@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-import re
-from typing import Match
-GLOB_REGEX = re.compile(r"\*\*|\*")
-SINGLE_STAR = "([^/]*?)"
-DOUBLE_STAR = "(?:.*?)"
-def glob_replace(source: str, glob: str) -> str:
- """
- Given a source string and a glob, replaces all globbed chunks of the source
- string with the replacement character.
- Matches to an asterisk are replaces with an asterisk. Matches to a double
- asterisk are kept as-is.
- e.g., given the string `"hello there world friends"` and the glob `"hello *
- world**"` returns the string `"hello * world friends"`
- """
- regex_pattern_equivalent_to_glob = re.sub(GLOB_REGEX, replace_glob_with_regex_group, glob)
- regex_equivalent_to_glob = re.compile(f"^{regex_pattern_equivalent_to_glob}$")
- match = re.search(regex_equivalent_to_glob, source)
- if not match: # If the glob fails, the rule is not applicable. Return the original string
- return source
- new_source = ""
- curr = 0
- for i in range(1, regex_equivalent_to_glob.groups + 1): # Group 0 is the entire match
- span = match.span(i)
- new_source += source[curr : span[0]]
- new_source += WILDCARD_CHARACTER
- curr = span[1]
- new_source += source[curr:]
- return new_source
-def replace_glob_with_regex_group(match: Match[str]) -> str:
- if match.group() == "**":
- return DOUBLE_STAR
- if match.group() == "*":
- return SINGLE_STAR
- return match.group() # Unknown glob type