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RIP `ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex` (#66125)

Hard to see it go. But at the same time this is a lot of dead code that
is being removed.

Arpad Borsos 1 year ago

+ 1 - 11

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from sentry.debug_files.artifact_bundles import (
 from sentry.lang.native.sources import get_internal_artifact_lookup_source_url
-from sentry.models.artifactbundle import NULL_STRING, ArtifactBundle, ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex
+from sentry.models.artifactbundle import NULL_STRING, ArtifactBundle
 from sentry.models.distribution import Distribution
 from sentry.models.project import Project
 from sentry.models.release import Release
@@ -81,16 +81,6 @@ class ProjectArtifactLookupEndpoint(ProjectEndpoint):
-        elif ty == "bundle_index":
-            file = ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex.objects.filter(
-                id=ty_id,
-            ).first()
-            metrics.incr("")
-            if file is not None and (data := file.load_flat_file_index()):
-                return HttpResponse(data, content_type="application/json")
-            else:
-                raise Http404
         if file is None:
             raise Http404

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1217,11 +1217,6 @@ CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE_REGION = {
         "task": "sentry.tasks.statistical_detectors.run_detection",
         "schedule": crontab(minute="0", hour="*/1"),
-    "backfill-artifact-bundle-index": {
-        "task": "sentry.debug_files.tasks.backfill_artifact_index_updates",
-        "schedule": crontab(minute="*/1"),
-        "options": {"expires": 60},
-    },
     "refresh-artifact-bundles-in-use": {
         "task": "sentry.debug_files.tasks.refresh_artifact_bundles_in_use",
         "schedule": crontab(minute="*/1"),

