@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
import logging
+import re
+from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
@@ -11,22 +15,38 @@ from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.response import Response
+from sentry import features
from sentry.integrations import (
+ IntegrationInstallation,
-from sentry.integrations.jira import JiraIntegration
-from sentry.models import Identity
+from sentry.integrations.jira_server.utils.choice import build_user_choice
+from sentry.integrations.mixins import IssueSyncMixin, ResolveSyncAction
+from sentry.models import (
+ ExternalIssue,
+ Identity,
+ IntegrationExternalProject,
+ Organization,
+ OrganizationIntegration,
+ User,
from sentry.pipeline import PipelineView
-from sentry.shared_integrations.exceptions import ApiError, IntegrationError
+from sentry.shared_integrations.exceptions import (
+ ApiError,
+ ApiHostError,
+ ApiUnauthorized,
+ IntegrationError,
+ IntegrationFormError,
from sentry.utils.decorators import classproperty
from sentry.utils.hashlib import sha1_text
from sentry.utils.http import absolute_uri
from sentry.web.helpers import render_to_response
-from .client import JiraServer, JiraServerClient, JiraServerSetupClient
+from .client import JiraServerClient, JiraServerSetupClient
logger = logging.getLogger("sentry.integrations.jira_server")
@@ -223,11 +243,33 @@ class OAuthCallbackView(PipelineView):
return pipeline.error("Could not fetch an access token from Jira")
-class JiraServerIntegration(JiraIntegration):
+# Hide linked issues fields because we don't have the necessary UI for fully specifying
+# a valid link (e.g. "is blocked by ISSUE-1").
+HIDDEN_ISSUE_FIELDS = ["issuelinks"]
+# A list of common builtin custom field types for Jira for easy reference.
+ "select": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select",
+ "textarea": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textarea",
+ "multiuserpicker": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiuserpicker",
+ "tempo_account": "com.tempoplugin.tempo-accounts:accounts.customfield",
+ "sprint": "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint",
+ "epic": "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link",
+class JiraServerIntegration(IntegrationInstallation, IssueSyncMixin):
IntegrationInstallation implementation for Jira-Server
+ comment_key = "sync_comments"
+ outbound_status_key = "sync_status_forward"
+ inbound_status_key = "sync_status_reverse"
+ outbound_assignee_key = "sync_forward_assignment"
+ inbound_assignee_key = "sync_reverse_assignment"
+ issues_ignored_fields_key = "issues_ignored_fields"
default_identity = None
@@ -244,13 +286,188 @@ class JiraServerIntegration(JiraIntegration):
return JiraServerClient(
- JiraServer(self.default_identity.data),
+ self.default_identity.data,
+ def get_organization_config(self):
+ configuration = [
+ {
+ "name": self.outbound_status_key,
+ "type": "choice_mapper",
+ "label": _("Sync Sentry Status to Jira Server"),
+ "help": _(
+ "When a Sentry issue changes status, change the status of the linked ticket in Jira Server."
+ ),
+ "addButtonText": _("Add Jira Server Project"),
+ "addDropdown": {
+ "emptyMessage": _("All projects configured"),
+ "noResultsMessage": _("Could not find Jira Server project"),
+ "items": [], # Populated with projects
+ },
+ "mappedSelectors": {
+ "on_resolve": {"choices": [], "placeholder": _("Select a status")},
+ "on_unresolve": {"choices": [], "placeholder": _("Select a status")},
+ },
+ "columnLabels": {
+ "on_resolve": _("When resolved"),
+ "on_unresolve": _("When unresolved"),
+ },
+ "mappedColumnLabel": _("Jira Server Project"),
+ "formatMessageValue": False,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": self.outbound_assignee_key,
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "label": _("Sync Sentry Assignment to Jira Server"),
+ "help": _(
+ "When an issue is assigned in Sentry, assign its linked Jira Server ticket to the same user."
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ "name": self.comment_key,
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "label": _("Sync Sentry Comments to Jira Server"),
+ "help": _("Post comments from Sentry issues to linked Jira Server tickets"),
+ },
+ {
+ "name": self.inbound_status_key,
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "label": _("Sync Jira Server Status to Sentry"),
+ "help": _(
+ "When a Jira Server ticket is marked done, resolve its linked issue in Sentry. "
+ "When a Jira Server ticket is removed from being done, unresolve its linked Sentry issue."
