@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
import {Fragment} from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
-import AsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/asyncComponent';
import {BarChart} from 'sentry/components/charts/barChart';
import {DateTimeObject} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils';
import CollapsePanel, {COLLAPSE_COUNT} from 'sentry/components/collapsePanel';
+import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError';
import {normalizeDateTimeParams} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/parse';
import PanelTable from 'sentry/components/panels/panelTable';
import Placeholder from 'sentry/components/placeholder';
import {IconArrow} from 'sentry/icons';
import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale';
import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
-import {Organization, Project} from 'sentry/types';
+import type {Organization, Project} from 'sentry/types';
import {formatPercentage} from 'sentry/utils/formatters';
+import {useApiQuery} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient';
import type {ColorOrAlias} from 'sentry/utils/theme';
import {ProjectBadge, ProjectBadgeContainer} from './styles';
@@ -23,220 +24,180 @@ import {
} from './utils';
-type Props = AsyncComponent['props'] & {
+interface TeamUnresolvedIssuesProps extends DateTimeObject {
organization: Organization;
projects: Project[];
teamSlug: string;
environment?: string;
-} & DateTimeObject;
type UnresolvedCount = {unresolved: number};
type ProjectReleaseCount = Record<string, Record<string, UnresolvedCount>>;
-type State = AsyncComponent['state'] & {
- expandTable: boolean;
- /** weekly selected date range */
- periodIssues: ProjectReleaseCount | null;
-class TeamUnresolvedIssues extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
- shouldRenderBadRequests = true;
- getDefaultState(): State {
- return {
- ...super.getDefaultState(),
- periodIssues: null,
- expandTable: false,
- };
- }
- getEndpoints() {
- const {organization, start, end, period, utc, teamSlug, environment} = this.props;
- const datetime = {start, end, period, utc};
- const endpoints: ReturnType<AsyncComponent['getEndpoints']> = [
- [
- 'periodIssues',
- `/teams/${organization.slug}/${teamSlug}/all-unresolved-issues/`,
- {
- query: {
- ...normalizeDateTimeParams(datetime),
- environment,
- },
+export function TeamUnresolvedIssues({
+ organization,
+ teamSlug,
+ projects,
+ start,
+ end,
+ period,
+ utc,
+ environment,
+}: TeamUnresolvedIssuesProps) {
+ const {
+ data: periodIssues = {},
+ isLoading,
+ isError,
+ refetch,
+ } = useApiQuery<ProjectReleaseCount>(
+ [
+ `/teams/${organization.slug}/${teamSlug}/all-unresolved-issues/`,
+ {
+ query: {
+ ...normalizeDateTimeParams({start, end, period, utc}),
+ environment,
- ],
- ];
- return endpoints;
- }
- componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) {
- const {teamSlug, start, end, period, utc, environment} = this.props;
- if (
- prevProps.start !== start ||
- prevProps.end !== end ||
- prevProps.period !== period ||
- prevProps.utc !== utc ||
- prevProps.environment !== environment ||
- prevProps.teamSlug !== teamSlug
- ) {
- this.remountComponent();
- }
- }
- getTotalUnresolved(projectId: number): number {
- const {periodIssues} = this.state;
+ },
+ ],
+ {staleTime: 0}
+ );
+ function getTotalUnresolved(projectId: number): number {
const entries = Object.values(periodIssues?.[projectId] ?? {});