+ 0 - 624

@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-import hashlib
-import logging
-import random
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from datetime import datetime
-from typing import Any, NamedTuple, TypeVar
-import sentry_sdk
-from django.db import DatabaseError, router
-from django.utils import timezone
-from sentry.debug_files.artifact_bundles import get_redis_cluster_for_artifact_bundles
-from sentry.models.artifactbundle import (
-    ArtifactBundle,
-    ArtifactBundleArchive,
-    ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex,
-    ArtifactBundleIndexingState,
-    FlatFileIndexState,
-from sentry.utils import json, metrics
-from sentry.utils.db import atomic_transaction
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# The number of indexes to update with one execution of `backfill_artifact_index_updates`.
-# The TTL of the cache containing information about a specific flat file index. The TTL is set to 1 hour, since
-# we know that the cache will be invalidated in case of flat file index updates, thus it is mostly to keep the
-# size of the caches under control in case of no uploads from the user end.
-class BundleMeta:
-    id: int
-    timestamp: datetime
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_artifact_bundle(artifact_bundle: ArtifactBundle) -> BundleMeta:
-        return BundleMeta(
-  ,
-            # We give priority to the date last modified for total ordering.
-            timestamp=(artifact_bundle.date_last_modified or artifact_bundle.date_uploaded),
-        )
-class BundleManifest:
-    meta: BundleMeta
-    urls: list[str]
-    debug_ids: list[str]
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_artifact_bundle(
-        artifact_bundle: ArtifactBundle, archive: ArtifactBundleArchive
-    ) -> BundleManifest:
-        meta = BundleMeta.from_artifact_bundle(artifact_bundle)
-        urls = archive.get_all_urls()
-        debug_ids = list({debug_id for debug_id, _ty in archive.get_all_debug_ids()})
-        return BundleManifest(meta=meta, urls=urls, debug_ids=debug_ids)
-class FlatFileMeta:
-    id: int
-    date: datetime
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_str(bundle_meta: str) -> FlatFileMeta:
-        parsed = bundle_meta.split("/")
-        if len(parsed) != 3:
-            raise Exception(f"Can't build FlatFileMeta from str {bundle_meta}")
-        return FlatFileMeta(id=int(parsed[1]), date=datetime.fromtimestamp(int(parsed[2]) / 1000))
-    @staticmethod
-    def build_none():
-        return FlatFileMeta(id=-1, date=datetime.fromtimestamp(0))
-    def to_string(self) -> str:
-        return f"bundle_index/{}/{int( * 1000)}"
-    def is_none(self):
-        return == -1 and == datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
-class FlatFileIdentifier(NamedTuple):
-    project_id: int
-    release: str
-    dist: str
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_index(idx: ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex) -> FlatFileIdentifier:
-        return FlatFileIdentifier(
-            project_id=idx.project_id, release=idx.release_name, dist=idx.dist_name
-        )
-    @staticmethod
-    def for_debug_id(project_id: int) -> FlatFileIdentifier:
-        return FlatFileIdentifier(project_id, release=NULL_STRING, dist=NULL_STRING)
-    def is_indexing_by_release(self) -> bool:
-        # An identifier is indexing by release if release is set.
-        return bool(self.release)
-    def _hashed(self) -> str:
-        key = f"{self.project_id}|{self.release}|{self.dist}"
-        return hashlib.sha1(key.encode()).hexdigest()
-    def _flat_file_meta_cache_key(self) -> str:
-        return f"flat_file_index:{self._hashed()}"
-    def set_flat_file_meta_in_cache(self, flat_file_meta: FlatFileMeta):
-        cache_key = self._flat_file_meta_cache_key()
-        redis_client = get_redis_cluster_for_artifact_bundles()
-        redis_client.set(cache_key, flat_file_meta.to_string(), ex=FLAT_FILE_IDENTIFIER_CACHE_TTL)
-    def get_flat_file_meta_from_cache(self) -> FlatFileMeta | None:
-        cache_key = self._flat_file_meta_cache_key()
-        redis_client = get_redis_cluster_for_artifact_bundles()
-        flat_file_meta = redis_client.get(cache_key)
-        if flat_file_meta is None:
-            return None
-        try:
-            return FlatFileMeta.from_str(flat_file_meta)
-        except Exception as e:
-            sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
-            return None
-    def get_flat_file_meta_from_db(self) -> FlatFileMeta | None:
-        result = ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex.objects.filter(
-            project_id=self.project_id, release_name=self.release, dist_name=self.dist
-        ).first()
-        if result is None:
-            return None
-        return FlatFileMeta(, date=result.date_added)
-    def get_flat_file_meta(self) -> FlatFileMeta | None:
-        meta_type = "release" if self.is_indexing_by_release() else "debug_id"
-        meta = self.get_flat_file_meta_from_cache()
-        if meta is None:
-            metrics.incr(
-                "artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.flat_file_meta.cache_miss",
-                tags={"meta_type": meta_type},
-            )
-            meta = self.get_flat_file_meta_from_db()
-            if meta is None:
-                metrics.incr(
-                    "artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.flat_file_meta.db_miss",
-                    tags={"meta_type": meta_type},
-                )
-                meta = FlatFileMeta.build_none()
-            else:
-                metrics.incr(
-                    "artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.flat_file_meta.db_hit",
-                    tags={"meta_type": meta_type},
-                )
-            # We want to cache in both cases, either a value is found or a value was not found.
-            self.set_flat_file_meta_in_cache(meta)
-        else:
-            metrics.incr(
