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ref: Remove sliding_windows ratelimiter, use copy from sentry_redis_tools (#48333)

Markus Unterwaditzer 1 год назад
2 измененных файлов с 15 добавлено и 356 удалено
  1. 15 306
  2. 0 50

+ 15 - 306

@@ -1,174 +1,17 @@
-The ratelimiter used by the metrics string indexer to rate-limit DB writes.
+from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
-As opposed to the API rate limiter, a limit in the "sliding window" rate
-limiter such as "10 requests / minute" does not reset to 0 every minute.
-Instead each window can be configured with a "granularity" setting such that
-the window gradually resets in steps of `granularity` seconds.
-Additionally this rate-limiter is not coupled to per-project/organization
-scopes, and can apply multiple sliding windows at once. On the flipside it is
-not strongly consistent and depending on usage it is very easy to over-spend
-quota, as checking quota and spending quota are two separate steps.
-We want to enforce the number of requests per organization via two limits:
-* 100 per 30-second
-* 10 per 3-seconds
-On every request, our API endpoint calls:
-    check_and_use_quotas(RequestedQuota(
-        prefix=f"org-id:{org_id}"
-        quotas=[
-            Quota(
-                window_seconds=30,
-                limit=100,
-                # can be arbitrary depending on how "sliding" the sliding
-                # window should be. This one configures per-10-second granularity
-                # to make the example simpler
-                granularity=10,
-            ),
-            Quota(
-                window_seconds=3,
-                limit=10,
-                granularity=1,
-            )
-        ]
-    ))
-For a request happening at time `900` for `org_id=123`, the redis backend
-checks the following keys::
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:3:900
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:3:899
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:3:898
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:30:90
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:30:89
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:30:88
-...none of which exist, so the values are assumed 0 and the request goes
-through. It then sets the following keys:
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:30:90 += 1
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:3:900 += 1
-Another request for the same org happens at time `902`.
-* The keys starting with `:123:30:` sum up to 1, so the 30-second limit of 100 is not exceeded.
-* The keys starting with `:123:3:` sum up to 1, so the 3-second limit of 10 is not exceeded.
-This request is granted the minimum allowed from the two requested, in this case that is 9 (3-second limit of 10 - 1 used)
-Because no quota is exceeded, the request is granted. If one quota summed up to
-100 or 10, respectively, the request would be rejected.
-When using the quotas, the keys change as follows:
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:3:900 = 1
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:3:902 = 1
-    sliding-window-rate-limit:123:30:90 = 2
-from collections import defaultdict
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from time import time
-from typing import Any, Iterator, MutableMapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
+from sentry_redis_tools.clients import RedisCluster, StrictRedis
+from sentry_redis_tools.sliding_windows_rate_limiter import GrantedQuota, Quota
+from sentry_redis_tools.sliding_windows_rate_limiter import (
+    RedisSlidingWindowRateLimiter as RedisSlidingWindowRateLimiterImpl,
+from sentry_redis_tools.sliding_windows_rate_limiter import RequestedQuota, Timestamp
 from sentry.exceptions import InvalidConfiguration
 from sentry.utils import redis
 from sentry.utils.services import Service
-class Quota:
-    # The number of seconds to apply the limit to.
-    window_seconds: int
-    # A number between 1 and `window_seconds`. Since `window_seconds` is a
-    # sliding window, configure what the granularity of that window is.
-    #
-    # If this is equal to `window_seconds`, the quota resets to 0 every
-    # `window_seconds`.  If this is a very small number, the window slides
-    # "more smoothly" at the expense of having much more redis keys.
-    #
-    # The number of redis keys required to enforce a quota is `window_seconds /
-    # granularity_seconds`.
-    granularity_seconds: int
-    #: How many units are allowed within the given window.
-    limit: int
-    # Override the prefix given by RequestedQuota such that one can implement
-    # global limits + per-organization limits. The GrantedQuota will still only
-    # contain the prefix of the RequestedQuota
-    prefix_override: Optional[str] = None
-    def __post__init__(self) -> None:
-        assert self.window_seconds % self.granularity_seconds == 0
-    def iter_window(self, request_timestamp: int) -> Iterator[int]:
-        """
-        Iterate over the quota's window, yielding values representing each
-        (absolute) granule.
-        This function is used to calculate keys for storing the number of
-        requests made in each granule.
-        The iteration is done in reverse-order (newest timestamp to oldest),
-        starting with the key to which a currently-processed request should be
-        added. That request's timestamp is `request_timestamp`.
-        * `request_timestamp / self.granularity_seconds - 1`
-        * `request_timestamp / self.granularity_seconds - 2`
-        * `request_timestamp / self.granularity_seconds - 3`
-        * ...
-        """
-        value = request_timestamp // self.granularity_seconds
-        for granule_i in range(self.window_seconds // self.granularity_seconds):
-            value -= 1
-            assert value >= 0, value
-            yield value
-class RequestedQuota:
-    # A string that all redis state is prefixed with. For example
-    # `sentry-string-indexer:123` where 123 is an organization id.
-    #
-    # Note: You cannot control the redis sharding this way, so curly braces are
-    # forbidden.
-    prefix: str
-    # How much of each quota's limit is requested
-    requested: int
-    # Which quotas to check against. The requested amount must "fit" into all
-    # quotas.
-    quotas: Sequence[Quota]
-class GrantedQuota:
-    # The prefix from RequestedQuota
-    prefix: str
-    # How much of RequestedQuota.requested can actually be used.
-    granted: int
-    # If RequestedQuota.requested > GrantedQuota.granted, this contains the
-    # quotas that were reached.
-    reached_quotas: Sequence[Quota]
-Timestamp = int
+__all__ = ["Quota", "GrantedQuota", "RequestedQuota", "Timestamp"]
 class SlidingWindowRateLimiter(Service):
@@ -276,132 +119,23 @@ class SlidingWindowRateLimiter(Service):
 class RedisSlidingWindowRateLimiter(SlidingWindowRateLimiter):
     def __init__(self, **options: Any) -> None:
         cluster_key = options.get("cluster", "default")
-        self.client = redis.redis_clusters.get(cluster_key)
