@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+import {createContext, Fragment, Ref, useEffect, useRef} from 'react';
+import {Client} from 'app/api';
+import {Organization} from 'app/types';
+import trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent from 'app/utils/analytics/trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent';
+import useApi from 'app/utils/useApi';
+import useOrganization from 'app/utils/useOrganization';
+import {createDefinedContext} from './utils';
+type QueryObject = {
+ query: {
+ [k: string]: any;
+ };
+}; // TODO(k-fish): Fix to ensure exact types for all requests. Simplified type for now, need to pull this in from events file.
+type BatchQueryDefinition = {
+ // Intermediate promise functions
+ resolve: (value: any) => void;
+ reject: (reason?: string) => void;
+ batchProperty: string;
+ requestQueryObject: QueryObject;
+ path: string;
+ api: Client;
+type QueryBatch = {
+ addQuery: (q: BatchQueryDefinition, id: symbol) => void;
+const [GenericQueryBatcherProvider, _useGenericQueryBatcher] =
+ createDefinedContext<QueryBatch>({
+ name: 'GenericQueryBatcherContext',
+ });
+function mergeKey(query: BatchQueryDefinition) {
+ return `${query.batchProperty}.${query.path}`;
+type MergeMap = Record<string, BatchQueryDefinition[]>;
+// Builds a map that will contain an array of query definitions by mergeable key (using batch property and path)
+function queriesToMap(collectedQueries: Record<symbol, BatchQueryDefinition>) {
+ const keys = Reflect.ownKeys(collectedQueries);
+ if (!keys.length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const mergeMap: MergeMap = {};
+ keys.forEach(async key => {
+ const query = collectedQueries[key];
+ mergeMap[mergeKey(query)] = mergeMap[mergeKey(query)] || [];
+ mergeMap[mergeKey(query)].push(query);
+ delete collectedQueries[key];
+ });
+ return mergeMap;
+function requestFunction(api: Client, path: string, queryObject: QueryObject) {
+ return api.requestPromise(path, queryObject);
+function _handleUnmergeableQuery(queryDefinition: BatchQueryDefinition) {
+ const result = requestFunction(
+ queryDefinition.api,
+ queryDefinition.path,
+ queryDefinition.requestQueryObject
+ );
+ queryDefinition.resolve(result);
+function _handleUnmergeableQueries(mergeMap: MergeMap) {
+ let queriesSent = 0;
+ Object.keys(mergeMap).forEach(async k => {
+ // Using async forEach to ensure calls start in parallel.
+ const mergeList = mergeMap[k];
+ if (mergeList.length === 1) {
+ const [queryDefinition] = mergeList;
+ queriesSent++;
+ _handleUnmergeableQuery(queryDefinition);
+ }
+ });
+ return queriesSent;
+function _handleMergeableQueries(mergeMap: MergeMap) {
+ let queriesSent = 0;
+ Object.keys(mergeMap).forEach(async k => {
+ const mergeList = mergeMap[k];
+ if (mergeList.length <= 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const [exampleDefinition] = mergeList;
+ const batchProperty = exampleDefinition.batchProperty;
+ const query = {...exampleDefinition.requestQueryObject.query};
+ const requestQueryObject = {...exampleDefinition.requestQueryObject, query};
+ const batchValues: string[] = [];
+ mergeList.forEach(q => {
+ const batchFieldValue = q.requestQueryObject.query[batchProperty];
+ if (Array.isArray(batchFieldValue)) {
+ if (batchFieldValue.length > 1) {
+ // Omit multiple requests with multi fields (eg. yAxis) for now and run them as single queries
+ queriesSent++;
+ _handleUnmergeableQuery(q);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Unwrap array value if it is a single value
+ batchValues.push(batchFieldValue[0]);
+ } else {
+ batchValues.push(batchFieldValue);
+ }
+ });
+ requestQueryObject.query[batchProperty] = batchValues;
+ queriesSent++;
+ const requestPromise = requestFunction(
+ exampleDefinition.api,
+ exampleDefinition.path,