const total = entries.reduce((acc, current) => acc + current.unresolved, 0);
return Math.round(total / entries.length);
- handleExpandTable = () => {
- this.setState({expandTable: true});
- };
- renderLoading() {
- return this.renderBody();
+ const projectTotals: Record<
+ string,
+ {percentChange: number; periodAvg: number; projectId: string; today: number}
+ > = {};
+ for (const projectId of Object.keys(periodIssues)) {
+ const periodAvg = getTotalUnresolved(Number(projectId));
+ const projectPeriodEntries = Object.values(periodIssues?.[projectId] ?? {});
+ const today = projectPeriodEntries[projectPeriodEntries.length - 1]?.unresolved ?? 0;
+ const percentChange = (today - periodAvg) / periodAvg;
+ projectTotals[projectId] = {
+ projectId,
+ periodAvg,
+ today,
+ percentChange: Number.isNaN(percentChange) ? 0 : percentChange,
+ };
- renderBody() {
- const {projects, period} = this.props;
- const {loading} = this.state;
- const periodIssues = this.state.periodIssues ?? {};
- const projectTotals: Record<
- string,
- {percentChange: number; periodAvg: number; projectId: string; today: number}
- > = {};
- for (const projectId of Object.keys(periodIssues)) {
- const periodAvg = this.getTotalUnresolved(Number(projectId));
- const projectPeriodEntries = Object.values(periodIssues?.[projectId] ?? {});
- const today =
- projectPeriodEntries[projectPeriodEntries.length - 1]?.unresolved ?? 0;
- const percentChange = Math.abs((today - periodAvg) / periodAvg);
- projectTotals[projectId] = {
- projectId,
- periodAvg,
- today,
- percentChange: Number.isNaN(percentChange) ? 0 : percentChange,
- };
+ const sortedProjects = projects
+ .map(project => ({project, trend: projectTotals[project.id]?.percentChange ?? 0}))
+ .sort((a, b) => Math.abs(b.trend) - Math.abs(a.trend));
+ const groupedProjects = groupByTrend(sortedProjects);
+ // All data will contain all pairs of [day, unresolved_count].
+ const allData = Object.values(periodIssues).flatMap(data =>
+ Object.entries(data).map(
+ ([bucket, {unresolved}]) => [bucket, unresolved] as [string, number]
+ )
+ );
+ // Total by day for all projects
+ const totalByDay = allData.reduce((acc, [bucket, unresolved]) => {
+ if (acc[bucket] === undefined) {
+ acc[bucket] = 0;
+ acc[bucket] += unresolved;
+ return acc;
+ }, {});
- const sortedProjects = projects
- .map(project => ({project, trend: projectTotals[project.id]?.percentChange ?? 0}))
- .sort((a, b) => Math.abs(b.trend) - Math.abs(a.trend));
- const groupedProjects = groupByTrend(sortedProjects);
- // All data will contain all pairs of [day, unresolved_count].
- const allData = Object.values(periodIssues).flatMap(data =>
- Object.entries(data).map(
- ([bucket, {unresolved}]) => [bucket, unresolved] as [string, number]
- )
- );
- // Total by day for all projects
- const totalByDay = allData.reduce((acc, [bucket, unresolved]) => {
- if (acc[bucket] === undefined) {
- acc[bucket] = 0;
- }
- acc[bucket] += unresolved;
- return acc;
- }, {});
+ const seriesData = sortSeriesByDay(convertDayValueObjectToSeries(totalByDay));
- const seriesData = sortSeriesByDay(convertDayValueObjectToSeries(totalByDay));
+ if (isError) {
+ return <LoadingError onRetry={refetch} />;
+ }
- return (
- <div>
- <ChartWrapper>
- {loading && <Placeholder height="200px" />}
- {!loading && (
- <BarChart
- style={{height: 190}}
- isGroupedByDate
- useShortDate
- legend={{right: 3, top: 0}}
- yAxis={{minInterval: 1}}
- xAxis={barAxisLabel(seriesData.length)}
