@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-import 'bootstrap/js/alert';
-import 'bootstrap/js/tab';
-import 'bootstrap/js/dropdown';
-import 'focus-visible';
-import React from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import * as Router from 'react-router';
-import {ExtraErrorData} from '@sentry/integrations';
-import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';
-import SentryRRWeb from '@sentry/rrweb';
-import {Integrations} from '@sentry/tracing';
-import createReactClass from 'create-react-class';
-import jQuery from 'jquery';
-import moment from 'moment';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import Reflux from 'reflux';
-import {DISABLE_RR_WEB, NODE_ENV, SPA_DSN} from 'app/constants';
-import Main from 'app/main';
-import plugins from 'app/plugins';
-import routes from 'app/routes';
-import ConfigStore from 'app/stores/configStore';
-import {metric} from 'app/utils/analytics';
-import {init as initApiSentryClient} from 'app/utils/apiSentryClient';
-import {setupColorScheme} from 'app/utils/matchMedia';
-import PipelineView from 'app/views/integrationPipeline/pipelineView';
-if (NODE_ENV === 'development') {
- import(
- /* webpackChunkName: "SilenceReactUnsafeWarnings" */ /* webpackMode: "eager" */ 'app/utils/silence-react-unsafe-warnings'
- );
-// App setup
-if (window.__initialData) {
- ConfigStore.loadInitialData(window.__initialData);
- if (window.__initialData.dsn_requests) {
- initApiSentryClient(window.__initialData.dsn_requests);
- }
-// SDK INIT --------------------------------------------------------
-const config = ConfigStore.getConfig();
-const tracesSampleRate = config ? config.apmSampling : 0;
-function getSentryIntegrations(hasReplays: boolean = false) {
- const integrations = [
- new ExtraErrorData({
- // 6 is arbitrary, seems like a nice number
- depth: 6,
- }),
- new Integrations.BrowserTracing({
- routingInstrumentation: Sentry.reactRouterV3Instrumentation(
- Router.browserHistory as any,
- Router.createRoutes(routes()),
- Router.match
- ),
- idleTimeout: 5000,
- }),
- ];
- if (hasReplays) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- console.log('[sentry] Instrumenting session with rrweb');
- // TODO(ts): The type returned by SentryRRWeb seems to be somewhat
- // incompatible. It's a newer plugin, so this can be expected, but we
- // should fix.
- integrations.push(
- new SentryRRWeb({
- checkoutEveryNms: 60 * 1000, // 60 seconds
- }) as any
- );
- }
- return integrations;
-const hasReplays =
- window.__SENTRY__USER && window.__SENTRY__USER.isStaff && !DISABLE_RR_WEB;
- ...window.__SENTRY__OPTIONS,
- /**
- * For SPA mode, we need a way to overwrite the default DSN from backend
- * as well as `whitelistUrls`
- */
- dsn: SPA_DSN || window.__SENTRY__OPTIONS.dsn,
- whitelistUrls: SPA_DSN
- ? ['localhost', 'dev.getsentry.net', 'sentry.dev', 'webpack-internal://']
- : window.__SENTRY__OPTIONS.whitelistUrls,
- integrations: getSentryIntegrations(hasReplays),
- tracesSampleRate,
-if (window.__SENTRY__USER) {
- Sentry.setUser(window.__SENTRY__USER);
-if (window.__SENTRY__VERSION) {
- Sentry.setTag('sentry_version', window.__SENTRY__VERSION);
-Sentry.setTag('rrweb.active', hasReplays ? 'yes' : 'no');
-// Used for operational metrics to determine that the application js
-// bundle was loaded by browser.
-metric.mark({name: 'sentry-app-init'});
-const ROOT_ELEMENT = 'blk_router';
-const render = (Component: React.ComponentType) => {
- const rootEl = document.getElementById(ROOT_ELEMENT);
- try {
- ReactDOM.render(<Component />, rootEl);
- } catch (err) {
- if (err.message === 'URI malformed') {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- console.error(
- new Error(
- 'An unencoded "%" has appeared, it is super effective! (See https://github.com/ReactTraining/history/issues/505)'
- )
- );
- window.location.assign(window.location.pathname);
- }
- }
-const RenderPipelineView = (pipelineName: string, props: Object) => {
- const rootEl = document.getElementById(ROOT_ELEMENT);
- ReactDOM.render(<PipelineView pipelineName={pipelineName} {...props} />, rootEl);
-// setup darkmode + favicon
-// The password strength component is very heavyweight as it includes the
-// zxcvbn, a relatively byte-heavy password strength estimation library. Load
-// it on demand.
-async function loadPasswordStrength(callback: Function) {
- try {
- const module = await import(
- /* webpackChunkName: "passwordStrength" */ 'app/components/passwordStrength'
- );
- callback(module);
- } catch (err) {
- // Ignore if client can't load this, it enhances UX a bit, but is optional
- }
-const globals = {
- // This is the primary entrypoint for rendering the sentry app.
- SentryRenderApp: () => render(Main),
- // This is used to render pipeline views (such as the integration popup)
- RenderPipelineView,
- // The following globals are used in sentry-plugins webpack externals
- // configuration.
- PropTypes,
- React,
- Reflux,
- Router,
- Sentry,
- moment,
- ReactDOM: {
- findDOMNode: ReactDOM.findDOMNode,
- render: ReactDOM.render,
- },
- // jQuery is still exported to the window as some bootsrap functionality
- // and legacy plugins like youtrack make use of it.
- $: jQuery,
- jQuery,
- // django templates make use of these globals
- createReactClass,
- SentryApp: {},
-// The SentryApp global contains exported app modules for use in javascript
-// modules that are not compiled with the sentry bundle.
-globals.SentryApp = {
- // The following components are used in sentry-plugins.
- Form: require('app/components/forms/form').default,
- FormState: require('app/components/forms/index').FormState,
- LoadingIndicator: require('app/components/loadingIndicator').default,
- plugins: {
- add: plugins.add,
- addContext: plugins.addContext,
- BasePlugin: plugins.BasePlugin,
- DefaultIssuePlugin: plugins.DefaultIssuePlugin,
- },
- // The following components are used in legacy django HTML views
- passwordStrength: {load: loadPasswordStrength},
- U2fSign: require('app/components/u2f/u2fsign').default,
- ConfigStore: require('app/stores/configStore').default,
- SystemAlerts: require('app/views/app/systemAlerts').default,
- Indicators: require('app/components/indicators').default,
- SetupWizard: require('app/components/setupWizard').default,
- HookStore: require('app/stores/hookStore').default,
- Modal: require('app/actionCreators/modal'),
-// Make globals available on the window object
-Object.keys(globals).forEach(name => (window[name] = globals[name]));
-export default globals;