@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
-import {enforceActOnUseLegacyStoreHook, mountWithTheme} from 'sentry-test/enzyme';
import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg';
-import {act} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
+import {
+ act,
+ fireEvent,
+ render,
+ screen,
+ userEvent,
+ waitFor,
+ within,
+} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
import ProjectsStore from 'sentry/stores/projectsStore';
-import {OrganizationContext} from 'sentry/views/organizationContext';
import ReleasesList from 'sentry/views/releases/list/';
import {ReleasesDisplayOption} from 'sentry/views/releases/list/releasesDisplayOptions';
import {ReleasesSortOption} from 'sentry/views/releases/list/releasesSortOptions';
import {ReleasesStatusOption} from 'sentry/views/releases/list/releasesStatusOptions';
-describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- enforceActOnUseLegacyStoreHook();
+describe('ReleasesList', () => {
const {organization, routerContext, router} = initializeOrg();
const props = {
@@ -35,18 +39,9 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- let wrapper, endpointMock, sessionApiMock;
- function createWrapper(releaseList, context) {
- return mountWithTheme(
- <OrganizationContext.Provider value={organization}>
- {releaseList}
- </OrganizationContext.Provider>,
- context
- );
- }
+ let endpointMock, sessionApiMock;
- beforeEach(async function () {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
endpointMock = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
url: '/organizations/org-slug/releases/',
@@ -76,31 +71,29 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
url: '/organizations/org-slug/projects/',
body: [],
- wrapper = createWrapper(<ReleasesList {...props} />, routerContext);
- await tick();
- wrapper.update();
- afterEach(function () {
- wrapper.unmount();
+ afterEach(() => {
act(() => ProjectsStore.reset());
- it('renders list', function () {
- const items = wrapper.find('StyledPanel');
- expect(items).toHaveLength(3);
- expect(items.at(0).text()).toContain('1.0.0');
- expect(items.at(0).text()).toContain('Adoption');
- expect(items.at(1).text()).toContain('1.0.1');
- expect(items.at(1).find('AdoptionColumn').at(1).text()).toContain('0%');
- expect(items.at(2).text()).toContain('af4f231ec9a8');
- expect(items.at(2).find('ReleaseProjectsHeader').text()).toContain('Project');
+ it('renders list', async () => {
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
+ const items = await screen.findAllByTestId('release-panel');
+ expect(within(items.at(0)).getByText('1.0.0')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(within(items.at(0)).getByText('Adoption')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(within(items.at(1)).getByText('1.0.1')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(within(items.at(1)).getByText('0%')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(within(items.at(2)).getByText('af4f231ec9a8')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(within(items.at(2)).getByText('Project Name')).toBeInTheDocument();
- it('displays the right empty state', function () {
+ it('displays the right empty state', async () => {
let location;
const project = TestStubs.Project({
id: '3',
@@ -118,99 +111,105 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
// does not have releases set up and no releases
location = {query: {}};
- wrapper = createWrapper(
- <ReleasesList {...props} location={location} />,
- routerContext
- );
- expect(wrapper.find('StyledPanel')).toHaveLength(0);
- expect(wrapper.find('ReleasesPromo').text()).toContain('Demystify Releases');
- location = {query: {statsPeriod: '30d'}};
- wrapper = createWrapper(
- <ReleasesList {...props} location={location} />,
- routerContext
- );
- expect(wrapper.find('StyledPanel')).toHaveLength(0);
- expect(wrapper.find('ReleasesPromo').text()).toContain('Demystify Releases');
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: `/organizations/${org.slug}/releases/`,
- body: [],
+ const {rerender} = render(<ReleasesList location={location} {...props} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ expect(await screen.findByText('Demystify Releases')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.queryByTestId('release-panel')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
// has releases set up and no releases
location = {query: {query: 'abc'}};
- let container = createWrapper(
+ rerender(
selection={{...props.selection, projects: [3]}}
- routerContext
- );
- expect(container.find('EmptyMessage').text()).toEqual(
- "There are no releases that match: 'abc'."
+ {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ }
+ expect(
+ screen.getByText("There are no releases that match: 'abc'.")