+        client = redis.redis_clusters.get(cluster_key)
+        assert isinstance(client, (StrictRedis, RedisCluster)), client
+        self.client = client
+        self.impl = RedisSlidingWindowRateLimiterImpl(self.client)
     def validate(self) -> None:
-            self.client.connection_pool.disconnect()
+            self.client.connection_pool.disconnect()  # type: ignore
         except Exception as e:
             raise InvalidConfiguration(str(e))
-    def _build_redis_key_raw(self, prefix: str, window: int, granularity: int, granule: int) -> str:
-        if "{" in prefix or "}" in prefix:
-            # The rate limiter currently does not allow you to control the
-            # Redis sharding key through the prefix`. This is currently an
-            # arbitrary limitation, but the reason for this is that one day we
-            # may want to rewrite the internals to run inside of a Lua script
-            # to allow for (partially) atomic check-and-use of rate limits (or
-            # do that for performance reasons), in which case the rate limiter
-            # would have to take control of sharding itself.
-            raise ValueError("Explicit sharding not allowed in RequestedQuota.prefix")
-        return f"sliding-window-rate-limit:{prefix}:{window}:{granularity}:{granule}"
-    def _build_redis_key(self, request: RequestedQuota, quota: Quota, granule: int) -> str:
-        return self._build_redis_key_raw(
-            prefix=quota.prefix_override or request.prefix,
-            window=quota.window_seconds,
-            granularity=quota.granularity_seconds,
-            granule=granule,
-        )
     def check_within_quotas(
         self, requests: Sequence[RequestedQuota], timestamp: Optional[Timestamp] = None
     ) -> Tuple[Timestamp, Sequence[GrantedQuota]]:
-        if timestamp is None:
-            timestamp = int(time())
-        else:
-            timestamp = int(timestamp)
-        keys_to_fetch = set()
-        for request in requests:
-            # We could potentially run this check inside of __post__init__ of
-            # RequestedQuota, but the list is actually mutable after
-            # construction.
-            assert request.quotas
-            for quota in request.quotas:
-                for granule in quota.iter_window(timestamp):
-                    keys_to_fetch.add(
-                        self._build_redis_key(request=request, quota=quota, granule=granule)
-                    )
-        # Stabilize the iteration order of `keys_to_fetch` by converting it
-        # into a list, because the next line will iterate over keys_to_fetch
-        # twice.
-        #
-        # While CPython 3.8 does not change the iteration order of a set as
-        # long as it is not being modified
-        # (https://stackoverflow.com/a/3812600/1544347), there are no formal
-        # guarantees about it.
-        ordered_keys_to_fetch = list(keys_to_fetch)
-        with self.client.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipeline:
-            for key in ordered_keys_to_fetch:
-                pipeline.get(key)
-            results = iter(pipeline.execute())
-            redis_results = dict(zip(ordered_keys_to_fetch, results))
-        results = []
-        # for "global quotas" (=quotas using prefix_override, which may be
-        # present in multiple requests), we keep a cache of how much quota we
-        # have used within this function call
-        #
-        # the mapping is id(Quota) -> <already granted quota>
-        #
-        # this prevents us from seriously overcommitting on the global quota,
-        # just because each request happens to fit into it
-        quota_used_cache: MutableMapping[int, int] = defaultdict(int)
-        for request in requests:
-            # We start out with assuming the entire request can be granted in
-            # its entirety.
-            granted_quota = request.requested
-            reached_quotas = []
-            # A request succeeds (partially) if it fits (partially) into all
-            # quotas. For each quota, we calculate how much quota has been used
-            # up, and trim the granted_quota by the remaining quota.
-            #
-            # We need to explicitly handle the possibility that quotas have
-            # been overused, in those cases we want to truncate resulting
-            # negative "grants" to zero.
-            for quota in request.quotas:
-                used_quota = (
-                    sum(
-                        int(
-                            redis_results.get(
-                                self._build_redis_key(request=request, quota=quota, granule=granule)
-                            )
-                            or 0
-                        )
-                        for granule in quota.iter_window(timestamp)
-                    )
-                    + quota_used_cache[id(quota)]
-                )
-                remaining_quota = max(0, quota.limit - used_quota)
-                if remaining_quota < granted_quota:
-                    granted_quota = remaining_quota
-                    reached_quotas.append(quota)
-            for quota in request.quotas:
-                if quota.prefix_override:
-                    quota_used_cache[id(quota)] += granted_quota
-            results.append(
-                GrantedQuota(
-                    prefix=request.prefix, granted=granted_quota, reached_quotas=reached_quotas
-                )
-            )
-        return timestamp, results
+        return self.impl.check_within_quotas(requests, timestamp)
     def use_quotas(
@@ -409,29 +143,4 @@ class RedisSlidingWindowRateLimiter(SlidingWindowRateLimiter):
         grants: Sequence[GrantedQuota],
         timestamp: Timestamp,
     ) -> None:
-        assert len(requests) == len(grants)
-        keys_to_incr: MutableMapping[str, int] = {}
-        keys_ttl: MutableMapping[str, int] = {}
-        for request, grant in zip(requests, grants):
-            assert request.prefix == grant.prefix
-            for quota in request.quotas:
-                # Only incr most recent granule
-                granule = next(quota.iter_window(timestamp))
-                key = self._build_redis_key(request=request, quota=quota, granule=granule)
-                keys_to_incr.setdefault(key, 0)
-                keys_to_incr[key] += grant.granted
-                keys_ttl[key] = quota.window_seconds
-        with self.client.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipeline:
-            for key, value in keys_to_incr.items():
-                pipeline.incrby(key, value)
-                # Expire the key in `window_seconds`. Since the key has been
-                # recently incremented we know it represents a current
-                # timestamp. We could use expireat here, but in tests we use
-                # timestamps starting from 0 for convenience.
-                pipeline.expire(key, keys_ttl[key])
-            pipeline.execute()
+        return self.impl.use_quotas(requests, grants, timestamp)

