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feat(stats-detector): Create regression issue in stats detectors (#61189)

In preparation for the auto resolution work, this creates a regression
group for new occurrences where we store the baseline values. This will
allow us to check if there is a regression group associated with an
object, then if there is one, we can then check if the moving average is
close the to original baseline and emit anresolved status change.


Co-authored-by: Nar Saynorath <>
Tony Xiao 1 year ago

+ 8 - 3

@@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ from sentry.seer.utils import BreakpointData
 from sentry.utils import metrics
-def fingerprint_regression(transaction):
+def fingerprint_regression(transaction, full=False):
     prehashed_fingerprint = f"p95_transaction_duration_regression-{transaction}"
-    return hashlib.sha1((prehashed_fingerprint).encode()).hexdigest()
+    fingerprint = hashlib.sha1((prehashed_fingerprint).encode()).hexdigest()
+    if not full:
+        fingerprint = fingerprint[:16]
+    return fingerprint
 def send_regression_to_platform(regression: BreakpointData, released: bool):
@@ -40,7 +43,9 @@ def send_regression_to_platform(regression: BreakpointData, released: bool):
-        fingerprint=[fingerprint_regression(regression["transaction"])],
+        # This uses the full fingerprint to avoid creating a new group for existing
+        # issues but in theory this could be switched to the abbreviated fingerprint.
+        fingerprint=[fingerprint_regression(regression["transaction"], full=True)],
         subtitle=f"Increased from {displayed_old_baseline}ms to {displayed_new_baseline}ms (P95)",