- series={[
- {
- seriesName: t('Unresolved Issues'),
- silent: true,
- data: seriesData,
- barCategoryGap: '6%',
- },
+ return (
+ <div>
+ <ChartWrapper>
+ {isLoading && <Placeholder height="200px" />}
+ {!isLoading && (
+ <BarChart
+ style={{height: 190}}
+ isGroupedByDate
+ useShortDate
+ legend={{right: 3, top: 0}}
+ yAxis={{minInterval: 1}}
+ xAxis={barAxisLabel(seriesData.length)}
+ series={[
+ {
+ seriesName: t('Unresolved Issues'),
+ silent: true,
+ data: seriesData,
+ barCategoryGap: '6%',
+ },
+ ]}
+ />
+ )}
+ </ChartWrapper>
+ <CollapsePanel items={groupedProjects.length}>
+ {({isExpanded, showMoreButton}) => (
+ <Fragment>
+ <StyledPanelTable
+ isEmpty={projects.length === 0}
+ isLoading={isLoading}
+ headers={[
+ t('Project'),
+ <RightAligned key="last">
+ {tct('Last [period] Average', {period})}
+ </RightAligned>,
+ <RightAligned key="curr">{t('Today')}</RightAligned>,
+ <RightAligned key="diff">{t('Change')}</RightAligned>,
- />
- )}
- </ChartWrapper>
- <CollapsePanel items={groupedProjects.length}>
- {({isExpanded, showMoreButton}) => (
- <Fragment>
- <StyledPanelTable
- isEmpty={projects.length === 0}
- isLoading={loading}
- headers={[
- t('Project'),
- <RightAligned key="last">
- {tct('Last [period] Average', {period})}
- </RightAligned>,
- <RightAligned key="curr">{t('Today')}</RightAligned>,
- <RightAligned key="diff">{t('Change')}</RightAligned>,
- ]}
- >
- {groupedProjects.map(({project}, idx) => {
- const totals = projectTotals[project.id] ?? {};
- if (idx >= COLLAPSE_COUNT && !isExpanded) {
- return null;
- }
- return (
- <Fragment key={project.id}>
- <ProjectBadgeContainer>
- <ProjectBadge avatarSize={18} project={project} />
- </ProjectBadgeContainer>
- <ScoreWrapper>{totals.periodAvg}</ScoreWrapper>
- <ScoreWrapper>{totals.today}</ScoreWrapper>
- <ScoreWrapper>
- <SubText
- color={
- totals.percentChange === 0
- ? 'subText'
- : totals.percentChange > 0
- ? 'errorText'
- : 'successText'
- }
- >
- {formatPercentage(
- Number.isNaN(totals.percentChange) ? 0 : totals.percentChange,
- 0
- )}
- <PaddedIconArrow
- direction={totals.percentChange > 0 ? 'up' : 'down'}
- size="xs"
- />
- </SubText>
- </ScoreWrapper>
- </Fragment>
- );
- })}
- </StyledPanelTable>
- {!loading && showMoreButton}
- </Fragment>
- )}
- </CollapsePanel>
- </div>
- );
- }
+ >
+ {groupedProjects.map(({project}, idx) => {
+ const totals = projectTotals[project.id] ?? {};
+ if (idx >= COLLAPSE_COUNT && !isExpanded) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return (
+ <Fragment key={project.id}>
+ <ProjectBadgeContainer>
+ <ProjectBadge avatarSize={18} project={project} />
+ </ProjectBadgeContainer>
+ <ScoreWrapper>{totals.periodAvg}</ScoreWrapper>
+ <ScoreWrapper>{totals.today}</ScoreWrapper>
+ <ScoreWrapper>
+ <SubText
+ color={
+ totals.percentChange === 0
+ ? 'subText'
+ : totals.percentChange > 0
+ ? 'errorText'
+ : 'successText'
+ }
+ >
+ {formatPercentage(
+ Number.isNaN(totals.percentChange) ? 0 : totals.percentChange,
+ 0
+ )}
+ <PaddedIconArrow
+ direction={totals.percentChange > 0 ? 'up' : 'down'}
+ size="xs"
+ />
+ </SubText>
+ </ScoreWrapper>
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ })}
+ </StyledPanelTable>
+ {!isLoading && showMoreButton}
+ </Fragment>
+ )}
+ </CollapsePanel>
+ </div>
+ );
-export default TeamUnresolvedIssues;
const ChartWrapper = styled('div')`
padding: ${space(2)} ${space(2)} 0 ${space(2)};
border-bottom: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.border};