-                "artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.flat_file_meta.cache_hit",
-                tags={"meta_type": meta_type},
-            )
-        # In case the meta that we found was none, we want to return None.
-        if meta.is_none():
-            return None
-        return meta
-DELETION_KEY_PREFIX = "flat_file_index_deletions"
-def get_all_deletions_key() -> str:
-def get_deletion_key(flat_file_id: int) -> str:
-    return f"{DELETION_KEY_PREFIX}:{flat_file_id}"
-def mark_bundle_for_flat_file_indexing(
-    artifact_bundle: ArtifactBundle,
-    has_debug_ids: bool,
-    project_ids: list[int],
-    release: str | None,
-    dist: str | None,
-) -> list[FlatFileIdentifier]:
-    identifiers = []
-    for project_id in project_ids:
-        if release:
-            identifiers.append(
-                FlatFileIdentifier(project_id, release=release, dist=dist or NULL_STRING)
-            )
-        if has_debug_ids:
-            identifiers.append(FlatFileIdentifier.for_debug_id(project_id))
-    # Create / Update the indexing state in the database
-    for identifier in identifiers:
-        with atomic_transaction(
-            using=(
-                router.db_for_write(ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex),
-                router.db_for_write(FlatFileIndexState),
-            )
-        ):
-            flat_file_index, _created = ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex.objects.get_or_create(
-                project_id=identifier.project_id,
-                release_name=identifier.release,
-                dist_name=identifier.dist,
-            )
-            FlatFileIndexState.objects.update_or_create(
-                flat_file_index=flat_file_index,
-                artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle,
-                defaults={
-                    "indexing_state": ArtifactBundleIndexingState.NOT_INDEXED.value,
-                    "date_added":,
-                },
-            )
-    return identifiers
-def remove_artifact_bundle_from_indexes(artifact_bundle: ArtifactBundle):
-    redis_client = get_redis_cluster_for_artifact_bundles()
-    flat_file_indexes = ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex.objects.filter(
-        flatfileindexstate__artifact_bundle=artifact_bundle
-    )
-    for idx in flat_file_indexes:
-        identifier = FlatFileIdentifier.from_index(idx)
-        was_removed = update_artifact_bundle_index(
-            identifier, bundles_to_remove=[]
-        )
-        if not was_removed:
-            metrics.incr("artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.removal.would_block")
-            redis_client.sadd(get_deletion_key(,
-            redis_client.sadd(get_all_deletions_key(),
-def backfill_artifact_index_updates() -> bool:
-    redis_client = get_redis_cluster_for_artifact_bundles()
-    indexes_needing_update = list(
-        ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex.objects.filter(
-            flatfileindexstate__indexing_state=ArtifactBundleIndexingState.NOT_INDEXED.value,
-        ).distinct()[:BACKFILL_BATCH_SIZE]
-    )
-    # To avoid multiple backfill tasks from running into lock contention,
-    # we will randomize the order in which we update the indexes
-    random.shuffle(indexes_needing_update)
-    index_not_fully_updated = False
-    # First, we are processing all the indexes that need bundles *added* to them,
-    # we also process *removals* at the same time.
-    for index in indexes_needing_update:
-        identifier = FlatFileIdentifier.from_index(index)
-        artifact_bundles = ArtifactBundle.objects.filter(
-            flatfileindexstate__flat_file_index=index,
-            flatfileindexstate__indexing_state=ArtifactBundleIndexingState.NOT_INDEXED.value,
-        ).select_related("file")[:BACKFILL_BATCH_SIZE]
-        if len(artifact_bundles) >= BACKFILL_BATCH_SIZE:
-            index_not_fully_updated = True
-        bundles_to_add = []
-        try:
-            for artifact_bundle in artifact_bundles:
-                with ArtifactBundleArchive(artifact_bundle.file.getfile()) as archive:
-                    bundles_to_add.append(
-                        BundleManifest.from_artifact_bundle(artifact_bundle, archive)
-                    )
-        except Exception as e:
-            metrics.incr("artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.error_when_backfilling")
-            sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
-            continue
-        deletion_key = get_deletion_key(
-        redis_client.srem(get_all_deletions_key(),
-        bundles_to_remove = [int(bundle_id) for bundle_id in redis_client.smembers(deletion_key)]
-        if bundles_to_add or bundles_to_remove:
-            try:
-                update_artifact_bundle_index(
-                    identifier,
-                    blocking=True,
-                    bundles_to_add=bundles_to_add,
-                    bundles_to_remove=bundles_to_remove,
-                )
-                if bundles_to_remove:
-                    redis_client.srem(deletion_key, *bundles_to_remove)
-            except Exception as e:
-                metrics.incr("artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.error_when_backfilling")
-                sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
-                if bundles_to_remove:
-                    # If this failed, it means we didn't remove bundles scheduled for
-                    # removal. we want to re-schedule that to do that work later.
-                    redis_client.sadd(get_all_deletions_key(),
-    # Then, we process any pending removals marked in redis.
-    # NOTE on the usage of redis sets:
-    # We could use a redis `SCAN` to find all the sets of scheduled deletions,
-    # however that scales with the *total* number of keys in the redis server.
-    # Therefore, we rather use a second redis set for the indexes that have deletions scheduled.