+ 0 - 50

@@ -71,53 +71,3 @@ def test_basic(limiter):
         assert resp == [GrantedQuota(prefix="foo", granted=0, reached_quotas=quotas)]
-def test_multiple_windows(limiter):
-    quotas = [
-        Quota(window_seconds=10, granularity_seconds=1, limit=10),
-        Quota(window_seconds=5, granularity_seconds=1, limit=5),
-    ]
-    resp = limiter.check_and_use_quotas(
-        [RequestedQuota(prefix="foo", requested=6, quotas=quotas)], timestamp=TIMESTAMP_OFFSET
-    )
-    assert resp == [GrantedQuota(prefix="foo", granted=5, reached_quotas=quotas[1:])]
-    resp = limiter.check_and_use_quotas(
-        [RequestedQuota(prefix="foo", requested=6, quotas=quotas)], timestamp=TIMESTAMP_OFFSET
-    )
-    assert resp == [GrantedQuota(prefix="foo", granted=0, reached_quotas=quotas)]
-    resp = limiter.check_and_use_quotas(
-        [RequestedQuota(prefix="foo", requested=6, quotas=quotas)], timestamp=TIMESTAMP_OFFSET + 2
-    )
-    assert resp == [GrantedQuota(prefix="foo", granted=0, reached_quotas=quotas)]
-    resp = limiter.check_and_use_quotas(
-        [RequestedQuota(prefix="foo", requested=6, quotas=quotas)], timestamp=TIMESTAMP_OFFSET + 6
-    )
-    assert resp == [GrantedQuota(prefix="foo", granted=5, reached_quotas=quotas[:1])]
-def test_conflicting_quotas(limiter):
-    quotas = [
-        Quota(window_seconds=10, granularity_seconds=1, limit=10, prefix_override="hello"),
-    ]
-    resp = limiter.check_and_use_quotas(
-        [
-            RequestedQuota(prefix="foo", requested=6, quotas=quotas),
-            RequestedQuota(prefix="bar", requested=6, quotas=quotas),
-        ],
-        timestamp=TIMESTAMP_OFFSET,
-    )
-    assert resp == [
-        GrantedQuota(prefix="foo", granted=6, reached_quotas=[]),
-        GrantedQuota(prefix="bar", granted=4, reached_quotas=quotas),
-    ]