@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ type Props = {
comparisonDelta?: number;
comparisonDelta?: number;
disableProjectSelector?: boolean;
disableProjectSelector?: boolean;
isExtrapolatedChartData?: boolean;
isExtrapolatedChartData?: boolean;
+ isMigration?: boolean;
loadingProjects?: boolean;
loadingProjects?: boolean;
@@ -375,6 +376,7 @@ class RuleConditionsForm extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
+ isMigration,
} = this.props;
} = this.props;
const {environments} = this.state;
const {environments} = this.state;
@@ -392,144 +394,156 @@ class RuleConditionsForm extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
- {isExtrapolatedChartData && (
- <OnDemandMetricAlert
- message={t(
- 'The chart data above is an estimate based on the stored transactions that match the filters specified.'
+ {isMigration ? (
+ <Fragment>
+ <Spacer />
+ <HiddenListItem />
+ <HiddenListItem />
+ </Fragment>
+ ) : (
+ <Fragment>
+ {isExtrapolatedChartData && (
+ <OnDemandMetricAlert
+ message={t(
+ 'The chart data above is an estimate based on the stored transactions that match the filters specified.'
+ )}
+ />
- />
- )}
- {this.renderInterval()}
- <StyledListItem>{t('Filter events')}</StyledListItem>
- <FormRow noMargin columns={1 + (allowChangeEventTypes ? 1 : 0) + 1}>
- {this.renderProjectSelector()}
- <SelectField
- name="environment"
- placeholder={t('All Environments')}
- style={{
- ...this.formElemBaseStyle,
- minWidth: 230,
- flex: 1,
- }}
- styles={{
- singleValue: (base: any) => ({
- ...base,
- }),
- option: (base: any) => ({
- ...base,
- }),
- }}
- options={environmentOptions}
- isDisabled={disabled || this.state.environments === null}
- isClearable
- inline={false}
- flexibleControlStateSize
- />
- {allowChangeEventTypes && this.renderEventTypeFilter()}
- </FormRow>
- <FormRow>
- <FormField
- name="query"
- inline={false}
- style={{
- ...this.formElemBaseStyle,
- flex: '6 0 500px',
- }}
- flexibleControlStateSize
- >
- {({onChange, onBlur, onKeyDown, initialData, value}) => {
- return (
- <SearchContainer>
- <StyledSearchBar
- disallowWildcard={dataset === Dataset.SESSIONS}
- invalidMessages={{
- [InvalidReason.WILDCARD_NOT_ALLOWED]: t(
- 'The wildcard operator is not supported here.'
- ),
- }}
- customInvalidTagMessage={item => {
- if (
- ![Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS, Dataset.TRANSACTIONS].includes(dataset)
- ) {
- return null;
- }
- return (
- <SearchInvalidTag
- message={tct(
- "The field [field] isn't supported for performance alerts.",
+ {this.renderInterval()}
+ <StyledListItem>{t('Filter events')}</StyledListItem>
+ <FormRow noMargin columns={1 + (allowChangeEventTypes ? 1 : 0) + 1}>
+ {this.renderProjectSelector()}
+ <SelectField
+ name="environment"
+ placeholder={t('All Environments')}
+ style={{
+ ...this.formElemBaseStyle,
+ minWidth: 230,
+ flex: 1,
+ }}
+ styles={{
+ singleValue: (base: any) => ({
+ ...base,
+ }),
+ option: (base: any) => ({
+ ...base,
+ }),
+ }}
+ options={environmentOptions}
+ isDisabled={disabled || this.state.environments === null}
+ isClearable
+ inline={false}
+ flexibleControlStateSize
+ />
+ {allowChangeEventTypes && this.renderEventTypeFilter()}
+ </FormRow>
+ <FormRow>
+ <FormField
+ name="query"
+ inline={false}
+ style={{
+ ...this.formElemBaseStyle,
+ flex: '6 0 500px',
+ }}
+ flexibleControlStateSize
+ >
+ {({onChange, onBlur, onKeyDown, initialData, value}) => {
+ return (
+ <SearchContainer>
+ <StyledSearchBar
+ disallowWildcard={dataset === Dataset.SESSIONS}
+ invalidMessages={{
+ [InvalidReason.WILDCARD_NOT_ALLOWED]: t(
+ 'The wildcard operator is not supported here.'