-    # Races when adding to these sets should not cause a problem, as the *writer*
-    # side first adds to the per-index set, and then adds the index to the set of indexes
-    # needing deletions.
-    # However, there is indeed a slight consistency problem here in case we hit an
-    # error after removing the index from the set.
-    # In that case we would indeed forget that this index has pending removals,
-    # until another deletion request re-adds it to the set of indexes.
-    # If this is indeed a problem, we can try to indeed use `scan_iter` to find all
-    # the indexes that were missed, like so:
-    # deletion_keys = redis_client.scan_iter(
-    #     match=DELETION_KEY_PREFIX + ":*",
-    # )
-    # for deletion_key in deletion_keys:
-    #     _prefix, idx_id = deletion_key.split(":")
-    deletion_keys = redis_client.srandmember(get_all_deletions_key(), BACKFILL_BATCH_SIZE)
-    for idx_id in deletion_keys:
-        index = ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex.objects.get(id=idx_id)
-        identifier = FlatFileIdentifier.from_index(index)
-        redis_client.srem(get_all_deletions_key(), idx_id)
-        deletion_key = get_deletion_key(idx_id)
-        bundles_to_remove = [int(bundle_id) for bundle_id in redis_client.smembers(deletion_key)]
-        if bundles_to_remove:
-            try:
-                update_artifact_bundle_index(
-                    identifier, blocking=True, bundles_to_remove=bundles_to_remove
-                )
-                redis_client.srem(deletion_key, *bundles_to_remove)
-            except Exception as e:
-                metrics.incr("artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.error_when_backfilling")
-                sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
-    return (
-        len(indexes_needing_update) >= BACKFILL_BATCH_SIZE
-        or len(deletion_keys) >= BACKFILL_BATCH_SIZE
-        or index_not_fully_updated
-    )
-def update_artifact_bundle_index(
-    identifier: FlatFileIdentifier,
-    blocking: bool = False,
-    bundles_to_add: list[BundleManifest] | None = None,
-    bundles_to_remove: list[int] | None = None,
-) -> bool:
-    """
-    This will update the index identified via `identifier`.
-    Multiple manifests given in `bundles_to_add` and `bundles_to_remove` will be merged
-    into the index as one batched operation.
-    If this function fails for any reason, it can be, and *has to be* retried at a later point,
-    as not doing so will leave inconsistent indexes around.
-    """
-    with atomic_transaction(
-        using=(
-            router.db_for_write(ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex),
-            router.db_for_write(FlatFileIndexState),
-        )
-    ):
-        # The `nowait=True` will opportunistically lock the row/index without blocking,
-        # and throw an error otherwise which we will pass down and handle in the caller.
-        try:
-            flat_file_index = (
-                ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex.objects.filter(
-                    project_id=identifier.project_id,
-                    release_name=identifier.release,
-                    dist_name=identifier.dist,
-                )
-                .select_for_update(nowait=not blocking)
-                .first()
-            )
-        except DatabaseError:
-            return False
-        index = FlatFileIndex()
-        # Load the index from the file if it exists
-        if existing_index := flat_file_index.load_flat_file_index():
-            index.from_json(existing_index)
-        for bundle in bundles_to_add or []:
-            # Before merging new data into the index, we will clear any existing
-            # data from the index related to this bundle.
-            # This is related to an edge-case in which the same `bundle_id` could be
-            # re-used but with different file contents.
-            index.remove(
-            # We merge the index based on the identifier type.
-            if identifier.is_indexing_by_release():
-                index.merge_urls(bundle.meta, bundle.urls)
-            else:
-                index.merge_debug_ids(bundle.meta, bundle.debug_ids)
-        for bundle_id in bundles_to_remove or []:
-            index.remove(bundle_id)
-        bundles_removed = index.enforce_size_limits()
-        if bundles_removed > 0:
-            metrics.incr(
-                "artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.bundles_removed",
-                amount=bundles_removed,
-                tags={"reason": "size_limits"},
-            )
-        # Store the updated index file
-        new_json_index = index.to_json()
-        flat_file_index.update_flat_file_index(new_json_index)
-        # And then mark the bundles as indexed
-        for bundle in bundles_to_add or []:
-            was_updated = FlatFileIndexState.mark_as_indexed(
-      ,
-            )
-            if not was_updated:
-                metrics.incr("artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.duplicated_indexing")
-                logger.error(
-                    "`ArtifactBundle` %r was already indexed into %r", bundle.meta, identifier
-                )
-        # We update the cache which is holding the FlatFileMeta for this specific identifier. This is done
-        # so that any upcoming event will load the new meta from the db and store it in cache.
-        identifier.set_flat_file_meta_in_cache(
-            FlatFileMeta(, date=flat_file_index.date_added)
-        )
-        return True
-# We have seen customers with up to 5_000 bundles per *release*.
-# Older `sentry-cli` used to generate fully random DebugIds, and uploads can end up
-# having over 400_000 unique ids that do not have mutual sharing among them.
-# We have seen (legitimate) uploads with over 25_000 unique files.
-# Some highly joint bundles will have thousands of bundles matching a file
-Bundles = list[BundleMeta]
-FilesByUrl = dict[str, list[int]]
-FilesByDebugID = dict[str, list[int]]
-T = TypeVar("T")