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
location = {query: {sort: ReleasesSortOption.SESSIONS, statsPeriod: '7d'}};
- container = createWrapper(
+ rerender(
selection={{...props.selection, projects: [3]}}
- routerContext
- );
- expect(container.find('EmptyMessage').text()).toEqual(
- 'There are no releases with data in the last 7 days.'
+ {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ }
+ expect(
+ screen.getByText('There are no releases with data in the last 7 days.')
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
location = {query: {sort: ReleasesSortOption.USERS_24_HOURS, statsPeriod: '7d'}};
- container = createWrapper(
+ rerender(
selection={{...props.selection, projects: [3]}}
- routerContext
- );
- expect(container.find('EmptyMessage').text()).toEqual(
- 'There are no releases with active user data (users in the last 24 hours).'
+ {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ }
+ expect(
+ screen.getByText(
+ 'There are no releases with active user data (users in the last 24 hours).'
+ )
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
location = {query: {sort: ReleasesSortOption.SESSIONS_24_HOURS, statsPeriod: '7d'}};
- container = createWrapper(
+ rerender(
selection={{...props.selection, projects: [3]}}
- routerContext
- );
- expect(container.find('EmptyMessage').text()).toEqual(
- 'There are no releases with active session data (sessions in the last 24 hours).'
+ {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ }
+ expect(
+ screen.getByText(
+ 'There are no releases with active session data (sessions in the last 24 hours).'
+ )
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
location = {query: {sort: ReleasesSortOption.BUILD}};
- container = createWrapper(
+ rerender(
selection={{...props.selection, projects: [3]}}
- routerContext
- );
- expect(container.find('EmptyMessage').text()).toEqual(
- 'There are no releases with semantic versioning.'
+ {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ }
+ expect(
+ screen.getByText('There are no releases with semantic versioning.')
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
- it('displays request errors', function () {
+ it('displays request errors', async () => {
const errorMessage = 'dumpster fire';
url: '/organizations/org-slug/releases/',
@@ -220,21 +219,33 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
statusCode: 400,
- wrapper = createWrapper(<ReleasesList {...props} />, routerContext);
- expect(wrapper.find('LoadingError').text()).toBe(errorMessage);
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
+ expect(await screen.findByText(errorMessage)).toBeInTheDocument();
// we want release header to be visible despite the error message
- expect(wrapper.find('SortAndFilterWrapper').exists()).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(
+ screen.getByPlaceholderText('Search by version, build, package, or stage')
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
- it('searches for a release', function () {
+ it('searches for a release', async () => {
url: '/organizations/org-slug/recent-searches/',
method: 'POST',
body: [],
- const input = wrapper.find('textarea');
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
+ const input = await screen.findByRole('textbox');
+ expect(input).toHaveValue('derp ');
@@ -243,36 +254,39 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- expect(input.prop('value')).toBe('derp ');
- input.simulate('change', {target: {value: 'a'}}).simulate('submit');
+ userEvent.clear(input);
+ userEvent.type(input, 'a{enter}');
query: expect.objectContaining({query: 'a'}),
- it('sorts releases', function () {
- expect(endpointMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
- '/organizations/org-slug/releases/',
- expect.objectContaining({
- query: expect.objectContaining({
- sort: ReleasesSortOption.SESSIONS,
- }),
- })
+ it('sorts releases', async () => {
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ expect(endpointMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ '/organizations/org-slug/releases/',
+ expect.objectContaining({
+ query: expect.objectContaining({
+ sort: ReleasesSortOption.SESSIONS,
+ }),
+ })
+ )
- const sortDropdown = wrapper.find('ReleasesSortOptions');
- const sortByOptions = sortDropdown.find('DropdownItem span');
+ const sortDropdown = await screen.findByText('Sort By');
+ const sortByOptions = within(sortDropdown.closest('div')).getAllByTestId('menu-item');
const dateCreatedOption = sortByOptions.at(0);
- expect(dateCreatedOption.text()).toEqual('Date Created');
- const healthStatsControls = wrapper.find('AdoptionColumn span').first();
- expect(healthStatsControls.text()).toEqual('Adoption');
+ expect(dateCreatedOption).toHaveTextContent('Date Created');
- dateCreatedOption.simulate('click');
+ userEvent.click(dateCreatedOption);
query: expect.objectContaining({
@@ -281,42 +295,48 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- it('disables adoption sort when more than one environment is selected', function () {
- wrapper.unmount();
+ it('disables adoption sort when more than one environment is selected', async () => {
const adoptionProps = {
- wrapper = createWrapper(
+ render(
location={{query: {sort: ReleasesSortOption.ADOPTION}}}
selection={{...props.selection, environments: ['a', 'b']}}
- routerContext
+ {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ }
- const sortDropdown = wrapper.find('ReleasesSortOptions');
- expect(sortDropdown.find('ButtonLabel').text()).toBe('Sort ByDate Created');
+ const sortDropdown = await screen.findByText('Sort By');
+ expect(sortDropdown.parentElement).toHaveTextContent('Sort ByDate Created');
- it('display the right Crash Free column', async function () {
- const displayDropdown = wrapper.find('ReleasesDisplayOptions');
+ it('display the right Crash Free column', async () => {
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
+ const displayDropdown = await screen.findByText('Display');
- const activeDisplay = displayDropdown.find('DropdownButton button');
- expect(activeDisplay.text()).toEqual('DisplaySessions');
+ expect(displayDropdown.parentElement).toHaveTextContent('DisplaySessions');
- const displayOptions = displayDropdown.find('DropdownItem');
+ const displayOptions = within(displayDropdown.closest('div')).getAllByTestId(
+ 'menu-item'
+ );
const crashFreeSessionsOption = displayOptions.at(0);
- expect(crashFreeSessionsOption.props().isActive).toEqual(true);
- expect(crashFreeSessionsOption.text()).toEqual('Sessions');
+ expect(crashFreeSessionsOption).toHaveTextContent('Sessions');
const crashFreeUsersOption = displayOptions.at(1);
- expect(crashFreeUsersOption.text()).toEqual('Users');
- expect(crashFreeUsersOption.props().isActive).toEqual(false);
+ expect(crashFreeUsersOption).toHaveTextContent('Users');
- crashFreeUsersOption.find('span').simulate('click');
+ userEvent.click(crashFreeUsersOption);
query: expect.objectContaining({
@@ -325,45 +345,55 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- it('displays archived releases', function () {
- const archivedWrapper = createWrapper(
+ it('displays archived releases', async () => {
+ render(
location={{query: {status: ReleasesStatusOption.ARCHIVED}}}
- routerContext
+ {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ }
- expect(endpointMock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(
- '/organizations/org-slug/releases/',
- expect.objectContaining({
- query: expect.objectContaining({status: ReleasesStatusOption.ARCHIVED}),
- })
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ expect(endpointMock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(
+ '/organizations/org-slug/releases/',
+ expect.objectContaining({
+ query: expect.objectContaining({status: ReleasesStatusOption.ARCHIVED}),
+ })
+ )
- expect(archivedWrapper.find('ReleaseArchivedNotice').exists()).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(
+ await screen.findByText('These releases have been archived.')
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
+ const statusDropdown = screen.getByText('Status');
+ expect(statusDropdown.parentElement).toHaveTextContent('StatusArchived');
+ const statusOptions = within(statusDropdown.closest('div')).getAllByTestId(
+ 'menu-item'
+ );
+ expect(statusOptions).toHaveLength(2);
- const statusOptions = archivedWrapper
- .find('ReleasesStatusOptions')
- .first()
- .find('DropdownItem span');
const statusActiveOption = statusOptions.at(0);
const statusArchivedOption = statusOptions.at(1);
- expect(statusActiveOption.text()).toEqual('Active');
- expect(statusArchivedOption.text()).toEqual('Archived');
+ expect(statusActiveOption).toHaveTextContent('Active');
+ expect(statusArchivedOption).toHaveTextContent('Archived');
- statusActiveOption.simulate('click');
+ userEvent.click(statusActiveOption);
query: expect.objectContaining({
status: ReleasesStatusOption.ACTIVE,
- expect(wrapper.find('ReleaseArchivedNotice').exists()).toBeFalsy();
- statusArchivedOption.simulate('click');
+ userEvent.click(statusArchivedOption);
query: expect.objectContaining({
status: ReleasesStatusOption.ARCHIVED,
@@ -371,7 +401,12 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- it('calls api with only explicitly permitted query params', function () {
+ it('calls api with only explicitly permitted query params', () => {
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
@@ -382,8 +417,13 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- it('calls session api for health data', async function () {
- expect(sessionApiMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);
+ it('calls session api for health data', async () => {
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => expect(sessionApiMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3));
@@ -425,7 +465,7 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- it('shows health rows only for selected projects in global header', function () {
+ it('shows health rows only for selected projects in global header', async () => {
url: '/organizations/org-slug/releases/',
body: [
@@ -451,37 +491,33 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- const healthSection = createWrapper(
- <ReleasesList {...props} selection={{...props.selection, projects: [2]}} />,
- routerContext
- ).find('ReleaseProjects');
- const hiddenProjectsMessage = healthSection.find('HiddenProjectsMessage');
- expect(hiddenProjectsMessage.text()).toBe('2 hidden projects');
- expect(hiddenProjectsMessage.find('Tooltip').prop('title')).toBe('test, test3');
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} selection={{...props.selection, projects: [2]}} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
+ const hiddenProjectsMessage = await screen.findByTestId('hidden-projects');
+ expect(hiddenProjectsMessage).toHaveTextContent('2 hidden projects');
- expect(healthSection.find('ReleaseCardProjectRow').length).toBe(1);
+ expect(screen.getAllByTestId('release-card-project-row').length).toBe(1);
- expect(healthSection.find('ProjectBadge').text()).toBe('test2');
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('badge-display-name')).toHaveTextContent('test2');
- it('does not hide health rows when "All Projects" are selected in global header', function () {
+ it('does not hide health rows when "All Projects" are selected in global header', async () => {
url: '/organizations/org-slug/releases/',
body: [TestStubs.Release({version: '2.0.0'})],
- const healthSection = createWrapper(
- <ReleasesList {...props} selection={{...props.selection, projects: [-1]}} />,
- routerContext
- ).find('ReleaseProjects');
- expect(healthSection.find('HiddenProjectsMessage').exists()).toBeFalsy();
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} selection={{...props.selection, projects: [-1]}} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
- expect(healthSection.find('ReleaseCardProjectRow').length).toBe(1);
+ expect(await screen.findByTestId('release-card-project-row')).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.queryByTestId('hidden-projects')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- it('autocompletes semver search tag', async function () {
+ it('autocompletes semver search tag', async () => {
url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/release.version/values/',
body: [
@@ -495,28 +531,25 @@ describe('ReleasesList', function () {
- wrapper.find('SmartSearchBar textarea').simulate('click');
- wrapper
- .find('SmartSearchBar textarea')
- .simulate('change', {target: {value: 'sentry.semv'}});
- await tick();
- wrapper.update();
+ MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
+ url: '/organizations/org-slug/recent-searches/',
+ method: 'POST',
+ });
+ render(<ReleasesList {...props} />, {
+ context: routerContext,
+ organization,
+ });
+ const smartSearchBar = await screen.findByTestId('smart-search-input');
- expect(wrapper.find('[data-test-id="search-autocomplete-item"]').at(0).text()).toBe(
- 'release:'
- );
+ fireEvent.change(smartSearchBar, {target: {value: 'sentry.semv'}});
+ fireEvent.submit(smartSearchBar);
- wrapper.find('SmartSearchBar textarea').simulate('focus');
- wrapper
- .find('SmartSearchBar textarea')
- .simulate('change', {target: {value: 'release.version:'}});
+ const autocompleteItems = await screen.findAllByTestId('search-autocomplete-item');
+ expect(autocompleteItems.at(0)).toHaveTextContent('release:');
- await tick();
- wrapper.update();
+ userEvent.clear(smartSearchBar);
+ fireEvent.change(smartSearchBar, {target: {value: 'release.version:'}});
- expect(wrapper.find('[data-test-id="search-autocomplete-item"]').at(4).text()).toBe(
- 'sentry@0.5.3'
- );
+ expect(await screen.findByText('sentry@0.5.3')).toBeInTheDocument();