join_spans_group"]
+ examples[key].append(example["id"])
+ return examples
+def get_example_transaction(
+ project_id: int,
+ transaction_id: str,
+ span_op: str,
+ span_group: str,
+) -> ExampleTransaction:
+ event = eventstore.get_event_by_id(project_id, transaction_id)
+ data = event.data
+ # the transaction itself is a span as well but we need to reconstruct
+ # it from the event as it's not present in the spans array
+ trace_context = data.get("contexts", {}).get("trace", {})
+ root_span = {
+ "span_id": trace_context["span_id"],
+ "op": trace_context["op"],
+ "hash": trace_context["hash"],
+ "exclusive_time": trace_context["exclusive_time"],
+ "description": data["transaction"],
+ "start_timestamp": data["start_timestamp"],
+ "timestamp": data["timestamp"],
+ }
+ matching_spans = [
+ span
+ for span in chain([root_span], data.get("spans", []))
+ if span["op"] == span_op and span["hash"] == span_group
+ ]
+ # get the first non-None description
+ # use None if all descriptions are None
+ description = None
+ for span in matching_spans:
+ if span.get("description") is None:
+ continue
+ description = span["description"]
+ spans: List[ExampleSpan] = [
+ ExampleSpan(
+ id=span["span_id"],
+ start_timestamp=span["start_timestamp"],
+ finish_timestamp=span["timestamp"],
+ exclusive_time=span["exclusive_time"],
+ )
+ for span in matching_spans
+ ]
+ non_overlapping_exclusive_time_windows = union_time_windows(
+ [
+ window
+ for span in spans
+ for window in get_exclusive_time_windows(
+ span,
+ # don't need to check the root span here because its parent
+ # will never be one of the spans in this transaction
+ data.get("spans", []),
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ return ExampleTransaction(
+ id=transaction_id,
+ description=description,
+ start_timestamp=data["start_timestamp"],
+ finish_timestamp=data["timestamp"],
+ non_overlapping_exclusive_time=sum(
+ window.duration_ms for window in non_overlapping_exclusive_time_windows
+ ),
+ spans=spans,
+ )
+def get_exclusive_time_windows(span: ExampleSpan, spans: List[Any]) -> List[TimeWindow]:
+ non_overlapping_children_time_windows = union_time_windows(
+ [
+ TimeWindow(start=child["start_timestamp"], end=child["timestamp"])
+ for child in spans
+ if child["parent_span_id"] == span.id
+ ]
+ )
+ return remove_time_windows(
+ TimeWindow(start=span.start_timestamp, end=span.finish_timestamp),
+ non_overlapping_children_time_windows,
+ )