-class FlatFileIndex:
-    def __init__(self):
-        # By default, a flat file index is empty.
-        self._is_complete: bool = True
-        self._bundles: Bundles = []
-        self._files_by_url: FilesByUrl = {}
-        self._files_by_debug_id: FilesByDebugID = {}
-    def from_json(self, raw_json: str | bytes) -> None:
-        json_idx = json.loads(raw_json, use_rapid_json=True)
-        self._is_complete = json_idx.get("is_complete", True)
-        bundles = json_idx.get("bundles", [])
-        self._bundles = [
-            BundleMeta(
-                int(bundle["bundle_id"].split("/")[1]),
-                datetime.fromisoformat(bundle["timestamp"]),
-            )
-            for bundle in bundles
-        ]
-        self._files_by_url = json_idx.get("files_by_url", {})
-        self._files_by_debug_id = json_idx.get("files_by_debug_id", {})
-    def to_json(self) -> str:
-        bundles = [
-            {
-                # NOTE: Symbolicator is using the `bundle_id` as the `?download=...`
-                # parameter it passes to the artifact-lookup API to download the
-                # linked bundle from, so this has to match whatever download_id
-                # the artifact-lookup API accepts.
-                "bundle_id": f"artifact_bundle/{}",
-                "timestamp": datetime.isoformat(bundle.timestamp),
-            }
-            for bundle in self._bundles
-        ]
-        json_idx: dict[str, Any] = {
-            "is_complete": self._is_complete,
-            "bundles": bundles,
-            "files_by_url": self._files_by_url,
-            "files_by_debug_id": self._files_by_debug_id,
-        }
-        return json.dumps(json_idx)
-    def enforce_size_limits(self) -> int:
-        """
-        This enforced reasonable limits on the data we put into the `FlatFileIndex` by removing
-        the oldest bundle from the index until the limits are met.
-        """
-        bundles_by_timestamp = [bundle for bundle in self._bundles]
-        bundles_by_timestamp.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda bundle: (bundle.timestamp,
-        bundles_removed = 0
-        while (
-            len(self._bundles) > MAX_BUNDLES_PER_INDEX
-            or len(self._files_by_debug_id) > MAX_DEBUGIDS_PER_INDEX
-            or len(self._files_by_url) > MAX_URLS_PER_INDEX
-        ):
-            bundle_to_remove = bundles_by_timestamp.pop()
-            self.remove(
-            self._is_complete = False
-            bundles_removed += 1
-        return bundles_removed
-    def merge_urls(self, bundle_meta: BundleMeta, urls: list[str]):
-        bundle_index = self._add_or_update_bundle(bundle_meta)
-        if bundle_index is None:
-            return
-        for url in urls:
-            self._add_sorted_entry(self._files_by_url, url, bundle_index)
-    def merge_debug_ids(self, bundle_meta: BundleMeta, debug_ids: list[str]):
-        bundle_index = self._add_or_update_bundle(bundle_meta)
-        if bundle_index is None:
-            return
-        for debug_id in debug_ids:
-            self._add_sorted_entry(self._files_by_debug_id, debug_id, bundle_index)
-    def _add_or_update_bundle(self, bundle_meta: BundleMeta) -> int | None:
-        if len(self._bundles) > MAX_BUNDLES_PER_ENTRY:
-            self._is_complete = False
-        index_and_bundle_meta = self._index_and_bundle_meta_for_id(
-        if index_and_bundle_meta is None:
-            self._bundles.append(bundle_meta)
-            return len(self._bundles) - 1
-        found_bundle_index, found_bundle_meta = index_and_bundle_meta
-        # In case the new bundle is exactly the same, we will not update, since it's unnecessary.
-        if found_bundle_meta == bundle_meta:
-            return None
-        else:
-            # TODO: it might be possible to optimize updating and re-sorting
-            # an existing bundle
-            self._bundles[found_bundle_index] = bundle_meta
-            return found_bundle_index
-    def _add_sorted_entry(self, collection: dict[T, list[int]], key: T, bundle_index: int):
-        entries = collection.get(key, [])
-        # Remove duplicates by doing a roundtrip through `set`.
-        entries_set = set(entries[-MAX_BUNDLES_PER_ENTRY:])
-        entries_set.add(bundle_index)
-        entries = list(entries_set)
-        # Symbolicator will consider the newest element the last element of the list.
-        entries.sort(key=lambda index: (self._bundles[index].timestamp, self._bundles[index].id))
-        collection[key] = entries
-    def remove(self, artifact_bundle_id: int) -> bool:
-        index_and_bundle_meta = self._index_and_bundle_meta_for_id(artifact_bundle_id)
-        if index_and_bundle_meta is None:
-            return False
-        found_bundle_index, _ = index_and_bundle_meta
-        self._files_by_url = self._update_bundle_references(self._files_by_url, found_bundle_index)
-        self._files_by_debug_id = self._update_bundle_references(
-            self._files_by_debug_id, found_bundle_index
-        )
-        self._bundles.pop(found_bundle_index)
-        return True
-    @staticmethod
-    def _update_bundle_references(collection: dict[T, list[int]], removed_bundle_index: int):
-        updated_collection: dict[T, list[int]] = {}
-        for key, indexes in collection.items():
-            updated_indexes = [
-                index if index < removed_bundle_index else index - 1
-                for index in indexes[-MAX_BUNDLES_PER_ENTRY:]
-                if index != removed_bundle_index
-            ]
-            # Only if we have some indexes we want to keep the key.
-            if len(updated_indexes) > 0:
-                updated_collection[key] = updated_indexes
-        return updated_collection
-    def _index_and_bundle_meta_for_id(
-        self, artifact_bundle_id: int
-    ) -> tuple[int, BundleMeta] | None:
-        for index, bundle in enumerate(self._bundles):
-            if == artifact_bundle_id:
-                return index, bundle
-        return None