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ "name": self.inbound_assignee_key,
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "label": _("Sync Jira Server Assignment to Sentry"),
+ "help": _(
+ "When a ticket is assigned in Jira Server, assign its linked Sentry issue to the same user."
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ "name": self.issues_ignored_fields_key,
+ "label": "Ignored Fields",
+ "type": "textarea",
+ "placeholder": _('e.g. "components, security, customfield_10006"'),
+ "help": _(
+ "Comma-separated list of Jira Server fields that you don't want to show in issue creation form"
+ ),
+ },
+ ]
+ client = self.get_client()
+ try:
+ statuses = [(c["id"], c["name"]) for c in client.get_valid_statuses()]
+ configuration[0]["mappedSelectors"]["on_resolve"]["choices"] = statuses
+ configuration[0]["mappedSelectors"]["on_unresolve"]["choices"] = statuses
+ projects = [{"value": p["id"], "label": p["name"]} for p in client.get_projects_list()]
+ configuration[0]["addDropdown"]["items"] = projects
+ except ApiError:
+ configuration[0]["disabled"] = True
+ configuration[0]["disabledReason"] = _(
+ "Unable to communicate with the Jira instance. You may need to reinstall the addon."
+ )
+ organization = Organization.objects.get(id=self.organization_id)
+ has_issue_sync = features.has("organizations:integrations-issue-sync", organization)
+ if not has_issue_sync:
+ for field in configuration:
+ field["disabled"] = True
+ field["disabledReason"] = _(
+ "Your organization does not have access to this feature"
+ )
+ return configuration
+ def update_organization_config(self, data):
+ """
+ Update the configuration field for an organization integration.
+ """
+ config = self.org_integration.config
+ if "sync_status_forward" in data:
+ project_mappings = data.pop("sync_status_forward")
+ if any(
+ not mapping["on_unresolve"] or not mapping["on_resolve"]
+ for mapping in project_mappings.values()
+ ):
+ raise IntegrationError("Resolve and unresolve status are required.")
+ data["sync_status_forward"] = bool(project_mappings)
+ IntegrationExternalProject.objects.filter(
+ organization_integration_id=self.org_integration.id
+ ).delete()
+ for project_id, statuses in project_mappings.items():
+ IntegrationExternalProject.objects.create(
+ organization_integration_id=self.org_integration.id,
+ external_id=project_id,
+ resolved_status=statuses["on_resolve"],
+ unresolved_status=statuses["on_unresolve"],
+ )
+ if self.issues_ignored_fields_key in data:
+ ignored_fields_text = data.pop(self.issues_ignored_fields_key)
+ # While we describe the config as a "comma-separated list", users are likely to
+ # accidentally use newlines, so we explicitly handle that case. On page
+ # refresh, they will see how it got interpreted as `get_config_data` will
+ # re-serialize the config as a comma-separated list.
+ ignored_fields_list = list(
+ filter(
+ None, [field.strip() for field in re.split(r"[,\n\r]+", ignored_fields_text)]
+ )
+ )
+ data[self.issues_ignored_fields_key] = ignored_fields_list
+ config.update(data)
+ self.org_integration.update(config=config)
+ def get_config_data(self):
+ config = self.org_integration.config
+ project_mappings = IntegrationExternalProject.objects.filter(
+ organization_integration_id=self.org_integration.id
+ )
+ sync_status_forward = {}
+ for pm in project_mappings:
+ sync_status_forward[pm.external_id] = {
+ "on_unresolve": pm.unresolved_status,
+ "on_resolve": pm.resolved_status,
+ }
+ config["sync_status_forward"] = sync_status_forward
+ config[self.issues_ignored_fields_key] = ", ".join(
+ config.get(self.issues_ignored_fields_key, "")
+ )
+ return config
+ def sync_metadata(self):
+ client = self.get_client()
+ try:
+ server_info = client.get_server_info()
+ projects = client.get_projects_list()
+ except ApiError as e:
+ raise IntegrationError(self.message_from_error(e))
+ self.model.name = server_info["serverTitle"]
+ # There is no Jira instance icon (there is a favicon, but it doesn't seem
+ # possible to query that with the API). So instead we just use the first
+ # project Icon.
