@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.http import (HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseServerError)
+from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
+from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
+from sentry.auth import Provider, AuthView
+from sentry.auth.exceptions import IdentityNotValid
+from sentry.models import (AuthProvider, Organization, OrganizationStatus, User, UserEmail)
+from sentry.utils.http import absolute_uri
+from sentry.utils.auth import login, get_login_redirect
+ from onelogin.saml2.auth import OneLogin_Saml2_Auth, OneLogin_Saml2_Settings
+except ImportError:
+ def OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(*args, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError('Missing SAML libraries')
+ def OneLogin_Saml2_Settings(*args, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError('Missing SAML libraries')
+def get_provider(organization_slug):
+ try:
+ organization = Organization.objects.get(slug=organization_slug)
+ except Organization.DoesNotExist:
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('sentry-login'))
+ if organization.status != OrganizationStatus.VISIBLE:
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('sentry-login'))
+ try:
+ auth_provider = AuthProvider.objects.get(organization=organization)
+ return auth_provider.get_provider()
+ except AuthProvider.DoesNotExist:
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('sentry-login'))
+class SAML2LoginView(AuthView):
+ def dispatch(self, request, helper):
+ provider = helper.provider
+ saml_config = provider.build_saml_config(helper.organization.slug)
+ auth = provider.build_auth(request, saml_config)
+ return self.redirect(auth.login())
+class SAML2ACSView(AuthView):
+ @method_decorator(csrf_exempt)
+ def dispatch(self, request, organization_slug):
+ provider = get_provider(organization_slug)
+ organization = Organization.objects.get(slug=organization_slug)
+ saml_config = provider.build_saml_config(organization_slug)
+ auth = provider.build_auth(request, saml_config)
+ auth.process_response()
+ errors = auth.get_errors()
+ if errors:
+ error_reason = auth.get_last_error_reason()
+ raise IdentityNotValid(error_reason)
+ attributes = auth.get_attributes()
+ nameid = auth.get_nameid()
+ email = self.retrieve_email(attributes, nameid, provider.config)
+ # Filter users based on the emails provided in the commits
+ user_emails = list(
+ UserEmail.objects.filter(email__iexact=email, is_verified=True).order_by('id')
+ )
+ if user_emails:
+ users = list(
+ User.objects.filter(
+ id__in=set((ue.user_id for ue in user_emails)),
+ is_active=True,
+ sentry_orgmember_set__organization_id=organization.id
+ )[0:2]
+ )
+ if users:
+ if len(users) == 1:
+ user = users[0]
+ user.backend = settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS[0]
+ if login(
+ request,
+ user,
+ after_2fa=request.build_absolute_uri(),
+ organization_id=organization.id
+ ):
+ request.session['saml'] = {
+ 'nameid': nameid,
+ 'nameid_format': auth.get_nameid_format(),
+ 'session_index': auth.get_session_index()
+ }
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(get_login_redirect(request))
+ else:
+ return HttpResponseServerError(
+ "Found several accounts related with %s on this organization" % email
+ )
+ else:
+ return HttpResponseServerError(
+ "The user %s is not related with this organization" % email
+ )
+ else:
+ return HttpResponseServerError(
+ "An user with a verified mail: %s does not exist" % email
+ )
+ def retrieve_email(self, attributes, nameid, config):
+ possible_mail = None
+ if nameid and '@' in nameid:
+ possible_mail = nameid
+ if attributes and 'attribute_mapping' in config and 'attribute_mapping_email' in config[
+ 'attribute_mapping'
+ ]:
+ email_mapping = config['attribute_mapping']['attribute_mapping_email']
+ if email_mapping and email_mapping in attributes:
+ return attributes[email_mapping][0]
+ elif possible_mail:
+ return possible_mail
+ else:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Email was not provided by the IdP and is required in order to execute the SAML process"
+ )
+ elif possible_mail:
+ return possible_mail
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Email mapping is required in order to execute the SAML process")
+ def retrieve_firstname(self, attributes, config):
+ firstname = None
+ if attributes and 'attribute_mapping' in config and 'attribute_mapping_firstname' in config[
+ 'attribute_mapping'
+ ]:
+ firstname_mapping = config['attribute_mapping']['attribute_mapping_firstname']
+ if firstname_mapping and firstname_mapping in attributes:
+ firstname = attributes[firstname_mapping][0]
+ return firstname
+class SAML2MetadataView(AuthView):
+ def dispatch(self, request, organization_slug):
+ provider = get_provider(organization_slug)
+ saml_config = provider.build_saml_config(organization_slug)
+ saml_settings = OneLogin_Saml2_Settings(settings=saml_config, sp_validation_only=True)
+ metadata = saml_settings.get_sp_metadata()
+ errors = saml_settings.validate_metadata(metadata)
+ if len(errors) == 0:
+ resp = HttpResponse(content=metadata, content_type='text/xml')
+ else:
+ resp = HttpResponseServerError(content=', '.join(errors))
+ return resp
+class SAML2Provider(Provider):
+ def get_auth_pipeline(self):
+ return [SAML2LoginView()]
+ def build_config(self, state):
+ data = {}
+ if 'idp' in state.keys():
+ data['idp'] = state['idp']
+ if 'contact' in state.keys():
+ data['contact'] = state['contact']
+ if data:
+ data['attribute_mapping'] = {
+ 'attribute_mapping_email': 'email',
+ 'attribute_mapping_firstname': ''
+ }
+ return data
+ def build_identity(self, state):
+ # return None # TODO If I return None, then a loop after execute the config
+ # happens from organizations/<org>/auth/ to /auth/login/ /<org>/
+ identity = {}
+ if state and 'contact' in state:
+ identity['id'] = state['contact']
+ identity['email'] = state['contact']
+ return identity
+ def build_saml_config(self, org_slug):
+ metadata_url = absolute_uri(
+ reverse('sentry-auth-organization-saml-metadata', args=[org_slug])
+ )
+ acs_url = absolute_uri(reverse('sentry-auth-organization-saml-acs', args=[org_slug]))
+ saml_config = {}
+ saml_config['strict'] = True
+ saml_config['idp'] = self.extract_parsed_data_from_idp_data(self.config)
+ saml_config['sp'] = {
+ "entityId": metadata_url,
+ "assertionConsumerService": {
+ "url": acs_url,
+ "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"
+ }
+ }
+ return saml_config
+ def prepare_saml_request(self, request):
+ return {
+ 'http_host': request.META['HTTP_HOST'],
+ 'script_name': request.META['PATH_INFO'],
+ 'server_port': request.META['SERVER_PORT'],
+ 'get_data': request.GET.copy(),
+ 'post_data': request.POST.copy()
+ }
+ def build_auth(self, request, config):
+ req = self.prepare_saml_request(request)
+ return OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, config)
+ @staticmethod
+ def extract_idp_data_from_form(form):
+ idp_data = {
+ 'idp_entityid': form.cleaned_data['idp_entityid'],
+ 'idp_sso_url': form.cleaned_data['idp_sso_url'],
+ 'idp_x509cert': form.cleaned_data['idp_x509cert']
+ }
+ if form.cleaned_data['idp_slo_url']:
+ idp_data['idp_slo_url'] = form.cleaned_data['idp_slo_url']
+ return idp_data
+ @staticmethod
+ def extract_attribute_mapping_from_form(form):
+ mapping_data = {
+ 'attribute_mapping_email': form.cleaned_data['attribute_mapping_email'],
+ 'attribute_mapping_firstname': form.cleaned_data['attribute_mapping_firstname']
+ }
+ return mapping_data
+ @staticmethod
+ def extract_idp_data_from_parsed_data(data):
+ idp_data = {}
+ if 'entityId' in data['idp']:
+ idp_data['idp_entityid'] = data['idp']['entityId']
+ if 'singleSignOnService' in data['idp'] and 'url' in data['idp']['singleSignOnService']:
+ idp_data['idp_sso_url'] = data['idp']['singleSignOnService']['url']
+ if 'singleLogoutService' in data['idp'] and 'url' in data['idp']['singleLogoutService']:
+ idp_data['idp_slo_url'] = data['idp']['singleLogoutService']['url']
+ if 'x509cert' in data['idp']:
+ idp_data['idp_x509cert'] = data['idp']['x509cert']
+ return idp_data
+ @staticmethod
+ def extract_parsed_data_from_idp_data(data):
+ parsed_data = {}
+ if 'idp' in data:
+ if 'idp_entityid' in data['idp']:
+ parsed_data['entityId'] = data['idp']['idp_entityid']
+ if 'idp_sso_url' in data['idp']:
+ parsed_data['singleSignOnService'] = {}
+ parsed_data['singleSignOnService']['url'] = data['idp']['idp_sso_url']
+ if 'idp_slo_url' in data['idp']:
+ parsed_data['singleLogoutService'] = {}
+ parsed_data['singleLogoutService']['url'] = data['idp']['idp_slo_url']
+ if 'idp_x509cert' in data['idp']:
+ parsed_data['x509cert'] = data['idp']['idp_x509cert']
+ return parsed_data