+ 0 - 5

@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from sentry.models.artifactbundle import (
-    FlatFileIndexState,
@@ -266,7 +265,6 @@ def renew_artifact_bundle(artifact_bundle_id: int, threshold_date: datetime, now
-            router.db_for_write(FlatFileIndexState),
         # We check again for the date_added condition in order to achieve consistency, this is done because
@@ -288,9 +286,6 @@ def renew_artifact_bundle(artifact_bundle_id: int, threshold_date: datetime, now
                 artifact_bundle_id=artifact_bundle_id, date_added__lte=threshold_date
-            FlatFileIndexState.objects.filter(
-                artifact_bundle_id=artifact_bundle_id, date_added__lte=threshold_date
-            ).update(date_added=now)
     # If the transaction succeeded, and we did actually modify some rows, we want to track the metric.
     if updated_rows_count > 0:

+ 0 - 14

@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
 from sentry.tasks.base import instrumented_task
-    name="sentry.debug_files.tasks.backfill_artifact_index_updates",
-    queue="assemble",
-def backfill_artifact_index_updates():
-    from .artifact_bundle_indexing import backfill_artifact_index_updates as do_backfill
-    # If we hit our batch size, immediately schedule the task again to continue backfilling.
-    # Otherwise, only relying on a timer would mean we would accumulate a backlog over time.
-    hit_batch_size = do_backfill()
-    if hit_batch_size:
-        backfill_artifact_index_updates.delay()

+ 0 - 39

@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ from __future__ import annotations
 import base64
 import logging
 import os
-import random
 from copy import deepcopy
 from datetime import datetime
 from typing import Any
@@ -15,8 +14,6 @@ from django.urls import reverse
 from sentry import features, options
 from sentry.auth.system import get_system_token
-from sentry.debug_files.artifact_bundle_indexing import FlatFileIdentifier, FlatFileMeta
-from sentry.models.artifactbundle import NULL_STRING
 from sentry.models.project import Project
 from sentry.utils import json, metrics, redis, safe
 from sentry.utils.http import get_origins
@@ -266,42 +263,6 @@ def get_internal_artifact_lookup_source_url(project: Project):
-def get_bundle_index_urls(
-    project: Project, release: str | None, dist: str | None
-) -> tuple[str | None, str | None]:
-    # Note: this random rollout is reversed because it is an early return
-    if random.random() >= options.get("symbolicator.sourcemaps-bundle-index-sample-rate"):
-        return None, None
-    base_url = get_internal_artifact_lookup_source_url(project)
-    def make_download_url(flat_file_meta: FlatFileMeta):
-        # NOTE: The `download` query-parameter is both used by symbolicator as a cache key,
-        # and it is also used as the download key for the artifact-lookup API.
-        # The artifact-lookup API will ignore the additional timestamp on download.
-        return f"{base_url}?download={flat_file_meta.to_string()}"
-    url_index = None
-    identifier = FlatFileIdentifier(
-, release=release or NULL_STRING, dist=dist or NULL_STRING
-    )
-    if identifier.is_indexing_by_release():
-        url_meta = identifier.get_flat_file_meta()
-        if url_meta is not None:
-            url_index = make_download_url(url_meta)
-    # We query the empty release/dist which is a marker for the debug-id index,
-    # as well as the normal release index if we have a release.
-    debug_id_index = None
-    debug_id_meta = FlatFileIdentifier.for_debug_id(
-        project_id=identifier.project_id
-    ).get_flat_file_meta()
-    if debug_id_meta is not None:
-        debug_id_index = make_download_url(debug_id_meta)
-    return debug_id_index, url_index
 def get_scraping_config(project: Project) -> dict[str, Any]:
     allow_scraping_org_level = project.organization.get_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", True)
     allow_scraping_project_level = project.get_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", True)

+ 0 - 10

@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ from requests.exceptions import RequestException
 from sentry import options
 from sentry.lang.native.sources import (
-    get_bundle_index_urls,
@@ -201,15 +200,6 @@ class Symbolicator:
             "scraping": scraping_config,
-        try:
-            debug_id_index, url_index = get_bundle_index_urls(self.project, release, dist)
-            if debug_id_index:
-                json["debug_id_index"] = debug_id_index
-            if url_index:
-                json["url_index"] = url_index
-        except Exception as e:
-            sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
         if release is not None:
             json["release"] = release
         if dist is not None:

