@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
-import {useCallback, useEffect, useState} from 'react';
+import {useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react';
+import {ItemType, SearchGroup} from 'sentry/components/smartSearchBar/types';
+import {escapeTagValue} from 'sentry/components/smartSearchBar/utils';
+import {IconStar, IconUser} from 'sentry/icons';
+import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
import MemberListStore from 'sentry/stores/memberListStore';
import TagStore from 'sentry/stores/tagStore';
import TeamStore from 'sentry/stores/teamStore';
-import {Organization, TagCollection, Team, User} from 'sentry/types';
+import {useLegacyStore} from 'sentry/stores/useLegacyStore';
+import type {Organization, TagCollection, User} from 'sentry/types';
import getDisplayName from 'sentry/utils/getDisplayName';
export interface WithIssueTagsProps {
@@ -25,11 +30,15 @@ const getUsername = ({isManaged, username, email}: User) => {
return !isManaged && username ? username : email;
-type WrappedComponentState = {
- tags: TagCollection;
- teams: Team[];
- users: User[];
+function convertToSearchItem(value: string) {
+ const escapedValue = escapeTagValue(value);
+ return {
+ value: escapedValue,
+ desc: value,
+ type: ItemType.TAG_VALUE,
+ };
* HOC for getting tags and many useful issue attributes as 'tags' for use
* in autocomplete selectors or condition builders.
@@ -38,91 +47,71 @@ function withIssueTags<Props extends WithIssueTagsProps>(
WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<Props>
) {
function ComponentWithTags(props: Omit<Props, keyof WithIssueTagsProps> & HocProps) {
- const [state, setState] = useState<WrappedComponentState>({
- tags: TagStore.getIssueTags(props.organization),
- users: MemberListStore.getAll(),
- teams: TeamStore.getAll(),
- });
- const setAssigned = useCallback(
- (newState: Partial<WrappedComponentState>) => {
- setState(oldState => {
- const usernames: string[] = newState.users
- ? newState.users.map(getUsername)
- : oldState.users.map(getUsername);
- const teamnames: string[] = (newState.teams ? newState.teams : oldState.teams)
- .filter(team => team.isMember)
- .map(team => `#${team.slug}`);
- const allAssigned = props.organization.features.includes('assign-to-me')
- ? ['[me, my_teams, none]', ...usernames, ...teamnames]
- : ['[me, none]', ...usernames, ...teamnames];
- if (props.organization.features.includes('assign-to-me')) {
- allAssigned.unshift('my_teams');
- }
- allAssigned.unshift('me');
- usernames.unshift('me');
+ const {teams} = useLegacyStore(TeamStore);
+ const {members} = useLegacyStore(MemberListStore);
+ const [tags, setTags] = useState<TagCollection>(
+ TagStore.getIssueTags(props.organization)
+ );
- return {
- ...oldState,
- ...newState,
- tags: {
- ...oldState.tags,
- ...newState.tags,
- assigned: {
- ...(newState.tags?.assigned ?? oldState.tags?.assigned ?? {}),
- values: allAssigned,
+ const issueTags = useMemo((): TagCollection => {
+ const usernames: string[] = members.map(getUsername);
+ const userTeams = teams.filter(team => team.isMember).map(team => `#${team.slug}`);
+ const nonMemberTeams = teams
+ .filter(team => !team.isMember)
+ .map(team => `#${team.slug}`);
+ const meAndMyTeams = props.organization.features.includes('assign-to-me')
+ ? ['my_teams', '[me, my_teams, none]']
+ : ['[me, none]'];
+ const suggestedAssignees: string[] = ['me', ...meAndMyTeams, ...userTeams];
+ const assigndValues: SearchGroup[] | string[] =
+ props.organization.features.includes('issue-search-shortcuts')
+ ? [
+ {
+ title: t('Suggested Values'),
+ type: 'header',
+ icon: <IconStar size="xs" />,
+ children: suggestedAssignees.map(convertToSearchItem),
- bookmarks: {
- ...(newState.tags?.bookmarks ?? oldState.tags?.bookmarks ?? {}),
- values: usernames,
+ {
+ title: t('All Values'),
+ type: 'header',
+ icon: <IconUser size="xs" />,
+ children: [
+ ...usernames.map(convertToSearchItem),
+ ...nonMemberTeams.map(convertToSearchItem),
+ ],
- assigned_or_suggested: {
- ...(newState.tags?.assigned_or_suggested ??
- oldState.tags.assigned_or_suggested ??
- {}),
- values: allAssigned,
- },
- },
- };
- });
- },
- [props.organization]
- );
- // Listen to team store updates and cleanup listener on unmount
- useEffect(() => {
- const unsubscribeTeam = TeamStore.listen(() => {
- setAssigned({teams: TeamStore.getAll()});
- }, undefined);
- return () => unsubscribeTeam();
- }, [setAssigned]);
+ ]
+ : [...suggestedAssignees, ...usernames, ...nonMemberTeams];
+ return {
+ ...tags,
+ assigned: {
+ ...tags.assigned,
+ values: assigndValues,
+ },
+ bookmarks: {
+ ...tags.bookmarks,
+ values: ['me', ...usernames],
+ },
+ assigned_or_suggested: {
+ ...tags.assigned_or_suggested,
+ values: assigndValues,
+ },
+ };
+ }, [props.organization, teams, members, tags]);
// Listen to tag store updates and cleanup listener on unmount
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribeTags = TagStore.listen(() => {
- setAssigned({tags: TagStore.getIssueTags(props.organization)});
+ setTags(TagStore.getIssueTags(props.organization));
}, undefined);
return () => unsubscribeTags();
- }, [props.organization, setAssigned]);
- // Listen to member store updates and cleanup listener on unmount
- useEffect(() => {
- const unsubscribeMembers = MemberListStore.listen(
- ({members}: typeof MemberListStore.state) => {
- setAssigned({users: members});
- },
- undefined
- );
- return () => unsubscribeMembers();
- }, [setAssigned]);
+ }, [props.organization, setTags]);
- return <WrappedComponent {...(props as Props)} tags={state.tags} />;
+ return <WrappedComponent {...(props as Props)} tags={issueTags} />;
ComponentWithTags.displayName = `withIssueTags(${getDisplayName(WrappedComponent)})`;
return ComponentWithTags;