+ ),
+ }}
+ customInvalidTagMessage={item => {
+ if (
+ ![Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS, Dataset.TRANSACTIONS].includes(
+ dataset
+ )
+ ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return (
+ <SearchInvalidTag
+ message={tct(
+ "The field [field] isn't supported for performance alerts.",
+ {
+ field: <code>{item.desc}</code>,
+ }
+ )}
+ docLink="https://docs.sentry.io/product/alerts/create-alerts/metric-alert-config/#tags--properties"
+ />
+ );
+ }}
+ searchSource="alert_builder"
+ defaultQuery={initialData?.query ?? ''}
+ {...getSupportedAndOmittedTags(dataset, organization)}
+ includeSessionTagsValues={dataset === Dataset.SESSIONS}
+ disabled={disabled}
+ useFormWrapper={false}
+ organization={organization}
+ placeholder={this.searchPlaceholder}
+ onChange={onChange}
+ query={initialData.query}
+ // We only need strict validation for Transaction queries, everything else is fine
+ highlightUnsupportedTags={
+ organization.features.includes('alert-allow-indexed') ||
+ (hasOnDemandMetricAlertFeature(organization) &&
+ isOnDemandQueryString(initialData.query))
+ ? false
+ : [Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS, Dataset.TRANSACTIONS].includes(
+ dataset
+ )
+ }
+ onKeyDown={e => {
+ /**
+ * Do not allow enter key to submit the alerts form since it is unlikely
+ * users will be ready to create the rule as this sits above required fields.
+ */
+ if (e.key === 'Enter') {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ onKeyDown?.(e);
+ }}
+ onClose={(query, {validSearch}) => {
+ onFilterSearch(query, validSearch);
+ onBlur(query);
+ }}
+ onSearch={query => {
+ onFilterSearch(query, true);
+ onChange(query, {});
+ }}
+ hasRecentSearches={dataset !== Dataset.SESSIONS}
+ />
+ {isExtrapolatedChartData && isOnDemandQueryString(value) && (
+ <OnDemandWarningIcon
+ color="gray500"
+ msg={tct(
+ `We don’t routinely collect metrics from [fields]. However, we’ll do so [strong:once this alert has been saved.]`,
- field: <code>{item.desc}</code>,
+ fields: (
+ <strong>
+ {getOnDemandKeys(value)
+ .map(key => `"${key}"`)
+ .join(', ')}
+ </strong>
+ ),
+ strong: <strong />,
- docLink="https://docs.sentry.io/product/alerts/create-alerts/metric-alert-config/#tags--properties"
- );
- }}
- searchSource="alert_builder"
- defaultQuery={initialData?.query ?? ''}
- {...getSupportedAndOmittedTags(dataset, organization)}
- includeSessionTagsValues={dataset === Dataset.SESSIONS}
- disabled={disabled}
- useFormWrapper={false}
- organization={organization}
- placeholder={this.searchPlaceholder}
- onChange={onChange}
- query={initialData.query}
- // We only need strict validation for Transaction queries, everything else is fine
- highlightUnsupportedTags={
- organization.features.includes('alert-allow-indexed') ||
- (hasOnDemandMetricAlertFeature(organization) &&
- isOnDemandQueryString(initialData.query))
- ? false
- : [Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS, Dataset.TRANSACTIONS].includes(
- dataset
- )
- }
- onKeyDown={e => {
- /**
- * Do not allow enter key to submit the alerts form since it is unlikely
- * users will be ready to create the rule as this sits above required fields.
- */
- if (e.key === 'Enter') {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- onKeyDown?.(e);
- }}
- onClose={(query, {validSearch}) => {
- onFilterSearch(query, validSearch);
- onBlur(query);
- }}
- onSearch={query => {
- onFilterSearch(query, true);
- onChange(query, {});
- }}
- hasRecentSearches={dataset !== Dataset.SESSIONS}
- />
- {isExtrapolatedChartData && isOnDemandQueryString(value) && (
- <OnDemandWarningIcon
- color="gray500"
- msg={tct(
- `We don’t routinely collect metrics from [fields]. However, we’ll do so [strong:once this alert has been saved.]`,
- {
- fields: (
- <strong>
- {getOnDemandKeys(value)
- .map(key => `"${key}"`)
- .join(', ')}
- </strong>
- ),
- strong: <strong />,
- }
- />
- )}
- </SearchContainer>
- );
- }}
- </FormField>
- </FormRow>
+ </SearchContainer>
+ );
+ }}
+ </FormField>
+ </FormRow>
+ </Fragment>
+ )}
@@ -542,6 +556,20 @@ const StyledListTitle = styled('div')`
+// This is a temporary hacky solution to hide list items without changing the numbering of the rest of the list
+// TODO(telemetry-experience): Remove this once the migration is complete
+const HiddenListItem = styled(ListItem)`
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 0px;
+ height: 0px;
+ opacity: 0;
+ pointer-events: none;
+const Spacer = styled('div')`
+ margin-bottom: ${space(2)};
const ChartPanel = styled(Panel)`
const ChartPanel = styled(Panel)`
margin-bottom: ${space(1)};
margin-bottom: ${space(1)};