+ if len(projects) > 0:
+ avatar = (projects[0]["avatarUrls"]["48x48"],)
+ self.model.metadata.update({"icon": avatar})
+ self.model.save()
def get_link_issue_config(self, group, **kwargs):
fields = super().get_link_issue_config(group, **kwargs)
org = group.organization
autocomplete_url = reverse(
"sentry-extensions-jiraserver-search", args=[org.slug, self.model.id]
@@ -277,9 +494,636 @@ class JiraServerIntegration(JiraIntegration):
return fields
+ def get_issue_url(self, key, **kwargs):
+ return "{}/browse/{}".format(self.model.metadata["base_url"], key)
+ def get_persisted_default_config_fields(self) -> Sequence[str]:
+ return ["project", "issuetype", "priority", "labels"]
+ def get_persisted_user_default_config_fields(self):
+ return ["reporter"]
+ def get_persisted_ignored_fields(self):
+ return self.org_integration.config.get(self.issues_ignored_fields_key, [])
+ def get_group_description(self, group, event, **kwargs):
+ output = [
+ "Sentry Issue: [{}|{}]".format(
+ group.qualified_short_id,
+ absolute_uri(group.get_absolute_url(params={"referrer": "jira_integration"})),
+ )
+ ]
+ body = self.get_group_body(group, event)
+ if body:
+ output.extend(["", "{code}", body, "{code}"])
+ return "\n".join(output)
+ def get_issue(self, issue_id, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Jira installation's implementation of IssueSyncMixin's `get_issue`.
+ """
+ client = self.get_client()
+ issue = client.get_issue(issue_id)
+ fields = issue.get("fields", {})
+ return {
+ "key": issue_id,
+ "title": fields.get("summary"),
+ "description": fields.get("description"),
+ }
+ def create_comment(self, issue_id, user_id, group_note):
+ # https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/WikiRendererHelpAction.jspa?section=texteffects
+ comment = group_note.data["text"]
+ quoted_comment = self.create_comment_attribution(user_id, comment)
+ return self.get_client().create_comment(issue_id, quoted_comment)
+ def create_comment_attribution(self, user_id, comment_text):
+ user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)
+ attribution = f"{user.name} wrote:\n\n"
+ return f"{attribution}{{quote}}{comment_text}{{quote}}"
+ def update_comment(self, issue_id, user_id, group_note):
+ quoted_comment = self.create_comment_attribution(user_id, group_note.data["text"])
+ return self.get_client().update_comment(
+ issue_id, group_note.data["external_id"], quoted_comment
+ )
+ def search_issues(self, query):
+ try:
+ return self.get_client().search_issues(query)
+ except ApiError as e:
+ raise self.raise_error(e)
+ def make_choices(self, values):
+ if not values:
+ return []
+ results = []
+ for item in values:
+ key = item.get("id", None)
+ if "name" in item:
+ value = item["name"]
+ elif "value" in item:
+ # Value based options prefer the value on submit.
+ key = item["value"]
+ value = item["value"]
+ elif "label" in item:
+ # Label based options prefer the value on submit.
+ key = item["label"]
+ value = item["label"]
+ else:
+ continue
+ results.append((key, value))
+ return results
+ def error_message_from_json(self, data):
+ message = ""
+ if data.get("errorMessages"):
+ message = " ".join(data["errorMessages"])
+ if data.get("errors"):
+ if message:
+ message += " "
+ message += " ".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in data.get("errors").items())
+ return message
+ def error_fields_from_json(self, data):
+ errors = data.get("errors")
+ if not errors:
+ return None
+ return {key: [error] for key, error in data.get("errors").items()}
def search_url(self, org_slug):
return reverse("sentry-extensions-jiraserver-search", args=[org_slug, self.model.id])
+ def build_dynamic_field(self, field_meta, group=None):
+ """
+ Builds a field based on Jira's meta field information
+ """
+ schema = field_meta["schema"]
+ # set up some defaults for form fields
+ fieldtype = "text"
+ fkwargs = {"label": field_meta["name"], "required": field_meta["required"]}
+ # override defaults based on field configuration
+ if (
+ schema["type"] in ["securitylevel", "priority"]
+ or schema.get("custom") == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES["select"]
+ ):
+ fieldtype = "select"
+ fkwargs["choices"] = self.make_choices(field_meta.get("allowedValues"))
+ elif (
+ # Assignee and reporter fields
+ field_meta.get("autoCompleteUrl")
+ and (schema.get("items") == "user" or schema["type"] == "user")
+ # Sprint and "Epic Link" fields
+ or schema.get("custom")
+ # Parent field
+ or schema["type"] == "issuelink"
+ ):
+ fieldtype = "select"
+ organization = (
+ group.organization
+ if group
+ else Organization.objects.get_from_cache(id=self.organization_id)
+ )
+ fkwargs["url"] = self.search_url(organization.slug)
+ fkwargs["choices"] = []
+ elif schema["type"] in ["timetracking"]:
+ # TODO: Implement timetracking (currently unsupported altogether)
+ return None
+ elif schema.get("items") in ["worklog", "attachment"]:
+ # TODO: Implement worklogs and attachments someday
+ return None
+ elif schema["type"] == "array" and schema["items"] != "string":
+ fieldtype = "select"
+ fkwargs.update(
+ {
+ "multiple": True,
+ "choices": self.make_choices(field_meta.get("allowedValues")),
+ "default": "",
+ }
+ )
+ elif schema["type"] == "option" and len(field_meta.get("allowedValues", [])):
+ fieldtype = "select"
+ fkwargs.update(
+ {"choices": self.make_choices(field_meta.get("allowedValues")), "default": ""}
+ )
+ # break this out, since multiple field types could additionally
+ # be configured to use a custom property instead of a default.
+ if schema.get("custom"):
+ if schema["custom"] == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES["textarea"]:
+ fieldtype = "textarea"
+ fkwargs["type"] = fieldtype
+ return fkwargs
+ def get_issue_type_meta(self, issue_type, meta):
+ issue_types = meta["issuetypes"]
+ issue_type_meta = None
+ if issue_type:
+ matching_type = [t for t in issue_types if t["id"] == issue_type]
+ issue_type_meta = matching_type[0] if len(matching_type) > 0 else None
+ # still no issue type? just use the first one.
+ if not issue_type_meta:
+ issue_type_meta = issue_types[0]
+ return issue_type_meta
+ def get_issue_create_meta(self, client, project_id, jira_projects):
+ meta = None
+ if project_id:
+ meta = self.fetch_issue_create_meta(client, project_id)
+ if meta is not None:
+ return meta
+ # If we don't have a jira projectid (or we couldn't fetch the metadata from the given project_id),
+ # iterate all projects and find the first project that has metadata.
+ # We only want one project as getting all project metadata is expensive and wasteful.
+ # In the first run experience, the user won't have a 'last used' project id
+ # so we need to iterate available projects until we find one that we can get metadata for.
+ attempts = 0
+ if len(jira_projects):
+ for fallback in jira_projects:
+ attempts += 1
+ meta = self.fetch_issue_create_meta(client, fallback["id"])
+ if meta:
+ logger.info(
+ "jira.get-issue-create-meta.attempts",
+ extra={"organization_id": self.organization_id, "attempts": attempts},
+ )
+ return meta
+ jira_project_ids = "no projects"
+ if len(jira_projects):
+ jira_project_ids = ",".join(project["key"] for project in jira_projects)
+ logger.info(
+ "jira.get-issue-create-meta.no-metadata",
+ extra={
+ "organization_id": self.organization_id,
+ "attempts": attempts,
+ "jira_projects": jira_project_ids,
+ },
+ )
+ raise IntegrationError(
+ "Could not get issue create metadata for any Jira projects. "
+ "Ensure that your project permissions are correct."
+ )
+ def fetch_issue_create_meta(self, client, project_id):
+ try:
+ meta = client.get_create_meta_for_project(project_id)
+ except ApiUnauthorized:
+ logger.info(
+ "jira.fetch-issue-create-meta.unauthorized",
+ extra={"organization_id": self.organization_id, "jira_project": project_id},
+ )
+ raise IntegrationError(
+ "Jira returned: Unauthorized. " "Please check your configuration settings."
+ )
+ except ApiError as e:
+ logger.info(
+ "jira.fetch-issue-create-meta.error",
+ extra={
+ "integration_id": self.model.id,
+ "organization_id": self.organization_id,
+ "jira_project": project_id,
+ "error": str(e),
+ },
+ )
+ raise IntegrationError(
+ "There was an error communicating with the Jira API. "
+ "Please try again or contact support."
+ )
+ return meta
+ def get_create_issue_config(self, group, user, **kwargs):
+ """
+ We use the `group` to get three things: organization_slug, project
+ defaults, and default title and description. In the case where we're
+ getting `createIssueConfig` from Jira for Ticket Rules, we don't know
+ the issue group beforehand.
+ :param group: (Optional) Group model.
+ :param user: User model. TODO Make this the first parameter.
+ :param kwargs: (Optional) Object
+ * params: (Optional) Object
+ * params.project: (Optional) Sentry Project object
+ * params.issuetype: (Optional) String. The Jira issue type. For
+ example: "Bug", "Epic", "Story".
+ :return:
+ """
+ kwargs = kwargs or {}
+ kwargs["link_referrer"] = "jira_integration"
+ params = kwargs.get("params", {})
+ fields = []
+ defaults = {}
+ if group:
+ fields = super().get_create_issue_config(group, user, **kwargs)
+ defaults = self.get_defaults(group.project, user)
+ project_id = params.get("project", defaults.get("project"))
+ client = self.get_client()
+ try:
+ jira_projects = client.get_projects_list()
+ except ApiError as e:
+ logger.info(
+ "jira.get-create-issue-config.no-projects",
+ extra={
+ "integration_id": self.model.id,
+ "organization_id": self.organization_id,
+ "error": str(e),
+ },
+ )
+ raise IntegrationError(
+ "Could not fetch project list from Jira. Ensure that Jira is"
+ " available and your account is still active."
+ )
+ meta = self.get_issue_create_meta(client, project_id, jira_projects)
+ if not meta:
+ raise IntegrationError(
+ "Could not fetch issue create metadata from Jira. Ensure that"
+ " the integration user has access to the requested project."
+ )
+ # check if the issuetype was passed as a parameter
+ issue_type = params.get("issuetype", defaults.get("issuetype"))
+ issue_type_meta = self.get_issue_type_meta(issue_type, meta)
+ issue_type_choices = self.make_choices(meta["issuetypes"])
+ # make sure default issue type is actually
+ # one that is allowed for project
+ if issue_type:
+ if not any(c for c in issue_type_choices if c[0] == issue_type):
+ issue_type = issue_type_meta["id"]
+ fields = [
+ {
+ "name": "project",
+ "label": "Jira Project",
+ "choices": [(p["id"], p["key"]) for p in jira_projects],
+ "default": meta["id"],
+ "type": "select",
+ "updatesForm": True,
+ },
+ *fields,
+ {
+ "name": "issuetype",
+ "label": "Issue Type",
+ "default": issue_type or issue_type_meta["id"],
+ "type": "select",
+ "choices": issue_type_choices,
+ "updatesForm": True,
+ "required": bool(issue_type_choices), # required if we have any type choices
+ },
+ ]
+ # title is renamed to summary before sending to Jira
+ standard_fields = [f["name"] for f in fields] + ["summary"]
+ ignored_fields = set()
+ ignored_fields.update(HIDDEN_ISSUE_FIELDS)
+ ignored_fields.update(self.get_persisted_ignored_fields())
+ # apply ordering to fields based on some known built-in Jira fields.
+ # otherwise weird ordering occurs.
+ anti_gravity = {
+ "priority": (-150, ""),
+ "fixVersions": (-125, ""),
+ "components": (-100, ""),
+ "security": (-50, ""),
+ }
+ dynamic_fields = list(issue_type_meta["fields"].keys())
+ # Sort based on priority, then field name
+ dynamic_fields.sort(key=lambda f: anti_gravity.get(f, (0, f)))
+ # Build up some dynamic fields based on what is required.
+ for field in dynamic_fields:
+ if field in standard_fields or field in [x.strip() for x in ignored_fields]:
+ # don't overwrite the fixed fields for the form.
+ continue
+ mb_field = self.build_dynamic_field(issue_type_meta["fields"][field], group)
+ if mb_field:
+ if mb_field["label"] in params.get("ignored", []):
+ continue
+ mb_field["name"] = field
+ fields.append(mb_field)
+ for field in fields:
+ if field["name"] == "priority":
+ # whenever priorities are available, put the available ones in the list.
+ # allowedValues for some reason doesn't pass enough info.
+ field["choices"] = self.make_choices(client.get_priorities())
+ field["default"] = defaults.get("priority", "")
+ elif field["name"] == "fixVersions":
+ field["choices"] = self.make_choices(client.get_versions(meta["key"]))
+ elif field["name"] == "labels":
+ field["default"] = defaults.get("labels", "")
+ elif field["name"] == "reporter":
+ reporter_id = defaults.get("reporter", "")
+ if not reporter_id:
+ continue
+ try:
+ reporter_info = client.get_user(reporter_id)
+ except ApiError as e:
+ logger.info(
+ "jira.get-create-issue-config.no-matching-reporter",
+ extra={
+ "integration_id": self.model.id,
+ "organization_id": self.organization_id,
+ "persisted_reporter_id": reporter_id,
+ "error": str(e),
+ },
+ )
+ continue
+ reporter_tuple = build_user_choice(reporter_info, client.user_id_field())
+ if not reporter_tuple:
+ continue
+ reporter_id, reporter_label = reporter_tuple
+ field["default"] = reporter_id
+ field["choices"] = [(reporter_id, reporter_label)]
+ return fields
+ def create_issue(self, data, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Get the (cached) "createmeta" from Jira to use as a "schema". Clean up
+ the Jira issue by removing all fields that aren't enumerated by this
+ schema. Send this cleaned data to Jira. Finally, make another API call
+ to Jira to make sure the issue was created and return basic issue details.
+ :param data: JiraCreateTicketAction object
+ :param kwargs: not used
+ :return: simple object with basic Jira issue details
+ """
+ client = self.get_client()
+ cleaned_data = {}
+ # protect against mis-configured integration submitting a form without an
+ # issuetype assigned.
+ if not data.get("issuetype"):
+ raise IntegrationFormError({"issuetype": ["Issue type is required."]})
+ jira_project = data.get("project")
+ if not jira_project:
+ raise IntegrationFormError({"project": ["Jira project is required"]})
+ meta = client.get_create_meta_for_project(jira_project)
+ if not meta:
+ raise IntegrationError("Could not fetch issue create configuration from Jira.")
+ issue_type_meta = self.get_issue_type_meta(data["issuetype"], meta)
+ user_id_field = client.user_id_field()
+ fs = issue_type_meta["fields"]
+ for field in fs.keys():
+ f = fs[field]
+ if field == "description":
+ cleaned_data[field] = data[field]
+ continue
+ elif field == "summary":
+ cleaned_data["summary"] = data["title"]
+ continue
+ elif field == "labels" and "labels" in data:
+ labels = [label.strip() for label in data["labels"].split(",") if label.strip()]
+ cleaned_data["labels"] = labels
+ continue
+ if field in data.keys():
+ v = data.get(field)
+ if not v:
+ continue
+ schema = f.get("schema")
+ if schema:
+ if schema.get("type") == "string" and not schema.get("custom"):
+ cleaned_data[field] = v
+ continue
+ if schema["type"] == "user" or schema.get("items") == "user":
+ if schema.get("custom") == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES.get("multiuserpicker"):
+ # custom multi-picker
+ v = [{user_id_field: user_id} for user_id in v]
+ else:
+ v = {user_id_field: v}
+ elif schema["type"] == "issuelink": # used by Parent field
+ v = {"key": v}
+ elif schema.get("custom") == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES["epic"]:
+ v = v
+ elif schema.get("custom") == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES["sprint"]:
+ try:
+ v = int(v)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise IntegrationError(f"Invalid sprint ({v}) specified")
+ elif schema["type"] == "array" and schema.get("items") == "option":
+ v = [{"value": vx} for vx in v]
+ elif schema["type"] == "array" and schema.get("items") == "string":
+ v = [v]
+ elif schema["type"] == "array" and schema.get("items") != "string":
+ v = [{"id": vx} for vx in v]
+ elif schema["type"] == "option":
+ v = {"value": v}
+ elif schema.get("custom") == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES.get("textarea"):
+ v = v
+ elif (
+ schema["type"] == "number"
+ or schema.get("custom") == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES["tempo_account"]
+ ):
+ try:
+ if "." in v:
+ v = float(v)
+ else:
+ v = int(v)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ elif (
+ schema.get("type") != "string"
+ or (schema.get("items") and schema.get("items") != "string")
+ or schema.get("custom") == JIRA_CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES.get("select")
+ ):
+ v = {"id": v}
+ cleaned_data[field] = v
+ if not (isinstance(cleaned_data["issuetype"], dict) and "id" in cleaned_data["issuetype"]):
+ # something fishy is going on with this field, working on some Jira
+ # instances, and some not.
+ # testing against 5.1.5 and 5.1.4 does not convert (perhaps is no longer included
+ # in the projectmeta API call, and would normally be converted in the
+ # above clean method.)
+ cleaned_data["issuetype"] = {"id": cleaned_data["issuetype"]}
+ try:
+ response = client.create_issue(cleaned_data)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise self.raise_error(e)
+ issue_key = response.get("key")
+ if not issue_key:
+ raise IntegrationError("There was an error creating the issue.")
+ # Immediately fetch and return the created issue.
+ return self.get_issue(issue_key)
+ def sync_assignee_outbound(
+ self,
+ external_issue: ExternalIssue,
+ user: Optional[User],
+ assign: bool = True,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Propagate a sentry issue's assignee to a jira issue's assignee
+ """
+ client = self.get_client()
+ jira_user = None
+ if user and assign:
+ for ue in user.emails.filter(is_verified=True):
+ try:
+ possible_users = client.search_users_for_issue(external_issue.key, ue.email)
+ except (ApiUnauthorized, ApiError):
+ continue
+ for possible_user in possible_users:
+ email = possible_user.get("emailAddress")
+ # pull email from API if we can use it
+ if not email and self.use_email_scope:
+ account_id = possible_user.get("accountId")
+ email = client.get_email(account_id)
+ # match on lowercase email
+ # TODO(steve): add check against display name when JIRA_USE_EMAIL_SCOPE is false
+ if email and email.lower() == ue.email.lower():
+ jira_user = possible_user
+ break
+ if jira_user is None:
+ # TODO(jess): do we want to email people about these types of failures?
+ logger.info(
+ "jira.assignee-not-found",
+ extra={
+ "integration_id": external_issue.integration_id,
+ "user_id": user.id,
+ "issue_key": external_issue.key,
+ },
+ )
+ return
+ try:
+ id_field = client.user_id_field()
+ client.assign_issue(external_issue.key, jira_user and jira_user.get(id_field))
+ except (ApiUnauthorized, ApiError):
+ # TODO(jess): do we want to email people about these types of failures?
+ logger.info(
+ "jira.failed-to-assign",
+ extra={
+ "organization_id": external_issue.organization_id,
+ "integration_id": external_issue.integration_id,
+ "user_id": user.id if user else None,
+ "issue_key": external_issue.key,
+ },
+ )
+ def sync_status_outbound(self, external_issue, is_resolved, project_id, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Propagate a sentry issue's status to a linked issue's status.
+ """
+ client = self.get_client()
+ jira_issue = client.get_issue(external_issue.key)
+ jira_project = jira_issue["fields"]["project"]
+ try:
+ external_project = IntegrationExternalProject.objects.get(
+ external_id=jira_project["id"],
+ organization_integration_id__in=OrganizationIntegration.objects.filter(
+ organization_id=external_issue.organization_id,
+ integration_id=external_issue.integration_id,
+ ),
+ )
+ except IntegrationExternalProject.DoesNotExist:
+ return
+ jira_status = (
+ external_project.resolved_status if is_resolved else external_project.unresolved_status
+ )
+ # don't bother updating if it's already the status we'd change it to
+ if jira_issue["fields"]["status"]["id"] == jira_status:
+ return
+ try:
+ transitions = client.get_transitions(external_issue.key)
+ except ApiHostError:
+ raise IntegrationError("Could not reach host to get transitions.")
+ try:
+ transition = [t for t in transitions if t.get("to", {}).get("id") == jira_status][0]
+ except IndexError:
+ # TODO(jess): Email for failure
+ logger.warning(
+ "jira.status-sync-fail",
+ extra={
+ "organization_id": external_issue.organization_id,
+ "integration_id": external_issue.integration_id,
+ "issue_key": external_issue.key,
+ },
+ )
+ return
+ client.transition_issue(external_issue.key, transition["id"])
+ def _get_done_statuses(self):
+ client = self.get_client()
+ statuses = client.get_valid_statuses()
+ return {s["id"] for s in statuses if s["statusCategory"]["key"] == "done"}
+ def get_resolve_sync_action(self, data: Mapping[str, Any]) -> ResolveSyncAction:
+ done_statuses = self._get_done_statuses()
+ c_from = data["changelog"]["from"]
+ c_to = data["changelog"]["to"]
+ return ResolveSyncAction.from_resolve_unresolve(
+ should_resolve=c_to in done_statuses and c_from not in done_statuses,
+ should_unresolve=c_from in done_statuses and c_to not in done_statuses,
+ )
def after_link_issue(self, external_issue, data=None, **kwargs):
super().after_link_issue(external_issue, **kwargs)