+ requestQueryObject
+ );
+ try {
+ const result = await requestPromise;
+ // Unmerge back into individual results
+ mergeList.forEach(queryDefinition => {
+ const propertyName = Array.isArray(
+ queryDefinition.requestQueryObject.query[queryDefinition.batchProperty]
+ )
+ ? queryDefinition.requestQueryObject.query[queryDefinition.batchProperty][0]
+ : queryDefinition.requestQueryObject.query[queryDefinition.batchProperty];
+ const singleResult = result[propertyName];
+ queryDefinition.resolve(singleResult);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ // On error fail all requests relying on this merged query (for now)
+ mergeList.forEach(q => q.reject(e));
+ }
+ });
+ return queriesSent;
+function handleBatching(
+ organization: Organization,
+ queries: Record<symbol, BatchQueryDefinition>
+) {
+ const mergeMap = queriesToMap(queries);
+ if (!mergeMap) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let queriesSent = 0;
+ queriesSent += _handleUnmergeableQueries(mergeMap);
+ queriesSent += _handleMergeableQueries(mergeMap);
+ const queriesCollected = Object.values(mergeMap).reduce(
+ (acc, mergeList) => acc + mergeList.length,
+ 0
+ );
+ const queriesSaved = queriesCollected - queriesSent;
+ trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('performance_views.landingv3.batch_queries', {
+ organization,
+ num_collected: queriesCollected,
+ num_saved: queriesSaved,
+ num_sent: queriesSent,
+ });
+export const GenericQueryBatcher = ({children}: {children: React.ReactNode}) => {
+ const queries = useRef<Record<symbol, BatchQueryDefinition>>({});
+ const timeoutId = useRef<NodeJS.Timeout | undefined>();
+ const organization = useOrganization();
+ const addQuery = (q: BatchQueryDefinition, id: symbol) => {
+ queries.current[id] = q;
+ if (timeoutId.current) {
+ clearTimeout(timeoutId.current);
+ timeoutId.current = undefined;
+ }
+ // Put batch function in the next macro task to aggregate all requests in this frame.
+ const tID = setTimeout(() => {
+ handleBatching(organization, queries.current);
+ timeoutId.current = undefined;
+ }, 0);
+ timeoutId.current = tID;
+ };
+ // Cleanup timeout after component unmounts.
+ useEffect(() => () => timeoutId.current && clearTimeout(timeoutId.current), []);
+ return (
+ <GenericQueryBatcherProvider
+ value={{
+ addQuery,
+ }}
+ >
+ {children}
+ </GenericQueryBatcherProvider>
+ );
+type NodeContext = {
+ id: Ref<Symbol>;
+ batchProperty: string;
+const BatchNodeContext = createContext<NodeContext | undefined>(undefined);
+export type QueryBatching = {
+ batchRequest: (_: Client, path: string, query: QueryObject) => Promise<any>;
+// Wraps api request components to collect at most one request per frame / render pass using symbol as a unique id.
+// Transforms these requests into an intermediate promise and adds a query definition that the batch function will use.
+export function QueryBatchNode(props: {
+ batchProperty: string;
+ children(_: any): React.ReactNode;
+}) {
+ const {batchProperty, children} = props;
+ const id = useRef(Symbol());
+ let batchContext: QueryBatch;
+ try {
+ batchContext = _useGenericQueryBatcher();
+ } catch (_) {
+ return <Fragment>{children({})}</Fragment>;
+ }
+ const api = useApi();
+ function batchRequest(
+ _: Client,
+ path: string,
+ requestQueryObject: QueryObject
+ ): Promise<any> {
+ const queryPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const queryDefinition: BatchQueryDefinition = {
+ resolve,
+ reject,
+ batchProperty,
+ path,
+ requestQueryObject,
+ api,
+ };
+ batchContext?.addQuery(queryDefinition, id.current);
+ });
+ return queryPromise;
+ }
+ const queryBatching: QueryBatching = {
+ batchRequest,
+ };
+ return (
+ <BatchNodeContext.Provider
+ value={{
+ id,
+ batchProperty,
+ }}
+ >
+ {children({queryBatching})}
+ </BatchNodeContext.Provider>
+ );