+ 115 - 25

@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ from __future__ import annotations
 import heapq
 import logging
 from collections import defaultdict
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
 from typing import Any, DefaultDict, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
+from django.db.models import Q
 from django.utils import timezone as django_timezone
 from snuba_sdk import (
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ from sentry.api.endpoints.project_performance_issue_settings import InternalProj
 from sentry.constants import ObjectStatus
 from sentry.models.options.project_option import ProjectOption
 from sentry.models.project import Project
+from sentry.models.statistical_detectors import RegressionGroup, RegressionType
 from sentry.profiles.utils import get_from_profiling_service
 from sentry.seer.utils import BreakpointData
 from sentry.sentry_metrics import indexer
@@ -286,12 +288,16 @@ def detect_transaction_change_points(
         (projects_by_id[item[0]], item[1]) for item in transactions if item[0] in projects_by_id
-    breakpoint_count = 0
     regressions = EndpointRegressionDetector.detect_regressions(
         transaction_pairs, start, "p95(transaction.duration)", TIMESERIES_PER_BATCH
+    versioned_regressions = redirect_escalations(regressions, RegressionType.ENDPOINT)
+    regressions = save_versioned_regressions(versioned_regressions, RegressionType.ENDPOINT)
+    breakpoint_count = 0
     for regression in regressions:
         breakpoint_count += 1
         send_regression_to_platform(regression, True)
@@ -361,13 +367,17 @@ def detect_function_change_points(
         (projects_by_id[item[0]], item[1]) for item in functions_list if item[0] in projects_by_id
-    breakpoint_count = 0
-    emitted_count = 0
     regressions = FunctionRegressionDetector.detect_regressions(
         function_pairs, start, "p95()", TIMESERIES_PER_BATCH
+    versioned_regressions = redirect_escalations(regressions, RegressionType.FUNCTION)
+    regressions = save_versioned_regressions(versioned_regressions, RegressionType.FUNCTION)
+    breakpoint_count = 0
+    emitted_count = 0
     for regression_chunk in chunked(regressions, 100):
         breakpoint_count += len(regression_chunk)
         emitted_count += emit_function_regression_issue(projects_by_id, regression_chunk, start)
@@ -389,13 +399,13 @@ def detect_function_change_points(
 def emit_function_regression_issue(
     projects_by_id: Dict[int, Project],
-    breakpoints: List[BreakpointData],
+    regressions: List[BreakpointData],
     start: datetime,
 ) -> int:
     start = start - timedelta(hours=1)
     start = start.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
-    project_ids = [int(entry["project"]) for entry in breakpoints]
+    project_ids = [int(regression["project"]) for regression in regressions]
     projects = [projects_by_id[project_id] for project_id in project_ids]
     params: Dict[str, Any] = {
@@ -408,11 +418,11 @@ def emit_function_regression_issue(
     conditions = [
-                Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, int(entry["project"])),
-                Condition(Column("fingerprint"), Op.EQ, int(entry["transaction"])),
+                Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, int(regression["project"])),
+                Condition(Column("fingerprint"), Op.EQ, int(regression["transaction"])),
-        for entry in breakpoints
+        for regression in regressions
     result = functions.query(
@@ -420,7 +430,7 @@ def emit_function_regression_issue(
-        limit=len(breakpoints),
+        limit=len(regressions),
@@ -432,9 +442,9 @@ def emit_function_regression_issue(
     payloads = []
-    for entry in breakpoints:
-        project_id = int(entry["project"])
-        fingerprint = int(entry["transaction"])
+    for regression in regressions:
+        project_id = int(regression["project"])
+        fingerprint = int(regression["transaction"])
         example = examples.get((project_id, fingerprint))
         if example is None:
@@ -449,14 +459,14 @@ def emit_function_regression_issue(
                 "project_id": project_id,
                 "profile_id": example,
                 "fingerprint": fingerprint,
-                "absolute_percentage_change": entry["absolute_percentage_change"],
-                "aggregate_range_1": entry["aggregate_range_1"],
-                "aggregate_range_2": entry["aggregate_range_2"],
-                "breakpoint": int(entry["breakpoint"]),
-                "trend_difference": entry["trend_difference"],
-                "trend_percentage": entry["trend_percentage"],
-                "unweighted_p_value": entry["unweighted_p_value"],
-                "unweighted_t_value": entry["unweighted_t_value"],
+                "absolute_percentage_change": regression["absolute_percentage_change"],
+                "aggregate_range_1": regression["aggregate_range_1"],
+                "aggregate_range_2": regression["aggregate_range_2"],
+                "breakpoint": int(regression["breakpoint"]),
+                "trend_difference": regression["trend_difference"],
+                "trend_percentage": regression["trend_percentage"],
+                "unweighted_p_value": regression["unweighted_p_value"],
+                "unweighted_t_value": regression["unweighted_t_value"],
                 "released": True,
@@ -597,8 +607,7 @@ def query_transactions(
-            # take the first 16 chars of the fingerprint as that's sufficiently unique
-            fingerprint=fingerprint_regression(row["transaction_name"])[:16],
+            fingerprint=fingerprint_regression(row["transaction_name"]),
@@ -907,3 +916,84 @@ def limit_regressions_by_project(
     for regressions in regressions_by_project.values():
         for _, regression in regressions:
             yield regression
+def get_regression_groups(
+    regression_type: RegressionType, pairs: List[Tuple[int, str]]
+) -> List[RegressionGroup]:
+    conditions = Q()
+    for project_id, fingerprint in pairs:
+        conditions |= Q(project_id=project_id, fingerprint=fingerprint)
+    return (
+        RegressionGroup.objects.filter(conditions, type=regression_type.value)
+        .order_by("type", "project_id", "fingerprint", "-version")
+        .distinct("type", "project_id", "fingerprint")
+    )
+def redirect_escalations(
+    regressions: Generator[BreakpointData, None, None],
+    regression_type: RegressionType,
+    batch_size=100,
+) -> Generator[Tuple[int, BreakpointData], None, None]:
+    for regression_chunk in chunked(regressions, batch_size):
+        existing_regression_groups = {
+            (group.project_id, group.fingerprint): group
+            for group in get_regression_groups(
+                regression_type,
+                [
+                    (
+                        int(regression["project"]),
+                        fingerprint_regression(regression["transaction"]),
+                    )
+                    for regression in regression_chunk
+                ],
+            )
+        }
+        for regression in regression_chunk:
+            project_id = int(regression["project"])
+            fingerprint = fingerprint_regression(regression["transaction"])
+            group = existing_regression_groups.get((project_id, fingerprint))
+            if group is None:
+                yield 1, regression
+            elif not
+                yield group.version + 1, regression
+            else:
+                # TODO:
+                # If there is an active regression group, we should check
+                # - if the issue group is still unresolved
+                # - if the issue escalted
+                # then emit an status change message if necessary.
+                pass
+def save_versioned_regressions(
+    versioned_regressions: Generator[Tuple[int, BreakpointData], None, None],
+    regression_type: RegressionType,
+    batch_size=100,
+) -> Generator[BreakpointData, None, None]:
+    for regression_chunk in chunked(versioned_regressions, batch_size):
+        RegressionGroup.objects.bulk_create(
+            [
+                RegressionGroup(
+                    type=regression_type.value,
+                    date_regressed=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(regression["breakpoint"]).replace(
+                        tzinfo=timezone.utc
+                    ),
+                    version=version,
+                    active=True,
+                    project_id=int(regression["project"]),
+                    fingerprint=fingerprint_regression(regression["transaction"]),
+                    baseline=regression["aggregate_range_1"],
+                    regressed=regression["aggregate_range_2"],
+                )
+                for version, regression in regression_chunk
+            ]
+        )
+        for _, regression in regression_chunk:
+            yield regression

+ 109 - 2

@@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ from django.db.models import F
 from sentry.api.endpoints.project_performance_issue_settings import InternalProjectOptions
 from sentry.models.options.project_option import ProjectOption
 from sentry.models.project import Project
+from sentry.models.statistical_detectors import RegressionGroup, RegressionType
 from sentry.seer.utils import BreakpointData
 from sentry.sentry_metrics.use_case_id_registry import UseCaseID
 from import zerofill
 from sentry.snuba.metrics.naming_layer.mri import TransactionMRI
 from sentry.statistical_detectors.detector import DetectorPayload, TrendType
+from sentry.statistical_detectors.issue_platform_adapter import fingerprint_regression
 from sentry.tasks.statistical_detectors import (
@@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ from sentry.tasks.statistical_detectors import (
+    redirect_escalations,
 from sentry.testutils.cases import MetricsAPIBaseTestCase, ProfilesSnubaTestCase
@@ -424,6 +427,110 @@ def test_limit_regressions_by_project(ratelimit, timestamp, expected_idx):
     assert set(regressions) == set(expected_regressions)
+    ["regression_type"],
+    [
+        pytest.param(RegressionType.ENDPOINT, id="endpoint"),
+        pytest.param(RegressionType.FUNCTION, id="function"),
+    ],
+    ["existing", "expected_versions"],
+    [
+        pytest.param([], [1], id="no existing"),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                (1, False, "transaction_1"),
+                (2, False, "transaction_1"),
+            ],
+            [3],
+            id="existing inactive",
+        ),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                (1, False, "transaction_1"),
+                (2, True, "transaction_1"),
+            ],
+            [None],
+            id="existing active",
+        ),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                (1, False, "transaction_1"),
+                (2, False, "transaction_1"),
+                (1, False, "transaction_2"),
+                (2, False, "transaction_2"),
+                (3, False, "transaction_2"),
+                (4, True, "transaction_2"),
+            ],
+            [3, None],
+            id="mixed active and inactive",
+        ),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                (1, True, "transaction_1"),
+                (2, False, "transaction_1"),
+            ],
+            [3],
+            id="use latest version",
+        ),
+    ],
+def test_redirect_escalations(
+    regression_type,
+    existing,
+    expected_versions,
+    project,
+    timestamp,
+    if existing:
+        RegressionGroup.objects.bulk_create(
+            RegressionGroup(
+                type=regression_type.value,
+                date_regressed=timestamp,
+                version=version,
+                active=active,
+      ,
+                fingerprint=fingerprint_regression(transaction),
+                baseline=100000000.0,
+                regressed=500000000.0,
+            )
+            for version, active, transaction in existing
+        )
+    breakpoints: List[BreakpointData] = [
+        {
+            "absolute_percentage_change": 5.0,
+            "aggregate_range_1": 100000000.0,
+            "aggregate_range_2": 500000000.0,
+            "breakpoint": 1687323600,
+            "project": str(,
+            "transaction": "transaction_1",
+            "trend_difference": 400000000.0,
+            "trend_percentage": 5.0,
+            "unweighted_p_value": 0.0,
+            "unweighted_t_value": -float("inf"),
+        }
+    ]
+    def mock_regressions():
+        yield from breakpoints
+    regressions = list(
+        redirect_escalations(
+            mock_regressions(),
+            regression_type,
+        )
+    )
+    assert regressions == [
+        (expected_version, breakpoints[i])
+        for i, expected_version in enumerate(expected_versions)
+        if expected_version is not None
+    ]
@@ -676,7 +783,7 @@ class FunctionsTasksTest(ProfilesSnubaTestCase): = b'{"occurrences":5}'
         mock_get_from_profiling_service.return_value = mock_value
-        breakpoints: List[BreakpointData] = [
+        regressions: List[BreakpointData] = [
                 "project": str(,
                 "transaction": str(
@@ -694,7 +801,7 @@ class FunctionsTasksTest(ProfilesSnubaTestCase):
             for project in self.projects
         emitted = emit_function_regression_issue(
-            { project for project in self.projects}, breakpoints,
+            { project for project in self.projects}, regressions,
         assert emitted == 5