@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from sentry.testutils.pytest.fixtures import django_db_all
from sentry.testutils.relay import RelayStoreHelper
from sentry.testutils.skips import requires_kafka, requires_symbolicator
from sentry.utils import json
+from sentry.utils.safe import get_path
@@ -396,8 +397,14 @@ class TestJavascriptIntegration(RelayStoreHelper):
assert raw_frame.lineno == 1
# Since we couldn't expand source for the 2nd frame, both
- # its raw and original form should be identical
- assert raw_frame_list[1] == frame_list[1]
+ # its raw and original form should be identical, apart from `data.symbolicated`
+ assert not get_path(frame_list[1], "data", "symbolicated", default=False)
+ assert raw_frame_list[1].abs_path == frame_list[1].abs_path
+ assert raw_frame_list[1].filename == frame_list[1].filename
+ assert raw_frame_list[1].function == frame_list[1].function
+ assert raw_frame_list[1].in_app == frame_list[1].in_app
+ assert raw_frame_list[1].lineno == frame_list[1].lineno
+ assert raw_frame_list[1].colno == frame_list[1].colno
# The second non-js frame should be untouched
assert raw_frame_list[2] == frame_list[2]
@@ -1621,7 +1628,7 @@ class TestJavascriptIntegration(RelayStoreHelper):
frame = frame_list[2]
assert "resolved_with" not in frame.data
- assert "symbolicated" not in frame.data
+ assert not frame.data.get("symbolicated", False)
assert frame.pre_context == ["function add(a, b) {", '\t"use strict";']
assert frame.context_line == "\treturn a + b; // fôo"
assert frame.post_context == ["}"]