+ 2 - 58

@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ from import Callable, Iterable, Mapping
 from enum import Enum
 from typing import IO, Any
-import sentry_sdk
-from django.conf import settings
 from django.db import models
-from django.db.models.signals import post_delete, pre_delete
+from django.db.models.signals import post_delete
 from django.utils import timezone
 from symbolic.debuginfo import normalize_debug_id
 from symbolic.exceptions import SymbolicError
@@ -21,10 +19,8 @@ from sentry.db.models import (
-from sentry.nodestore.base import NodeStorage
-from sentry.utils import json, metrics
+from sentry.utils import json
 from sentry.utils.hashlib import sha1_text
-from import LazyServiceWrapper
 # Sentinel values used to represent a null state in the database. This is done since the `NULL` type in the db is
 # always different from `NULL`.
@@ -135,25 +131,8 @@ def delete_file_for_artifact_bundle(instance, **kwargs):
-def delete_bundle_from_index(instance, **kwargs):
-    from sentry.debug_files.artifact_bundle_indexing import remove_artifact_bundle_from_indexes
-    try:
-        remove_artifact_bundle_from_indexes(instance)
-    except Exception as e:
-        sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
-pre_delete.connect(delete_bundle_from_index, sender=ArtifactBundle)
 post_delete.connect(delete_file_for_artifact_bundle, sender=ArtifactBundle)
-indexstore = LazyServiceWrapper(
-    NodeStorage,
-    settings.SENTRY_INDEXSTORE,
-    metrics_path="indexstore",
 class ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex(Model):
@@ -170,25 +149,6 @@ class ArtifactBundleFlatFileIndex(Model):
         unique_together = (("project_id", "release_name", "dist_name"),)
-    def _indexstore_id(self) -> str:
-        return f"bundle_index:{self.project_id}:{}"
-    def update_flat_file_index(self, data: str):
-        encoded_data = data.encode()
-        metric_name = "debug_id_index" if self.release_name == NULL_STRING else "url_index"
-        metrics.distribution(
-            f"artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.{metric_name}.size_in_bytes",
-            value=len(encoded_data),
-            unit="byte",
-        )
-        indexstore.set_bytes(self._indexstore_id(), encoded_data)
-        self.update(
-    def load_flat_file_index(self) -> bytes | None:
-        return indexstore.get_bytes(self._indexstore_id())
 class FlatFileIndexState(Model):
@@ -207,22 +167,6 @@ class FlatFileIndexState(Model):
         unique_together = (("flat_file_index", "artifact_bundle"),)
-    @staticmethod
-    def mark_as_indexed(
-        flat_file_index_id: int,
-        artifact_bundle_id: int,
-    ) -> bool:
-        updated_rows = FlatFileIndexState.objects.filter(
-            flat_file_index_id=flat_file_index_id,
-            artifact_bundle_id=artifact_bundle_id,
-            indexing_state=ArtifactBundleIndexingState.NOT_INDEXED.value,
-        ).update(
-            indexing_state=ArtifactBundleIndexingState.WAS_INDEXED.value,
-        )
-        # If we had one row being updated, it means that the cas operation succeeded.
-        return updated_rows == 1
 class ArtifactBundleIndex(Model):

+ 1 - 33

@@ -13,15 +13,10 @@ from django.db import IntegrityError, router
 from django.db.models import Q
 from django.utils import timezone
-from sentry import features, options
+from sentry import options
 from sentry.api.serializers import serialize
 from sentry.cache import default_cache
 from sentry.constants import ObjectStatus
-from sentry.debug_files.artifact_bundle_indexing import (
-    BundleManifest,
-    mark_bundle_for_flat_file_indexing,
-    update_artifact_bundle_index,
 from sentry.debug_files.artifact_bundles import (
@@ -634,12 +629,6 @@ class ArtifactBundlePostAssembler(PostAssembler[ArtifactBundleArchive]):
                 dist=(self.dist or NULL_STRING),
-        if features.has("organizations:sourcemaps-bundle-flat-file-indexing", self.organization):
-            try:
-                self._index_bundle_into_flat_file(artifact_bundle)
-            except Exception as e:
-                sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
     def _create_or_update_artifact_bundle(
         self, bundle_id: str, date_added: datetime
@@ -742,27 +731,6 @@ class ArtifactBundlePostAssembler(PostAssembler[ArtifactBundleArchive]):
         if indexed_bundles + 1 < total_bundles:
             backfill_artifact_bundle_db_indexing.delay(, release, dist)
-    @sentry_sdk.tracing.trace
-    def _index_bundle_into_flat_file(self, artifact_bundle: ArtifactBundle):
-        identifiers = mark_bundle_for_flat_file_indexing(
-            artifact_bundle, self.archive.has_debug_ids(), self.project_ids, self.release, self.dist
-        )
-        bundles_to_add = [BundleManifest.from_artifact_bundle(artifact_bundle, self.archive)]
-        for identifier in identifiers:
-            try:
-                was_indexed = update_artifact_bundle_index(
-                    identifier, bundles_to_add=bundles_to_add
-                )
-                if not was_indexed:
-                    metrics.incr("artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.indexing.would_block")
-                    # NOTE: the `backfill_artifact_index_updates` will pick this up automatically,
-                    # no need to explicitly spawn any backfill task for this
-            except Exception as e:
-                metrics.incr("artifact_bundle_flat_file_indexing.error_when_indexing")
-                sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)
 def prepare_post_assembler(
     assemble_result: AssembleResult,

