@@ -860,7 +860,17 @@ export class VirtualizedViewManager {
const listWidth = list_width * 100 + '%';
const spanWidth = span_list_width * 100 + '%';
- for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.list.column_refs.length; i++) {
+ // JavaScript "arrays" are nice in the sense that they are really just dicts,
+ // allowing us to store negative indices. This sometimes happens as the list
+ // virtualizes the rows and we end up with a negative index as they are being
+ // rendered off screen.
+ const overscroll = this.list?.props.overscanRowCount ?? 0;
+ const start = -overscroll;
+ const end = this.columns.list.column_refs.length + overscroll;
+ for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ while (this.span_bars[i] === undefined && i < end) i++;
const list = this.columns.list.column_refs[i];
if (list) list.style.width = listWidth;
const span = this.columns.span_list.column_refs[i];