@@ -54,6 +54,24 @@ declare const __LOADER__IS_LAZY__: any;
queue.data = [];
+ function onError() {
+ // Use keys as "data type" to save some characters"
+ queue({
+ e: [].slice.call(arguments),
+ });
+ }
+ function onUnhandledRejection(e) {
+ queue({
+ p:
+ 'reason' in e
+ ? e.reason
+ : 'detail' in e && 'reason' in e.detail
+ ? e.detail.reason
+ : e,
+ });
+ }
function injectSdk(callbacks) {
if (injected) {
@@ -74,16 +92,8 @@ declare const __LOADER__IS_LAZY__: any;
// Once our SDK is loaded
_newScriptTag.addEventListener('load', function () {
try {
- // Restore onerror/onunhandledrejection handlers - only if not mutated in the meanwhile
- if (_window[_onerror] && _window[_onerror].__SENTRY_LOADER__) {
- _window[_onerror] = _oldOnerror;
- }
- if (
- _window[_onunhandledrejection] &&
- _window[_onunhandledrejection].__SENTRY_LOADER__
- ) {
- _window[_onunhandledrejection] = _oldOnunhandledrejection;
- }
+ _window.removeEventListener('error', onError);
+ _window.removeEventListener('unhandledrejection', onUnhandledRejection);
// Add loader as SDK source
_window.SENTRY_SDK_SOURCE = 'loader';
@@ -239,37 +249,8 @@ declare const __LOADER__IS_LAZY__: any;
- // Store reference to the old `onerror` handler and override it with our own function
- // that will just push exceptions to the queue and call through old handler if we found one
- const _oldOnerror = _window[_onerror];
- _window[_onerror] = function () {
- // Use keys as "data type" to save some characters"
- queue({
- e: [].slice.call(arguments),
- });
- if (_oldOnerror) {
- _oldOnerror.apply(_window, arguments);
- }
- };
- _window[_onerror].__SENTRY_LOADER__ = true;
- // Do the same store/queue/call operations for `onunhandledrejection` event
- const _oldOnunhandledrejection = _window[_onunhandledrejection];
- _window[_onunhandledrejection] = function (e) {
- queue({
- p:
- 'reason' in e
- ? e.reason
- : 'detail' in e && 'reason' in e.detail
- ? e.detail.reason
- : e,
- });
- if (_oldOnunhandledrejection) {
- _oldOnunhandledrejection.apply(_window, arguments);
- }
- };
- _window[_onunhandledrejection].__SENTRY_LOADER__ = true;
+ _window.addEventListener('error', onError);
+ _window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', onUnhandledRejection);
if (!lazy) {
setTimeout(function () {