@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Any, List, Literal, Sequence, TypedDict, Union
+from sentry.api.endpoints.project_transaction_threshold import DEFAULT_THRESHOLD
+from sentry.models import (
+ Project,
+ ProjectTransactionThreshold,
+ ProjectTransactionThresholdOverride,
+ TransactionMetric,
+class RuleConditionInner(TypedDict):
+ op: Literal["eq", "gt", "gte"]
+ name: str
+ value: Any
+# mypy does not support recursive types. type definition is a very small subset
+# of the values relay actually accepts
+class RuleCondition(TypedDict):
+ op: Literal["and"]
+ inner: Sequence[RuleConditionInner]
+class MetricConditionalTaggingRule(TypedDict):
+ condition: RuleCondition
+ targetMetrics: Sequence[str]
+ targetTag: str
+ tagValue: str
+ TransactionMetric.LCP.value: "event.measurements.lcp.value",
+ TransactionMetric.DURATION.value: "event.duration",
+ "s:transactions/user@none",
+ "d:transactions/duration@millisecond",
+_SATISFACTION_TARGET_TAG = "satisfaction"
+_HISTOGRAM_OUTLIERS_TARGET_METRICS = ("d:transactions/duration@millisecond",)
+class _DefaultThreshold:
+ metric: TransactionMetric
+ threshold: int
+_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = _DefaultThreshold(
+ metric=TransactionMetric[DEFAULT_THRESHOLD["metric"].upper()].value,
+ threshold=int(DEFAULT_THRESHOLD["threshold"]),
+def get_metric_conditional_tagging_rules(
+ project: Project,
+) -> Sequence[MetricConditionalTaggingRule]:
+ rules: List[MetricConditionalTaggingRule] = []
+ # transaction-specific overrides must precede the project-wide threshold in the list of rules.
+ for threshold in project.projecttransactionthresholdoverride_set.all().order_by("transaction"):
+ rules.extend(
+ _threshold_to_rules(
+ threshold,
+ [{"op": "eq", "name": "event.transaction", "value": threshold.transaction}],
+ )
+ )
+ # Rules are processed top-down. The following is a fallback for when
+ # there's no transaction-name-specific rule:
+ try:
+ threshold = ProjectTransactionThreshold.objects.get(project=project)
+ rules.extend(_threshold_to_rules(threshold, []))
+ except ProjectTransactionThreshold.DoesNotExist:
+ rules.extend(_threshold_to_rules(_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, []))
+ rules.extend(_produce_histogram_outliers())
+ return rules
+def _threshold_to_rules(
+ threshold: Union[
+ ProjectTransactionThreshold, ProjectTransactionThresholdOverride, _DefaultThreshold
+ ],
+ extra_conditions: Sequence[RuleConditionInner],
+) -> Sequence[MetricConditionalTaggingRule]:
+ frustrated: MetricConditionalTaggingRule = {
+ "condition": {
+ "op": "and",
+ "inner": [
+ {
+ "op": "gt",
+ "name": _TRANSACTION_METRICS_TO_RULE_FIELD[threshold.metric],
+ # The frustration threshold is always four times the threshold
+ # (see https://docs.sentry.io/product/performance/metrics/#apdex)
+ "value": threshold.threshold * 4,
+ },
+ *extra_conditions,
+ ],
+ },
+ "tagValue": "frustrated",
+ }
+ tolerated: MetricConditionalTaggingRule = {
+ "condition": {
+ "op": "and",
+ "inner": [
+ {
+ "op": "gt",
+ "name": _TRANSACTION_METRICS_TO_RULE_FIELD[threshold.metric],
+ "value": threshold.threshold,
+ },
+ *extra_conditions,
+ ],
+ },
+ "tagValue": "tolerated",
+ }
+ satisfied: MetricConditionalTaggingRule = {
+ "condition": {"op": "and", "inner": list(extra_conditions)},
+ "tagValue": "satisfied",
+ }
+ # Order is important here, as rules for a particular tag name are processed
+ # top-down, and rules are skipped if the tag has already been defined by a
+ # previous rule.
+ #
+ # if duration > 4000 {
+ # frustrated
+ # } else if duration > 1000 {
+ # tolerated
+ # } else {
+ # satisfied
+ # }
+ return [frustrated, tolerated, satisfied]
+def _produce_histogram_outliers() -> Sequence[MetricConditionalTaggingRule]:
+ # platform,
+ # transaction_op AS op,
+ # uniqCombined64(project_id) AS c,
+ # quantiles(0.25, 0.75)(duration)
+ # FROM transactions_dist
+ # WHERE timestamp > subtractHours(now(), 48)
+ # platform,
+ # op
+ # LIMIT 50
+ query_results = [
+ ("javascript", "pageload", (1282.75, 3783.25)),
+ ("javascript", "navigation", (333, 1033)),
+ ("python", "http.server", (3, 97)),
+ ("node", "http.server", (1, 84)),
+ ("php", "http.server", (34, 223)),
+ ("ruby", "rails.request", (3, 61)),
+ ("python", "celery.task", (25, 442)),
+ ("javascript", "ui.load", (1476.75, 431482.25)),
+ ("cocoa", "ui.load", (129, 623)),
+ ("node", "awslambda.handler", (32, 466.25)),
+ ("csharp", "http.server", (0, 46)),
+ ("python", "serverless.function", (17, 251.25)),
+ ("java", "http.server", (2, 32)),
+ ("java", "ui.load", (37, 266.25)),
+ ("ruby", "active_job", (15, 366)),
+ ("ruby", "sidekiq", (15, 300)),
+ ("javascript", "default", (9, 850.25)),
+ ("python", "asgi.server", (49, 327)),
+ ("other", "navigation", (999, 3002)),
+ ("php", "console.command", (60, 1033.75)),
+ ("node", "default", (10, 480)),
+ ("node", "transaction", (1, 45)),
+ ("python", "rq.task", (627.75, 3113)),
+ ("go", "http.server", (0, 133)),
+ ("other", "pageload", (3000, 3000)),
+ ("ruby", "rails.action_cable", (0, 4)),
+ ("ruby", "rack.request", (2, 40)),
+ ("node", "gql", (19, 203)),
+ ("other", "http.server", (4, 23)),
+ ("node", "test", (2, 262)),
+ ("python", "default", (27, 1106.25)),
+ ("node", "gcp.function.http", (3, 1594.5)),
+ ("php", "sentry.test", (0, 257.5)),
+ ("python", "websocket.server", (1, 2)),
+ ("java", "navigation", (230, 1623.25)),
+ ("ruby", "delayed_job", (9, 902.75)),
+ ("python", "task", (10, 1071.25)),
+ ("php", "queue.process", (51, 452)),
+ ("python", "query", (24, 273)),
+ ("python", "mutation", (25, 105)),
+ ("node", "request", (10, 59)),
+ ("java", "task", (0, 647)),
+ ("other", "task", (49, 412)),
+ ("node", "gcp.function.event", (243, 2393)),
+ ("php", "default", (18, 121)),
+ ("php", "queue.job", (35, 287)),
+ ("php", "http.request", (26, 282)),
+ ("go", "grpc.server", (1, 13)),
+ ("node", "execute", (42, 222)),
+ ("node", "functions.https.onCall", (10, 233)),
+ ]
+ rules: List[MetricConditionalTaggingRule] = []
+ for platform, op, (p25, p75) in query_results:
+ rules.append(
+ {
+ "condition": {
+ "op": "and",
+ "inner": [
+ {"op": "eq", "name": "event.contexts.trace.op", "value": op},
+ {"op": "eq", "name": "event.platform", "value": platform},
+ # This is in line with https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/blob/63308b3f2256fe2f24da43a951154d0ef2218d19/src/sentry/snuba/discover.py#L1728-L1729=
+ # See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlier#Tukey's_fences
+ {"op": "gte", "name": "event.duration", "value": p25 + 3 * abs(p75 - p25)},
+ ],
+ },
+ "targetTag": "histogram_outlier",
+ "tagValue": "outlier",
+ }
+ )
+ rules.append(
+ {
+ "condition": {
+ "op": "and",
+ "inner": [
+ {"op": "gte", "name": "event.duration", "value": 0},
+ ],
+ },
+ "targetTag": "histogram_outlier",
+ "tagValue": "inlier",
+ }
+ )
+ rules.append(
+ {
+ "condition": {"op": "and", "inner": []},
+ "targetTag": "histogram_outlier",
+ "tagValue": "outlier",
+ }
+ )
+ return rules