@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ set -e
bold="$(tput bold)"
red="$(tput setaf 1)"
green="$(tput setaf 2)"
+yellow="$(tput setaf 3)"
reset="$(tput sgr0)"
# XXX: we can't trap bash EXIT, because it'll override direnv's finalizing routines.
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ reset="$(tput sgr0)"
# so need to use set -e, and return 1.
trap notice ERR
-notice () {
+notice() {
[ $? -eq 0 ] && return
cat <<EOF
${red}${bold}direnv wasn't able to complete execution.
@@ -29,44 +30,53 @@ and/or reach out to @josh.
-require () {
- command -v "$1" 2>&1 > /dev/null
+require() {
+ command -v "$1" 2>&1 >/dev/null
-info () {
+warn() {
+ cat <<EOF
+${yellow}${bold}direnv: ${@}${reset}
+info() {
cat <<EOF
${bold}direnv: ${@}${reset}
-die () {
- >&2 cat <<EOF
+die() {
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
${red}${bold}direnv FATAL: ${@}
return 1
-advice_init_venv () {
+advice_init_venv() {
+ python_version="$1"
+ venv_name="$2"
deactivate 2>/dev/null || true
- info "To create a virtualenv, please type: python2.7 -m virtualenv .venv"
- require python2.7 || \
- die "You'll need to install python2.7, or make it available on your PATH.
+ info "To create a virtualenv, please type: ${python_version} -m virtualenv ${venv_name}"
+ require ${python_version} ||
+ die "You'll need to install ${python_version}, or make it available on your PATH.
It's recommended to use pyenv - please refer to https://docs.sentry.io/development/contribute/environment"
return 1
-advice_install_sentry () {
+advice_install_sentry() {
info "To install sentry, please type: make install-py-dev"
return 1
-advice_install_pre_commit () {
+advice_install_pre_commit() {
info "To install pre-commit, please type: make setup-git"
return 1
-advice_install_yarn_pkgs () {
+advice_install_yarn_pkgs() {
info "To install yarn packages, please type: make install-js-dev"
return 1
@@ -85,68 +95,79 @@ export PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK=on
# increase node's memory limit, required for our webpacking
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096
### System ###
for pkg in \
- make \
- docker \
- chromedriver \
- pkg-config \
- openssl ;
- do
+ make \
+ docker \
+ chromedriver \
+ pkg-config \
+ openssl; do
if ! require "$pkg"; then
die "You seem to be missing the system dependency: ${pkg}
Please install homebrew, and run brew bundle."
### Git ###
info "Configuring git..."
make setup-git-config
### Python ###
+# we're enforcing that virtualenv be in .venv{,3}, since future tooling e.g.
+# venv-update will rely on this.
+if [ "$SENTRY_PYTHON3" = "1" ]; then
+ venv_name=".venv3"
+ python_version="python3.6"
+ warn "Running in EXPERIMENTAL Python 3 mode... Good luck"
info "Activating virtualenv..."
-# we're enforcing that virtualenv be in .venv, since future tooling e.g. venv-update will rely on this.
-if [ ! -f ".venv/bin/activate" ]; then
+if [ ! -f "${venv_name}/bin/activate" ]; then
info "You don't seem to have a virtualenv."
- advice_init_venv
+ advice_init_venv "$python_version" "$venv_name"
# The user might be cd'ing into sentry with another non-direnv managed
# (in that it would be automatically deactivated) virtualenv active.
deactivate 2>/dev/null || true
-source .venv/bin/activate
+source ${venv_name}/bin/activate
# XXX: ideally, direnv is able to export PS1 as modified by sourcing venvs
# but we'd have to patch direnv, and ".venv" isn't descriptive anyways
unset PS1
# We're explicitly disallowing symlinked venvs (python would resolve to the canonical location)
-if [ "$(command -v python)" != "${PWD}/.venv/bin/python" ]; then
+if [ "$(command -v python)" != "${PWD}/${venv_name}/bin/python" ]; then
info "Failed to activate virtualenv. Your virtualenv's probably symlinked." \
- "We want everyone to be on the same page here, so you'll have to recreate your virtualenv."
- advice_init_venv
+ "We want everyone to be on the same page here, so you'll have to recreate your virtualenv."
+ advice_init_venv "$python_version" "$venv_name"
-python -c "import sys; sys.exit(sys.version_info[:2] != (2, 7))" || \
- die "For some reason, the virtualenv isn't Python 2.7."
+if [ "$SENTRY_PYTHON3" = "1" ]; then
+ python -c "import sys; sys.exit(sys.version_info[:2] != (3, 6))" ||
+ die "For some reason, the virtualenv isn't Python 3.6."
+ python -c "import sys; sys.exit(sys.version_info[:2] != (2, 7))" ||
+ die "For some reason, the virtualenv isn't Python 2.7."
-if [ "$(command -v sentry)" != "${PWD}/.venv/bin/sentry" ]; then
- info "Your .venv is activated, but sentry doesn't seem to be installed."
+if [ "$(command -v sentry)" != "${PWD}/${venv_name}/bin/sentry" ]; then
+ info "Your virtual env is activated, but sentry doesn't seem to be installed."
# XXX: if direnv fails, the venv won't be activated outside of direnv execution...
# So, it is critical that make install-py-dev is guarded by scripts/ensure-venv.
### pre-commit ###
info "Checking pre-commit..."
@@ -156,7 +177,6 @@ if ! require pre-commit; then
### Node ###
info "Checking node..."
@@ -174,7 +194,6 @@ fi
PATH_add node_modules/.bin
### Overrides ###
if [ -f '.env' ]; then