+ 0 - 96

@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import os.path
 import zipfile
 from base64 import b64encode
-from datetime import timedelta
 from hashlib import sha1
 from io import BytesIO
 from uuid import uuid4
@@ -10,9 +9,7 @@ import pytest
 import responses
 from django.conf import settings
 from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
-from django.utils import timezone
-from sentry.debug_files.artifact_bundles import refresh_artifact_bundles_in_use
 from sentry.models.artifactbundle import (
@@ -26,8 +23,6 @@ from sentry.models.release import Release
 from sentry.models.releasefile import ReleaseFile, update_artifact_index
 from sentry.tasks.assemble import assemble_artifacts
 from sentry.testutils.helpers.datetime import before_now, iso_format
-from sentry.testutils.helpers.features import with_feature
-from sentry.testutils.helpers.options import override_options
 from sentry.testutils.pytest.fixtures import django_db_all
 from sentry.testutils.relay import RelayStoreHelper
 from sentry.testutils.skips import requires_kafka, requires_symbolicator
@@ -2464,94 +2459,3 @@ class TestJavascriptIntegration(RelayStoreHelper):
             "symbolicator_type": "malformed_sourcemap",
             "url": "",
-    @requires_symbolicator
-    @pytest.mark.symbolicator
-    @with_feature("organizations:sourcemaps-bundle-flat-file-indexing")
-    @override_options(
-        {
-            "symbolicator.sourcemaps-bundle-index-sample-rate": 1.0,
-            "symbolicator.sourcemaps-bundle-index-refresh-sample-rate": 1.0,
-        }
-    )
-    def test_bundle_index(self):
-        project = self.project
-        release = Release.objects.create(organization_id=project.organization_id, version="abc")
-        release.add_project(project)
-        file_a = make_compressed_zip_file(
-            {
-                "files/_/_/file.min.js": {
-                    "url": "~/file.min.js",
-                    "type": "minified_source",
-                    "content": load_fixture("file.min.js"),
-                    "headers": {
-                        "sourcemap": "file.sourcemap.js",
-                    },
-                },
-                "files/_/_/file.sourcemap.js": {
-                    "url": "~/file.sourcemap.js",
-                    "type": "source_map",
-                    "content": load_fixture("file.wc.sourcemap.js"),
-                },
-            },
-        )
-        upload_bundle(file_a, self.project, release.version)
-        # set the bundle date to something in the past so that it is being refreshed automatically
-        now =
-        ArtifactBundle.objects.filter(
-  ,
-        ).update(date_added=now - timedelta(days=45))
-        data = {
-            "timestamp": self.min_ago,
-            "message": "hello",
-            "platform": "javascript",
-            "release": "abc",
-            "exception": {
-                "values": [
-                    {
-                        "type": "Error",
-                        "stacktrace": {
-                            "frames": [
-                                {
-                                    "abs_path": "",
-                                    "filename": "file.min.js",
-                                    "lineno": 1,
-                                    "colno": 39,
-                                },
-                            ]
-                        },
-                    }
-                ]
-            },
-        }
-        event = self.post_and_retrieve_event(data)
-        assert "errors" not in
-        exception = event.interfaces["exception"]
-        frame_list = exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames
-        frame = frame_list[0]
-        assert frame.function == "add"
-        assert frame.filename == "file1.js"
-        assert frame.lineno == 3
-        assert frame.colno == 9
-        assert["resolved_with"] == "index"
-        assert["symbolicated"]
-        # explicitly trigger the task that is refreshing bundles, usually this
-        # happens on a schedule:
-        refresh_artifact_bundles_in_use()
-        artifact_bundles = ArtifactBundle.objects.filter(
-  ,
-        )
-        assert len(artifact_bundles) == 1
-        assert artifact_bundles[0].date_added >= now

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff