@@ -253,16 +253,19 @@ def detect_function_trends(project_ids: List[int], start: datetime, *args, **kwa
trends = _detect_function_trends(project_ids, start)
regressions = filter(lambda trend: trend[0] == TrendType.Regressed, trends)
+ delay = 12 # hours
+ delayed_start = start + timedelta(hours=delay)
for regression_chunk in chunked(regressions, FUNCTIONS_PER_BATCH):
[(payload.project_id, payload.group) for _, payload in regression_chunk],
- start,
+ delayed_start,
- # delay the check by 12 hours because we want to make sure there
+ # delay the check by delay hours because we want to make sure there
# will be enough data after the potential change point to be confident
# that a change has occurred
- countdown=12 * 60 * 60,
+ countdown=delay * 60 * 60,